Practice Ransom Note

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ellen13 said:
one question, was the starter note done with the same sharpie pen that the ransom note was done in. that would be too coincidental. am i right, but most people don't write with sharpies, unless they're writing something permanent like on a box. teachers use them a lot. most people use ink pens
Yes, it was the same sharpie.

If I am wrong please correct me - someone, anyone!:)
I can't find anything that says there were any prints on the practice note, but...if she admitted to Pam Griffin that she wrote that practice note for some other reason, then she's admitted she wrote it, and prints become kinda irrelevant.
HollywoodBound said:
Were Patsy's fingerprints on the practice note?

OK, I know that I read yesterday that even though the R's both said that they had read the ransom note, that neither of their prints were found on it.

I "think" that I also read that their prints were not on the practice note either...but I'm with SuperDave, I can't remember for sure...

I'll go see if I can find the answer where I was reading yesterday...:waitasec:

Warning- The Following is a RANT- For the next 60 seconds this poster will conduct an Emergency Broadcasting Rant Secession. This rant is done for the sole intent and purpose of reinstating sanity in the mind of the author of this post. No emergency assistance is required by anyone reading this rant, however, your sincere tolerance will be greatly appreciated. Normal Posting will resume at the end of this post.
Humm... No prints on the ransom note; No prints on the flashlight or on the batteries inside the flashlight; The sharpie was 'tidily' replaced in its container in the nearby room, several paces away from the writing pad as well as from the spiral staircase where the ransom note was "reportedly placed"; PR "ADMITS" to having begun the practice note as an "Invitation"; Fibers "consistant with" PR's and JR"s Fibers found 'intertwined' and in 'very private areas' on JBR; The VOLUMES of PROVEN "LIES and omissions "; The 'found' receipt corresponding with information/records at a local hardware store which indicate that PR did indeed purchase two items at the exact same 'sale' price as the black duct tape and the nylon twine; The receipt also showed the "location of item-within- the- store- reference- number" and it corresponded exactly with where the duct tape and twine were then located within the local hardware store; The duct tape was commonly used by artists and would have likely been stored in the artist caddy with the paintbrush, (and other assorted "FIBERS"!!!); The twine obviously could have been stored in the basement as well, for a multitude of uses, one of which: tying boxes or bundling Christmas decorations...And this is just the tip of the Iceberg!:waitasec: :waitasec: :waitasec:

:furious: And exactly what were the reasons given justifying why the Grand Jury voted NOT TO INDICT?????:furious: Oh, never mind, I forgot, they probably never heard about 99.9% of the credible evidence.

I wish JBR's little ghost could HAUNT ever single person who is responsible for this miscarriage of justice!

This concludes this poster's Emergency Broadcasting Rant Secession.
Thank you for your patience.
Nuisanceposter said:
I can't find anything that says there were any prints on the practice note, but...if she admitted to Pam Griffin that she wrote that practice note for some other reason, then she's admitted she wrote it, and prints become kinda irrelevant.

But if her prints were not on the "Practice Invitation"....and she admitted writing the ''Practice Note"and we know her prints were not on the ransom note...and she denied writing it, but both are in the same exact handwriting and both were written on the same type of paper coming from the same exact notepad, and if both were written with the same exact sharpie, then it "IS" possible to conclude that she indeed could have written them BOTH! (HA- Where can I buy sunglasses and a cell phone like Mark GeraGROSS???)
Lol, angelwngs! I love the rant post.

I can't understand how the GJ could possibly choose not to indict, either. I remember when I heard on the news that that was their decision - I felt betrayed, especially upon hearing later the main basis of their decision was "a parent wouldn't do that to their own child." Did they cover their ears and close their eyes to ALL of the evidence indicating Ramsey involvement, were they lied to, or what happened in that courtroom?
Nuisanceposter said:
Lol, angelwngs! I love the rant post.

I can't understand how the GJ could possibly choose not to indict, either. I remember when I heard on the news that that was their decision - I felt betrayed, especially upon hearing later the main basis of their decision was "a parent wouldn't do that to their own child." Did they cover their ears and close their eyes to ALL of the evidence indicating Ramsey involvement, were they lied to, or what happened in that courtroom?
You know what is so strange. She wrote the note, she wrote the practice note and it appears from interviews with her around 2002, she is fairly defiant in her answers and has a smirk on her face. And then I saw a video of John and Patsy just having a ball, she was squirting a water gun at him and he was laughing. What is going on. I thought they would at least be insane for the rest of their lives. I mean this is a horrific memory. Why aren't they alcoholics or something? I am serious.
Solace said:
You know what is so strange. She wrote the note, she wrote the practice note and it appears from interviews with her around 2002, she is fairly defiant in her answers and has a smirk on her face. And then I saw a video of John and Patsy just having a ball, she was squirting a water gun at him and he was laughing. What is going on. I thought they would at least be insane for the rest of their lives. I mean this is a horrific memory. Why aren't they alcoholics or something? I am serious.
Ok...This is B-A-D...
...but, maybe, just maybe she had gotten rid of who she "felt" was her main competition.:eek:

The water gun video sounds very "childlike" and "flirty", a complete opposite from the image she represented "to the world". Kinda makes you wonder if it was just a glimpse of another side of PR or if DID/MPD could have been a factor...???...
"And exactly what were the reasons given justifying why the Grand Jury voted NOT TO INDICT?????"

I've been over that many times.

"I felt betrayed, especially upon hearing later the main basis of their decision was 'a parent wouldn't do that to their own child.' Did they cover their ears and close their eyes to ALL of the evidence indicating Ramsey involvement, were they lied to, or what happened in that courtroom?"

NP, that's what happens when you leave justice up to people too stupid to get out of jury duty.

"You know what is so strange. She wrote the note, she wrote the practice note and it appears from interviews with her around 2002, she is fairly defiant in her answers and has a smirk on her face."

When she could keep straight. She was stoned off her fanny in at least two interviews.

"And then I saw a video of John and Patsy just having a ball, she was squirting a water gun at him and he was laughing. What is going on. I thought they would at least be insane for the rest of their lives. I mean this is a horrific memory. Why aren't they alcoholics or something? I am serious."

Well, one became, imo, a tranq addict. If we could prove beyond a doubt she was like that before the crime, maybe some people would be so quick to think her innocent?

"Ok...This is B-A-D...
...but, maybe, just maybe she had gotten rid of who she "felt" was her main competition."

Like the Queen in "Snow White."

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