
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My concern is that Kir Komrick is possibly lying about who he is, and if he's lying about who he is, then what else could he be lying about in regards to knowledge of the JBR case. I have been torn as to whether to share this information, as I don't want to cause trouble for someone who is only trying to share a possible JBR scenario. However, I feel that it's important for readers to know there is something off about the person who calls himself Kir Komrik, AKA Cyrus Komrik.

Intrigued by KK's anecdotes of his wife, Sadie Ann Komrik, who he says has several personality disorders (primarily narcissism), I decided to do a little digging to find out more about her. What I found is that KK's details about his life & family are somewhat conflicting. He says he has a daughter Maya, who can also be found online. She refers to Kir as her brother. KK says that his son's mother is Sadie, but elsewhere online he says that his son's mother is Morgan Van Houten which he refers to as his "X." He also states that his mother's name is Sadie "Sabrina" Komrik; Sadie Komrik is the same name as his (x?)wife. He says that he and Sadie Ann have a daughter Alex and that both females are models. I can find nowhere else online where this name is corroborated...he only mentions the daughter Maya elsewhere online.

I have additional links & info, but this is the gist of it. My concern is that while KK may have some valid points about the JBR case, he is either lying about his personal life or he suffers from his own mental health issues. This is all my opinion gleaned from online research. Please let me know if I need to clarify.

If what he says is true, then it is not relevant who KK is. IMO we should focus on the message and not the messenger. Let the message stand or fall on its own, regardless of the messenger.

I fall somewhere between the two of you. I saw the same inconsistencies you did dazeerae. (Not to mention if I were his wife I'd be POd big time!!) It does make one question his credibility. At the risk of sounding like one of more infamous members, if the source is questionable, how can you not question the material?

On the other hand, I'm not sure his credibility matters. I don't think he has any inside info at all. His entire section on the pic in question is nothing more than supposition, and he says as much. I have no idea why he's the only one that's ever seemed to catch that, but apparently he is.

I did find it interesting that he mentions FFJ and a certain few members there several times. I think he's either a member, or an avid reader at the site.

He seems to take a very analytical approach to "solving" this. In the end he seems to contradict his theory, then counter contradict it. He discounts things that I don't feel should be discounted. He talks so much about personality disorders, but then discounts their behavior.

Bottom line, I think it's valuable that he points out this picture and it's possible subject, but I don't find much else of value in his theory. Too many things he doesn't account for. JMO
If what he says is true, then it is not relevant who KK is. IMO we should focus on the message and not the messenger. Let the message stand or fall on its own, regardless of the messenger.

Not sure that I agree. If the messenger is not credible, how can one trust the message?
If what he says is true, then it is not relevant who KK is. IMO we should focus on the message and not the messenger. Let the message stand or fall on its own, regardless of the messenger.

I guess the rub is that he brings his personal life into the theory. Throughout the scenario he presents, he repeatedly brings up his own family members, so he brings further scrutiny on himself by including those personal details.
My concern is that Kir Komrick is possibly lying about who he is, and if he's lying about who he is, then what else could he be lying about in regards to knowledge of the JBR case. I have been torn as to whether to share this information, as I don't want to cause trouble for someone who is only trying to share a possible JBR scenario. However, I feel that it's important for readers to know there is something off about the person who calls himself Kir Komrik, AKA Cyrus Komrik.

Intrigued by KK's anecdotes of his wife, Sadie Ann Komrik, who he says has several personality disorders (primarily narcissism), I decided to do a little digging to find out more about her. What I found is that KK's details about his life & family are somewhat conflicting. He says he has a daughter Maya, who can also be found online. She refers to Kir as her brother. KK says that his son's mother is Sadie, but elsewhere online he says that his son's mother is Morgan Van Houten which he refers to as his "X." He also states that his mother's name is Sadie "Sabrina" Komrik; Sadie Komrik is the same name as his (x?)wife. He says that he and Sadie Ann have a daughter Alex and that both females are models. I can find nowhere else online where this name is corroborated...he only mentions the daughter Maya elsewhere online.

I have additional links & info, but this is the gist of it. My concern is that while KK may have some valid points about the JBR case, he is either lying about his personal life or he suffers from his own mental health issues. This is all my opinion gleaned from online research. Please let me know if I need to clarify.

Thanks for doing this research. I had struggled to find anything about him myself, which is why I decided to bring him to everyone's attention by joining Websleuths, as I was intrigued by aspects of his analysis, but didn't really know what to make of it. I wanted to know I what everyone on here would make of it!

I'm really sorry for doing so if he is turning out to seem dubious. It really wasn't my intention to introduce anyone "dodgy", but merely to examine his theories!

I'm mortified and ever so sorry about the info you've found.
Thanks for doing this research. I had struggled to find anything about him myself, which is why I decided to bring him to everyone's attention by joining Websleuths, as I was intrigued by aspects of his analysis, but didn't really know what to make of it. I wanted to know I what everyone on here would make of it!

I'm really sorry for doing so if he is turning out to seem dubious. It really wasn't my intention to introduce anyone "dodgy", but merely to examine his theories!

I'm mortified and ever so sorry about the info you've found.

No worries. Hope you stay around and discuss still.
Not sure that I agree. If the messenger is not credible, how can one trust the message?

You use your own judgment to determine if it is true or not. You don't accept it on face value. You cross reference everything with what you already know. In my reading of the document (not finished with it yet it is so long) I have already found a lot of questionable things, and I dismiss those, but I don't dismiss the entire document just because I disagree with some aspects of it. There could still be something valuable inside of it...a unique connection of the dots which I had not considered. I am willing to look at anyone's opinion (even IDI), but I always use my own judgment about what I accept as true.
I guess the rub is that he brings his personal life into the theory. Throughout the scenario he presents, he repeatedly brings up his own family members, so he brings further scrutiny on himself by including those personal details.

Well, I agree with that. He speaks with such learned authority as if he knows exactly what happened, but there are problems with it.

Some things he does not consider (for best-fit analysis) I think are significant and should not be thrown out.

Some things he states as facts are questionable at best, and the conclusions he reaches on the basis of these questionable items are just plain wrong IMO.

I really don't know what to think of the entire document but it is a fascinating read.
Hi, by all means join in wherever and welcome to the forum.

Thanks Venom, for your encouragement. Like everyone else, I'm fascinated with all aspects of the case, and would be over the moon if it was ever solved, and we could know for sure what really happened!

As long as no one assumes that I'm dubious, if this Komrik guy turns out to be!
Hopefully, like Anyhoo says, people can pick out their own points of interest in his work, discard the rest and form their own judgements.
i lurk in this part of the forum and have not the knowledge that most members do but this is an intriguing case and one i wish it could be solved...
to me i think it wasn't premeditated but the cover up certainly was planned. i always find the ransom note cartoonish in its wording
Cartoonish is a great word to describe it.
Thanks for doing this research. I had struggled to find anything about him myself, which is why I decided to bring him to everyone's attention by joining Websleuths, as I was intrigued by aspects of his analysis, but didn't really know what to make of it. I wanted to know I what everyone on here would make of it!

I'm really sorry for doing so if he is turning out to seem dubious. It really wasn't my intention to introduce anyone "dodgy", but merely to examine his theories!

I'm mortified and ever so sorry about the info you've found.

Do NOT feel bad! We all need as much info as we can get our hands on! I've introduced some books, websites, etc. that I'm sure many will find off the wall, weird, or just downright crazy. Some I find to be ridiculous myself, but still want everyone else's take on it. Everything (except IDI LOL) should be examined.

No matter what anyone thinks about this guy personally, he did bring something that may be very valuable to our attention!
Would it be worth exploring the possible scenario of JB's death lying somewhere in between a typical accident, and a premeditated murder?

Only trying out thoughts here, and trying to follow my gut instinct. A conventional accident, for example, might obviously involve something like a fall downstairs, or a slip on a wet bathroom floor... Such things can be fatal, but innocent in origin. My thinking is, in that case, why would parents not just take her to hospital etc? The only reason I can think of personally, is that maybe then prior signs of abuse might be uncovered?

But, if her death came out of such a genuine accident, wouldn't the parents seem more grief stricken and shocked? Of course, this could be wrong, as people all behave differently, and who is to say if they were grief stricken etc or not? It's just that, to me, their reactions didn't seem natural.

Just purely wondering, in a very vague way, what if JB was placed in a knowingly risky situation of some sort that night? No one meant for her to die, but it was a situation of some sort that had to be hidden and kept a secret, not borne out of a more conventional accident situation?

Not sure at all what this could be, or if it makes any sense? Just purely my own speculation- please feel free to disagree or set me straight if I'm way off base!
Do NOT feel bad! We all need as much info as we can get our hands on! I've introduced some books, websites, etc. that I'm sure many will find off the wall, weird, or just downright crazy. Some I find to be ridiculous myself, but still want everyone else's take on it. Everything (except IDI LOL) should be examined.

No matter what anyone thinks about this guy personally, he did bring something that may be very valuable to our attention!

Thanks very much for your lovely post!
Just purely wondering, in a very vague way, what if JB was placed in a knowingly risky situation of some sort that night? No one meant for her to die, but it was a situation of some sort that had to be hidden and kept a secret, not borne out of a more conventional accident situation?

Not sure at all what this could be, or if it makes any sense? Just purely my own speculation- please feel free to disagree or set me straight if I'm way off base!

This tends to be my line of thinking as well. Until the case is solved, all we can do is speculate, & if it is ever "solved" I'm sure speculation will continue. I really don't have a solid theory, just a vague idea that abuse was occurring and something happened to cause JonBenet's death that Patsy & John felt the need to cover up. I don't give John a pass...wording in the ransom note leads me to believe he had his hand in some of the content. At this point, I believe that any combination of the 3 family members could be involved, but I don't have a solid idea of who did what. This is all MOO. :moo:
There was an interview where Patsy said something like do you think I wrote this note before or after I killed jonbenet? (She was speaking sarcastically).

I am going to find that part of the interview and post it here.

I am wondering if there is anyone here who thinks the note may have actually been written before JB was killed.

I think the note was probably written before the murder.

Also if there is anyone here who believes the murder was a planned thing (I'm not sure WHY it would have been a planned killing, but I'm just wondering if there's anyone who thinks that).
Yes, I believe many elements were planned.
Talking of planned elements, what does anyone think about the cord and duct tape being bought from the hardware shop beforehand? Of course it could just be a coincidence, but then, why did John Ramsey call the shop after the murder, to ask if they had an itemised record of what was bought on his card?

Was he concerned about that, in regard to possible evidence pointing to himself, or to Patsy?

If those items had genuinely been bought innocently, would John have necessarily realised how suspicious it looked, and still made a phone call to the store?

IIRC, it was a reporter that called McGuckins trying to get the receipt? I may be wrong though.
There was an interview where Patsy said something like do you think I wrote this note before or after I killed jonbenet? (She was speaking sarcastically).

I am going to find that part of the interview and post it here.

I am wondering if there is anyone here who thinks the note may have actually been written before JB was killed.

Also if there is anyone here who believes the murder was a planned thing (I'm not sure WHY it would have been a planned killing, but I'm just wondering if there's anyone who thinks that).



If Burke wanted to kill his sister why not wait until the cruise and shove her overboard?

PR implicated others:
  • JR with the rare fibers from the shirt from Israel.
  • JAR with the suitcase, children's book and bedding enclosed
  • Burke with his fingerprints on the bowl of pineapple
  • Burke with his red knife in the basement
  • AG employee with the bonus amount in RN
  • Priscilla White with the matching sweater
  • Santa Bill with his sincere love for JonBenet
  • LHP who PR claimed requested a loan - the check was never written
  • And so forth...

Patsy Ramsey was diagnosed with deadly Stage 4 Ovarian cancer in 1994. The survival rate and life expectancy is within 5 years after diagnosis.
Theoretically, Patsy could anticipate living until JonBenet was around 10yo. Fortunately for Patsy, she had access to the very best of medical care.
Patsy's mother, Nedra, lived with her daughter for a while during the cancer battle. Patsy had a nanny for the children and a housekeeper who cleaned
3 days a week.

During the time of treatments, Patsy likely became depressed. Her body ached as it changed from the ravages of chemo and cancer. It may have left her incontinent. Her hair fell out. Her libido changed. Maybe she became irritable. Angry. Wondering: why me?

Patsy pushed herself, or rallied, to use one of her favorite words. She wanted to survive to accomplish something significant but she knew the Stage 4 was a death sentence.

JonBenet was entered into pageants to turn heads and win. Patsy was re-living her childhood dreams via her daughter. Patsy had lost her own sexuality so she transposed it onto JonBenet.

How must JonBenet have felt when her mother bleached her natural brunette hair color? ["She's six years old. She's blonde. She's six years old." - from the 911 call]

JonBenet wore make-up with perfectly coiffed hair in almost every picture we have seen of her.

The provocative look given to JonBenet, especially in competition, was for Patsy who still needed to be a sexy diva but more importantly, she needed the attention.

Patsy craved the attention she received while she was ill. Patsy also enjoyed the thrill of [JonBenet] winning the pageants and for a while her desire for attention was satiated.

JonBenet was no longer a cherished daughter; she had become an object or an extension of Patsy. Patsy changed her 5yo daughter's hair color. She did whatever she wanted to her.

During the summer of 96, Patsy sought plastic surgery. She admitted to having her chin padded and her breast augmentation restored. She moved back into the marital bed but had no desire.

Now, no one wants to consider a mother sexually abusing her own daughter. Although it's not highly reported, it does happen.

A mother's abuse is usually harsh; perhaps, harsher than a man who rapes. The daughter is digitally penetrated. The abuse can escalate. One mother used the leg from a chair.

Sexual abuse from one's mother is counterintuitive to all we hold dear about our mothers being the place of safety. It is the ultimate betrayal and most difficult for survivors to recover from this abuse.

Mothers are not always seeking an orgasm for themselves when they abuse their daughters. They enjoy the sadism in the act such as the pain it causes the victim.

Patsy wrote the RN, in advance. She bought the days of the week size 12s. She purchased the cord and tape weeks prior. She decorated with the color purple. JonBenet wore a purple dress for their family party on the 23rd. She also wore it to St Johns Church on Christmas Eve. JonBenet wore the gold bracelet engraved with her death date. Patsy recently purchased the white burial gown. Patsy also purchased a jacket matching PW's, then, wore it during the crime to implicate PW.

The head injury and strangulation occurred in close proximately to each other. Hence, there is no way a panicked parent could conceive such a horrendous death on the spur of the moment.

Doesn't everyone agree the death occurred in the basement? That location was not a random choice. There was no accident. There was malice and forethought given to each detail.

Just my humble opinion...
I think what we have here was not an accidental death, but an UNINTENDED death. There was molestation that night, to be sure. There may or may not have been a scream (I believe there was). But there was certainly a head bash, and that put her instantly unconscious maybe even comatose. The head bash, IMO was meant to shut her up FAST or may have been struck in rage, but it was not done with the intention that her death would be the result. Every other action that night regarding JB proceeded from that event.
I do not believe it was premeditated by ANY member of the family.

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