Press Conference on Student Questionnaire - 2PM Oregon Time Today, Friday, June 18

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It's just my opinion, but I think not naming a POI at this time comes down to one significant reason: they want to find Kyron FIRST. I pray they do.
He is very emphatic that the truck has nothing to do with the investigation.

So if has nothing to do with the investigation they may want to know if they saw Terri that morning and if anyone was close by her and Kyron when she was inside the school or saw her leaving the parking lot.

I am so confused. He seems to still reiterate that the family is fully cooperating and are in agreement that her photo and truck be shown to the public.

Well we do know now it was a lie and they haven't found Kyron so I wonder if all this internet and media buzz today means really nothing.:waitasec:

Interesting about the question concerning "tanner" and THAT newspaper report about what he saw. Was "I can't (or don't) want to talk about that at this time."

We did get a new fact: LE has now confirmed that TH was the last person seen with Kyron.

:cow: The family statement came from DY and TY and not both sides. I say that because of Capt Gates getting choked up at that one part.

I'm now wondering how "lawyered up" TH and KH are? I bet they have and I bet it was since the DA visit the other day. KH probably had rep from day one through work, I would think.
In the family statement they said this will be the first Father's Day without Kyron, Father's Day isn't untill Sun. how do they know he won't be fount before then? Or do they know he is no longer with us?
I watched the livestream from KGW. I can't add anything that hasn't already been posted but will offer three words: Cautious. Controlled. Cordial. jmo
Did the family statement say Kyron wouldn't be home for Father's Day?
so in OR do you have different rights if you are a POI or a suspect? or is that just a media type term there?

Jbean, we talked about this same thing in the Venus Stewart case in which her husband is the POI.

POI has no legal designation. It's a term that LE assigns to what years ago they would have termed "suspect." They do this for very good reason.

Here's a good article about it.

Officially, "person of interest" means..well, nothing. No one has ever formally defined it — not police, not prosecutors, not journalists. The terms "accused," "allege," "arrest" and "indict" all are dealt with in the Associated Press Stylebook, but there is no listing for "person of interest." Similarly, the U.S. Attorneys' Manual — the official guide to federal criminal prosecution — uses the terms "suspect," "subject," "target" and "material witness," but "person of interest" gets no mention. So what are reporters to do?

"The reporter should be on notice that it is a vague term that has no real understandable definition," says Gerald B. Lefcourt, a New York defense attorney and past president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. His advice to journalists: "You have to ask the police what they mean."

MUCH MORE at link above.
maybe she drove the mustang that day and lied and said she drove the truck??

and they want to see if anyone can confirm she had the truck
What gets me is that the family was ok with letting the public know that Terri was the last one to see Kyron... What are they running the case?

*IF* Terri is guilty, and trying to cover-up for herself, how could she possibly get out of a situation of where the LE approaches Kaine, Desirre & Tony suggesting to send out the questionaire.... Ofcourse, she would have to agree if the other 3 did!

BTW: Did I miss anything? That presser had NO new information in it at all.
confusion re truck. really really confused. keeping faith that LE knows what they are doing, but...really confused re "repairs" etc.
wowsa - well, two things that stood out to me:

the risk to the public is low (that leads my mind in one direction only)


I adore that sherrif! (I may have a tiny crush now) :blushing:

Yes, but when he said he cant say for certain that gave me pause.

At least we can confirm that Terri was the last person seen with Kyron.

Not to beat a dead horse, but these past few days have my head spinning...too much, too fast, and this must be the unluckiest family of all time. But before LE would not say who the last person to see Kyron was, and we had reports from Tanner to suggest otherwise (sort of). Where does this leave our time frame? Where does leave anything we thought we actually knew, up to this point?

Jbean, we talked about this same thing in the Venus Stewart case in which her husband is the POI.

POI has no legal designation. It's a term that LE assigns to what years ago they would have termed "suspect." They do this for very good reason.

Here's a good article about it.

Officially, "person of interest" means..well, nothing. No one has ever formally defined it — not police, not prosecutors, not journalists. The terms "accused," "allege," "arrest" and "indict" all are dealt with in the Associated Press Stylebook, but there is no listing for "person of interest." Similarly, the U.S. Attorneys' Manual — the official guide to federal criminal prosecution — uses the terms "suspect," "subject," "target" and "material witness," but "person of interest" gets no mention. So what are reporters to do?

"The reporter should be on notice that it is a vague term that has no real understandable definition," says Gerald B. Lefcourt, a New York defense attorney and past president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. His advice to journalists: "You have to ask the police what they mean."

MUCH MORE at link above.
This has always been my, no legal meaning but a practical meaning.This comes up in every single case, so checking to see if there was anything new in that regard.
Lead investigator Capt. Jason Gates said during a press conference that the family was in full support of the decision to circulate the new questionnaire Friday. He also read a family statement that said, “Any parent would understand the grief that this causes our family… please know that we fully support the release of this flyer and we want Kyron home and we hope that this will do that."

This has to be Desiree and Tony's statement. They know.
Interesting response to lie-detector question. He seemed very uncomfortable with that question and cut off the conference very quickly.

When he did that, I almost got the idea that he doesn't believe in them or trust them. Kind of like, "You people watch too much TV."

Just an impression that has nothing to do with the case.
Interesting response to lie-detector question. He seemed very uncomfortable with that question and cut off the conference very quickly.

If LE suspects that someone is a sociopath, they may not even bother with a polygraph. To explain this at the PC would be more than difficult.

From MIT: "Sociopaths can outwit a polygraph."

From Penn State: It ( a polygraph test) is useless against sociopaths."
I have a feeling Mom & Tony wrote the letter.
In the family statement they said this will be the first Father's Day without Kyron, Father's Day isn't untill Sun. how do they know he won't be fount before then? Or do they know he is no longer with us?

I think everyone knows he's gone. No matter who did this to him...
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