Prosecutor Juan Martinez releases new book, February 2016 - #2

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DNA Solves
I have no doubt they do this from time to time, as they should. However, SF made it sound as if it was occurring all the time since the infraction we all heard about.

Loss of contact visits isn't much, IMO. I mean, she didn't lose visits altogether and maybe for her it was a small price to pay for the publicity/getting her word out. I think we could see more of the killer's carp if the penalty is such a small slap on the wrist.

The discipline would have been decided by a committee, and it seems for whatever reason, they did give her a break by not moving her back an incentive step. But the cell/body searches are up to the CO's in charge of her pod and the very ones whose safety depends upon the inmates they guard respecting (or fearing) them. I can see them giving her (and those around her) a good reason to behave themselves, and might also personally believe the official discipline she received was too light.

As for contact visits not being much, I suspect that's felt differently by someone who hasn't had any person to person contact for years, other than from their attorneys. IIRC, she was always behind glass in Estrella, so it's been a long time since she has had that kind of interaction with people who care about her. I agree that they could have (and IMO should have) taken more away from her, but I do think the loss of those contact visits was probably a big deal to JA.
She said 'Still beat you, brat'. Not 'Beat you, brat'
She was playing some kind of sick game with Travis. In her sick mind, she was losing at some point, therefore the word 'still'. This is really sick.

On May 8, 2008, Travis texted JA 'You're dead to me'.

He texted this phrase while he was texting with Chaitanya talking about why she wasn't responding to his texts. It was important to him that he heard from Chaitanya because they had spent an intimate night together on May 1. Between May 2 - 8th, no texts from Travis to Chaitanya reached her. On May 8, Chaitanya texted she felt like 'a piece of meat' since no communication from Travis. Right then Travis realized what JA had done. And texted 'You are dead to me'.
(I gathered this text information from Beth Kara's subscription website, Karasoncrime.. com)

I think JA started playing her sick game - Let's see who will be dead - on May 8. Sex tape, Steve cover-up text accusing him of reading her email, her posing as Maria M, etc. followed.

Could you refresh me on how she managed to stop Travis texts from reaching Chaitanya.
If that is what happened.

With her having his passwords I can see how she could have deleted any incoming texts from Chaitanya but if Travis was sending outgoing texts to Chaitanya then how did JA manage to keep her from seeing those?

I may have this twisted somewhat.
Has anyone else thought about what JM said in a recent interview, that he agreed she made the sex tape to blackmail Travis, but more specifically, " to make him do something."

Do what?

Nullify the contract she made with Travis. Or maybe this is part of the actions she wanted from him.

(here comes my BMW theory!)

On May 9th, during Steve cover up fight, TA texts ...You are a real piece of work, by the way thanks for keeping your end of the contract you made by paying me for the car you destroyed.......

I think the 'contract you made' he mentioned isn't just a figure of speech thing. There may have been a real contract.

I think this is how the BMW incident went:

-JA drives BMW to Uhaul.

-She promptly destroys the BMW since anything touched by her gets destroyed, damaged, belittled or killed.

-She says -It's not my fault as usual.

-Travis contacts his insurance co. and an attorney.

-Travis eventually gets a payment from either insurance or Uhaul. He sends the $ to JA around April 18..., he texted'...I let you have a car money...'.
JA to T: Travis, I thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are a rock, light, and an inspiration. I love you dearly. I appreciate all the ways you've gone out of you way for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you...
On April 22, JA texts 'I love my car!!!!!' when she receives the $ + 'sweet note'. TA replies 'Good =)' *

I think he really does sell the car to her. Chris Hughes was wrong about this.

- Some type of contract was made between Travis and JA. JA to make certain amount of payment to Travis, and he will release the title when she pays in full.

Later JA mentions in her heavily doctored May 22 journal entry that Travis isn't upset about BMW, he may even just scrap it. psst, LE needs to know she is not blackmailing Travis.

*(I gathered this text information from Beth Kara's subscription website, Karasoncrime.. com)
The discipline would have been decided by a committee, and it seems for whatever reason, they did give her a break by not moving her back an incentive step. But the cell/body searches are up to the CO's in charge of her pod and the very ones whose safety depends upon the inmates they guard respecting (or fearing) them. I can see them giving her (and those around her) a good reason to behave themselves, and might also personally believe the official discipline she received was too light.

As for contact visits not being much, I suspect that's felt differently by someone who hasn't had any person to person contact for years, other than from their attorneys. IIRC, she was always behind glass in Estrella, so it's been a long time since she has had that kind of interaction with people who care about her. I agree that they could have (and IMO should have) taken more away from her, but I do think the loss of those contact visits was probably a big deal to JA.

Agree. Any kind of loss of a "perk" is a huge deal to anyone in there.

We can tell she was anxiously awaiting that perk because she mentioned it on the phone call with the rapper. So she was really looking forward to getting to have contact visits with anyone who would be willing to visit her.
Could you refresh me on how she managed to stop Travis texts from reaching Chaitanya.
If that is what happened.

With her having his passwords I can see how she could have deleted any incoming texts from Chaitanya but if Travis was sending outgoing texts to Chaitanya then how did JA manage to keep her from seeing those?

I may have this twisted somewhat.

I don't know how JA did it but Travis definitely knew she did it when he texted her 'You are dead to me', right in the middle of him texting with Chaitanya.

Someone said that back in 2008, one could view real-time text messages on their website. Maybe JA blocked some?
Agree. Any kind of loss of a "perk" is a huge deal to anyone in there.

We can tell she was anxiously awaiting that perk because she mentioned it on the phone call with the rapper. So she was really looking forward to getting to have contact visits with anyone who would be willing to visit her.

Yea, it's really hard to pass contraband through glass...
Could you refresh me on how she managed to stop Travis texts from reaching Chaitanya.
If that is what happened.

With her having his passwords I can see how she could have deleted any incoming texts from Chaitanya but if Travis was sending outgoing texts to Chaitanya then how did JA manage to keep her from seeing those?

I may have this twisted somewhat.

This explains it pretty well.
Nullify the contract she made with Travis. Or maybe this is part of the actions she wanted from him.

(here comes my BMW theory!)

On May 9th, during Steve cover up fight, TA texts ...You are a real piece of work, by the way thanks for keeping your end of the contract you made by paying me for the car you destroyed.......

I think the 'contract you made' he mentioned isn't just a figure of speech thing. There may have been a real contract.

I think this is how the BMW incident went:

-JA drives BMW to Uhaul.

-She promptly destroys the BMW since anything touched by her gets destroyed, damaged, belittled or killed.

-She says -It's not my fault as usual.

-Travis contacts his insurance co. and an attorney.

-Travis eventually gets a payment from either insurance or Uhaul. He sends the $ to JA around April 18..., he texted'...I let you have a car money...'.
JA to T: Travis, I thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are a rock, light, and an inspiration. I love you dearly. I appreciate all the ways you've gone out of you way for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you...
On April 22, JA texts 'I love my car!!!!!' when she receives the $ + 'sweet note'. TA replies 'Good =)' *

I think he really does sell the car to her. Chris Hughes was wrong about this.

- Some type of contract was made between Travis and JA. JA to make certain amount of payment to Travis, and he will release the title when she pays in full.

Later JA mentions in her heavily doctored May 22 journal entry that Travis isn't upset about BMW, he may even just scrap it. psst, LE needs to know she is not blackmailing Travis.

*(I gathered this text information from Beth Kara's subscription website, Karasoncrime.. com)

I respectfully disagree that the BMW had much to do with anything except hurting Travis, and I don't think there ever was a contract per se. There's a comma missing in that text sent by TA...."I gave you a car (comma) etc etc."

She totalled his car (on purpose, I do believe) in late March. No way he received a payment for the damages a few weeks later. Lawyers were involved because there was a dispute about who was responsible for the loss-- TA's insurance company or Uhaul, iirc.

IIRC, the money was paid out after TA died and went to his estate.

Chris Hughes wasn't guessing about whether or not TA "gave" her the BWI or had a contract with her. She asserted the existence of a contract, but when asked by TA's executor to produce it, she "forwarded" an email supposedly sent by TA to her that was so bogus, so obviously manufactured by her, that the executor denied her on the spot.
PS. about the photos taken on June 4th thing, had to be that day because she was always blonde in Mesa.

Nope. She dyed her hair on March 20. In her text to Travis telling him she'd already dyed it, she describes the color as "brunette."

He wanted to see it, she went over to his house early in the evening and there were no more outgoing texts by him that night. Hmm.

I thought the rental car clerk said she was blond on June 2.
I thought the rental car clerk said she was blond on June 2.

I guess the question is, did her blonde streaks qualify as blonde in his mind? All we have to go by is his testimony that he had picked her out of a lineup with the statement at the time that it was her but that she had been blonde.

There is a whole thread dedicated to her blonde hair but just to toss this in, compare the difference between her selfie(taken in full daylight) on June 3/08 and how that colour had faded by her first jail interview(within a few months after the murder) albeit taken under spotlights.

Sorry, I told myself I would not post off topic here anymore so had to delete.

Carry on... :)
Our son was involved with a borderline. Even snuck into his house (3am,while he slept) after they separated, took his phone and started texting girls he'd been talking with. We told him about Arias and that he's lucky she didn't slit his throat (she likes knives). This trial gave me a greater understanding of how dangerous these women can be. Nothing to play around with.


ETA: I should say maybe the gal you speak of is not a psychopath. She texted on his phone but she didn't physically attack him or anything like that so she might not actually be dangerous. Still, I would recommend he be on his guard if she ever comes around...just in case.


Just wanted to note, that is* indicative of obsessive/stalking predatory behavior. If someone usually shows that much vested interest, the problem is many persons with BPD utilize mental sabotage 'to keep the person near.' There is a threshold, usually psychologists have acknowledged that individual graduates/disregards the impact on the other individual - which to me sounds about right from my own experience, but once someone starts 'learning' how to compensate their triggers like this, I'd say, go with your gut for sure and maintain MUCH distance from that individual. The problem is, once they have focused on a particular individual - if they have, there is MUCH rage that causes discomfort and goes unchecked by the other party. It is over the top for anyone, hard to dislodge from that grip.

That person may not have even had borderline, may have just been a full-blown narcissistic psychopath on the way... trespassing is a criminal offense, no recognition of boundaries and lack of concern over things like, 'laws.' I'd have been frightened if an ex did that* to me. My father was former law enforcement so... I mean, it's no joke, these things!
Travis was fine with her taking pics on his camera. He didn't know he was going to be brutally slaughtered by a psychopath and could have deleted them when he chose, had he remained alive. Why would he trust her to take pics of him naked on her camera?

My guess is that she showed up, apologised profusely for the blackmail attempt, convinced him that he could take pics of her as an 'insurance policy' should he doubt her promise not to reissue the blackmail threat. She may have given him the cheque (check in American language) to sweeten him. Her hair is dark in the pics, not blonde.

Arias wasn't bright enough to wipe the photos from the camera. Beyond grasping for excuses in the interview with Detective Flores, the 'memory card swap' seems utterly implausible. Juan Martinez gave no credit to this theory. Not impossible just improbable. Why would she premeditate covering her tracks in Arizona yet leave evidence on the camera?

The reason I find this theory strange as it's buying Arias' attempts to deflect and lie to Detective Flores with no good reason. Even Arias doesn't take it further. I don't get why this seems significant to some, genuinely.


I've reconsidered. I think your theory about the pics as insurance policy is brilliant. It fits. Perfectly.

Why May 26, if she had already decided to kill him? To unveil, with maximum impact, the sex tape (hence need to run to bishop, stat) and to make him fear being exposed, as she had after he threatened on April 7, that he'd tell everyone who mattered to her about all the "psycho" stuff she'd done.

Making him feel that fear was only part one of her plan. I think the only reason he replied to her again after that was because he felt he had to.....that she'd act on her threat (directly or indirectly) if he didn't.

I really think she began planning in earnest by late April, and that included lining up Ryan Burns. Burns served two purposes.

He genuinely was to replace TA as husband candidate after she killed Travis, but she lined him up beforehand to lull Travis into not freaking when she surprised him in his own house on June 4.

The call to Travis on June 2 was to tell him she had come to her senses after the May 26 fight, realized how much she'd hurt him, and that she really now was able to move on. And that trip to Utah she'd mentioned? She hadn't wanted to tell him, but now that they had both really moved on, her trip to Utah was to see someone she thought might be the One. Wish her luck and all that.

So he didn't freak when she surprised him in his office on June 4 where he was taking a break from cleaning his tile floors. Earlier, she had watched him from outside, then after he'd gone to bed, entered the house, snooped a little bit, then took his journal to read as she hide in his car, maybe his phone too, waiting until she was sure all his roomies left for the day.

They talked in his office. Sex came up, she suggested it for just the reason you insurance policy, so on his camera.

That scenario I can see. He didn't want to have sex with her that day. He didn't like her and didn't trust her, but she was offering him a way to guarantee she wouldn't expose him with the tape.

Now that she had found her One, she had as much at stake as he did that the tape was never handed over /a confession of transgressions made to a bishop. And if he didn't believe her, sure, sex photos on his camera.

She deleted them afterwards, not him, but didn't say so on the stand because it took her too close to the truth.

Travis thought she'd left before he shaved and took a shower, she surprised him again there, with a gun.

Theory of the day, anyway. The pics as insurance policy resolves for me why he would have had sex with her that day, because I'm convinced he had seen her for she was and was scared of her.

He fell for her scheme because he thought he was being released from the hell he'd been in, that it was going to be possible after all to marry and to have the life he thought he'd thrown away/had been taken away because of that .

ETA...JM saying the tape was "to make him do something." Right. Have sex with her that day, which would lower his guard and get him into the shower.
I guess the question is, did her blonde streaks qualify as blonde in his mind? All we have to go by is his testimony that he had picked her out of a lineup with the statement at the time that it was her but that she had been blonde.

There is a whole thread dedicated to her blonde hair but just to toss this in, compare the difference between her selfie(taken in full daylight) on June 3/08 and how that colour had faded by her first jail interview(within a few months after the murder) albeit taken under spotlights.

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No way to ever know. She could have dyed her hair every other day after the pics we have of her at the OKC convention. IMO the rental clerk definately saw a blonde Jodi, not streaked. Juan even showed the clerk her drivers license pic IIRC

IMO she may have dyed her hair darker before she left bcse Travis seemed interested in brunettes in March...CL, Mimi.
I'm going to have to go full cold turkey and not even read here these next weeks.

TruthWatcher- I noticed that intent look too. I watched the vid one time through just looking for her reaction to discussion of the nudes. IMO she was so intent because she didn't know yet if LE had figured out how she had (perhaps) manipulated the pics.

Pics discussion for me right now has a gigantic warning sign screaming danger, rabbit hole ahead!!!!!

Gitting off while I still can.....:D

Enjoy your time off. When you get back, maybe look again at the photo evidence as Juan Martinez goes through every nude pic and references time and date evidence specifically. It's clear and easy to follow, exhibits all numbered. Nothing to suggest doctoring of any kind, in my opinion.
I thought the rental car clerk said she was blond on June 2.

Arias' may have started the process of preparing her hair to be darker but a witness described it as blonde in June 2008.

This forum has covered her hair changes extensively:

After the murder, the brassy undertones still showed a little at times in interview, depending on the light, movement. I believe my own eyes and her hair wasn't brunette in the dog pic - or with her sister. It was darker, yes but not as in the car pics before the murder.
Enjoy your time off. When you get back, maybe look again at the photo evidence as Juan Martinez goes through every nude pic and references time and date evidence specifically. It's clear and easy to follow, exhibits all numbered. Nothing to suggest doctoring of any kind, in my opinion.

The other stuff is work. Sleuthing is fun. Everyone's allowed work breaks, right? :D

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