Prosecutor Juan Martinez releases new book, February 2016 - #2

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sandy must have bought the wrong kind of tape for the hood-gun. She drove away because they were still open for another 15min.

:lol: too funny Steve44!
Actually, I found the answer to this on page 89 Chapter 6:
Sandy told Flores about a late-night visit she had with Jodi the previous evening. She couldn't sleep and had called her daughter to ask if Jodi could borrow her grandfather's car to drive over to the house, so they could spend some time together. Instead Sandy ended up driving to her parents' on Pine Street, where they sat outside in the car and talked. "In the last couple of weeks, since Travis' death, we've had the best relationship we've had in our whole life, and I said, 'Maybe this death has made her see that life is short and, you know, you can't be this way, and it's changing her.'

also - the gun wasn't found in the hood/engine compartment as I recall we were told - from Chapter 6 - page 79:
"They've probably found it by now," this is after :jail: said "I just got a gun." Flores told her, referring to the police officers executing the search warrants on the homes of her grandparents and parents, as well as the rental vehicle in which she had packed three boxes and a suitcase. The 9mm gun would later be found stashed in the trunk of the rental car.

Also, above someone (?) was wondering "where" she was going with the new rental car - here's from Chapter 6 - page 87:
According to Arias' father, her plan was to visit with friend in the Monterey area of California. He told Flores that Jodi had indicated she was planning to visit a couple of ex-boyfriends, Darryl Brews and Matthew McCartney. But police were never able to establish her true destination based on what she had packed into the car. So - who really knows "where" she was going...
Insightful and interesting post, Hatfield. I've yet to be persuaded by the phone splicing as the sound quality seems consistent. Their voices too. I do think she primed him before that recording though. Told him what she wanted. Perhaps started the ideas off in chat as it didn't sound spontaneous or intimate.

I agree with your take in her arrogance. It was her downfall in court too.
I believe Arias thought of killing Travis early on as well. In fact, I think she had fleeting thoughts of killing him from time to time throughout most of their "relationship." I doubt any of those fleeting thoughts were serious enough that she was actually planning murder that far back in time, but I think Killer's mental premeditation and serious murder planning goes back considerably further than the physical acts of premeditation that have been documented. JMO.

Taking this with a bushel of salt, but in her journals back on:

Oct.16/2007, Vol.2 P.28? she says he had left her a great voicemail the other night, one that was worth saving. Then Oct.21/2007, Vol.2 P.33, she mentions watching Cold Case and an entry dated
Oct.27?/2007 on P.29 of the same journal she had mentioned Court TV. Anyone know what those shows were about? Wasn't that about the same time as she "caught" TA by spying in his patio doors?

Going further to P.34, Oct.26/2007 she claims she's "over" TA, starts her pity party(had just mentioned something about Bobby and how something "important" had happened to her on some previous Oct.21) and on P.41 claims TA made her tear a page out "a few days ago", though it doesn't appear any pages are actually missing as per the entries. Oh and on P.50... talks about an incident with TA from 2 weeks previous when her Dad allegedly called her that same night from a "nightmare".

On topic re MM possibly being blackmailed for some previous incident or more involved than we know in TA's murder(rumours he had been in Mesa in April iirc), Nov.25/2007, P.65, she talks about her cat having died and that she had buried it on MM's Grandpa's Hornbrook property. Was it really just a cat or a clue?

Anyway, iirc this is the period where she has been calling MM then complains that she can't anymore? Is that because he called her Mom to get her help? So what changed?

I totally agree. She relished every minute of it, and does to this day, I have no doubt.
I was thinking about this aspect of her creepy personality when the discussion was centering on her taking trophies after she killed him. I'll bet she has a stash buried out there somewhere, and knowing it's out there and it's hers and hers alone keeps her going in prison.

Someone on Reddit asked JM if he thought she had kept a stash of trophies somewhere. His reply was that only she would know that.
There were few detail questions asked of JM on Reddit, and fewer still that he answered.

One of the few was- do you think Travis knew she was there taking photos of him in the shower, and JM replied- yes, because of the photos in which he was looking towards her.
The setup of the date with Ryan. The continued contact with PPL persons. The Journals and new journal entries that she would write in after the fact. Attending the memorial. Any sex tapes would show how he liked her and she was just an innocent girl being asked to do things for him. To her that tape was all one sided with Travis requesting everything from her and she obliging. She could not "hear" the real contents of what we heard. She could not hear how she was also the instigator on that tape. She could not hear herself egging him on to an extent as well. She blocked that out and could not see or hear that part. To her it was the perfect tape but to some of us it was so obviously snipped and cut and pasted together from different discussions to try to make him look much worse.

Yes, she often cannot hear the real contents of what she is saying or testifying. Her excessive arrogance gets her every time.

Another good example is when she testified about the Aug peeping incident during her direct with Nurmi. As she began describing the incident, I could tell Nurmi started to get nervous. He wanted to shut her up and didn't know how. He knew this was bad.

JA's intention in telling this story was to show how badly she was hurt and abused once again when she caught that awful Travis cheating on her. She was seeking and begging for sympathies from jurors. She just cannot hear the real content which is that she was peeping and stalking.

Her story was music to JM's ears when he heard this. He latched on and grilled her over and over again on her stalking behavior. Her plan backfired big time.
Here is a good article by David Lohr, it talks about Ryan's testimony for anyone interested.

They stopped fooling around because he didn't want to go farther. It's so sick. It shows her whole defense was a lie, in addition to being pure distraction. Travis was never the sexual aggressor in the relationship. There could never be a time nor circumstance she wouldn't be willing to go all the way.
:lol: too funny Steve44!
Actually, I found the answer to this on page 89 Chapter 6:
Sandy told Flores about a late-night visit she had with Jodi the previous evening. She couldn't sleep and had called her daughter to ask if Jodi could borrow her grandfather's car to drive over to the house, so they could spend some time together. Instead Sandy ended up driving to her parents' on Pine Street, where they sat outside in the car and talked. "In the last couple of weeks, since Travis' death, we've had the best relationship we've had in our whole life, and I said, 'Maybe this death has made her see that life is short and, you know, you can't be this way, and it's changing her.'

also - the gun wasn't found in the hood/engine compartment as I recall we were told - from Chapter 6 - page 79:
"They've probably found it by now," this is after :jail: said "I just got a gun." Flores told her, referring to the police officers executing the search warrants on the homes of her grandparents and parents, as well as the rental vehicle in which she had packed three boxes and a suitcase. The 9mm gun would later be found stashed in the trunk of the rental car.

Also, above someone (?) was wondering "where" she was going with the new rental car - here's from Chapter 6 - page 87:
According to Arias' father, her plan was to visit with friend in the Monterey area of California. He told Flores that Jodi had indicated she was planning to visit a couple of ex-boyfriends, Darryl Brews and Matthew McCartney. But police were never able to establish her true destination based on what she had packed into the car. So - who really knows "where" she was going...

It's interesting that Sandy asked JA to borrow her grandparents' car. She evidently assumed JA didn't otherwise have a car and wasn't aware that Jodi had a rental car at her disposal. Sandy didn't even notice the rental when she came over for the parked car conversation? The rental was there, right, since that's what prompted the LE surveillance?

Which begs another question. Where did Jodi get the new rental? It can't have been from the same firm as first week in June in Redding, since she was out of favor with them for returning the car with so much mileage and "Koolaid". And when did Jodi pretend she was going to return this new rental?
On TV right now is an old 48 Hours episode in which JM prosecutes Doug Grant for drowning his wife. It makes me smile to hear him repeatedly bark "yes or no?"

ETA: In one day alone he made over 100 objections.
Signed up and in the second I read this...think it might be over now? Well worth the read anyway!!!!

Was that you that posted on there> If so, I loved the names you mentioned.. LMAO

Oh, and Dryson is D.H. So is CooterBeans.
It's interesting that Sandy asked JA to borrow her grandparents' car. She evidently assumed JA didn't otherwise have a car and wasn't aware that Jodi had a rental car at her disposal. Sandy didn't even notice the rental when she came over for the parked car conversation? The rental was there, right, since that's what prompted the LE surveillance?

Which begs another question. Where did Jodi get the new rental? It can't have been from the same firm as first week in June in Redding, since she was out of favor with them for returning the car with so much mileage and "Koolaid". And when did Jodi pretend she was going to return this new rental?

In Juan's book, it says JA had her dad pick her up at 7:30 that morning to take her to pick up the rental car. She was arrested later that same morning. She didn't have the rental when her mother was there the night before. Also, that's why she was already dressed that morning (white pants and t-shirt). I think I saw you asked somewhere why she didn't answer the door in her bathrobe when police came knocking. She was already dressed from picking up the car.

Yes, she often cannot hear the real contents of what she is saying or testifying. Her excessive arrogance gets her every time.

Another good example is when she testified about the Aug peeping incident during her direct with Nurmi. As she began describing the incident, I could tell Nurmi started to get nervous. He wanted to shut her up and didn't know how. He knew this was bad.

JA's intention in telling this story was to show how badly she was hurt and abused once again when she caught that awful Travis cheating on her. She was seeking and begging for sympathies from jurors. She just cannot hear the real content which is that she was peeping and stalking.

Her story was music to JM's ears when he heard this. He latched on and grilled her over and over again on her stalking behavior. Her plan backfired big time.
Yeah, recounting the peeping incident while on the witness stand did not go good for her at all. But not just because of the creepy and stalker-y nature of it all, but also because they weren't in an exclusive relationship by that time. That ship had already sank months earlier. Months! Travis was free to fondle whomever he chose. On his own couch. And in the expected privacy of his own home. And then she confronts him the next day about it? Dang! She's got some nerve!
It's interesting that Sandy asked JA to borrow her grandparents' car. She evidently assumed JA didn't otherwise have a car and wasn't aware that Jodi had a rental car at her disposal. Sandy didn't even notice the rental when she came over for the parked car conversation? The rental was there, right, since that's what prompted the LE surveillance?

Which begs another question. Where did Jodi get the new rental? It can't have been from the same firm as first week in June in Redding, since she was out of favor with them for returning the car with so much mileage and "Koolaid". And when did Jodi pretend she was going to return this new rental?

Jodi's dad picked up (or took her to pick up) the rental very early the morning she was arrested.
LE began surveillance when Flores contacted them and told them he had obtained an arrest warrant. Local PD tried to locate her car. It had been repoed. They couldn't find her at work. About 9pm they found her at the grandparents.
It was getting dark and Arias and her mother were in Sandys car talking and Jodi appeared to be crying. After an hour Sandy left and Jodi went back inside. They continued watching as Jodi seemed to be packing for a trip. JM says the local PD did not arrest her because nighttime arrests are more dangerous for police officers. They continued to watch until around midnight when the house lights were all off.

When officers returned the next morning, July 15, a white Chevy Cobalt was now parked in front of the house. Several boxes in the backseat had "Jodi" written on them in black marker
Taking this with a bushel of salt, but in her journals back on:

Oct.16/2007, Vol.2 P.28? she says he had left her a great voicemail the other night, one that was worth saving. Then Oct.21/2007, Vol.2 P.33, she mentions watching Cold Case and an entry dated
Oct.27?/2007 on P.29 of the same journal she had mentioned Court TV. Anyone know what those shows were about? Wasn't that about the same time as she "caught" TA by spying in his patio doors?

Going further to P.34, Oct.26/2007 she claims she's "over" TA, starts her pity party(had just mentioned something about Bobby and how something "important" had happened to her on some previous Oct.21) and on P.41 claims TA made her tear a page out "a few days ago", though it doesn't appear any pages are actually missing as per the entries. Oh and on P.50... talks about an incident with TA from 2 weeks previous when her Dad allegedly called her that same night from a "nightmare".

On topic re MM possibly being blackmailed for some previous incident or more involved than we know in TA's murder(rumours he had been in Mesa in April iirc), Nov.25/2007, P.65, she talks about her cat having died and that she had buried it on MM's Grandpa's Hornbrook property. Was it really just a cat or a clue?

Anyway, iirc this is the period where she has been calling MM then complains that she can't anymore? Is that because he called her Mom to get her help? So what changed?

The Cold Case episode was "Thick As Thieves".. aired Oct.21,2007

It was about a woman who had been in a coma for 18 years.

Now hold onto your false teeth or bloomers... :drumroll::drumroll:


I am very excited to announce that on October 27, 2007 Pre Paid Legal will be featured on Court TV.
They stopped fooling around because he didn't want to go farther. It's so sick. It shows her whole defense was a lie, in addition to being pure distraction. Travis was never the sexual aggressor in the relationship. There could never be a time nor circumstance she wouldn't be willing to go all the way.

And she never met a dude she wouldn't have sex with. She was one sick twunt.
From the chat

If you had requested it during trial, could Arias be compelled to have an x-ray done of her left ring finger to show that there was no sign of a healing fracture?

[–]prosecutor_jmartinez 4 points 4 hours ago
That could have been done except I did not know that she was going to claim that Travis damaged her finger until she testified to it at trial.
On TV right now is an old 48 Hours episode in which JM prosecutes Doug Grant for drowning his wife. It makes me smile to hear him repeatedly bark "yes or no?"

ETA: In one day alone he made over 100 objections.

He's great. In his Q&A in reddit today he talked about not liking his own voice. It was funny.

For anyone not familiar with Reddit, here is the Q&A with Juan
Someone asked Juan if he thought the killer was hot (attractive)

Juans' answer:

"The one thing that crossed my mind every time I looked over at Jodi Arias was how violently she had ended Travis Alexander's life".

I didn't know that the fingers and toes were mummified.... ooh that freak brings out the hatred in my normally hateless body. GRRR.

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