Protestors already gathering at Anthony home in anticipation of CA release from jail.

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I don't see anyone outside the Anthony home on the web cam feed I am watching either.
I guess they're confident the public is safe from the mother of the year.

Yeah she isn't going to do anything psychically. However, releasing her is causing quiet and up roar.....People are going to protest which leads to arguments and fighters. People living in the area are fed up with this as well. Somebody is eventually going to crack and do something stupid because of her release.

Just wondering if they could keep somebody locked up because what others could do in result of her being released..
Can't she be denied bond if releasing her is a threat to herself or the public?

Sorry for posting it over and over but it keeps getting ignored :(


but also on this line of thinking, could part of her conditions to being released be not to talk to any media?:confused:
Commonsense tells us that Casey is somehow involved, if not directly responsible, for the death of her daughter Caylee. But until LE can prove it and find enough evidence to properly charge her then Casey has every right to walk free as long as she abides by the conditions of the bond. A Florida court set bond and she made it. LE does not have the right to "lock her up" without bail because they believe they will "eventually" find enough evidence to charge her with murder. As for the protesters, just as our constitution affords Casey the right to bail it also affords the public the right to peacefully protest.

I don't see anyone outside the Anthony home on the web cam feed I am watching either.

I saw a news report earlier that showed the people were across the street on the sidewalk and lawn of the neighbors... There were lots of trucks and cars in the street (this was when she came home)... so I think the people, if they are there, are behind the cam or in their cars waiting for a reason to gather...

Unless, of course, the cam is stuck again
Thinking & doing are 2 different things.

Nothing wrong with thinking.

I was thinking the exact same thing! Sticks and stones can break their bones but words can never hurt them...

Unless someone brought along some sticks and stones.

If Casey was a female schoolteacher charged with having sex with a minor (a certain blond femme fatale comes to mind who when not in jail was picking up where she left off-no not MKL but the other one)

She is a registered sex offender. If she was in that house I'm sure there would be a mob out there, for different reasons but none the less. I'm thinking more along the lines of:

Casey being at home where she is always on the computer. Obviously making contacts with 12 year olds who are being affected by her actions. If it was a MAN like on "To Catch a Predator" this alone they call "trolling for victims"

Public Safety. Her freedom means someone, a child maybe, could be harmed some way. That I am not comfortable with. She has enablers that make this possible for her to do. That I have a problem with.

Casey right now has shown how many rights SHE has and therefore I'm okay with making them a little uncomfortable.
As a mother of 6, and having had my own first child at the tender age of seventeen years and one day, this case has come especially close to my heart. I have a three year old (much like with Kelsey Smith I had girls in high school and so was intimately HURT by the "what if's" of that case). I also had my very first grand-child 2 days after Caylee would have turned 3, AND from what I can tell Caylee was a whirlwind of life, just like my own 3 year old son...and I can tell you I have chased this around in my mind and heart every way it could be twisted. I HAVE given her the benefit of the doubt, INITIALLY, and I HAVE sympathized with the family, etc.


once information that is CREDIBLE information from LE starts leaking out, and details begin to emerge of a corpse in the trunk, and hair with the death band in the trunk, and THE nastiest pictures of a partying and carefree Casey out dancing the night away while her daughter was unaccounted for, and all the lies she told friends and family, and the theft of money from several sources, and the chloroform in her trunk and on and on...

I HAVE to BE reasonable and PRESUME that she has:

♣ hurt Caylee
♣ placed Caylee in her trunk
♣ partied in a lewd fashion after the fact many times
♣ hid Caylee's body
♣ lied and stolen from friends and family
♣ been promiscuous with her child right in the bed with her
♣ lied to LE and HINDERED the search for Caylee
♣ got a TATTOO while her 2 year old was unaccounted for and scheduled another
♣ was CUNNING enough to convince the people in her life she had a JOB for 2 years that did not exist and so MAY be a VERY cunning and clever LIAR
♣ did not even have the decency to attend a VIGIL for HER daughter held in her own front yard

and FROM these presumptions I am able to determine through logical and ordered thinking that this lady is a piece of work and could give the BTK killer a run for his money on lies and cover-ups and APPEARING as citizen of the year...
Can't she be denied bond if releasing her is a threat to herself or the public?

Sorry for posting it over and over but it keeps getting ignored :(

Yes she can but the DA's office would have to prove it to the judge that sets the bond. There is no evidence to suggest that Casey is a danger to herself or the public.

However, she HAS been arrested on various charges. So she has officially been accused. By law, she automatically gives up her right to freedom based on charges filed. It pains people to see this young woman free do what she wants to do WHEN she wants to. True, she is on house arrest. But, on the other hand, she spent the better part of her days with her attorney doing what we do not know. I DO know that no attorney spends 4-6 hours daily with a client accused of her charges. So something else is going on in there. That's just common sense. Not rocket science. So, she DOES have her freedom thanks to her attorney "conferencing" with her on a daily basis. There's no reason to believe that she isn't sneaking out his back door and running around in disguise instead of talking to him for 4-6 hours a day. Her ankle monitor only shows her AWAY from her house, not WHERE she is.

Gaia I LOVE the ROCKET SCIENCE ref. I use it all the time!

Thanks for bringing up the issue of 4-6 hours with her attorney. There is no way you can convince me this is necessary. I heard or read somewhere and I think it was LP who said it, that the tension in the house was enormous and JB was providing her with a more relaxed environment to be in to deal with the charges.

Say this is remotely true. Wouldn't that be circumventing the house arrest all together? JB found a way to beat the monitoring because attorney/client priveledge keeps us and LE away from WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

What's Baez's hourly rate? I don't care if any publicity is good publicity, 4-6 hours at $500 an hour at 4 days a week=$10K to $12K a week.
I could tell the media anything. It doesn't make it true.


Thank You.

My friends, I can tell you that the media will print and say whatever people tell them. A great example is the JonBenet case and the Elizabeth Smart case.

Until it comes from LE you must pause and understand it may not be the whole truth.

ps. The Ramseys have won the spin trophy. It is the worst case of injustice and rich people getting away with murder. Didn't want anyone to think I thought the Ramseys were innocent. I would literally bet my life they are not but that is a whole other forum. :)
Chloroform high amounts . We know this. Looking at Colorform websites. We know this.

Waiting for DNA from back yard.

Dr. Baden theory. May be parent give a child to put child to sleep so parent can party. Then baby wakes up. If given too much baby could die.


Jeesh. That's it folks. That's FOX for you.

Cherokee R. 2, of Orlando holds a sign Friday, Sept. 5, 2008, in front of George and Cindy Anthony's home as Casey Anthony, mother of missing daughter Caylee Anthony remains inside. Casey Anthony was released on bond for the second time from the Orange County Jail this morning.
Thank You.

My friends, I can tell you that the media will print and say whatever people tell them. A great example is the JonBenet case and the Elizabeth Smart case.

Until it comes from LE you must pause and understand it may not be the whole truth.

ps. The Ramseys have won the spin trophy. It is the worst case of injustice and rich people getting away with murder. Didn't want anyone to think I thought the Ramseys were innocent. I would literally bet my life they are not but that is a whole other forum. :)

I was shocked last night when Tim said that when his daughter disappeared LE kept telling him that she was a runaway. Found her body 16 months later, so it really all depends on how hard the LE are willing to work. In this case I think they are really working very, very hard to find the truth. JMO
I just can't believe Miss Thang is out again. What's with these people wanting to put up so much money to get this...this...this whatever out?????!!!!!!! Did you see the smirk on her face when she left the jail?

I hope the protestors stay out there night and day until LE arrests her again - this time for murder.

Cherokee R. 2, of Orlando holds a sign Friday, Sept. 5, 2008, in front of George and Cindy Anthony's home as Casey Anthony, mother of missing daughter Caylee Anthony remains inside. Casey Anthony was released on bond for the second time from the Orange County Jail this morning.

i have to tell you, this picture is really disturbing to me. i understand that people are passionate and trying to get the point across about how they feel, but to have a child hold a sign like that? that is a bit extreme. the child shouldn't be there if you ask me. i think that is inappropriate - way too much chaos and anger for her to be exposed to. JMHO
Look at this map closely? I wonder why the heck they are not looking behind her house????? equisearch needs to get that team over there behind her house???? geesh it fits in with the only one hour with shovel? geesh, "close to home" I never saw this map. Thanks so much. This is just rediculous isn't it? They had to have looked REALLY GOOD back there?

i have to tell you, this picture is really disturbing to me. i understand that people are passionate and trying to get the point across about how they feel, but to have a child hold a sign like that? that is a bit extreme. the child shouldn't be there if you ask me. i think that is inappropriate - way too much chaos and anger for her to be exposed to. JMHO

I absolutely agree - I was very disturbed by this as well - I think people are getting so frustrated at this case that they are not thinking clearly - I would certainly hate for CA to have another temper tantrum in the yard again today with that sweet little girl out there.
I completely agree, peaceful protest is one thing, this is disturbing!
not to mention the fact that here that mother is, teaching the next generation....
plus that little girl is just old enough to ask "why are we here?" is the mother saying "because that lady killed her daughter". what do you think would go through that little girls' mind then? i have a 5 year old and i was watching the news about this and she asked what i was watching. i just turned it off and said that a lady's daughter was missing and they are trying to find her. left it at that. no reason for children to be exposed to more than they have to in this world. again, JMO

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