Protestors ask State Atty to file charges against GA

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On those "documents" are signatures saying that the above is true to the best of their knowledge. If you sign a statement saying that is it true, then being cross examined by the defense to that fact does not THEN make it true.
You are stating it was true when you signed you name.

You go girl!!!
While it is true that our constitution guarantees the right to free speech and public protest, this right does NOT mean a free pass to break other laws such as disturbing the peace, trespassing, causing a public nuisance and making terrorist threats against a family. Irregardless of how ANY of them feel about this case and this family, they are violating the rights of the entire neighborhood! As a neighbor, I would be terrified to let my child so much as walk to school or cross the street to play at a friend's house. These protesters have NO RIGHT at all to protest in THAT location, they are disturbing the peace and causing a nuisance no matter what time of the day or night it might be.
Interesting results.

Do you think George Anthony was justified when he pushed two protestors outside his home?
Choice Votes Percentage of 185 Votes
Yes 105 57%
No 80 43%
If protesters would leave them alone maybe they could have a reality check. Right now, it's a war. Them against us! They are protecting their home.

Give them more time to take a breath and comprehend what has happened to that poor little girl. Caylee, may she rest in peace.

I do agree with you on this....the more people attack the more they will band together but I also keep in mind that while all of this is going on Casey sits and plays on her computer and bakes brownies!
That's fine and dandy, let them wait so why can't the protestors wait as well instead of making everyone miserable, not only the A's??? They drag their kids there and yell baby killer. Is that nice for children to hear and see?Is it nice for those kdis to hear the foul language from both sides? Is it fair for the neighborhood children not being able to go out and play because their parents are afraid of violence breaking out and their kids being hurt? How about if an emergency vehicle needs to get though and the street is clogged with "protesters". How anyone can figure it is the protesters "right" to cause so many problems for not only the A's but others as well is beyond me.

Maybe someone should press charges against those parents for child endangerment! I would never subject my kids to that kind of nonsense!
While it is true that our constitution guarantees the right to free speech and public protest, this right does mean a free pass to break other laws such as disturbing the peace, trespassing, causing a public nuisance and making terrorist threats against a family. Irregardless of how ANY of them feel about this case and this family, they are violating the rights of the entire neighborhood! As a neighbor, I would be terrified to let my child so much as walk to school or cross the street to play at a friend's house. These protesters have NO RIGHT at all to protest in THAT location, they are disturbing the peace and causing a nuisance no matter what time of the day or night it might be.

I think you mean does not. Yes, these protesters do have the right to protest wherever they want on public property.
While it is true that our constitution guarantees the right to free speech and public protest, this right does NOT mean a free pass to break other laws such as disturbing the peace, trespassing, causing a public nuisance and making terrorist threats against a family. Irregardless of how ANY of them feel about this case and this family, they are violating the rights of the entire neighborhood! As a neighbor, I would be terrified to let my child so much as walk to school or cross the street to play at a friend's house. These protesters have NO RIGHT at all to protest in THAT location, they are disturbing the peace and causing a nuisance no matter what time of the day or night it might be.

GREAT post! You said it well.
Without looking at who's right and who's wrong we can all agree there is a problem.

Cindy tried "mediating" in a sense and it didn't work.

If I was advising the Anthony's I would tell them to IGNORE. Stay inside and don't fan the flames.

If I was advising the protesters I would tell them not to worry about this because the truth will come out. I would advise them to turn their energy into working within the system to elect officials that demand the rights of children be adhered too. I would say to leave them alone and remember that sooner or later justice will be served.
Maybe someone should press charges against those parents for child endangerment! I would never subject my kids to that kind of nonsense!

Good thought. Those immature people are endangering their own kids but they don't care because their right to free speech supercedes everything else according to some people.
GREAT post! You said it well.

Isn't the point of a protest to cause a stir, get some attention to the cause, or did I miss something? Let's remember why the protesters are there. Message to A's: if you want the protesters to go home, bring Caylee home. Dead or alive, bring her home.
I think it is important to mention, while we see a hand full of the more verbal protesters standing on the sidewalk or driveway, we know there are several other protesters that are on the other side of the street handling themselves in a more appropriate way.

There is just no way to know how many are there but the cameras have spanned across the street a few times and they are standing there holding their signs too.
I know the frustration level is high. The protesters whether I agree with them or not ( I actually don't have a position on this) I can understand why they are there. This family has behaved unlike any other family with a missing child. BTW, she is not 3, she never made it to her 3rd birthday which was in August. The family has done many, many things to malign the search effort. Some things have been reported, others haven't but I'm sure it will come out soon. Because the search has been suspended by TES that does not mean LE isn't still proceeding with the investigation. They know a lot more than we do. People are angry, they feel they need to speak for Caylee, they want the people that were the closest to her to come out and work towards finding Caylee regardless of the issue if the search is for a dead Caylee or a live Caylee. The family has done nothing to work with the community and the community is working themselves up against the family. Standing in your driveway every Sunday night lighting a candle is not working. Driving a billboard around town is not working. Handing out T shirts or flyers is not working. What was working was searching. I can't count how many people asked what we were doing and gave us prayers and support. The anger turned to energy and we covered a lot of space. We will never get what we want for Caylee from the family but we can get it from LE and from each other.

I think you mean does not. Yes, these protesters do have the right to protest wherever they want on public property.

Thank you...I had already edited to add the NOT....

AND according to a federal judge who is a family friend....they do NOT have the right to protest wherever they want on public property! If they are endangering the public in any way, they can be restricted to a safe area that does not interfere with traffic or the rights of others.
I just watched the video of GA pushing the protesters and it made my stomach hurt. :(

I do not agree with many of the actions of CA and GA, and I can't decide whether I think they're involved or to what extent. Sometimes I feel sorry for them, sometimes they just make me so mad.

But watching that video reminded me of my kids. The younger one gets in his older brother's face while he's trying to do homework or watch TV or something, he breathes on him and turns around and sticks his butt in his face and whatever he can think of to annoy the s*** out of him. Finally the older one slugs him, and then the younger one comes crying to me about it. That's exactly what that video and all this baloney with the protesters pressing charges reminds me of.

I get that the protesters are angry and I understand why, but jeez. Do they want to be part of the solution or part of the problem??

“Sheriff's deputies wrote 25 tickets in a 24 hour period outside of the Anthony home.”

Support your local Sheriff.
Here's a thought, why were the Anthony's not given a ticket for blocking the sidewalk with that yellow tape (or were they)? Why did the LE allow tape to remain? Why did a private citizen have to remove a billboard that was partially blocking the sidewalk? Why was billboard not towed per LE? And the cars that were parked on the sidewalk the other day (half in Anthony driveway, half out) when the LE was there, why no ticket or towed?

If the LE has/had ticked A's then they knew that this is not their property. If LE has overlooked all this then they made a big mistake. The A's need to be told by LE that these things will not be tolerated.

However, whatever the LE did or did not do, I think the reason that GA handled this and didn't stay inside and call LE is because he knows that this is not his property.
Do you think George Anthony was justified when he pushed two protestors outside his home?

Choice Votes Percentage of 185 Votes
Yes 105 57% (percentage of people voting "yes" that are Anthony family members:99.9999)
No 80 43%
I think (MY opinion) that the GP just have a love/hate relationship with all of the attention. It is just more fodder for their book...if that is in the future.

If the money rumors are true, they have the $$ to get a ticket & be on the next flight to PR to do their own search.

I think a lot of the angry protestors are there because the Anthony clan sits in a comfortable home doing nothing to assist in finding Caylee.
Many have sworn things are true, Fuhrman comes to mind,a cop who should know better, and they are proven liars or committed perjury in court. It happens all the time, people are "mistaken" or forgot when they first make their statements.

Mistaken or forgetting is one thing, lying is another. This is about Caylee, not OJ, so MF really doesn't apply here.

I have been interview by LE and then signed my statement saying it was true to the best of my knowledge. At a later date, when I remembered more, I then signed another document with the added information...saying once again it was true to the best of my knowledge.

I guess I am not understanding what you are wanting to get across. I'll move on.:confused:
I do agree with you on this....the more people attack the more they will band together but I also keep in mind that while all of this is going on Casey sits and plays on her computer and bakes brownies!

You are right! The protesters are simply boosting CA's ego. The more they rant, rave, and provoke her parents/family...the better she feels because they are standing up for her. I can't believe the protesters haven't thought of this. Why force them to band together? Nothing will come out if the public continues to protest and make it "them (the As) against us (the public)". It needs to be "them against them" so something will break in this case and that beautiful little girl will come home!!!
I feel like this will be swept under the carpet, no arrest for GPA, and he will continue to push and attack protesters, because it seems everybody in Florida is only trying to protect that family.

Out on bail, sucked back into jail, bailed out again, gun on property not hauled back in, now assaulting protesters, stuff with donations, what is next? I am really losing respect for LE there, WHO I LOVED, until this week.

One of the cops asked protesters to stop, using resources, bla bla, but they could end it all now, just rearrest her butt.

In all fairness LE had nothing to do with the bond. It's her legal right to post bail and that's what she did...twice. Nothing LE can do about that.

As for the gun, again, that was not LE that was a judge who decided to not bring Casey back in. LE cannot bring Casey back in without the judge's okay.

Please don't lose respect for LE for things they have no control over.

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