Psychic Discussion,Visions, Dreams, And Impressions

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YOUR POST IS NUMBER 416!!! I haven't read this thread in weeks but just felt the need tonight. Here is a pic that very much describes what I saw only not as much sand. After Fay, LOTS of stuff was washed away, including sand. Seethe lighter water on the right below the pipe? Pic doesn't do it justice.

Only thing that bothers me is that people walk by up on the road a LOT and I think they would have seen or smelled (Oh I hate typing this so sad) something right away.View attachment 937View attachment 938

And your post is at 8:16
chesterp, I'm building on the significance of '16'. If Caylee passed on late evening of 6/15 and her little body was moved for the last time late eve 6/30 or early am 7/1 according to david918's ping research on cocoamom's thread - it would be 16 days from 6/15 to 7/1. I'll meditate to see of any other ideas are presented to me.

respectfully snipped

Yes there is a Bella Vita Blvd in east Orlando. Back in early August we did a thread about this but way before we had all the cell phone pings on a map. I can tell you this and Ive covered this since Day 1 .. something happened the night of 6-30 into the early morning hours of 7-1. There were cell pings off the tower that serves Blanchard Park YMCA area from 12:07am to 2:00 am then those pings moved east to an area that has Bella Vita Blvd. Pings from towers that surround Bella Vita Blvd occured from 2:00 am to 10:00 am on July 1 (approx). Remember this is the night that TonY L was out of town for the first night as KC was texting and calling him during these late night hours. KC was definitely not near the Tony L apartment. Worth noting is the pings in the Bella Vita Blvd area only happened on the early morning hours of 7-1 and never again. This area is full of new construction - nice big homes - private community. KC did the tatoo Bella Vita either on July 2 or July 3 depending on how you interpret the cell pings. So I ask again .. isnt it strange that KC pinged off the primary tower serving Blanchard Park YMCA area from 12am - 2am then moved east from 2am to 10 am in an area that had Bella Vita Blvd surrounded by cell towers? No sleep that night ... first night away from Tony L .. in a Jeep not a Sunfire ... why didnt she just stay at Tony L apartment? this is the timeframe of interest and why LP is at the river search now ... LP gets it where most dont.
I prayed and meditated the night before the searches and this is my second dream about the case. Well I think its about the case.

There is a house, it is older, one story, brown. You can see into the house throught its many windows. The house is on fire. My son is in the house, I don't know where. He is 2 years old. I run into the house, the fire is still burning but not getting any worse, just burning in place. I keep calling out "AJ"! "where are you?" I hear him calmly saying "I'm here mommy" I keep looking. I find him around the corner in the kitchen playing on the floor with something. I pick him up and run out of the house unharmed. I wake up.

My son is now 22.

My interpretation is that he represented Caylee in my dream. She's alone in a firestorm that is stalled, like the search for her. She's not in danger because she's already gone, thus her calmness inside a burning building. She's calling out to us all. "I'm here, I'm here."

The building burns though, like the clues to Caylee's whereabouts, there will be nothing left to find....
Gma Kat, Thanks for sharing although it gave me chills with the firestorm and all.

Also, in my original dream I was seeing thru KC (which is weird in itself) and when she saw Caylee floating in the tub she was yelling the name Drew which is my sons name. But 'Drew' was the manny who was watching the kids.(I knew it wasn't my Drew because the child that drowned looked nothing like him) It was still disarming nontheless.

My son is now 22....synchronicity? matilda
No visions. No dreams. I had many when I was young. I don't allow them in any more now that I am older because they frighten me. I have been drawn to very few cases...But always seem to be smack in the middle of the ones where the victim is innocent and the perpetrator is the devil incarnate. LP is the last case that I followed with this kind of fervour and I stated early and felt strongly that SHE would find a way of resolving the dastly deed that had been perpetrated against her. She did. She protected her son and remained intact to surface and to show her rage. I believe that Caylee will do the same. She will show her rage - She will come and show the injustice that has been done against her.
Thank you for stating that Pink. I hope your right. Like Tuba quoted Einstein on the astrology thread "Nothing stays hidden forever I wish it could be a speedier process but your comments give me hope that the day will come for Caylee to have justice. Bless her sweet little innocent heart. I'm gonna cry now...hugs to you. matilda
YOUR POST IS NUMBER 416!!! I haven't read this thread in weeks but just felt the need tonight. Here is a pic that very much describes what I saw only not as much sand. After Fay, LOTS of stuff was washed away, including sand. Seethe lighter water on the right below the pipe? Pic doesn't do it justice.

Only thing that bothers me is that people walk by up on the road a LOT and I think they would have seen or smelled (Oh I hate typing this so sad) something right away.View attachment 937View attachment 938

The only significance to "16" that I know of is June 16th, the day everyone thinks was Caylee's last day, right?

Your pictures are very similar to my dream.
It seemed like a wider expanse but otherwise very similar.

In my dream I would have been standing (in your picture) down at the bottom, down the step so to speak looking back at the pipe watching her.

I felt that she would have been washed away eventually.
And considering there were so many storms during that time, there's no telling where she could have ended up, the poor child.

Very interesting.

I see in your photo something similar to my dream. But in the dream I had, there is a canal or waterway, maybe with cement extending down one side of the canal. There is a large cement slab next to it. To the left of the cement, there is a wooden platform with many people on it. Under the platform, there are rocks, smooth oval rocks. In the rocks, there is a round hole. To the far left is a booth, with an attendant.
People have mentioned Lazarus on this board. Well, it got me to thinkin', the name Lazzaro could be the Italian version--and who'da thunk it, sho' 'nough is. It also means: God will help.
Back to Page 16, I have gone over it again, looking for a reason why Caylee would want us to revisit that page. What is different about this page than other pages? Others had the same problem that I had in trying to get to Page 17 and being brought back to Page 16 so I think that's a sign, possibly from Caylee, that there is good information on Page 16.

I personally am thinking that the marina was important. I still say that the jailhouse visit from PB when KC was first arrested means something - he basically gave a warning to KC to keep her mouth shut. His father was supposed to be there that day too but didn't know. His father is a captain and owns a boating business. Why would these two want to visit KC in jail? I don't agree with the theory that he was a geek in high school and was genuinely interested in ministering to KC, along with MW. If that's so, he's not doing a very good job and neither is MW because that little visit was just that, a little visit with a big message. And so I think that the marina may play a role here in the Page 16 mystery. I also think that the story of Lazarus is key. I would love to think that it means that Caylee is really still alive. Maybe someone took Caylee for a ride in a boat from a Marina to someone else waiting in Tampa or Mexico or wherever. charter fishing.htm

For those experts from the astrological thread who may stop by here and read this, I see the word mercury a few times, as in Mercury Marine and Mercury Pro Fishing Team - FB being a member), Mercury Verado outboards and this description:

"2007, 256 Sea fox is ready for offshore and inshore charter trips on the Gulf of Mexico.

This boat is powered by 2 Mercury 150 hp, four stroke motors, and a Magic-Tilt Trailer."

Let's face it . . . this is a very weird and crazy case and we have to think outside the box and if possible, think like KC thinks. In fact, that brings to mind something that a psychic said to me or my friend Charleen after Charleen's sister, Tammy, died of an apparent suicide (we think murder) that Tammy knew that we were doing the best we could but that we had to stop thinking like we think and start thinking like "they" think. I have always said that when you are not a liar, it's hard to pick up on lies but if you are a liar, you are more apt to suspect people of lying.

How do we think like KC? I can only think of vindictive thoughts or thoughts of how to make herself look good in the eyes of the one she is trying to BS.

To all here trying to find Caylee . . . :blowkiss:

To Caylee . . . :blowkiss: . . . you are loved so much!
If anyone has read my posts of what I got, I saw a tiger, a stuffed tiger. What I got exactly is this tiger, was superimposed over Caylee's photo as I looked at it. I wrote in my notes later, "tiger" why. A toy tiger? Well I did find a photo of CA in Caylee's room and it was filled with zoo animal stuffed toys. There were a few stuffed tigers on a shelf along with other zoo animals. It hit me the other day, if she was putting chloroform on a rag, it would be messy, leaks and drips and would get onto other things. If it was put on something that would absorb and not leak it would be like a sponge, but a stuffed toy would not scare Caylee as much as a rag or sponge. She could put in on the stuffed toy and give it to her with less fighting or scaring her. I don't think this is helping with a location, but this may give a clue as to how she was doing this, and maybe where on her last day. where are you thinking she died? At home or someplace else and brought to A's?
If anyone has read my posts of what I got, I saw a tiger, a stuffed tiger. What I got exactly is this tiger, was superimposed over Caylee's photo as I looked at it. I wrote in my notes later, "tiger" why. A toy tiger? Well I did find a photo of CA in Caylee's room and it was filled with zoo animal stuffed toys. There were a few stuffed tigers on a shelf along with other zoo animals. It hit me the other day, if she was putting chloroform on a rag, it would be messy, leaks and drips and would get onto other things. If it was put on something that would absorb and not leak it would be like a sponge, but a stuffed toy would not scare Caylee as much as a rag or sponge. She could put in on the stuffed toy and give it to her with less fighting or scaring her. I don't think this is helping with a location, but this may give a clue as to how she was doing this, and maybe where on her last day. where are you thinking she died? At home or someplace else and brought to A's?

If you watch the Greta video where Greta goes to the A's home and they go in KC's and Caylee's bedrooms, you will see tons of stuffed animals and Greta even makes a comment that she never saw so many stuffed animals and CA says "there's more".

I don't know if I ever quite bought the chloroform theory that KC used this to sedate Caylee . . . KC was too afraid of CA and what she would think of her if Caylee even had a scratch or other boo-bbo and Caylee was talking pretty well . . . if chloroform was used, I say it was used for "clean up."

What is the symbolism of the tiger? I like to go to when I am analyzing a dream or vision. Here's what it says for tiger:


To see a tiger in your dream, represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you to take more of a leadership role. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction.

To dream that you are attacked by a tiger, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you.

To see a caged tiger in your dream, suggests that your repressed feelings/emotions are on the verge of surfacing.
If you watch the Greta video where Greta goes to the A's home and they go in KC's and Caylee's bedrooms, you will see tons of stuffed animals and Greta even makes a comment that she never saw so many stuffed animals and CA says "there's more".

I don't know if I ever quite bought the chloroform theory that KC used this to sedate Caylee . . . KC was too afraid of CA and what she would think of her if Caylee even had a scratch or other boo-bbo and Caylee was talking pretty well . . . if chloroform was used, I say it was used for "clean up."

What is the symbolism of the tiger? I like to go to when I am analyzing a dream or vision. Here's what it says for tiger:


To see a tiger in your dream, represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations. The dream may also indicate that you to take more of a leadership role. Alternatively, the tiger represents female sexuality, aggression, and seduction.

To dream that you are attacked by a tiger, symbolizes repressed feelings or emotions that frighten you.

To see a caged tiger in your dream, suggests that your repressed feelings/emotions are on the verge of surfacing.

I thought that clorophorm was found in the hair strand?? I may have misread the report. UGH!

I also wonder how do you clean with clorophorm and not put yourself "out"? did she wear a mask????

thank you for the dream info, very interesting
The only significance to "16" that I know of is June 16th, the day everyone thinks was Caylee's last day, right?

Your pictures are very similar to my dream.
It seemed like a wider expanse but otherwise very similar.

In my dream I would have been standing (in your picture) down at the bottom, down the step so to speak looking back at the pipe watching her.

I felt that she would have been washed away eventually.
And considering there were so many storms during that time, there's no telling where she could have ended up, the poor child.

Very interesting.

We had a little three year old girl killed during a flood here several years ago. She was washed into a creek, a tributary of the Shenandoah River. Her body was found several days later many miles away in the river.

I've seen floodwaters carry away cars, refrigerators, garden sheds. Carrying a small body many miles wouldn't be unusual at all.
Hi guys,

My friend had a dream about Caylee that she told me about the other day in email. I was wondering if you think there could be anything to it? Does the area sound familiar to any of you?

I had a horrible dream about her skull and femur bone being under some water weeds at the end of a white crushed shell road, it was the weirdest dream. that was back when she first went missing. gruesome.
There are a huge number of places that can be referenced through these images we have in the dreams (search for white shell roads in FL, canals, whatever) I mean that forensic dr. that NG has on her show all of the time said he thought she could have put the body somewhere outside of the Orlando area. Where was she during the 3 hr. phone blackout?
YOUR POST IS NUMBER 416!!! I haven't read this thread in weeks but just felt the need tonight. Here is a pic that very much describes what I saw only not as much sand. After Fay, LOTS of stuff was washed away, including sand. Seethe lighter water on the right below the pipe? Pic doesn't do it justice.

Only thing that bothers me is that people walk by up on the road a LOT and I think they would have seen or smelled (Oh I hate typing this so sad) something right away.View attachment 937View attachment 938

Are these new pictures ? Where is the shoe?
I have no idea WHICH THREAD to post this in but OMG

I was just reading here

and this struck me

""But you are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Kristina asked.

"That I have no clue where my daughter is?" Casey Anthony said. "Yes, that is the truth. That is the absolute truth.""

I guarantee that she is telling the truth there. I think someone moved Caylee from the Car for Casey
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