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Hi am a newcomer and my question is just very simple and may be a stupid question but:
How in the world did Cindy during her testimony today manage to be able to recall and recite all the names and places and specific dates of the whereabouts of Casey and Caylee like she did for that whole time period. And, secondly, did anyone else feel like as she was discussing all of these events places and people that still in her mind she sounded to continue to believe these lies of Casey's to be true? It almost sounded like she still is sure that Casey was still working at Universal even though this has been proven to be untrue.

Probably the same way some of us remember the very same details...except this is her life and she's had 3 years to relive these moments over and over. I'm sure her attorney has also provided her with copies of previous depositions. (Heck, is that even allowed? lol) I can't remember hearing anything about Casey returning to work after Caylee was born. I do remember her boss saying she was able to if she had just contacted him. And, I believe she wasn't working at Universal at that point anyway...she was working for someone who contracted with Universal. Maybe there's something we don't know?

Does anyone know where can I listen to live audio from the courtroom?
I've chewed up 70% of my download limit in 3 days by watching the WFTV video.
I'm sorry if this is already here somewhere obvious and I have overlooked it.

Thanks in advance.

Does anyone know where can I listen to live audio from the courtroom?
I've chewed up 70% of my download limit in 3 days by watching the WFTV video.
I'm sorry if this is already here somewhere obvious and I have overlooked it.

Thanks in advance.

I downloaded an app "TuneIn Radio". WDBO 580 was broadcasting last week. Not sure if they will carry every day, all day coverage, but it's worth a shot!
I believe that JB is partially running his defense on reckless rumors...
However, did George and Lee volunteer their DNA to disspell rumors of fathering Caylee...or did LE ask for DNA samples ..??

Through various DNA testing it have been proven and without a doubt that there is no possibility that either George or Lee fathered Caylee.

There is a thread called "Myth Busters" in the top third section of the Caylee front page of these threads. That information and many other interesting things are posted there.
Hi, thanks for this thread! I've searched a little bit for the answer to this question, but I got a lot of results searching car + smell, so if anyone can shed some light or point me to threads where it's discussed, I would so appreciate it.

What are your theories as to why the car only started to smell on the 25th (if I've got that right). How long do Wsers think Caylee's body in her car?

Also, I've been curious about Casey's history of problematic behavior in high school and before. I think I remember reading that she stole a check from Lee in high school, and obviously she didn't graduate. But were there other behavioral problems?

Thanks so much! I'm really glad to be participating in this community.
Not a newbie, however, there's SO MUCH info to sift/read thru that I'm taking the easy route and posting my q's in a central location :) FYI, my question's are in no particular order..

What is GA's current job/profession?

What is the circumfrence of a 2.5 year old toddler's skull and how far would a 7.5 to 9.5 inch (length) piece of duct tape extend beyond the ears?

How far would a 2inch (wide) piece of duct tape cover of both the nose and the mouth?

The silouette of a small human that can be seen on the trunk liner.. I have read 2 versions of the outline.. Is it of a fetal position, or of a body appearing on it's side with the knee extending out and feet extending backwards?

What would cause such an outline to show on the liner? Body fluids?

What are the leading theories as to why ICA didn't cut a deal in the begining in light of x,y and z? And why do you think the DA decided to try this as a DP case?

Has ICA been clinically evaluated / diagnosed as a sociopath?
Hi am a newcomer and my question is just very simple and may be a stupid question but:
How in the world did Cindy during her testimony today manage to be able to recall and recite all the names and places and specific dates of the whereabouts of Casey and Caylee like she did for that whole time period. And, secondly, did anyone else feel like as she was discussing all of these events places and people that still in her mind she sounded to continue to believe these lies of Casey's to be true? It almost sounded like she still is sure that Casey was still working at Universal even though this has been proven to be untrue.

she kept a meticulous calendar. If you watch her taped interview with LE she brought her calendar with her where she made notes. Her testimony on the stand reminded me A LOT of that first interview with LE when she held nothing back... believing that Casey WAS where she said she WAS at that time. I will have to do some digging to find this for you (the LE interview with her)

might I add that when I watched this interview I was literally blown away at the litany of lies that were told to Cindy.

eta: here you go:

carp... I hope I got all 11 videos in there for you!
Have any of the witness looked at ICA? either before, during or after their testimony? Thanks.
I have a couple of questions please:

My first question is where was little Caylee all those times PRIOR to the 31 days we know she was missing that she was supposed to be with Zanny. We know that Casey was supposed to be working and that George and Cindy did not have her....so where was she? I wonder if what ever was done with this little baby girl during this time is what utimately killed her.

Also, if Baez has known this whole time that the baby was dead due to drowning in the pool, why didn't he go to the authorities right then instead of letting her little body rot out in the woods? The state of Florida is paying for Casey's high dollar criminal defense and the state offered her plea deals and tried to get her to tell them what really happened and yet they made no move to recover her little body instead of letting her lay out there all that time. Can the state bring charges against Baez for withholding evidence, client attorney priveledge or not?

Will the state be allowed to bring in the jailhouse tapes and phone conversations of Casey with her family? They really need to be able to show the jury who the real victem is here and bring this trial back to justice for Caylee.
Can anyone tell me where to find where and if KC gives an excuse for her car being left for the tow truck? What day was she last seen driving it etc? TIA
Why is Tony's name written as TonE?

Tony works in the music industry. In 2008 he was a club promoter and DJ and went by the name of TonE.

ETA: TonE was also used to differentiate between another one of ICA's flings by the name of Tony Ruscano. He was a cop and was fired because of his association with ICA.

If I have any of this wrong, someone please step in and correct me!
Have any of the witness looked at ICA? either before, during or after their testimony? Thanks.

I believe that Tony L. may have glanced at her. No one else that I know of looked in her direction.

ETA: At one point while on the stand ICA was made to stand up so Tony could identify her.
Hello I'm new posting but have been reading for a year.

*I think Casey knows exactly who the father is and LIED about him dying.
*Does anyone know when the prosecution thinks Casey killed Caylee? like at what time?
Thank you
My responses in blue.

Not a newbie, however, there's SO MUCH info to sift/read thru that I'm taking the easy route and posting my q's in a central location :) FYI, my question's are in no particular order..

What is GA's current job/profession?
Former cop, presently security guard.

What is the circumfrence of a 2.5 year old toddler's skull and how far would a 7.5 to 9.5 inch (length) piece of duct tape extend beyond the ears?
I don't know except I've heard that the tape was wrapped around her skull.

How far would a 2inch (wide) piece of duct tape cover of both the nose and the mouth?
Again, I don't know except there were three pieces of tape. So it could have been six inches wide of coverage.

The silouette of a small human that can be seen on the trunk liner.. I have read 2 versions of the outline.. Is it of a fetal position, or of a body appearing on it's side with the knee extending out and feet extending backwards?
I believe both descriptions are the same and correct.

What would cause such an outline to show on the liner? Body fluids?
Yes, decomp fluids.

What are the leading theories as to why ICA didn't cut a deal in the begining in light of x,y and z? And why do you think the DA decided to try this as a DP case?
She has a bad lawyer? Once the body with the duct tape covering the mouth and nose was found, all bets were off and the DA decided this was a death penalty case.

Has ICA been clinically evaluated / diagnosed as a sociopath?
She was evaluated right off the bat in 2008 and the first judge said something like her mental eval was a puzzle. The Anthony's current attorney has seen the recent evaluations and has said she is sick individual. Other than that, no one knows publicly what her mental status is.
Did Caylee have regular visits to the pediatrician and if so, who took her in?
first I would like to say that I LOVE the forum! Second, I feel bad for Cindy & G
Anthony. Third, I think CA drugged her child with Xanax(zanny the nannie) and it all went down hill from there. Casey may have even went to check on her and realized that she had awoken and then put the duct tape on her mouth because she couldn't drug her so soon after the last one wore off.
I think all of this happened while she was at Tony L's house. I'm not sure of the dates, but I thought I heard him testify that they all went to bed and he woke up and Casey and Caylee were not there? I'll have to check my facts and maybe it's too far out there, but she drugged that baby.
I remember seeing a thread awhile ago titled something like "Who will testify for Casey?" I can't seem to locate it now, can anyone point me in the right direction?
Can anyone tell me where to find where and if KC gives an excuse for her car being left for the tow truck? What day was she last seen driving it etc? TIA

As far as I know, she has never given an excuse - maybe to JB but that'c confidential.
first I would like to say that I LOVE the forum! Second, I feel bad for Cindy & G
Anthony. Third, I think CA drugged her child with Xanax(zanny the nannie) and it all went down hill from there. Casey may have even went to check on her and realized that she had awoken and then put the duct tape on her mouth because she couldn't drug her so soon after the last one wore off.
I think all of this happened while she was at Tony L's house. I'm not sure of the dates, but I thought I heard him testify that they all went to bed and he woke up and Casey and Caylee were not there? I'll have to check my facts and maybe it's too far out there, but she drugged that baby.
That was RM...not TL. Casey was with Caylee at Ricardo's apt...they went to bed...but sometime in the middle of the night Casey took Caylee home (though CA said that never happened).

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