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Just something that may be of interest ...

a Dallas Criminal defense attorney has written a blog post comparing the Jennifer Hudson case where her nephew was killed and her brother in law has just be charged with the Casey Anthony case.

He's comparing the media coverage of the two cases and asking whether or not Casey Anthony can get a fair trial.

Interesting point = the state asked for the gag order, not the defense team. Trial is Jan 5th.

Here's the link if you want to read it


i could be wrong - but i seem to recall that the defense asked for one first and was shot down...anyone else that can shed light - is appriciated!
Defense did request one very early on, bond hearing time I believe, it was denied.

The defense at that time, was not looking for a complete gag order. They wanted to suppress the jailhouse tapes that were being released under the sunshine law...The judge said he would error on the side of the 5th ammendment
I am new here and this is my first post. I have something I have been wondering about for a while.
In the July interviews one of the boyfriends stated that Heather knew Zanny and Zachery. I can't remember which interview it was. I was writing down the info to keep it straight, but did not write who said it. I find no interview with Heather. Did someone lie? Are they covering for Casey. I know they have not released all of the evidence, but this is very important.
Do any of you remember who said it? Do any of you know if Heather was interviewed or where I can see or read her interview?
The card for the apartment was created on June 17th 2008 by someone claiming to be Zandia Gonzales. Have they checked the handwriting on that card?

Welcome!..This Heather is news to me (sorry) but now I want to know all about her & your other Q's.

I hope someone can fill us both in!
I am new here and this is my first post. I have something I have been wondering about for a while.
In the July interviews one of the boyfriends stated that Heather knew Zanny and Zachery. I can't remember which interview it was. I was writing down the info to keep it straight, but did not write who said it. I find no interview with Heather. Did someone lie? Are they covering for Casey. I know they have not released all of the evidence, but this is very important.
Do any of you remember who said it? Do any of you know if Heather was interviewed or where I can see or read her interview?
The card for the apartment was created on June 17th 2008 by someone claiming to be Zandia Gonzales. Have they checked the handwriting on that card?

I can't answer your Heather questions, but the property mgr/realtor that showed the apartment was the one who filled in the card, not ZG. IIRC, this interview is in the first doc dump, including a scan of the card itself.
I have found a bit more about her. Her name is Heather MacDonald. Maybe it was Lee who had spoke to her. She told him she knew Caylee was missing and she knew Zanny and Zachery.
Georges interviews implies that he had heard the name of the nanny for quite sometime before Caylee was missing because he had asked Caylee about it and she acted indifferent about the name.
It sounds like Casey had come up with this name long before Caylee was missing. It is odd that on June 17th a person with the exact same name checks out that aprtment and Casey finds out about it. There has to be some connection to this person.
Casey may be using someone elses reality for her stories, but she is getting the information from somewhere. Heather seems to be one thread that connects the two of them.
True, but if Casey is noticeably PG how would it affect the jury's decision? IF she is pregnant, she won't hide it this time. She'll show up in court wearing a "Baby Onboard" shirt.

Bolded by me...I spit coffee EVERYWHERE, Chilly! Lol....
Any ideas who the actors/actresses are?

Other than Ernest Borgnine as exc, producer, the other names of all involved are not familiar= I even compared the names to KC's cell phone list- no matches.

One name rings a bell, but I don't know why. Pamplin> he wrote the script.
5) ZFG (Babysitter for last 1-1/2 yrs) GA & CA did a lot of the babysitting since
Lauren. >Respectfully snipped<

I understand this isn't where you were going with this, but just couldn't help myself.

Wouldn't it have been just FANTASTIC had FBI interrupted CA in her long, droning monologue about how Casey had been leaving the clue of Zanny, really referring to RM and AH, to point out CA was the actual babysitter, so wouldn't the Zanny clue be referring to her? So, Zanny, er, umm, I mean Cindy, where the he!! is Caylee?

I have found a bit more about her. Her name is Heather MacDonald. Maybe it was Lee who had spoke to her. She told him she knew Caylee was missing and she knew Zanny and Zachery.
Georges interviews implies that he had heard the name of the nanny for quite sometime before Caylee was missing because he had asked Caylee about it and she acted indifferent about the name.
It sounds like Casey had come up with this name long before Caylee was missing. It is odd that on June 17th a person with the exact same name checks out that aprtment and Casey finds out about it. There has to be some connection to this person.
Casey may be using someone elses reality for her stories, but she is getting the information from somewhere. Heather seems to be one thread that connects the two of them.

According to the police report it was April 17 not June 17 -- looking at apartments to the extent a card was filled out with her name on it. Did KC have any access to the apartment leasing office to see this card? KC was not renting the apartment in Sawgrass only staying there for a couple of weeks so no reason for KC to be going into leasing office.

For some reason KC either bumped into ZFG and randomly decided to use her or ZFG needed a reason to be at Sawgrass. But then I recall that the nanny was referred to as Zanny <sp> long before this so the likelyhood of finding a person to line up with the name seems really unlikely. This is one piece that doesnt quite fit right. Need to go back to the docs that were released and see what was told by all parties about the card that was filled out at Sawgrass if and why ZFG was even there - was ZFG confirmed as looking at apartments anywhere else? How far was TL apartment from the leasing office and the upstairs apartment that was used for showings?
Has anyone done a search to see if there is an adoption agency called "beautiful life" or whatever her tatto says? I know I am probably the only person left that is not totaly convinced she murdered her child.

Let's just say for a minuete that she is a normal person who was tired of her over bearing mother controlling her life. She arranges for a private adoption. Then while she is out partying and enjoying life either her or one of her friends does something stupid likes drive drunk and hits someone. They freak and put the body in the car and dispose of it. When they can't find Caylee and smell the car they assume she is dead.

This is just a random thought so go easy on me.
The other thought I had was a lot of people where wondering where KC found her attorney. If she had used an attorney during a private adoption then she might have known him from that or another attorney reccommended him. Thoughts?
Let's just say for a minuete that she is a normal person who was tired of her over bearing mother controlling her life. She arranges for a private adoption. Then while she is out partying and enjoying life either her or one of her friends does something stupid likes drive drunk and hits someone. They freak and put the body in the car and dispose of it. When they can't find Caylee and smell the car they assume she is dead.

But how would you account for the hair in the trunk with the death band on it that matches the Anthony DNA?
"In a confidential adoption, neither the adopter nor the birthparents know each other, nor do they ever meet. Instead, all the arrangements and paperwork occur through a middleman, usually an adoption agency or an attorney."

This might be the reason KC says she doesn't know where caylee is but yet she tells her mother the day she picks her up at AL's apartment that she is o.k. and the person she is with loves her like a mother....not the exact words.

1. So KC says Caylee is with someone that cares about her
2. KC doesn't know where she is
3. KC is partying and living it up while Caylee is gone, not acting like a mother whose child was missing but rather acting like a mother whose child is with a sitter.
4. no body, no clothes, no murder weapon, no location of murder.
Has anyone done a search to see if there is an adoption agency called "beautiful life" or whatever her tatto says? I know I am probably the only person left that is not totaly convinced she murdered her child.

Let's just say for a minuete that she is a normal person who was tired of her over bearing mother controlling her life. She arranges for a private adoption. Then while she is out partying and enjoying life either her or one of her friends does something stupid likes drive drunk and hits someone. They freak and put the body in the car and dispose of it. When they can't find Caylee and smell the car they assume she is dead.

This is just a random thought so go easy on me.

I would love for this to have happened, but I'm pretty sure it didn't. Wouldn't the adoption agency have come forward by now?

Well, I wouldn't love for someone to get killed, but you know what I mean.
Not sure about the "death band" on the hair. Was it only one hair they found? I can't remember. I can't believe if you put a body in your trunk the only evidence left is one hair? Did they ever say what the "stain" was? I mean if its blood then there you go, but what was it? So I don't know the science behind it so if its 100% caylee's then I guess she is dead. I wonder if labs ever make mistakes?
Has anyone done a search to see if there is an adoption agency called "beautiful life" or whatever her tatto says? I know I am probably the only person left that is not totaly convinced she murdered her child.

Let's just say for a minuete that she is a normal person who was tired of her over bearing mother controlling her life. She arranges for a private adoption. Then while she is out partying and enjoying life either her or one of her friends does something stupid likes drive drunk and hits someone. They freak and put the body in the car and dispose of it. When they can't find Caylee and smell the car they assume she is dead.

This is just a random thought so go easy on me.

You might just count me as a 2nd who has a very slight feeling that Caylee isnt dead and there is something more going on here. The whole decomposition findings and everyone recounting the smell still keep me in the Caylee is not alive corner but I still have a problem with how nobody can find any remains or evidence in such a small seach area and there are still too many pieces like the ZFG coincidence, the Fusian connection, the mysterious job / no job, the LA connection, this is not your typical child goes missing case and is assumed dead.
I don't know if you have an agreement with the adoptive family then I don't think you can breach its confidentiality even in this case. I suppose the adoptive family could if they wanted. I would think it wouldn't be good for business if an adoption agency identified a party to a confidential adoption.
"In a confidential adoption, neither the adopter nor the birthparents know each other, nor do they ever meet. Instead, all the arrangements and paperwork occur through a middleman, usually an adoption agency or an attorney."

This might be the reason KC says she doesn't know where caylee is but yet she tells her mother the day she picks her up at AL's apartment that she is o.k. and the person she is with loves her like a mother....not the exact words.

1. So KC says Caylee is with someone that cares about her
2. KC doesn't know where she is
3. KC is partying and living it up while Caylee is gone, not acting like a mother whose child was missing but rather acting like a mother whose child is with a sitter.
4. no body, no clothes, no murder weapon, no location of murder.
....and the adoptive parent(s) would now be willing to let KC sit in jail for months, facing possible murder charges while KC protects them with her silence?:snooty:
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