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DNA Solves
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Dot's Eye...I believe that there is a very strange, non-trditional word choice and sentence structure coming from Casey. I'm not sure that she would test below 70, but I do believe that she does not have a good command of language. She tries to sound smart by using many run-on phrases to give (false) detail to her statements. I believe she may be mimicking (sp) how she thinks intelligent people sound.

Sunday night brain here. Not sure I made any sense, but will leave it posted for general entertainment. :)

She does parrot much of what is said to her, uses many of the same expressions as Cindy, favorites being "absolutely, potentially" & is overly detailed, (big red flag), notice how many names of people she talks of with their middle names, ZFG, Jeffrey Michael Hopkins, etc. I can see where Dot's Eye went :woohoo: listening to her with LE
Just my personal opinion...but this case and this site were alot easier to navigate (and stomach) when it was still a "psychological thriller" with a colorful array of characters that kept us sleuthing and posting.
Now, tragically, this place is filled with very unpleasant discussions of death, manner of death, garbage, dumps, remains, bones, skeleton, duct tape, dirt, maggots, etc. Too morbid, now.
She does parrot much of what is said to her, uses many of the same expressions as Cindy, favorites being "absolutely, potentially" & is overly detailed, (big red flag), notice how many names of people she talks of with their middle names, ZFG, Jeffrey Michael Hopkins, etc. I can see where Dot's Eye went :woohoo: listening to her with LE

I "totally" agree with you. AND I think Dot's Eye's post was terrific. I didn't mean to imply that I disagreed. Casey's sentence structure is awkward and overly modified (totally--heh). I do not believe she is smart. I think there is no "there" there. She does not have a center that is truly her. She copies everyone and melds herself to the situation.
The thing I hate is that now I catch myself using "absolutely" or "potentially" and I just cringe!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!
Just my personal opinion...but this case and this site were alot easier to navigate (and stomach) when it was still a "psychological thriller" with a colorful array of characters that kept us sleuthing and posting.
Now, tragically, this place is filled with very unpleasant discussions of death, manner of death, garbage, dumps, remains, bones, skeleton, duct tape, dirt, maggots, etc. Too morbid, now.

Do you think we are all in a little bit of a letdown or lull, yet we can't leave it alone?
The thing I hate is that now I catch myself using "absolutely" or "potentially" and I just cringe!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!

It's a catchphrase, or "Meme" & notice the same thing!!! even with Newscasters??
This is one very stupid woman. I think she needs an MRI of her skull to see if half of her brain died and no one knows it yet. There is a disconnect in there somewhere and it isn't psychological, I think it is organic. Maybe she was dropped on her head a lot when she was a baby.

Respectfully snipped for space.

'Absolutely' hilarious, and ITA!!! It was very difficult for me to listen to the interviews with Casey and also Cindy. It was like sandpaper rubbing on my brain. Casey has never struck me as having much in the way of intelligence at all.
The thing I hate is that now I catch myself using "absolutely" or "potentially" and I just cringe!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!

LOL I don't use the word potentially but I do use absolutely and each time I do I catch myself and use another phrase

I'm sure there are more words that I hear myself saying and realize it puts me on somewhat of a level of Casey and the A's

IF I ever start talking about the stink of pizza in the sun - someone throw cold water on me!
Originally Posted by DotsEyes

This is one very stupid woman. I think she needs an MRI of her skull to see if half of her brain died and no one knows it yet. There is a disconnect in there somewhere and it isn't psychological, I think it is organic. Maybe she was dropped on her head a lot when she was a baby.

I was once involved in a case where we had a nutty liar who communicated just like KC. Point out one lie or unbelievable scenario and he would answer with something equally insane. It was impossible to get anywhere with him. Of course, he was trying with all his might to commit insurance fraud and collect for a fire loss of things he never owned and it would have been funny if it wasn't so serious a case of perjury. He was of low IQ and did not know that there were people who were naturally smarter than he, did not know he was stupid, so nothing that was pointed out to him about his lies had any impact whatsoever. He was a criminal and a very dumb person. Not dumb in that he did foolish things, dumb as in lack of mental capacity. He may have actually been retarded, but able to function without 24/7/365 assistance.

I think KC is the same. I think she is of low IQ and may actually be mentally retarded.

Baez needs to get someone to test her. I think she operates on a very low level. It would explain why her family treats her with kid gloves and didn't want her leaving with Caylee or having full responsibility of Caylee.

It isn't a personality disorder, she is just low on the IQ scale.[/QUOTE]

snipped for space.

I have always thought this as well. She is not clever. Her lies are like that of a 10 year old. How smart are you to drive around with a dead body in your car long enough for fluid to leak? How smart are you to abandon said car in a parking lot for days. How smart are you to lie about your employment to LE right up until you look so stupid walking to a non-existent office? How smart are you to make up a story about a call you got from your kidnapped daughter 31 days after you last saw her, you know from a private number, that you called back, but it was instantly disconnected????? She is magic if she can call back a private number. oh please, there is nothing smart about this girl.
Finally, someone else sees what I see. Folks kept telling me how brilliant and cunning this KC chick is and I kept saying I don't think soo..finally I quit saying anything at all. Well, there is at least 2 of us that think this girl is a brick shy of a full load.

LOL it happens here - I stopped posting for awhile - everything I said was ignored or I was slammed for something - I guess we aren't 'in' - know what I mean? LOL

Anyways, I don't think she's retarded at all - and I don't think she so brilliant - I think that she tries very hard to sound smart, sort of like a braniac and she thinks that if she uses these big words, no matter what context, people will think she is so smart she would never do anything like this - I'm sure it worked wonderfully on her friends, most of them don't seem to be the brightest bunch - and she sure did pull it on her folks - whether or not they believed her, I don't know
LOL I don't use the wor potentially but I do use absolutely and each time I do I catch myself and use another phrase

I'm sure there are more words that I hear myself saying and realize it puts me on somewhat of a level of Casey and the A's
IF I ever start talking about the stink of pizza in the sun - someone throw cold water on me!

Bolded by me.......NO IT DOESN'T! You can't possibly be on that level. There is ABSOLUTELY no POTENTIAL for that...you hear me? LOL
how does kc explain that she NEVER reported her CAYLEE missing...........it took CA over a month to do it!
This is one very stupid woman. I think she needs an MRI of her skull to see if half of her brain died and no one knows it yet. There is a disconnect in there somewhere and it isn't psychological, I think it is organic. Maybe she was dropped on her head a lot when she was a baby.

Respectfully snipped...OMG thank you DotsEyes, I needed that tonight!!!
kc is not slow, (lazy, yes!) she was a manager in photography dept. at Universal once before she was fired........IMO, just *diabolical*......evil thinking
kc is not slow, (lazy, yes!) she was a manager in photography dept. at Universal once before she was fired........IMO, just *diabolical*......evil thinking

Hahaha....she is lazy with her communication skills too.
DotsEye: great post, thanks for the laugh, although im thinking not meant to be funny....
i agree with you
i hate listening to her...she's so wordy, it's not even funny
she tries to sound intelligent, by using "big" words, ie absolutely, potentially etc etc
but she really sounds like a dumass
she's not a very good liar, if she were, the whole world would believe her...
Bolded by me.......NO IT DOESN'T! You can't possibly be on that level. There is ABSOLUTELY no POTENTIAL for that...you hear me? LOL

OH I know LOLOL - after living this whole thing for so long I do find myself saying some of these words and they are now so foreign to me - it's like I'm copying a murderer and that makes me feel dirty - so I'm careful when I do think of one of those words to not say them

It's a catchphrase, or "Meme" & notice the same thing!!! even with Newscasters??

I was beginning to wonder if it was a FL thing. Another one I have heard on the news repeatedly is 'from day one'.
kc is not slow, (lazy, yes!) she was a manager in photography dept. at Universal once before she was fired........IMO, just *diabolical*......evil thinking

Hehe! Manager? LOL. I guess that's what you call sitting in a booth asking people if they would like to buy a picture of themselves on the ride they were just on.
Hehe! Manager? LOL. I guess that's what you call sitting in a booth asking people if they would like to buy a picture of themselves on the ride they were just on.

Jesse said in an interview that Universal is where he met Casey and that she was in fact a manager. Obviously she wasn't terribly high up in management...LOL...but she might not have sat in the booth selling photos. Hey - she at least had a job then! She didn't have a college degree or technical training, so I don't think a high-paying, high-level job was in her near future.
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