Rape allegations mount against Bill Cosby #4

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Washington Post critic Philip Kennicott touched on this in a fantastic piece earlier this year, writing:

In the popular, representational imagery preferred by the Cosbys — to the virtual exclusion of socially, politically or racially provocative art — women are represented as tortilla makers, flower bearers, sexual objects, faithful mothers or fertility figures.


Such subtle (or not-so-subtle, depending on who you are) sexism mounts throughout the show. We move from a painting of a tortilla maker who demonstrates “the strength and imposing beauty of a working woman” to a sculpture of a female figure made from Senegalese kitchen utensils — “a powerful, poetic statement about valuing the significant contributions women make to family and community.” It’s abetted by a glaring absence of actual women artists: of the practitioners included whose genders were identifiable (many pieces were made by unnamed African artists), I counted 20 women out of 82 — not even a full quarter, and one of those women is the Cosbys’ daughter. This presentation of women almost entirely as objects and subjects of study, rather than creators and actors with agency, would be shameful on its own; in the context of an exhibition whose very existence is dependent on a man who appears to have spent decades silencing and abusing women, it’s reprehensible. (It’s dependent not only in concept: Camille Cosby is on the board of NMAfA, and the couple gave $716,000 “to cover the costs of the exhibition.”)
On Facebook, I found an ironic comparsion between what Cosby said about his art collection, and what Tamara Green said about how his sexual assault affected her life:

"Quilts tell a story of life, of memory, of family relationships." -Bill Cosby

"I think of my life as a patchwork quilt. I look at each square in the quilt and I have wonderful memories, wonderful experiences. Children and grandchildren and joy and love. And then there's this one square of festering crap that's right in the middle of my quilt. It never goes away and it doesn’t stop festering and it hurts you every time you think of it." -Tamara Green


“Camille’s Husband’s Birthday Quilt,” a wall-hung textile work (above) covered in likenesses of Bill Cosby and his family, is only tangentially related to the identity of its owners, Bill and Camille Cosby.

Placards around the exhibit that applaud two art collectors (“Bill and Camille Cosby have expressed a commitment to art that... shows the full breadth and the dignity of the African American individual”; “The Cosbys’ decision to share African American artworks from their collection with the public... is extraordinarily generous”; “In keeping with the Cosbys’ interest in family…”) in no way boost the nicey-nicey public persona of one of those collectors.
No, someone stitched them as a tribute to (as far as she knew) a lovely comedian.
The news had not come out yet about his devious side when she made or published these.

Why would you do this? Bringing in innocent people who has nothing to do with it??
She probably has kids to feed and a house to maintain, and she does so by doing what she is good at.
Why would anyone want to give an innocent person a bad reputation?
If you are so offended, why don't you send her a message suggesting she take those down?

As a self-employed artist and single mom I feel for this innocent lady and I would be devastated if my name came up like this!
Bill Cosby could face charges after DA election in suburban Philadelphia

Kevin Steele defeats Republican Bruce Castor in Montgomery County
Steele closely involved in new investigation of sex assault claims against star

I truly wish he would be charged and convicted even if its for perjury.

I truly believe he is one of the worst prolific serial rapists in the last few decades or maybe even the worst. Of course I do think in the end he will have to pay out millions in civil court judgments and knowing how narcissistic he is maybe possessions mean so much to him that he will feel that to be some kind of punishment. I wish he would lose every bit of money he has for what he has done.

It really sickens me that he will most likely not be held criminally responsible for all of his criminal sexual assaults.

Reminds me of a lot of Andrew Luster when he used the date rape drug to knock his victims out in order to rape so many but at least the justice system got him.

I can fully understand why these women didn't come out and tell anyone for years. That is not uncommon at all. In fact it is more common for them to come forth many years or even decades later. With me, I never told a soul of the repeated rapes I had endured for many years. I was 38 years old when I finally told someone I knew I could trust with my life, and the rapes began happening to me when I was five years old. Even then it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I knew the statute of limitations had run its course but it wasn't ever about that. It was all about purging the dark secrets I held for many years that only held me down. Getting it out in the open released me from the psychological chains my abuser had kept me in by hiding his dirty secrets. My abuser wasn't well known all across America nor did he have a lot of power/clout/money to control others but he did know how to instill paralyzing fear and control..

Just look how long it took the men to come forward about the pedophile Priests who were raping them when they were children. Most of them were in their late 30s or 40s even though it happened when they were children. Victims feel shame, hopelessness, and they are told constantly by their abuser that no one will believe them even if they tell and for so long they believe the things the abuser said.

I think BC was able to buy a lot of silence and I believe even more have been sexually assaulted by him. Some just don't have the courage and strength to come forward and will keep this terrible secret for the rest of their lives.:( Especially nowadays with social media the way it is. We are living in strange times now where victims are bashed and trashed and the perpetrator will be supported.

No, someone stitched them as a tribute to (as far as she knew) a lovely comedian.
The news had not come out yet about his devious side when she made or published these.

Why would you do this? Bringing in innocent people who has nothing to do with it??
She probably has kids to feed and a house to maintain, and she does so by doing what she is good at.
Why would anyone want to give an innocent person a bad reputation?
If you are so offended, why don't you send her a message suggesting she take those down?

As a self-employed artist and single mom I feel for this innocent lady and I would be devastated if my name came up like this!

Well I think you would be devastated over insults that you completely imagined.
If you read again you will notice that I did not mention anyone's name or imply that they did anyone any harm, nor say that their income and their ability to maintain her house and kids should be in any way affected.

I posted it because I think it's just sad that people have gone to so much trouble to honor such an evil man who duped people such a long time.

No doubt they did not think that he was an evil man at the time. But as a matter of fact the news about his devious side came up a long time ago when Constand and the Jane Does first surfaced.

There's no need to take anything down, it's just a part of history. He was a man who got people crocheting in his honor... now he's not. (I hope.) Sic transit gloria mundi.

If it was me I'd take it down though. I'd hate the sight of his face and the reminder of the hours I wasted replicating a monster.
In the keep'em-coming section of the news:


Kristina Ruehli filed a defamation lawsuit against Bill Cosby after the actor said her allegations of rape were “unsubstantiated,” Reuters reported on Monday evening.

Federal prosecutors are now involved in investigating Bill Cosby, Daily Mail Online can disclose.

They have been handed the findings of a Los Angeles Police Department investigation into allegations by Chloe Goins, a model, that she was drugged and sexually assaulted at the Playboy Mansion in 2008.
Now Daily Mail Online has learned that Goins, 25, met with a senior prosecutor in LA, in what is seen as the final stages of the decision-making process over whether to press criminal charges or not.

Goins was questioned at length by a female prosecutor whom wanted to establish whether she will make a credible witness in any forthcoming trial.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...oy-Mansion-handed-Attorney.html#ixzz3r7VaYVqr
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IIRC Andrea Peyser wrote something else that I found appalling but I can't remember what.
Anyway now she's saying Cosby is in disgrace because he's a conservative, not because he's a rapist. .

Is Bill Cosby a rapist? Or is he guilty of being politically incorrect?

As I’ve suggested, he’s certainly run afoul of the new feminist-written definition of what constitutes sexual assault.

Today, a person may self-identify as a victim if he or she willingly takes drugs or drinks alcohol to get in the mood for sex.

By keeping his mouth shut on matters of morality and politics, convicted pervert Roman Polanski has won the adulation of fans and peers.

Being conservative has cost Cosby dearly.


A staggering 27 percent of undergraduate women who responded to the survey reported that they had been sexually assaulted at Penn. A full two-thirds reported that they were subject to sexual harassment. Less than half said they thought it was "very or extremely likely" that Penn would take a report of sexual assault seriously, and only about a third were confident that the university would conduct a fair investigation.

To summarize: Women at Penn are being sexually assaulted in alarming numbers, and they don’t trust Penn to do anything about it.

Is now a good time to mention that Bill Cosby still holds an honorary degree from the University of Pennsylvania? Because he does. Although a number of institutions have revoked Cosby’s honors after more than 50 women have accused him of sexual assault, Penn declined to do so on Friday.

Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2015/11/10/penn-revoke-bill-cosby-honorary-degree/#Mq1jycVmbJyJ08tG.99


Is it any wonder reporting rates remain so low when these cases are followed by editorials that question whether there are ‘shades of grey’ around rape, or radio programmes that ask if a woman is partially responsible for the violence committed against her if she’s been drinking? Is it any wonder, when women who report their abuser later have to watch him lauded on stage or screen or footy pitch, cheered on by thousands?

And what does it say about us, when we as a society are so quick to disbelieve women and so quick to welcome back violent men? How seriously can we take male violence against women and girls, when we collude with rapists and domestic abusers by refusing to mention their crimes, and instead offer them acting roles, sporting contracts, record deals and awards?
We don’t know what will happen in the Cosby case. But the next time a story like this one breaks, just as with Savile and Rochdale and countless others, don’t wring your hands and wonder why the women didn’t come forward before. Perhaps they did. And perhaps we simply refused to believe them.

OSU considers pulling Bill Cosby’s honorary degree
Ricky Mulvey, a second-year in finance and the treasurer of the Buckeye Standup Comedy Club, believes that Cosby’s honorary degree should be taken away from him.

“I think it’s silly that there is even a review process for this decision,” Mulvey said. “This should have been taken care of in one phone call. The fact that this has taken more than 24 hours to do is absurd.”

Amid sexual assault allegations from more than 50 women against comedian Bill Cosby, the University of Pennsylvania will not rescind the Philadelphia native's honorary degree.

A statement from Vice President for University Communications Stephen J. MacCarthy reads: "While the allegations against Mr. Cosby are deeply troubling, it is not our practice to rescind honorary degrees."

That's not necessarily true, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian:

Despite this statement, Penn has previously rescinded two honorary degrees. German Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm II was awarded an honorary degree in 1905, and German Ambassador to the United States and Mexico Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff received one in 1911. Both had their degrees rescinded in 1918 following the United States’ diplomatic break with Germany during World War I.
EXCLUSIVE: 'DO NOT pass through these gates.' Inside the 21-acre Massachusetts compound where disgraced Bill Cosby is in hiding

Outcast Bill Cosby has turned into a virtual recluse, holed up at his estate in Shelburne Falls, Mass

Cosby's son Ennis, who was murdered in 1997, is buried beneath a herb garden on the property

He occasionally orders coffee from Shelburne Falls Coffee Roasters and sends a member of staff to pick it up but staff are forbidden from talking about him

Cosby rarely ventures out of his secret lair as he prepares for a series of court battles with the dozens of women who have accused him of drugging and raping them

Michael Eller, who runs Sawyer's News Store in town told Daily Mail Online. 'I don't suppose he wants everyone staring at him.'

Besides a main residence and five other buildings - including two mystery barn-like structures - Cosby has a swimming pool and a tennis court

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...isgraced-Bill-Cosby-hiding.html#ixzz3rCGxlLZl
At first I read that as saying that Cosby's buried son Ennis occasionally orders coffee.
Well I think you would be devastated over insults that you completely imagined.
If you read again you will notice that I did not mention anyone's name or imply that they did anyone any harm, nor say that their income and their ability to maintain her house and kids should be in any way affected.

She still didn't post it in honour of a rapist, like you said, but in honor of her favorite comedian.
I'm getting in contact with her lawyer to get this thing taken down... jmo
She still didn't post it in honour of a rapist, like you said, but in honor of her favorite comedian.
I'm getting in contact with her lawyer to get this thing taken down... jmo

In honor of her favorite comedian, who happens to be a rapist.

If he is a serial rapist, all tributes to him are tributes to a serial rapist, whether we like it or not, whether we intended it or not, whether we knew or not. That's why lots of people are saying that all those honorary degrees should be rescinded and murals painted over and his photographs removed from restaurants. That's why the Medal of Freedom was an issue. No doubt none of those people thought at the time that they were bestowing a honorary degree to a sexual criminal or painting a wall to honor a serial rapist - but the fact remains that they did exactly that.

This is silly semantics.

I never claimed that she wanted to honor him specifically because he is a rapist. I never said that she knew at the time.

But he is. (Allegedly.)

I'm sure if you're that offended by a post that you completely misunderstood, one of the WS mods would help you have it removed without involving lawyers.
I wonder if Ennis was killed by the Russians because Cosby raped the wrong girl. I think he was killed by Russian hitmen. But it's been so long and I am not sure. But I thought it was a carjacking attempt at first.
ill Cosby is scheduled to be deposed by model Janice Dickinson's attorney in her defamation lawsuit against the comedian for denying he raped her.

Lisa Bloom, Dickinson's attorney, confirmed Wednesday that she will depose Cosby on Nov. 23. She also is slated to depose Cosby's former attorney Martin Singer on Nov. 19.

PHILADELPHIA — The fallout of sexual abuse allegations against Bill Cosby continues, with Drexel University announcing Thursday it is revoking the comedian's honorary degree.

Bill Cosby wins appeal to delay testifying in Janice Dickinson defamation case

Disgraced comedian was sued by the model for denying he raped her

Dickinson says denial of the alleged 1982 assault harmed her reputation

Cosby had until November 25 to testify in the case in a California court

But he appealed to overturn the order, now court has halted the deposition

Cosby now has until Nov 30 to file formal appeal to throw out the order

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-upcoming-Cosby-deposition.html#ixzz3rO27BNno

PHILADELPHIA — The fallout of sexual abuse allegations against Bill Cosby continues, with Drexel University announcing Thursday it is revoking the comedian's honorary degree.

That one's gotta hurt.
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