Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

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Source: Sandra Cantu Murdered In Church

By: Rowena Shaddox
FOX40 News

April 13, 2009

TRACY - Sources have confirmed to FOX40 News that they believe murder suspect Melissa Huckaby killed 8-year-old Sandra Cantu inside the church where her grandfather is pastor.

It's the latest in a case that has affected an entire nation, and left those who live near Clover Road Baptist Church, unable to comprehend that something so heinous could happen in a place of worship.

One of the most horrific images I have emblazoned on my mind is that of Dennis Rader (aka BTK) taking his dead victim into the church where he was an official, and photographing her posed body on the ALTAR!!! This, and his murdering of the little Otero girl and all of the others will be forever set in my mind that there is a special place in Hell for such murderers!
Those are valid points and I am not a psychologist but I think it is possible to have both going on - wanting to get caught while at the same time denying the reality.
I agree - some very insightful and thought provoking posts in this thread!

As for Sybil's mom - yes, she could have been a pedofile, but I think maybe she found enough at home to keep her from going out in the world (at least I hope so).


I think so too. Those scenes where the mother tied Sybil to a table and forced her to have an enema seem like sexual abuse to me.
However, I have noticed a pattern in your posts and many others. They appear to be looking for reasons or "contributing factors" for her to have committed this heinous crime. I think she could simply be an evil and vindictive B*tch who was obsessed with an 8 year old beautiful child.


Hard to believe, but more than likely true.
i think she did it cuz she is sick and perverted and figured everyone would be looking for a man .. she could be bisexual thus the interest in the baby girl ..i think pedos go for kids because they are innocent and they are sick and like to take away that innocence it empowers them somehow
<respectfully snipped for relevancy>

IMO this was a young woman who felt trapped by her childhood (the note to the friend which I believe was NOT a tactic, but a cry for help - at a time when she actually could have been helped), a young woman who felt backed into a corner with no way out, a young woman with a past history of physical, mental and sexual abuse, a young woman with a history of drugs, theft and other crimes. The mental illness is there, and IMO it is nurture rather than nature (meaning her issues were caused by many contributing factors).

Therefore, she wanted to be caught. And I'll bet she's hoping the WHOLE truth will come out. About the Tracy 60, about her own abuse, and about any other direct knowledge she has. (None of the above was written to excuse her actions.)

I am not convinced that she wanted to be caught. I do think it was very important to her to become a part of the case. She seemed to want to present herself to the media as the one that knew or had seen things that could solve the case. That all the crucial tips just happened to land in her lap. The story about her luggage being stolen, the story about the supposed note she just happened to find.

I don't think she wants the truth to come out. She looked so fearful to me knowing that the ugly sordid truth about what she did to Sandra is going to float to the top for everyone to know her deep dark secret. She knows what she did to Sandra is vile and disgusting.

I think they will go with a insanity defense. That is no shocker...what other defense do they have to try and mitigate this depraved and reprehensible crime?

However she has already been deemed competent by two psychiatrists recently concerning her other criminal case. I do not believe that a jury will believe she was insane at the time. She certainly knew what she did was wrong. She covered up the crime afterward too.

Again, if the allegations are true about Huckaby, I think she has a dualistic nature. Part of her is repulsed and disgusted, and part of her is an attention-seeking deviant.
PS I wonder if Connie made her wash her stomach out with those razorblades... 50-50 in my book she did it herself, was made to do it...

I think if this were a well-organized cult, Melissa would not have been allowed to remain alive to make a confession or be tried in court. Her suicide attempt would have been successful and likely would have had help.

The razor blades seem more like a cry for help from a desperate individual rather than a group making her disappear.

Before we convict the Lawless family, we should make sure there was not a monetary motive for Melissa's crimes. From the media accounts, she has not had a steady job since 2004, and $600/mo. is not enough income to support 2 people in CA...not sure if she was getting child support, but the money thing really needs to be cleared up before we start diagnosing generational abuse.

If Melissa was a member of the Tracy 60, she could have started out believing no one was getting hurt (unconscious child victim), and it escalated from there. We do not know the motivation for these crimes...could have been monetary rather than sexual.
I think if this were a well-organized cult, Melissa would not have been allowed to remain alive to make a confession or be tried in court. Her suicide attempt would have been successful and likely would have had help.

The razor blades seem more like a cry for help from a desperate individual rather than a group making her disappear.

Before we convict the Lawless family, we should make sure there was not a monetary motive for Melissa's crimes. From the media accounts, she has not had a steady job since 2004, and $600/mo. is not enough income to support 2 people in CA...not sure if she was getting child support, but the money thing really needs to be cleared up before we start diagnosing generational abuse.

If Melissa was a member of the Tracy 60, she could have started out believing no one was getting hurt (unconscious child victim), and it escalated from there. We do not know the motivation for these crimes...could have been monetary rather than sexual.

From all accounts, she's been struggling financially for years. One article I read had details of her financial distress back in 2004 while living in Orange County. Large medical bills, a job that paid very little, $100 in savings, and an old car. That was basically all she had to her name.

She's been in bad shape financially for the past several years at least.
From all accounts, she's been struggling financially for years. One article I read had details of her financial distress back in 2004 while living in Orange County. Large medical bills, a job that paid very little, $100 in savings, and an old car. That was basically all she had to her name.

She's been in bad shape financially for the past several years at least.

Thanks for the the info Joe, and it is very relevant. Many people suffer financial hardships, but they don't do something heinous to try to resolve that incapacity.
(respectfully snipped)

If Melissa was a member of the Tracy 60, she could have started out believing no one was getting hurt (unconscious child victim), and it escalated from there. We do not know the motivation for these crimes...could have been monetary rather than sexual.

I would have posted this on the Tracy 60 thread, but it's not very active. I was under the impression that there were 60 people independently identified as trading/trafficking child *advertiser censored*. This is not a group of 60 people that are in a so called "ring", right?
Well...Sweetie PI...I could not disagree more with some of the things in your post especially the comment about Connie! Wow. I don't even know where to start...
I would have posted this on the Tracy 60 thread, but it's not very active. I was under the impression that there were 60 people independently identified as trading/trafficking child *advertiser censored*. This is not a group of 60 people that are in a so called "ring", right?
That is my understanding. They are all independent and not in a ring trading among themselves.
That is my understanding. They are all independent and not in a ring trading among themselves.

Thanks. I see so many posts of people trying to relate this, and I think they are just jumping the gun (imo) on trying to connect this. We all know that unfortunately, every city as people looking at child *advertiser censored*.
i'm wondering if maybe once she talked to the police and felt comfortable that they were not onto her (which they were probably purposely doing), she then started blabbing to the media to try and take the focus off of her immediate family members? i don't think she wanted to get caught...
Again, if the allegations are true about Huckaby, I think she has a dualistic nature. Part of her is repulsed and disgusted, and part of her is an attention-seeking deviant.

you just sussed out my thoughts for me, that's exactly how i feel about MH. as of now anyway!
From the literature I've read:

women who were sexually abused as children most likely turn that pain inward on themselves--self-destruction, depression...

men could turn it on themselves, but then ACT it out, by becoming pedophiles themselves.

Women often do turn the pain from childhood sexual abuse inward, but as a psychiatric nurse I also see a number of female perps. Our local behavioral health hospital has a unit for adolescents with sexual acting out issues. The female unit is composed of girls who are either promiscious or who have sexually abused someone. Their victims are often a sibling, neighbor, etc. It is more common than we think. Almost all of the girls on the unit are victims of sexual abuse, of course. It is almost a given. I would be quite shocked if MH has NOT been sexually abused.
Also, I strongly suspect that MH has a borderline personality disorder, and possibly post-traumatic stress disorder. The swallowing of razor blades sounds very much like BPD. Most females with BPD have a history of sexual abuse.
Thanks. I see so many posts of people trying to relate this, and I think they are just jumping the gun (imo) on trying to connect this. We all know that unfortunately, every city as people looking at child *advertiser censored*.

What I meant was if she was producing material for the Tracy 60...Not necessarily that it was a ring...just making the point that there was a huge local market for this stuff. Her chance of bumping into someone in the market for this stuff was much greater than average for a small town based on these numbers.

I'm making an argument analagous to the one in the CoralRose case...what are the chances of father convicted of child *advertiser censored* and her ending up dead at the hands of sex predator/friend of father...Father would like you to believe he had no involvement, but clearly his perversion ended up costing her her life (either directly or indirectly).
If Melissa was molested, it might have been an acquaintance rather than a family member. In my experience (with one exception) pastor's kids were among the least supervised ones in the church. Dad is involved talking with congregants, and Mom is often an unpaid full-time employee of the church with Sunday as the busiest day. The families tend to be very trusting of members of their congregation and rely on free babysitting from them. Melissa may have been targeted just as Sandra was now....anything's possible at this point.

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