Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
On JVM just now: Reporter Bob Moffitt of KFBK said that the claim of possible child *advertiser censored* was investigated and LE found no evidence.
What I meant was if she was producing material for the Tracy 60...Not necessarily that it was a ring...just making the point that there was a huge local market for this stuff. Her chance of bumping into someone in the market for this stuff was much greater than average for a small town based on these numbers.

IMO, 60 out of almost 80K is much at all, unfortunately. As the internet grows, so does this behavior. :(
i think she did it cuz she is sick and perverted and figured everyone would be looking for a man .. she could be bisexual thus the interest in the baby girl ..i think pedos go for kids because they are innocent and they are sick and like to take away that innocence it empowers them somehow

I've been so overwhelmed with what MH did to Sandra I hadn't even thought about it been homosexual, and that could imply that MH is bisexual. I say "could" because I don't know if I can look at pedophilia as related to normal sexual categories. However, your comment did make me recall that bi-sexuality is a common trait of psychopaths. With that statement comes the question can psychopathic behavior really be included in normal human sexuality?

There was a discussion about this in one of the Casey Anthony threads regarding the hows and whys of labeling normal human sexuality vs. the sexuality of a psychopath. I don't think that we need to get into that here.

I just wanted to note that engaging in sexual relations with both men and woman is a trait commonly attributed to psychopaths.
i wouldn't say she wanted to 'get caught'.

i would say something more along the lines of 'she wanted to see how much she could get away with and probably never really thought getting caught would happen to her'.

think of the feeling shoplifters get when they cross the line, but the buzzer doesn't go off and they're out the door. the step over the threshold to the outside is described as electrifying and literally breath-taking. they don't care about the 'prize' so much, it's just the trophy in the end.

multiply that times murder and i think that's where MH's mind was after the fact.
On JVM just now: Reporter Bob Moffitt of KFBK said that the claim of possible child *advertiser censored* was investigated and LE found no evidence.

I believe they haven't found any evidence, but I doubt enough time has passed for a forensic examination of MH's computer(s). In past cases, that has taken months to come back.
SS and ShareTheLight... both of you mentioned that you thought that MH wanted to get caught. Right now it really looks to me like she wanted to get caught for the murder of Sandra. I really am not sure about MH wanting to get caught for the molestation. What do you all think?

I am thinking that we need to know what exactly is the history she has with drugging children. If the incident with Sandra being found drugged is an isolated incident, and has a history of molesting children it may mean that MH placed Sandra in an area that could be linked to her, the mobil home park. I don't know. Any insights or opinions? Thank you! :beats:

I tend to agree that she wanted to get caught for the murder only, not the molestation. Which leads me to believe she has a history of molesting children, but this is her first murder.

If she had committed other murders, I think she would have been caught. It appears she was very calculating with her molestation, not so much with the murder.

Her disposal of Sandra appears hasty and not well thought. This leads me to believe that she didn't consider the possibility that Sandra may die. (don't get me wrong i do not think it was an accident. i think the "normal" person could conclude whatever events took place could lead to death, but I am not sure MH did. I am also not saying she is incompetent. More likely just cocky)

I think she wanted the molestation to remain a secret. It is my opinion that she has kept this secret for a long time, and is now her constant companion.
I have read some articles that suggested that she was dealing with a lot of mental issues and had seen doctors for this which leads me to my own theory that she was indeed on psychotropic meds, plus i believe i did read that she was coming down off of them when this happened, if you want a link, message me and ill find it for ya, I have a theory, believe it or dont, that many of the women that have commited these types of crimes are on some types of psychotropic drugs, and this is not something i just came up with, if you look at many women who were commiting some type of violence or murder agsaint kids, many were on these type meds, either too much or mixing these drugs, like andrea yates, susan smith etc etc. I can look up a whole list if you like, many people like to use the excuse that they were crazy before the drugs but If that were the case why didnt they display that behavior before the drugs??? I have seen three of my personal friends totally disinegrate under psychiatric medicinal care, im talking college buddies of mine. who were completely normal, go to the doctor s for situational depression, and come back with all these medications!!! one trying to take her life three times AFTER she was put on drugs, another one is completely bonkers now all she does is smile at you and nod her head, and another one is on regular street drugs because she was put on so much adderall that she became addicted to methamphetamines...so this is why I feel that way about the drugs doctors prescribe for these people...remember these are my oppinions only...

let me guess: are you a scientologist?
Just wondering how much time MH and others spent in this church?
It had no more Sunday school since 2002, no real services since 2007
small membership, mostly relatives. Sandra wanted to go to 'Bible meetings?' IIRC.
IF MH did sexually play around with kids or men, where was grandparents?
Who pays electric, etc for this building called a church?
Did MH daughter say anything to Connie? The day Sandra was missing, didn't Connie ever look out windows? Connie never thought anything was odd? Nothing adds up to me.......IMO
I have read some articles that suggested that she was dealing with a lot of mental issues and had seen doctors for this which leads me to my own theory that she was indeed on psychotropic meds, plus i believe i did read that she was coming down off of them when this happened, if you want a link, message me and ill find it for ya, I have a theory, believe it or dont, that many of the women that have commited these types of crimes are on some types of psychotropic drugs, and this is not something i just came up with, if you look at many women who were commiting some type of violence or murder agsaint kids, many were on these type meds, either too much or mixing these drugs, like andrea yates, susan smith etc etc. I can look up a whole list if you like, many people like to use the excuse that they were crazy before the drugs but If that were the case why didnt they display that behavior before the drugs??? I have seen three of my personal friends totally disinegrate under psychiatric medicinal care, im talking college buddies of mine. who were completely normal, go to the doctor s for situational depression, and come back with all these medications!!! one trying to take her life three times AFTER she was put on drugs, another one is completely bonkers now all she does is smile at you and nod her head, and another one is on regular street drugs because she was put on so much adderall that she became addicted to methamphetamines...so this is why I feel that way about the drugs doctors prescribe for these people...remember these are my oppinions only...

I'm not sure what you are specifically referring to when you say "psychotropic medications" - are you referring to anti-depressants? anti-psychotics? there are different classes of psychotropic medications. Second, adderall is not a psychotropic drug, and it is very different from an anti-depressant. the drugs are not to blame - the people that take them ARE. you have to be responsible when you take any kind of prescribed drug - whether it's alerting your doctor to adverse side effects, taking them as prescribed, or staying in touch with your doctor, and then mixing them with things they aren't supposed to be mixed with. a lot of people don't do this and aren't responsible with the substances they put into their bodies. and you have to be REALLY careful when tapering off of any of these medications - it has to be done slowly and over a period of months, in the care, again, of a responsible physician. (and you are right, there are also unfortunately prescribing doctors that will give out prescriptions like legalized drug dealers, without requiring their patients to be in some form of therapy as well, which is irresponsible in my opinion. call it part of the pharmaceutical healthcare complex.) anyway...

I think that every case of women killing children that we hear about in the media has been completely different sets of circumstances. Andrea Yates also supposedly took psychiatric drugs for postpartum psychosis and suicide attempts, but what probably would have helped her more, in my opinion, was using birth control or getting her tubes tied. Her husband should have recognized that hey, maybe my wife shouldn't have any more children if she's having obvious mental issues, or maybe I should get snipped to, you know, help her out a little? Casey Anthony in my mind is clearly a selfish sociopath with no conscience - I see this as being her only "mental issue". I think that the Huckaby case is going to be definitely unique and not one we can really compare to any previous ones that we know of. I think it might also have an effect on the forensic psychology community, in that female predators are so rarely studied or heard of, until now.

(anyway - sorry this is going totally O/T)
Since this case has sparked interest in the seemingly rare occurrence of child molestation by women, I thought I would give it its own thread.

I'm posting an interesting article from the Seattle Times about the subject. of note, the author, Rebecca Morris, notes that we tend to view male predators as "beasts" and female predators as troubled and/or mentally ill.

Female sex offenders reveal cultural double standard


It all seems so terribly familiar.

A trusted, even respected or beloved teacher is accused of having a sexual relationship with a student.

What used to shock us, but is now much too commonplace, is that the teacher is a woman.

Their names become tabloid headlines: Mary K. Letourneau, Debra Lafave, Pamela Diehl-Moore and others.
Source: Sandra Cantu Murdered In Church

By: Rowena Shaddox
FOX40 News

April 13, 2009

TRACY - Sources have confirmed to FOX40 News that they believe murder suspect Melissa Huckaby killed 8-year-old Sandra Cantu inside the church where her grandfather is pastor.

It's the latest in a case that has affected an entire nation, and left those who live near Clover Road Baptist Church, unable to comprehend that something so heinous could happen in a place of worship.

One of the most horrific images I have emblazoned on my mind is that of Dennis Rader (aka BTK) taking his dead victim into the church where he was an official, and photographing her posed body on the ALTAR!!! This, and his murdering of the little Otero girl and all of the others will be forever set in my mind that there is a special place in Hell for such murderers!

It's just my opinion, but I don't think the church has any significance to these people. They didn't take any of their religious teachings enough to heart and the church was just a place that they knew for sure that would be empty, they had an excuse if they were seen there, and they knew no one would be stopping by to disturb them. BTK did the same thing when he was off on an outing with the Boy Scouts.
and you've reached this conclusion on what evidence at hand?
Rape by instrumentation on an 8 year old female is the charge. I can only assume there is sufficient evidence to back up this charge. Now...assuming there is...one would have to conclude that the child endured injury and pain during the course of this action against her. We also know that rape is an act of violence and control.

So which part are you questioning?
I am glad you started this thread so people can see it really DOES happen. And they do act alone. I have seen so much already in terms of what I would call a gender bias in this case. Repeatedly people have said there MUST be male involved since a woman would not do this alone. BS!

Granted, women don't often kill their victims...but some do. I would like to do more research in that area, too. I believe there are cases out there to show it has happened and women can be as vicious as any male predator.
Psychotropic drugs are not always the answer but more often than not they are. It's my belief that they are sometimes given as a last resort to people who are already thatched in the noggin too far. I'm on Zoloft and I've never wanted to harm or kill someone. To blame the drugs, IMO, is ludicrous. It's like saying that an alcoholic who takes two Tylenol every morning for a hangover is only an alcoholic because they take Tylenol. It's just an over simplification.

alcohol and caffeine can be defined as psychoactive/psychotropic substances. Not sure what the argument (or fear) of reasonably prescribed drugs is - even if abused or not taken as prescribed. Psychotropic/psychoactive (I believe) means only that a substance has a discernible affect on behavior - that could mean something as minor as calming anxiety or as significant as diminishing psychotic episodes. It can help with alzheimers. It can be given to children. It's a very vague description. Making assumptions on medication (or the lack thereof) at this point doesn't seem to be very helpful.
This story shows how it important to be very careful and not let ourselves get carried away in anger over what happened to sweet, beautiful little Sandra Cantu. A second, innocent woman named Melissa Huckaby lives in Tracy, CA. She's also 28 years old, a single mother of a 5 year old and is a Sunday school teacher. Apparently she's been getting death threats and her whole family is traumatised:

California Sunday School Teacher Mistaken for Accused Child Killer
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Associated Press

Please pardon me if you have come across this message posted on other threads, but it's so important to get the word out even to future visitors or casual visitors who may read only this thread.

It's a good thing we don't live in a society were mob mentality, vigilante justice and witch hunts run rampant. This poor woman might not have survived the week.
Rape by instrumentation on an 8 year old female is the charge. I can only assume there is sufficient evidence to back up this charge. Now...assuming there is...one would have to conclude that the child endured injury and pain during the course of this action against her. We also know that rape is an act of violence and control.

So which part are you questioning?

Probably the part where it was proved that this occurred before death.
I have a friend who one day opened up to me about her mother.... she did not go into details......her Mother molested her and her little brother on a routine basis when they where children. This totally shocked me because I had never heard of this type of behaviour.

My friend has talked about her mom over the years and her mental illness. She and her brother eventually went through therapy many years later to help deal with these events that happened on a regular basis in her childhood. She is now in her 40, has had not contact with her Mom in years, and she has 2 children that she is very protective of.

I have not talked to her since the MH incident..... I know this must be bringing back horrible memories. When I was a child I was molested by a family friend of my grandfathers. I was 6-7....all I remember is telling my Dad and my Dad and Uncle beat the crap out of this man.....then called the police. I could not tell you what happened to the man in the legal system... I do not feel I have any affects of the incident, however, my friend has had a difficult life dealing with what happened to her.

I am going to call my friend and catch up with her and see how she is dealing with all that has happened to SC. If she is willing to talk about what went on in her life and how she over came the trauma... I will post and give you some details, and maybe she can tell me what she was told in therapy WHY her Mom did this to her and her brother.
I actually don't think we really know how many female sexual predators are out there. They have the best cover in the world to protect themselves from detection.

While a male victim doesn't want to see themselves as a victim I highly doubt that female victims wants to tell they have been molested by a female adult either.

I read an article the other day and will see if I can locate it again, where it stated 80% of sexual abuse allegations against a female molester are not believed. So imo the stats in place now are skewed based on the ones who got caught or reported, when I believe they are countless others out there who haven't been, who use societal views to their advantage that women cant do this horrible type of crimes.

It sickens me to the core when they see their abuses as a meaningful "relationship.":furious:

All along while we have been taught to keep an eye on the male they have scampered undetected and they, not the male, has much more time to be with a child without being questioned or distrusted. It is the perfect setup for the female predator.

This also shows how age old myths can continue to flourish when the truth is entirely different. How many times do we see it discussed that the female predator has to be a victim of childhood abuse and they have to have that in their history when the facts disprove that? When do we call male predators victims or even care if they were?

From the article:

About 25 percent of women and up to 17 percent of men say they experienced sexual abuse as children, ranging from seeing someone exposing themselves to intercourse. Boys are less likely to report abuse.

No matter how they may try to sugarcoat it......both genders are sexual predators and despicable and do so much irreversible harm to children, both boys and girls.


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