Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

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The description on Netflix did not even come close to the depravity the movie displayed.. it is downloadable on Netflix. If you have netflix, you'll know that it "recommends" movies to you based on selections (drama, crime, indie, foreign, etc). When I read the description, it sounded sad, but interesting. The actual movie is difficult to watch, especially for one with children. VERY informative on how he abducted her.. that is a must see for any parent cause this kid's character in the movie wasn't one to just go with strangers.

I saw Tom Arnold in an interview after this movie. He said it was very tough to do and very heartbreaking, but he felt the story should be told. I don't think I could handle watching it.
You may very well be correct on this, but for my own mental health, I guess I just don't want to imagine a world where someone could just wake up and decide to kill/torture someone. :(

Truly evil people don't just wake up and decide to kill/torture someone. They go to bed thinking about it, fantasizing about it, planning it...then, when opportunity presents itself (or they create the opportunity) they act on those fantasies and plans. Jeffrey Dahmer comes to mind. BTK killer is another. Same flat affect when re-counting the stories -- at least Jeffrey Dahmer pretended to have empathy for his victims.

Scarier thought than them just waking up and deciding to kill/torture someone, if you ask me. To outsiders (and even loved ones) they appear perfectly normal -- if only their true thoughts/desires/drives could be seen.
Lets just pray that the FEMALE POI in the Victoria Stafford case isnt the
2nd. There are some scary similarities in the cases.
Truly evil people don't just wake up and decide to kill/torture someone. They go to bed thinking about it, fantasizing about it, planning it...then, when opportunity presents itself (or they create the opportunity) they act on those fantasies and plans. Jeffrey Dahmer comes to mind. BTK killer is another. Same flat affect when re-counting the stories -- at least Jeffrey Dahmer pretended to have empathy for his victims.

Scarier thought than them just waking up and deciding to kill/torture someone, if you ask me. To outsiders (and even loved ones) they appear perfectly normal -- if only their true thoughts/desires/drives could be seen.

I am not sure if you saw the beginning of this conversation SS and I were debating, we were talking about why people do these things--contributing factors like mental issues or being born that way. It was probably a poor choice of words for me to say wake up and decide to do it, I do know that crimes are premeditated and planned, I meant people being born "evil", which I don't really accept, but again, like I said, it might be for my own peace of mind to think that human nature is not that awful :( Abuse, mental illlness, brain chemical issues, etc. vs. "born that way".
I am not sure if you saw the beginning of this conversation, we were talking about why people do these things--contributing factors like mental issues or being born that way. It was probably a poor choice of words for me to say wake up and decide to do it, I do know that crimes are premeditated and planned, I meant people being born "evil", which I don't really accept, but again, like I said, it might be for my own peace of mind to think that human nature is not that awful :( Abuse, mental illlness, brain chemical issues, etc. vs. "born that way".

:blowkiss: I know. It's soooo hard for us to think that human nature can be that awful. ITA! I didn't mean any offense by my post (and I apologize if you took it that way) -- there's a lot of dissention on whether people are just born evil or that negative experience in their lives "turn" them that way, or are exacerbated by mental illnesses. I only posted, because, sadly, through life's lessons, I've come to believe that truly evil people do exist. JMO. I wish I didn't feel that way. I wish I could assign a mental disorder to everyone who abuses or kills. At least, it would make me feel better.
:blowkiss: I know. It's soooo hard for us to think that human nature can be that awful. ITA! I didn't mean any offense by my post (and I apologize if you took it that way) -- there's a lot of dissention on whether people are just born evil or that negative experience in their lives "turn" them that way, or are exacerbated by mental illnesses. I only posted, because, sadly, through life's lessons, I've come to believe that truly evil people do exist. JMO. I wish I didn't feel that way. I wish I could assign a mental disorder to everyone who abuses or kills. At least, it would make me feel better.

Thanks, I did not take offense, I just thought I was not clear before, but I guess I was! ;)
I feel the need to clarify my statement last night that some people are born evil.

Obviously, feelings and beliefs of this nature can be very subjective and often tied into personal theology. I think very few people are "born evil" but it has happened and does happen IMO. I'd really rather not get any more into my own personal views and theology about it because that is OT here. But to reiterate, I do not think Melissa Huckaby was born evil. I believe she is a product of "nurture" rather than "nature". That is not to say her family of origin is necessarily responsible for her current state.
This story shows how it important to be very careful and not let ourselves get carried away in anger over what happened to sweet, beautiful little Sandra Cantu. A second, innocent woman named Melissa Huckaby lives near Tracy, CA. She's also 28 years old, a single mother of a 5 year old and is a Sunday school teacher. Apparently she's been getting death threats and her whole family is traumatised:

California Sunday School Teacher Mistaken for Accused Child Killer
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Associated Press

(carried on foxnews.com)

Please pardon me if you have come across this message posted on other threads, but it's so important to get the word out even to future visitors and casual visitors who may read only this thread.
This story shows how it important to be very careful and not let ourselves get carried away in anger over what happened to sweet, beautiful little Sandra Cantu. A second, innocent woman named Melissa Huckaby lives near Tracy, CA. She's also 28 years old, a single mother of a 5 year old and is a Sunday school teacher. Apparently she's been getting death threats and her whole family is traumatised:

California Sunday School Teacher Mistaken for Accused Child Killer
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Associated Press

(carried on foxnews.com)

Please pardon me if you have come across this message posted on other threads, but it's so important to get the word out even to future visitors and casual visitors who may read only this thread.

OMG. This is just what I was thinking about in the rant thread. I was going to end with, every time a person in a teaching capacity (such as the Huckaby accused of the crime) commits a crime, it puts a black spot on any other teacher. How much more so, the woman in the article above. I feel so sad for her and her family.
I am wondering if this woman is wanting the notoriety of being the first pedophile woman murderer? Any thoughts? BTW, I think that this case merits more prominent attention here.

Maybe she is just the first caught.

I was thinking about other unsolved cases where they found the child's body and molestation had occurred but no semen left behind if it may have been done by a female predator and LE never considered that avenue in their investigation.

Somehow I just don't feel she is the first.
I am wondering if this woman is wanting the notoriety of being the first pedophile woman murderer? Any thoughts? BTW, I think that this case merits more prominent attention here.

You raise an important issue. There is no question that this female is NOT the first pedo murderer. By a long shot. Throughout history. Lots of case history to refer to. I can refer to a Dr., a woman survivor/psychologist's well received and very recent book on the exact same matter. But there's a lot of expertise here as well, so I figure those who need to know know this. Regarding the term I raised last week, "Abrahimic sacrifice"... this is a sicko terrible phenomenon in some inner sanctums of some cultified churches - to excuse heinous behavior.

What is important, and one SuzyQ/Seriously... raise below, is the context of such heinous crimes, the female against female crime. When a woman rapes and kills a child not her own, you BETCHA there's "history" there. Didn't another Baptist pastor in the town say exactly that of this LAWLWSS pastor tribe?

Most past such cases are GENERATIONAL, with AUTHORITY FIGURES (80% include female) who pass on the offending. Case history of MPD (in common street parlance, the nuttiest of the nuts) always involves sexual abuse as a child, and no, not all molested children offend as adults, just as all adult offenders were not all molested as children... but almost all female molestors were.

I would bet the farm on generational abuse in the LAWLESS household.

I would also bet she's going to come up as MPD. MPD, psychopathic drugs, whatever, does not not excuse her unspeakably deviant behavior, but people should at least be asking good questions as to why she did this, as this is a very serious overlooked issue. And BTW, let's not all be so shocked that such heinousness is apparent in ALL human genetic expression. Just pick up any newspaper or book on the matter, and IMO religious nutcases do seem to go the extra mile to please their personal devils. When has it ever NOT been like this? Before we skin her alive, that is. As she well deserves. In any case, I bet she's probably more capable of doing just that to herself, I figure she was taught early on in such black arts.

As for poor Sandra, I figure she may have had some idea of why a five year old girl looked to her for friendship.

In some way I think she took "the hit" for the 5 y.o. who's turn it would have been some day soon.

I choose to think that Sandra knew something was not right, and may have been going to tell. I choose to think that Melissa was no stranger to her grandparents in that park, and I choose to think that others in that small small community, Wohler included, was in the know. Did anyone else wonder if unstable Melissa was JEALOUS of Sandra?

As for the grandmother and the grandfather, I shall never get over his smarmy smile when asked if he was a suspect. Someone should truth serum those two.

No pedo actor acts alone. To convince oneself of that is to doom us all to repeats. If you're gonna rout out the Melissa Huckaby's do it good and do it right, get the entire plagued nest.

PS I wonder if Connie made her wash her stomach out with those razorblades... 50-50 in my book she did it herself, was made to do it...
Maybe she is just the first caught.

I was thinking about other unsolved cases where they found the child's body and molestation had occurred but no semen left behind if it may have been done by a female predator and LE never considered that avenue in their investigation.

Somehow I just don't feel she is the first.

From the literature I've read:

women who were sexually abused as children most likely turn that pain inward on themselves--self-destruction, depression...

men could turn it on themselves, but then ACT it out, by becoming pedophiles themselves.
SS and ShareTheLight... both of you mentioned that you thought that MH wanted to get caught. Right now it really looks to me like she wanted to get caught for the murder of Sandra. I really am not sure about MH wanting to get caught for the molestation. What do you all think?

I am thinking that we need to know what exactly is the history she has with drugging children. If the incident with Sandra being found drugged is an isolated incident, and has a history of molesting children it may mean that MH placed Sandra in an area that could be linked to her, the mobil home park. I don't know. Any insights or opinions? Thank you! :beats:

I am not sure of what Huckaby actually wanted to happen. As of now I don't find her words very credible based upon her inconsistent statements, which have been many.

I do find her fascinating somehow. She seems to manipulate how things come out and rearranges what happened.

I even noticed in her talks with the media she blamed LE for not finding Sandra sooner as if to totally dismiss that SHE :mad: was the one that actually murdered Sandra and threw her in the pond in the first place.

I cant remember the psyche doctor's name that was on one of the shows the other night but imo she had MH pegged right. She was on before it came out that MH was saying it was an accident. The doctor said that Melissa would begin to rearrange the story to put herself in a better light. As if she really wasn't to blame for this tragic results. She said that is what psychopaths do.

I believe she has had these perversions for a very long time. She may have only molested children in the past but the urge made her want more and more.

I will not dump in that she was abused as a child since there is absolutely no evidence of that and frankly even if so, it will never make this ok or understandable to me. Millions of boys and girls have suffered from sexual abuse and they don't go on to be a pedophile, murderer or both.

I do hope though that this case does expose that female predators are out there looking for vulnerable little children just like male pedophiles are.

I think many of them don't get caught because we tend to see women as the safer gender when that may not actually be true. It is a perfect cover for them and the female predator uses that to their advantage.

This story shows how it important to be very careful and not let ourselves get carried away in anger over what happened to sweet, beautiful little Sandra Cantu. A second, innocent woman named Melissa Huckaby lives in Tracy, CA. She's also 28 years old, a single mother of a 5 year old and is a Sunday school teacher. Apparently she's been getting death threats and her whole family is traumatised:

California Sunday School Teacher Mistaken for Accused Child Killer
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Associated Press

Please pardon me if you have come across this message posted on other threads, but it's so important to get the word out even to future visitors or casual visitors who may read only this thread.
Wow. Some very insightful posts here. I started thinking if I knew of a case where a female sexually abused another female without the provocation or coercion by a male.

You know the book/movie about Sybil, the woman with multiple personalities, right?

Do you think that the mother in that case, was not only sadistic but a female pedophile?
I think she wanted to get caught.
She talked a lot. And she didn't just talk about anything, she spoke about elements that were central to this crime.
I don't by any means think she was a seasoned perp. And I don't think this was her first offense against a child.
She is twisted and wanted to get caught.
I don't think she wanted to be the first pedo murderer

I'm not a psychologist, but I think she wanted to get caught, too, she just didn't realize it. She didn't start out wanting to get caught--she'd been in trouble before.
And when she committed the crime, I wonder if she was even thinking about getting caught. She was engaged in the moment, and driven by whatever drove her to rape and kill poor Sandra. The rage, dementia, whatever, were in charge.

Once it was done, she must have realized she needed to hide the body, so something inside her head moved her to do that.

Afterwards, all her behavior that was a supposed attempt at covering up, ended up being a trail that led straight back to her. Blabbing, notes, etc. She couldn't have been more obvious! A person who didn't feel guilty and didn't want to get caught would never have said a word about the suitcase, or anything else. Maybe her lifetime of religious indoctrination surfaced, and guilt made her turn herself in, which in effect is what she did.
Then again....she's mentally ill...so who knows. I'm only guessing. But I don't think her goal was to be the first pedo murderer. She wasn't that organized.
I agree - some very insightful and thought provoking posts in this thread!

As for Sybil's mom - yes, she could have been a pedofile, but I think maybe she found enough at home to keep her from going out in the world (at least I hope so).

I'm not a psychologist, but I think she wanted to get caught, too, she just didn't realize it. She didn't start out wanting to get caught--she'd been in trouble before.
And when she committed the crime, I wonder if she was even thinking about getting caught. She was engaged in the moment, and driven by whatever drove her to rape and kill poor Sandra. The rage, dementia, whatever, were in charge.

<respectfully snipped for relevancy>

IMO this was a young woman who felt trapped by her childhood (the note to the friend which I believe was NOT a tactic, but a cry for help - at a time when she actually could have been helped), a young woman who felt backed into a corner with no way out, a young woman with a past history of physical, mental and sexual abuse, a young woman with a history of drugs, theft and other crimes. The mental illness is there, and IMO it is nurture rather than nature (meaning her issues were caused by many contributing factors).

Therefore, she wanted to be caught. And I'll bet she's hoping the WHOLE truth will come out. About the Tracy 60, about her own abuse, and about any other direct knowledge she has. (None of the above was written to excuse her actions.)
I cant remember the psyche doctor's name that was on one of the shows the other night but imo she had MH pegged right. She was on before it came out that MH was saying it was an accident. The doctor said that Melissa would begin to rearrange the story to put herself in a better light. As if she really wasn't to blame for this tragic results. She said that is what psychopaths do.

Remember when the reporter confronted her on the criminal complaint for petty theft, and Melissa told her, "That's not me", even though the address and phone number on the court record were hers?

Deliberate denial of reality.

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