Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

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:Welcome-12-june: snapdragon :wave:
You have to be our resident 'Sharp Tack' SS. :blowkiss: I've probably already said this but your searching is phenom!

I never even thought of that! LOLOLOL
:blushing: Thanks, Scandi! I don't consider myself a sharp tack tho. I just try to pay attention "in class". LOL WS101, you know.

We were checking out the envelopes earlier of their latest search on the church and of the home. The envelopes look to be possibly holding more than paperwork, pens, etc. which was reportedly what the search was for because of the supposed note (the Cantu, water, suitcase note) MH wrote. They almost look as if they were holding vhs tapes or audio tapes perhaps. ;)
However, I think some people are sadistic and don't need drugs, mental health issues, or other factors to figure into why they rape and murder children. It could be more simplistic, imo.

You may very well be correct on this, but for my own mental health, I guess I just don't want to imagine a world where someone could just wake up and decide to kill/torture someone. :(
I don't think Melissa wanted to be caught, and I don't think she's that mentally ill. She wasn't running amok in Target, she was stealing. She's not out eating flies or staring into space in a schizoprenic daze either. She was forming a plot, writing a note (even plotting the misspelling), and trying to get out of this somehow. I think she messed up in her timeframe and the cops (with the help of the reporter) were on to her. The questioning about and getting off scott free when the drugging of the other child happened didn't help. After that, she probably thought she could get away with anything.
I don't think she ever planned to get caught. No matter which way I look at this, she is evil, just plain evil. I can't even suggest that her brain is mis-firing because she did try to point away from herself - she is just plain, outright evil to the core - there is no other way to describe it. She truly thought she was going to get away with it.
OK. But then, what is reason? Please elaborate. Sincerely.

Hope you don't mind that I'm not SuziQ - but.....

I am reserving any opinions until we know the cause of death, whether or not drugs were used, what the extent of any prior activity might be and whether or not MH was taking pictures. I think all of these things will go a long way toward helping me form an opinion.

At this point, I'm not so sure she didn't want to get caught. For someone who didn't want to get caught, she sure threw out a lot of clues and did a major amount of blabbing. I think there is definitely something wrong with her - that razor swallowing is just crazy.

I'm finding this quite interesting, no disrespect intended. And I agree it is important to explore what might have possibley motivated her for future reference.

OK. But then, what is reason? Please elaborate. Sincerely.

There could be a laundry list of reason's based on having a mental illness. Or she could merely be an evil person. I just don't see boredom as playing into the motive here. IMO, of course.
I think she wanted to get caught.
She talked a lot. And she didn't just talk about anything, she spoke about elements that were central to this crime.
I don't by any means think she was a seasoned perp. And I don't think this was her first offense against a child.
She is twisted and wanted to get caught.
I don't think she wanted to be the first pedo murderer
Respectfully snipped
However, I think some people are sadistic and don't need drugs, mental health issues, or other factors to figure into why they rape and murder children. It could be more simplistic, imo.

So do you think there is just something missing in their physical makeup that leaves them without a conscience? I wonder about this. I have the hardest time with the death penalty (not trying to start a debate here) because I don't think we should allow criminals to make us be the ones to decide if they should die or not. But then I think if they are missing some crucial part of being human, then there is no help for them anyway and there is no reason to keep them alive. Like a broken doll or chair or something that can't be glued back together - just get rid of it.

Okay - sorry to get lost here....:blushing:

I don't think she wanted to get caught. Most murderers don't, in fact, I think Sandra was killed because Melissa didn't want to get caught for being a pedo. I think the premeditation part of the charges is the fact that the abuse was premeditated and it led to Sandra's death.

IMO, taking another life like Melissa did is about as selfish and arrogant as one could get. I also think that a murderer's arrogance is what trips them up. I think Melissa has been getting away with alot of things for years and it never occured to her that this time would be different.

ETA: I think Melissa's arrogance was greater than her intelligence.
Respectfully snipped

So do you think there is just something missing in their physical makeup that leaves them without a conscience? I wonder about this. I have the hardest time with the death penalty (not trying to start a debate here) because I don't think we should allow criminals to make us be the ones to decide if they should die or not. But then I think if they are missing some crucial part of being human, then there is no help for them anyway and there is no reason to keep them alive. Like a broken doll or chair or something that can't be glued back together - just get rid of it.

Okay - sorry to get lost here....:blushing:

Yes. I do. Something is missing from birth in some people and their nature/nurture is severely affected. Also they do not possess the ability to feel guilt or remorse. They can be literally born without a conscience. Now...Do I think MH is one of those people? No. How is that for complicating things? LOL
I had the misfortune to watch a movie called Gardens of the Night- not for the faint of heart. It depicts the kidnapping of a young girl by a pedophile for use in the sex trade, and her ensuing life of prostitution. It is a sad, sad movie, and I almost stopped it a few times, but wanted to see if she turned out ok or not. Anyway, in the movie, the pedo, played by Tom Arnold, traffics young children for prostitution and child *advertiser censored*. How they make contact in the movie is in person... they have a large photo album and send these poor kids around the country to "customers", many of whom are "upstanding" citizens. BTW, they also used drugs to subdue the children as well. A glimpse into the most horrendous, evil world you can imagine. If you are interested in how these human slime operate, this movie is a good example if you can stomach it.

Could you share where you got the movie? Did you buy it or rent it, or was it at the theater?

Thank you
I think some of these people don't have any empathy for others and want instant gratification no matter what happens. It could range from stealing from Target to killing someone. I'd be willing to bet that the suicide attempt or illness that it brought on was something that was used in the past to get attention, to get out of something, to get all the attention onto something else, or for financial gain such as a disability check or living free with relatives. Her ex husband is probably going to be able to write a book about this if he so chooses to do so. The note to the friend of hers about not being wanted blah blah sounds like the same tactics learned by high school age.
Could you share where you got the movie? Did you buy it or rent it, or was it at the theater?

Thank you


The description on Netflix did not even come close to the depravity the movie displayed.. it is downloadable on Netflix. If you have netflix, you'll know that it "recommends" movies to you based on selections (drama, crime, indie, foreign, etc). When I read the description, it sounded sad, but interesting. The actual movie is difficult to watch, especially for one with children. VERY informative on how he abducted her.. that is a must see for any parent cause this kid's character in the movie wasn't one to just go with strangers.
I have read some articles that suggested that she was dealing with a lot of mental issues and had seen doctors for this which leads me to my own theory that she was indeed on psychotropic meds, plus i believe i did read that she was coming down off of them when this happened, if you want a link, message me and ill find it for ya, I have a theory, believe it or dont, that many of the women that have commited these types of crimes are on some types of psychotropic drugs, and this is not something i just came up with, if you look at many women who were commiting some type of violence or murder agsaint kids, many were on these type meds, either too much or mixing these drugs, like andrea yates, susan smith etc etc. I can look up a whole list if you like, many people like to use the excuse that they were crazy before the drugs but If that were the case why didnt they display that behavior before the drugs??? I have seen three of my personal friends totally disinegrate under psychiatric medicinal care, im talking college buddies of mine. who were completely normal, go to the doctor s for situational depression, and come back with all these medications!!! one trying to take her life three times AFTER she was put on drugs, another one is completely bonkers now all she does is smile at you and nod her head, and another one is on regular street drugs because she was put on so much adderall that she became addicted to methamphetamines...so this is why I feel that way about the drugs doctors prescribe for these people...remember these are my oppinions only...

I learned in nursing school that depressed people will try to commit suicide when they come out of a deep depression. That is when they have the energy to carry it out. Could Melissa's medication have pulled her out of some depression and gave her the energy to actually carry out more of a heinous crime? She seems to have started out with shoplifting, possibly drugging a child, then progressed into murder all without her family or the probation officer noticing insanity and having her committed.
Interesting txsvicki... and I wonder if she is still on meds - the same ones, different ones, or now none at all.
I would think that if she was involved in a *advertiser censored* ring, her computer and cell phone would hold a lot of information. Also, if she had any video camera/equipment. MOO

Hi Panthera, I would 'guess' that someone else provided the mechanics of the filming and MH's role would be getting the child and doing the acting, just sayin'. Only MO. xox
SS and ShareTheLight... both of you mentioned that you thought that MH wanted to get caught. Right now it really looks to me like she wanted to get caught for the murder of Sandra. I really am not sure about MH wanting to get caught for the molestation. What do you all think?

I am thinking that we need to know what exactly is the history she has with drugging children. If the incident with Sandra being found drugged is an isolated incident, and has a history of molesting children it may mean that MH placed Sandra in an area that could be linked to her, the mobil home park. I don't know. Any insights or opinions? Thank you! :beats:
Right now since I'm leaning towards MH having been the victim of molestation, probably at the hands of a woman perp I'm going to say that she knows she is not the first woman pedo. I don't think that she is even thinking about being the first or receiving any type of notoriety. Not for the molestation for the reasons I listed above, nor for the murder because I think that she is still trying to make sense of how it happened, WHY it happened, and just completely lost in her head :headache:.
No I don't believe notoriety was a motive. I think she's done this before (drugging/molestation/exploitation, etc.) but something went wrong this time and Sandra ended up dead which prompted a hastily, ill contrived disposal and cover up. Still not convinced she was alone as far as motive (drugging/molestation/exploitation) is concerned, although it is possible, probability says otherwise.

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