Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

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I DO think she wanted to be caught, hence the overtalking, leaving notes, eating razor blades.... I think she knows she's sick and some other things I'm not willing to post right now, but I think she was willing to be caught.

No, I don't think she wanted notoriety particularly.
I have read some articles that suggested that she was dealing with a lot of mental issues and had seen doctors for this which leads me to my own theory that she was indeed on psychotropic meds, plus i believe i did read that she was coming down off of them when this happened, if you want a link, message me and ill find it for ya,

I have a theory, believe it or dont, that many of the women that have commited these types of crimes are on some types of psychotropic drugs, and this is not something i just came up with, if you look at many women who were commiting some type of violence or murder agsaint kids, many were on these type meds, either too much or mixing these drugs, like andrea yates, susan smith etc etc. I can look up a whole list if you like, many people like to use the excuse that they were crazy before the drugs but If that were the case why didnt they display that behavior before the drugs???

I have seen three of my personal friends totally disinegrate under psychiatric medicinal care, im talking college buddies of mine. who were completely normal, go to the doctor s for situational depression, and come back with all these medications!!! one trying to take her life three times AFTER she was put on drugs, another one is completely bonkers now all she does is smile at you and nod her head, and another one is on regular street drugs because she was put on so much adderall that she became addicted to methamphetamines... so this is why I feel that way about the drugs doctors prescribe for these people... remember these are my oppinions only...

<paragraph separation added for easier reading>

And the above is why people need to be careful about "research" companies that offer free depression medication and "care". I've read some horror stories about that.
Was this woman so bored with her lack lustre life that she decided to take the life of this precious girl?
I am not sure if she is wanting to be recognized as the "original woman pedo" and/or I am not sure if it's the desparation of gaining the ultimate attention? (I don't know if the act itself fulfilled her as per the pedophile behavior OR if she was aiming for attention copying pedophile behavior. Does that make any sense at all?)

Women who kill are a mystery to me. Post partum psychosis is almost understandable (IMO), there was a lady who ran her husband over with a car because of his infidelity (not saying it's a good reason or plan but almost understandable?) I just can't fathom a reason for murdering a neighbor kid? Even if I look at it like a "John Couey" situation, I can't for a minute grasp a woman being this heinous.

I think in HER mind, if there was a drugging, let's say hypothetically, she DIDN'T mean to kill her... just rape her and MAYBE tape it. (And I say "just" not lightly and in MH thinking KWIM?) In other words, accidental overdose.
Reporter David Begnaud from KOVR stated, "We do know that parents have come forward to police alleging the suspect MH may have been involved in the production of some child *advertiser censored*. We do know that police are looking at that. We also know that there is a prior case of a child under the age of 10 that was drugged and there was an implication that MH was involved. Police do confirm there is an open case and that has now been blended in with this investigation." (Transcribed by me from my dvr to be exact about what he said)

Thanks SS, do you mind posting this in the other possible victims thread as well?
I'm in the very few who believe that Melissa was involved in child *advertiser censored* and the only thread I had to discuss this was on was the Tracy 60 as my thoughts were not well received. I'm not specifically interested in the Tracy 60 but more the child *advertiser censored* theory behind this murder. Since this news report has sprung up, I'm interested in creating a thread as well if more information comes out. I suspect that it will in due time as the LE wouldn't want to tip off that they know of bigger things. That seems par with this investigation, i.e., let the perps feel safe.

I agree. I stated it elsewhere here and in the astro forum.
I would think that if she was involved in a *advertiser censored* ring, her computer and cell phone would hold a lot of information. Also, if she had any video camera/equipment. MOO

Yes, I agree.

I'm particularly interested in the wiring taken off of the roof of the church, or the rumor to such.

I'm interested in what they got off the Lawless computer they took.

I'm also wondering how sophisticated this can be, as if this is a word of mouth situation when it comes to child *advertiser censored*. I'm not that skilled in such areas, but am interested for other reasons not pertaining to Sandra's case.

And... no Sunshine law in CA... DARN IT!!
Was this woman so bored with her lack lustre life that she decided to take the life of this precious girl?

With all her other issues? I doubt boredom would be the reason.
I'm not sure I trust that Huckaby did have internal bleeding. The report of the internal bleeding came from Huckaby herself, and for some reason, I just don't trust that she's telling the whole truth.

I'm going to wait and see if they come out with why she was in the hospital. Another source other than Huckaby. JMHO

It was reported this morning on local TV news (not sure which network) that MH was hospitalized for swallowing 3 exacto knife razor blades.
We only guessed wiring could be a possibility of what the officer was looking for on the roof of the church. It was pointed out it could be a number of things instead. It also could have been their (LE's) own "wiring".
Welcome to WS, Snapdragon! Yes, now it is being reported from many media sources. I hope they have their facts right!
I think in HER mind, if there was a drugging, let's say hypothetically, she DIDN'T mean to kill her... just rape her and MAYBE tape it. (And I say "just" not lightly and in MH thinking KWIM?) In other words, accidental overdose.

Most pedophiles who kill children do so because the victim doesn't play along with the plan and threatens to tell. Murdering the victim is merely a self protective act by the perp. They simply don't want to get caught.
It was reported this morning on local TV news (not sure which network) that MH was hospitalized for swallowing 3 exacto knife razor blades.

Thanks Snapdragon and WELCOME to WS ;} We love locals and everyone will appreciate your input, bring all of us closer to the case.

If this weren't true I think Sgt Sheneman would have already put a kabitz on it as a rumor and not true. He has been very good about that. xox
We only guessed wiring could be a possibility of what the officer was looking for on the roof of the church. It was pointed out it could be a number of things instead. It also could have been their (LE's) own "wiring".

You have to be our resident 'Sharp Tack' SS. :blowkiss: I've probably already said this but your searching is phenom!

I never even thought og that! LOLOLOL
Yes, I agree.

I'm particularly interested in the wiring taken off of the roof of the church, or the rumor to such.

I'm interested in what they got off the Lawless computer they took.

I'm also wondering how sophisticated this can be, as if this is a word of mouth situation when it comes to child *advertiser censored*. I'm not that skilled in such areas, but am interested for other reasons not pertaining to Sandra's case.

And... no Sunshine law in CA... DARN IT!!

I had the misfortune to watch a movie called Gardens of the Night- not for the faint of heart. It depicts the kidnapping of a young girl by a pedophile for use in the sex trade, and her ensuing life of prostitution. It is a sad, sad movie, and I almost stopped it a few times, but wanted to see if she turned out ok or not. Anyway, in the movie, the pedo, played by Tom Arnold, traffics young children for prostitution and child *advertiser censored*. How they make contact in the movie is in person... they have a large photo album and send these poor kids around the country to "customers", many of whom are "upstanding" citizens. BTW, they also used drugs to subdue the children as well. A glimpse into the most horrendous, evil world you can imagine. If you are interested in how these human slime operate, this movie is a good example if you can stomach it.
IMO, there are always contributing factors as to why anyone commits these heinous crimes. Be it mental illness, abuse, whatever. The reason I feel it is necessary to understand them is to help people later on down the road. For instance, we know that it is important to attempt to help kids who hurt animals, trying to prevent them from going down the road to start hurting people. Maybe it's the Sociologist (ok, just the Sociology degree) in me that sees this as part of the bigger picture of our society.

People should not be taken off the hook when they commit atrocities against other people, but it is very important for the future to take lessons from the past.
Oh, I don't disagree! I do feel as you do that everything in such cases as this one should be analyzed to the fullest extent for many years to come to try to unlock some answers.

However, I think some people are sadistic and don't need drugs, mental health issues, or other factors to figure into why they rape and murder children. It could be more simplistic, imo.
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And the above is why people need to be careful about "research" companies that offer free depression medication and "care". I've read some horror stories about that.
right and forget about research companies what about all the doctors who prescribe it like candy??? i went to the psych once when i was going through a traumatic time and only after knowing me for 20 minutes, the doc suggested i be put on adderall for my adhd, then anti depressants, then anxiety meds and i refused. I instead take some herbs and try (i said try haha) to drink less coffee for anxiety...but i managed to get through college with flying colors by overcompensating for my dissability, which i like to call a learning 'DIFFERENCE' not a dissability duh duh duh lol... haha, but really, I am not one who believes that every problem should be answered by medications. there were over 100 kids in my sons public elementary school that are medicated, i cant possibly believe that that many kids had adhd...i dont know...I just think that alot of these women may have had some mental difficulties and were unessarily put on drugs and this is what can happen My oppinion only...

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