Raven's Website and Online Activity

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SouthEastSleuth said:
Raven says: "In my personal life I have never been afraid to make new acquaintances and in turn have many friends."
Don't we know it? It's hard to get a post in edge-wise with all of those friends of yours on this forum!
SouthEastSleuth said:
One of the strengths my mother possessed was aggressiveness and the unwillingness to accept circumstances as final.
ONE of the strengths, (and then he lists TWO things). :doh:

Anyway, his mother's strengths:

1) "Aggressiveness".
2) Unwillingness to accept circumstances as final.

1) "Aggressiveness" as a good trait? Maybe Raven misunderstood the lesson. Maybe his mom was trying to teach him about dedication, passion, persistence, etc., and he perceived it as "aggressiveness" (also known as aggression). Maybe a difference in upbringing. We were taught that aggression was a bad thing - in every situation. Here's the definition of aggression:

AOL Research & Learn: Dictionary from Merriam-Webster

Function: noun
Etymology: Latin aggression-, aggressio attack, from aggredi to attack, from ad- + gradi to step, go -- more at GRADE
1 : a forceful action or procedure (as an unprovoked attack) especially when intended to dominate or master
2 : the practice of making attacks or encroachments; especially : unprovoked violation by one country of the territorial integrity of another
3 : hostile, injurious, or destructive behavior or outlook especially when caused by frustration

2) "Unwillingness to accept circumstances as final." *SHIVER* Just plain creepy.
In the spirit of celebrations, as Raven's 26th birthday is fast approaching (October 11), I remembered that on Raven's blog profile page it lists his Chinese Zodiacal year of birth as being the Year of the Sheep (1979)... In looking up the underlying "meanings" associated with a person born in the Year of the Sheep, I came across the following:

"Those born in the Year of the Sheep are said to be charming, elegant and artistic, who like material comforts. A bit of a worrier they also have a tendency to complain about things. Jobs as actors, gardeners or beachcombers would suit."

If you believe in such things, this is certainly interesting - We know that Raven considers himself quite the charmer, quite the salesman. We know Raven loves material comforts for sure. Complainer? Sure. So to make it all complete, perhaps a new job as an "actor" is on the horizon? Seems Raven has plenty of skills on this front already.... and I bet with real acting gigs at least, a background check is not even included!


Blog profile - http://www.blogger.com/profile/8523421

Year of the Sheep info - http://www.new-year.co.uk/chinese/calendar/sheep.htm
Wow, my brother will be 30 on October 11th, and my brother doesn't possess any of the same qualities as The Raven.

He has a kind heart, gentle soul, is very caring and not self-centered or egotistical in the least. Him and his fiance are putting themselves through college, with no help, he has his own place, a puppy and lots of happiness in his life.

He was the youngest sibling and there is 13 years difference between him and I. Though growing up without money, my mother was ill, my father was laid off from steel mills for years and we were happy that we had a roof over our head and food on the table, and basic necessities, but we all worked together as a family.

Me working full-time and going to high school to pay the mortgage, both my brothers in grade school, doing their best in school without the "toys" others had.

I guess we had love, caring parents, stability and understanding as children which may have a huge part to do with the well adjusted, stable happy adults that we turned into.

My heart and soul hurt and I worry about Kaiden....
terminatrixator said:
I guess we had love, caring, stability and understanding as children which may have a huge part to do with the well adjusted, stable happy adults that we turned into.
I think that this is the bottom line. For most people, it doesn't matter how much we have. It only matters what we're taught. If we are given good morals and are taught to place life and love above everything else, we'll be just fine. If we're raised to be aggressive and seek to become wealthy at all costs then the opposite is often true.

I'm glad that your loving family demonstrated to you the appropriate priorities, terminatrixator. You're a wonderful woman and I feel honored to know you. :)
Thank you so much Jersey Girl, I am sorry we had to meet this way, but I am very grateful to have met you and think you are such a wonderful, caring woman also. I'm also grateful for all the other caring men and women I have met on this forum who are so interested in Seeking Justice for Janet and other Victims of horrendous crimes.

I really do think upbringing has a lot to do with how a persons personality is developed, however the person who lies, cheats, steals and murders has sole responsibility for his or her actions.

No matter what your past, your upbringing or your circumstances in life the ultimate responsibility lies within each and every person to choose the path they decide to take.

The Raven has obviously chosen the wrong path, and his path has led him to a life of eternal damnation!
terminatrixator said:
I really do think upbringing has a lot to do with how a persons personality is developed, however the person who lies, cheats, steals and murders has sole responsibility for his or her actions.
I completely agree. As we've said many times, there are plenty of people that grow up in awful circumstances and still turn out well. It is often harder to do that without that solid foundation yet we all should be accountable for ourselves in the end, regardless of our upbringings.
terminatrixator said:
Wow, my brother will be 30 on October 11th, and my brother doesn't possess any of the same qualities as The Raven.

He has a kind heart, gentle soul, is very caring and not self-centered or egotistical in the least. Him and his fiance are putting themselves through college, with no help, he has his own place, a puppy and lots of happiness in his life.

He was the youngest sibling and there is 13 years difference between him and I. Though growing up without money, my mother was ill, my father was laid off from steel mills for years and we were happy that we had a roof over our head and food on the table, and basic necessities, but we all worked together as a family.

Me working full-time and going to high school to pay the mortgage, both my brothers in grade school, doing their best in school without the "toys" others had.

I guess we had love, caring parents, stability and understanding as children which may have a huge part to do with the well adjusted, stable happy adults that we turned into.

My heart and soul hurt and I worry about Kaiden....
,,don't worry term, according to the calendar, your brother was born in the year of "the rabbit"..


rabbrabits abiits Rabbits are affectionate, co-operative and pleasant, with lots of friends. But they can get too sentimental and seem superficial. Ideal careers areas include law, diplomacy or the stage.
Wait a minute - I need to catch my breath from laughing ---

Raven has been giving back to the community since he was 15

:liar: Oh, yeah, he's been giving it to the community alright.
I don't have a membership at this site so I can't see Raven's join date. But it appears that he's looking to connect with his old high school mates? (Thanks to a fellow WS'er for this find.)

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This site has no association with the school or school district. (Hmm, so who's running this site and how did Raven find it? Maybe by searching the Web when he could have been doing something with his son? Or when he could have been creating a memorial site for Janet? Or when he could have been calling LE to ask for an update even.)
I can't help but wonder - with Raven signing up at Classmates, then registering at Myspace the day before Janet's murder, and now the high school reunion site he's joined - is he looking for someone specific?
JerseyGirl said:
Perhaps but I was more concerned about it being a "lost love" that's never left his mind.
Sorry I'm guffawing right now, but not at you JG. Me thinks The Raven only loves himself.:cool:
I hope a new girl love interest will decide to check out his story.

In the day of the internet, all girls and guys should do their best to check out a new love interest, especially when there is the availability of googling a person and if you Google Raven Abaroa there is a huge cloud hangin' over his head. Heck, if a girl gets too close these days, and looks past the receding hairline, she may actually be able to see the start of horns poppin' out of his head.
terminatrixator said:
Heck, if a girl gets too close these days, and looks past the receding hairline, she may actually be able to see the start of horns poppin' out of his head.
Unfortunately I'm thinkin' that raven will go for a young girl, probably naive, one that he can hide things from, and she probably won't check him out on the internet!
ewwwinteresting said:
Unfortunately I'm thinkin' that raven will go for a young girl, probably naive, one that he can hide things from, and she probably won't check him out on the internet!
Unfortunately, Ewww, you may be right.

I wonder if Karyn will treat this girl better, with less hostility, more humility and love than she treated her own daughter-in-law. I see how broken up Karyn is about her beautiful daughter-in-law, who gave her a grandchild, who was murdered along with her unborn child.

Karyn could seemingly make MommyDearest look like the Mother of the Year, IMO.
I often wonder how many times a person is mortified when something s/he said or did online comes out onto one of these forums. Something s/he didn't even realize could be found or would be sought. And how much sweating or wishing they had never written it is done.

Even more that that I wonder how many more things are out there that would cause a person to let out a huge sigh of relief that those items have not yet been discovered. And how much deleting, and archiving, and more sweating is done wondering if/when those missing pieces might be found and posted in a place such as this for all to see.
I checked out Raven on Classmates.com just now - I don't have a gold membership so I can't see some things. But what I did notice is that on March 8, 2005, Raven added a picture of Kaiden to his profile. It is a picture of Janet holding Kaiden. It seems that the man who only months before was posting pics of Janet AND Kaiden on his personal website decided to crop Janet out of this photo and only Kaiden appears, (Janet's chest and part of one hand can be seen in the photo).

In fairness, I can't be sure that the other pics are NOT Janet as I can't see them since I don't have a gold membership. And I also cannot be sure that the cropping of this photo wasn't done by Classmates although I can't see any reason for them to do so.

So if Kaiden was born in October 2004, but not added to Classmates.com until March 2005, does that mean that Raven didn't sign up at Classmates until March 2005? And why, if Janet had been pictured on Raven's personal website months before, why would he crop her out of this photo at Classmates.com in March? And since it is mentioned that his reason for joining was to connect with an old friend (a multiple choice selection), and he directs people to his personal website, could this be why Janet suddenly disappeared from Ravenstree? Was he looking for someone specific, and did he not want that person to know about Janet?

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