Reactions to Child *advertiser censored* Discovery

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< snip >

For the mother of the missing teen, these reports are a lot to take in.

"You just don't want to be associated with that stuff [alleged child *advertiser censored* and bestiality]."

< >

Sigh. My take on how this latest defence of SA (by BD) might run:

1. The police planted it. They're mean.
2. Mysterious relative X planted it. He's jealous.
3. SA's compter, like Herbie the Love Bug, has a mind of its own. It downloaded the heinous material for its own nefarious purposes.
4. I love SA. He isn't like that. He loves niceness. I'll chat to him about it. We'll work it out.
5. Those storage devices are blank. People see what they want to see,
6. I don't like LE digging round among all those ugly things. They're mean. Really mean.
7. SA who?

What will tomorrow bring?


Tara! Home! I'll go home! And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all... tomorrow is another day.
While I am ready to pounce on some people for stating things oddly, I think I find it more acceptable in Clint's speech. I think that if one by nature reserved, that if you knew that every word you uttered was being recorded, you would find yourself struggling to use the proper words. I guess I can relate to Clint, I am not comfortable in crowds, by nature I'm much of a loner, and have always been shy. It would be painful to find myself in a similar situation, so I am able to let him pass with an "A" for effort.
Thanks Salem! I guess, it just seems so wishy washy to me, I expected him to come out swinging, show some outrage for the implications this might have on what happened to his little girl.

I think he is too fragile for that. And I think it is too overwhelming for him to accept still. I think he has been listening to Billie too much, and believing her when she says the cops are just blaming Shawn because of the masks, but there is nothing to it, don't worry, we'll find her.

But I am afraid that once it hits him, he may walk across that ugly field and take care of business. N better keep a close eye on him. All this suppressed rage might explode, tragically. I hope not.
"You just don't want to be associated with that stuff."

I noticed she used 3rd person. Not "I".

Totally weak denial, and STILL defending Shawn. :sick:
Sort of has that Deer in the Headlight look !! In the video. IMO
Thanks Salem! I guess, it just seems so wishy washy to me, I expected him to come out swinging, show some outrage for the implications this might have on what happened to his little girl.

I understand how you might feel CD was wishy washy. I would have thought that way too, and I had wanted to see some real fire coming from him. But I guess I felt some of his pain and reconsidered. Watching him over the past few months, I have come to feel that he loved HD more than anyone else ever did, and that he feels helpless that he didn't "step up" to save her. It must be a terrible burden, and I can see the pain in his heart by looking at his face. He may not do well at expressing himself verbally, but his emotions are not faked and his tears are real and there for all to see. I do give him points for not faking it with the tissues and eye dabs.
Question, I have never tried using a cd-r in our xbox or xbox 360. I know that on the 360 you can plug in a flash drive as well.

I don't even want to go where that question could lead, but it would then be possible I would think for SA to watch what he had on the usb key and the cd.

Ugg, this all just makes me sick to my stomach. I so wanted and still want to believe that Billie had nothing to do or did not know anything about what happened to Hailey and as more and more comes out the more ill I feel.


Memory stick/ flashdrive has to be a formatted FAT 32 to be viewed or downloaded and stored in X-box hard drive (memory)
Whatever that means! I asked hubby

The memory stick had to be created/downloaded from a CPU. Could have been "mom 's" computer IMO there is a "missing"
computer here in this equation.

At this point, I am more concerned Clint may have an emotional breakdown
I went back and watched the first interview videos of SA and BD, SA especially has such a glazed look, sort of mesmerized I guess !
IMO He was still on a high about what he had been doing for the last 24 hours.
Billie quotes from today:

"I've talked to him [Adkins] about it a little bit and I'll talk to Shawn a little more [later]."

"I haven't gotten to talk to investigators, to find out what it is."

In another article way back when, Billie said she hadn't talked to investigators in over 3 weeks.

In yet another article way back when, Billie said she talks to investigators "every now & then".

Billie talks to Shawn (the suspect) way more than she talks to LE.

That's messed up, and then some.
She is in so much denial!

This is exactly what I said! I figured it was his stick and that he had taken it to his Mom's house and put the *advertiser censored* on it there. Until I see any evidence that directly links Billie Dunn to this memory stick then I do not believe she had anything to do with it. Call me crazy if you must but I think there could be a chance that he stuck it in a drawer that she never used or that maybe she had stuck it in there so it didn't get lost having no idea what was on it.

BBM. I don't think it's denial. She's trying to play the clueless card. Like Mark says, I don't believe BD is clueless or naive; she is street smart and savvy. I think BD knows exactly what's going on.
I will never buy into , that BD did not know what he was into totally !!
If they had been sharing the horror stories together, you know as well as I they were sharing everything, because their relationship had been so awesome for the last 6 months, I sincerely hope poor HD had not been a victim of their obsession for that long. And yes it makes me so ill !! :sick::maddening::banghead:
I'm an old grammy so I don't understand some of the terminology used here. But I do know, for sure, that BD is not so innocent, and she knew what was on that thingy. She has probably practiced that wide-eyed babe-in-the-woods look for some time. BD and SA admittedly shared a fondness for raunchy true crime stories. I think the old easily-accessed factual stuff got boring fast, and fantasy became more exciting. But there is harmless Fantasy, raunchy X-Rated Fantasy, and then there is foul sick-o stuff that makes me queasy to utter the words. She knew, and she loved SA more than her own daughter.
This whole thing is way beyond twilight zone now. I feel like one of those dreams where you keep trying to dial a phone number and keep punching the wrong buttons and have start over a million times and wake up frustrated.

I wholeheartedly agree . . .

(AND this is the first time someone else admits to having the telephone dream--I've had variations of this dream at least once a year since childhood.)
At this point, I am more concerned Clint may have an emotional breakdown

I am afraid that I agree with you about that. I wish that there was some way we could head it off, but it appears that he is going to be another victim in the sad short story of HD.

OT Lynn...I haven't been in HS since '54 and I still sometimes dream of being in the HS hallway trying to get my locker combo to open...running late, late, late.
She always uses the pharase "I talked to him about it a little bit and I'll talk to him a little more later" That is her classic excuse for not having a direct answer...every single time.

~sigh~Talk to him about it?Hello?The over 100,000 images of this on computer,memory stick and cd with a child missing?Okay...I'm still wondering if the work computer has been checked,it would clear up if it was used with the memory stick,especially.I mean all the print outs came from that computer.
And some of the crime print outs would be right up the alley with these type of images.
"We don't want anymore information drawn to them as we have to."
I don't get that part of the statement.

IMO, I also can't believe he didn't strongly condemn the child *advertiser censored* found in his missing daughter's mother's house.:waitasec:

We've commented many times on the way BD's phrases her words. Is this the way they speak? Certainly an odd way of putting it.
I'm an old grammy so I don't understand some of the terminology used here. But I do know, for sure, that BD is not so innocent, and she knew what was on that thingy. She has probably practiced that wide-eyed babe-in-the-woods look for some time. BD and SA admittedly shared a fondness for raunchy true crime stories. I think the old easily-accessed factual stuff got boring fast, and fantasy became more exciting. But there is harmless Fantasy, raunchy X-Rated Fantasy, and then there is foul sick-o stuff that makes me queasy to utter the words. She knew, and she loved SA more than her own daughter.

I'm with you on that. It all just seems so terribly wrong.
Still "in the dark" Billie?

This might help illuminate things for you:


Wowzers! Does this case get any crazier? Oh I'm sure it will before all is said and done.

OK my senerio. Don't mean to sound crude but here goes. SA was in DD's bedroom watching *advertiser censored* and beastiality on DD's XBOX the day DD came home, and had to let himself in through the window. That is why he didn't answer the door as he was getting his jollies, kwim. SA didn't figure it was anyone he knew and and kept right on going, figuring who every it was would go away. He knew where HD was, again kwim, and he knew where BD was. Then probably heard DD break glass or yell and by this time SA was in the hallway, face to face with DD looking like a deer in the headlights, ugh. He probably pulled the stick out of the XBOX pretty quick, went into BD's bedroom and stuck it in the drawer.

BTW I think BD has had a labotomy. Man she's one clueless broad. :loser:
Billie quotes from today:

"I've talked to him [Adkins] about it a little bit and I'll talk to Shawn a little more [later]."

"I haven't gotten to talk to investigators, to find out what it is."

In another article way back when, Billie said she hadn't talked to investigators in over 3 weeks.

In yet another article way back when, Billie said she talks to investigators "every now & then".

Billie talks to Shawn (the suspect) way more than she talks to LE.

That's messed up, and then some.

And yet, we had Billie telling us, through Cz, that LE was there hanging around all of the time, and they talked every day.

And remember when she first came out publicly in support of Shawn by saying [ paraphrasing]= I THOUGHT ABOUT IT A LITTLE BIT AND I DON"T THINK HE DID NOTHING BAD.

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