Reactions to Child *advertiser censored* Discovery

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I'm an old grammy so I don't understand some of the terminology used here. But I do know, for sure, that BD is not so innocent, and she knew what was on that thingy. She has probably practiced that wide-eyed babe-in-the-woods look for some time. BD and SA admittedly shared a fondness for raunchy true crime stories. I think the old easily-accessed factual stuff got boring fast, and fantasy became more exciting. But there is harmless Fantasy, raunchy X-Rated Fantasy, and then there is foul sick-o stuff that makes me queasy to utter the words. She knew, and she loved SA more than her own daughter.

They admitted sharing a fondness for raunchy true crime stories?

I have hobby of reading true crime but to call any true crime story raunchy is horrible. True crime has victims and I would never refer to those victims stories as raunchy. I have used alot of words to describe cases but none have been insulting to the victims.IMO
Too bad Billie didn't say when SA put the stick in her dresser drawer and if she knew it was there. She acts like his Mom or something and that this is all about taking care of him instead of a missing young girl. According to her Haylie disobeyed by leaving the house that day even though BD doesn't know that, but Shawn didn't do nothing... yea right. Seems like she's making Haylie the naughty one, a liar, he's making her "boy crazy", but Shawn does nothing at all .
They admitted sharing a fondness for raunchy true crime stories?

I have hobby of reading true crime but to call any true crime story raunchy is horrible. True crime has victims and I would never refer to those victims stories as raunchy. I have used alot of words to describe cases but none have been insulting to the victims.IMO

I think the term "raunchy" was used due to the sexual connotations in the true crime stories read by the subjects, and no offense was meant. :twocents:
And yet, we had Billie telling us, through Cz, that LE was there hanging around all of the time, and they talked every day.

And remember when she first came out publicly in support of Shawn by saying [ paraphrasing]= I THOUGHT ABOUT IT A LITTLE BIT AND I DON"T THINK HE DID NOTHING BAD.

I started to ask last night what had changed in these few days from SA moving out of her home and then her mom moved in for a bit.
She seemed to be getting ready to cross over and then flipped back.
Looking back it makes me wonder if her mom was trying to guide Billie from releasing certain information and after nothing came out about the drugs at her moms with his SW affidavit she knew he wouldnt tell LE if he did something because he didnt tell about other stuff ,that she did tell them. So what does she do now? I dunno but her mom was there to advise her and since SA covered for CO. What do you do? I now think more people are hiding things. Everyone.I still dont think Billie knows where Hailey is or what happened. I think she is being brainwashed.

(I mean I would spill everything but my mind isnt clouded by drugs and total bad judgment)
Allow me to translate. They mean they don't want to draw attention to themselves if it's going to reveal that they are engaging in bad *****.
I'm going to try to say what I want to say - delicately... If you look at everyone involved in this case, no one is squeaky clean. I'm thinking the CD is hoping no more of his transgressions are publicly aired. I think he still does not believe that BD - and maybe even SA - is responsible for Hailey's disappearance. So it could seem to him that their private lives are all getting too much attention when the focus should be on Hailey. JMHO
I started to ask last night what had changed in these few days from SA moving out of her home and then her mom moved in for a bit.
She seemed to be getting ready to cross over and then flipped back.
Looking back it makes me wonder if her mom was trying to guide Billie from releasing certain information and after nothing came out about the drugs at her moms with his SW affidavit she knew he wouldnt tell LE if he did something because he didnt tell about other stuff ,that she did tell them. So what does she do now? I dunno but her mom was there to advise her and since SA covered for CO. What do you do? I now think more people are hiding things. Everyone.I still dont think Billie knows where Hailey is or what happened. I think she is being brainwashed.

(I mean I would spill everything but my mind isnt clouded by drugs and total bad judgment)

Soulmagent sorry I missed that bit. SA moved out again? Wonder why this time? Did I read that right? Oh I'm confused lol. I think BD knows way more then she's letting on. She does not come across as a very bright person IMHO. She acts too out there in left field too much for my liking. There are woman whose husbands look at girly books and that garb and these women are so shocked when they find this stuff. I believe BD knew SA was looking at this stuff. I also believe that BD had a computer in her house before HD went missing...hmmm. Just so conveniently disappeared along with Hailey.

It seems BD does not go looking for answers, but waits until she is presented with questions and then answers them so lamely. If my daughter was missing, I would be practically living at the police station wanting to know what advancements they have made in her case. Then when I wasn't at the police station, I would be out searching, driving around, talking to people, passing out flyers, interviews the whole kit n' kaboodle. I would not be saying like BD does, "every morning when I wake up blah, blah, blah." Glad to know she can sleep at night because I know in my heart, I would not be able to. I would literally have to pass out from exhaustion and worry. I would be crying my eyes out.

I just wonder if she realizes how screwed up these people are who she surrounds herself with (birds of a feather flock together). Does BD thinks someone is just playing a mean little joke on her by taking HD? She thinks eventually HD will come back and BD will laugh and say "Gee, you guys had me "a little bit" worried." I think that is how "bright" BD is. JMO. This woman infuriates me to no end. Either she is dumb or is acting the part. I'll go with the first. GRRR!
They admitted sharing a fondness for raunchy true crime stories?

I have hobby of reading true crime but to call any true crime story raunchy is horrible. True crime has victims and I would never refer to those victims stories as raunchy. I have used alot of words to describe cases but none have been insulting to the victims.IMO

Sorry. I said "raunchy crime stories" referring to the list of material that BD printed from the computers at the hospital where she worked. For instance: I consider a story about a "sexual sadist" raunchy, but perhaps I should have searched my mind for a more distasteful word. I was not in any way referring to any crime victim as "raunchy", and would never insult a victim. I read crime novels but detest those that focus on tormenting victims.
I don't believe that BD has been brainwashed. As MK said tonight on NG, he sees that BD is street smart and savvy. She is also a master at manipulation, and plays the innocent girly-woman to the hilt. She knows she is in deep doo-doo but she is going to play BJ in LaLa land until the cows come home.
"Every day they don't find anything is a good day for me" - Billie Dunn

Looks like they found something Billie.

The first time i ever saw that quote from Billie was the day she was throwing Haily's Angels under the bus, and it seemed like she wanted them to quit searching. So right then I made that quote my sig line. I plan to keep it until Hailey is found, and I hope I don't have to keep it forever. Bless her sweet soul.
What most stood out to me of her reactions/statements about the child *advertiser censored* was the following:

"No one wants to be associated with that[child *advertiser censored*]"

She does not say: " O my gosh how horrible to think all this time I'd had a slew of child *advertiser censored* vids/pix in my bedroom dresser drawer"..or.. "I'm just in shock that this is what was found and that something is terribly wrong with this man that I thought loved me and my children"..or.. "I have never seen..looked up..downloaded..or purchased any type of child *advertiser censored*".. or.. "I pray that neither of my kids accidentally stumbled upon this and saw it..really scarring them".. yet NOTHING EVEN REMOTELY SIMILAR DID SHE SAY..

Instead she says:
"No one wants to be associated with that[child *advertiser censored*]"

very odd she's not protesting to any/every one who'll listen telling them I've never ever looked at Child *advertiser censored*..she makes the above odd statement not in first person but rather attempts to continue to disconnect herself from the *advertiser censored* by making a statement about ppl in general..
I want to know WHEN BD knew that LE got this memory stick. She was there for the searches - she consented. She knew they retrieved the box of bedtime reading materials from the top shelf in the closet. So, did she actually she them find and confiscate that drive at the time of the search? Or, was she out back talking with LE about the shed when CSI found it?

IMHO I believe she knew they has this from the get-go. She's been walking a tightrope - trying to keep her name clean but all the time worrying what LE is going to release next. IF (and that's a BIG HUGE IF) she didn't know what was on it - you bet she sure asked SA about it first chance she got. Did she go to that drawer after LE left and see it was gone - but still not sure if SA had already taken it?

So, again, my question for the night is WHEN did BD know LE got that drive?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but because she allowed LE to search the house, they had her sign the list of items removed. So she would have known within the first four days.
They searched the first day, discovering her jacket, ipod, cash, etc was still in her room, and they searched again when the brought the dogs, didn't they, also with her permission.
They searched one more time after that but with a warrant, iirc.
Then they seached under the house which she also allowed.
They searched her car. I don't know if they searched the truck that allegedly wasn't working.
I know they took SA's mom's pc, with permission, but I don't remember if they searched the house or grounds.
Does anyone know? Is there a list somewhere?
Seems this statement was composed not by Clint, but by self-appointed family spokesperson Richy Cooper. He's the husband of Clint's sister, Mary.

I strongly believe that when CD was in jail he was advised about this finding, that it would be released to the public and even received counseling on how to handle media inquiries.

MOO :cow:

Could be why he turn his self in and why LE made it little harder for him to get out. So he could calm down down.

When LE take items of your house...IS there a form that is sign by the owner of what they took?
Yup. Sounds like it. But I don't blame Clint for seeking direction from here on out. This has got to be overwhelming and gut wrenching.

I hope someone is keeping an eye out. I know if my husband were to suddenly figure out who was to blame for our child's disappearance, and that person was free and living in the same town, even hanging out across a field....I would worry what he would do. KWIM?

Know exactly what you mean.
Well, IMO, in any case...
BD can pretend not to have known what was on the flash drive initially, but she knows now and her response...

"Of course, he didn't put anything like that on there," insists Dunn about the *advertiser censored* accusations.

Puhleeze.....GMAB! I'm actually insulted by her statements. I am no fool! This is infuriating!

eta: Interesting earlier in the day (yesterday), according to the same news source: Dunn denied the images belonging to her or Shawn Adkins, saying she has no idea where they would have come from.

Which, by that evening, quickly morphed to..."Of course, he didn't put anything like that on there," (see source above)

My (rhetorical) question: If you didn't know where they would have come from then how do you now know who DIDN'T put them on there? Ridiculous, I'll tell ya!

PS - I think it's time to revive the BD inconsistencies thread in order to keep this thread on topic...this latest antic has me to find other thread!
She always uses the pharase "I talked to him about it a little bit and I'll talk to him a little more later" That is her classic excuse for not having a direct answer...every single time.

Amazing, she always just talks to him a little bit. Really BD?
She always uses the pharase "I talked to him about it a little bit and I'll talk to him a little more later" That is her classic excuse for not having a direct answer...every single time.

She's going to have to do a d@mn sight more than talk to him "a little bit." Where is her outrage? This woman can't keep using this naive act forever. Oh never mind. I'm totally disgusted with her blind support of SA.

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