Real Reason for Search Stopping?

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I don't think that closing threads and reopening them later after deleting sensitive info. is the moderators correct response, it's not a national security posting, just an observation by one who was there or what they saw.

She gave nothing away as to the findings, only her view. Isn’t that what freedom of speech is all about.

I don't know, I was just mentioning that they said they were deleting sensitive info to try to make the point that no one wants anything messed up. I did not see anything that was sensitive info, just the post from the "productive day" and the one about the LE friend that was from a chat room and I saw that the first journal was taken down temporarily, but I didn't see what was in there before it was removed, so I don't know what info was sensitive.
Thanks Tricia, I will back off posting.

I hope we are all wrong and they find her live !.
The area is ROPED off and it's guarded. They've called in a special recovery team to retreive the remains. The media has not been alerted for obvious reasons, with Casey out. Trust me, after what that searcher posted yesterday, and what the cop friend said, they've found something for sure.

I searched for a missing person in a VERY high profile case like this one.
We flagged, roped off, and guarded atleast 50 areas until LE showed up.
It's just procedure, and lets face it 90% of the people volunteering are just normal everyday people with no training. Trust me......If Caylee was found the entire world would know about it because the FBI, LE, MEDICAL EXAMINATOR, MEDIA, and TES would be out there on the scene for a minimum of 24 hours. When we found Danielle Van Dam the road was closed and a two mile radius was immediately blocked off. Try hiding that from the media!!!!

Besides all that, Casey is too lazy too hike into the woods and dump a body. JMO
I'm not insulting, let me get that out there....but I *could* say that I was a searcher and post a bunch of stuff. Just cause you read it here, doesn't make it true!
Thanks Tricia, I will back off posting.

I hope we are all wrong and they find her live !.

Ok, look. You know that is not what I am saying.

Do not back off posting. I was only adding my opinion based on what I know. That's all.

Just a reminder too that this forum is a powder keg that, left alone, would go up in flames because of the emotions in this case.

This is why we are so strict about TOS. We want the discussion but we have to really keep an eye on things.

THere are plenty of forums where you can post whatever you want no matter how vile or rude. This is not one of those forums.

Not going to beg anyone to stay but just wanted to clarify what I was saying in response to this posters somewhat sarcastic post.
Thank you Tricia for posting that...:)

I know we all want Caylee found but Tim (Quote) "stressed that the suspension of the search is only temporary, and that the group would return to find Caylee as soon conditions improve.
"We second guess our own selves, what did we do wrong? What could we have done different? And nothing...It just wasnt God's time. Its our time, but just not the right time…very emotional, very emotional."

I don't think there areany hidden messages in his words! JMO
Is there any reason why no one searched for a body over a month ago? LE and most reasonable people have thought Caylee to be deceased pretty much from the time Casey was arrested.

Did they have to wait for DNA and other evidence before looking for a body? It just seems like so much time has elapsed that the possibiliby of finding the body and any real evidence on it is slim.

Do you think LE was looking for a body before now?

I believe LE has been searching for a Caylee body since Day #1.
I have looked at the video and also read the words Tim said about ending the search. But keep coming back to the word "environmental". Looking up the word it has more then one meaning, like we all know many words do.
So here look at the meaning, I hope it's ok to copy/paste here. I don't post much...

One entry found.

1: the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded
2 a: the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors
(as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or
an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival
b: the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the
life of an individual or community
3: the position or characteristic position of a linguistic element in a sequence
4: a computer interface from which various tasks can be performed
<a programming environment>

I just wonder if the "environmental issues" are more in line with influence outside of weather conditions. Like as in #1 "the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded". Or would it be more like 2 b: "the aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the
life of an individual or community." Maybe I am reading MORE into this then I should. But....

What that could be I have no idea. But it just seems odd... If something was found and LE has to deal with it now.. ya I can see that possibility. But then why would Tim use the word environmental? (Unless its just that, water levels are to high in places that still need to be searched. And I am jumping way off the deep end here.)

For some time I have wondered about the absent of high up Gov people with this case...
Were is the Orlando mayor, the FL Governor? Way haven't we seen or heard from them? What kind of influence would shut down Tim other then weather or finding something? Government of some kind? Opening doors that some don't want open? Stepping on toes? Idon't know...

I don't know anything and I am not pointing a finger. I am just thinking outloud and wanted to see what others thought about this... For all I know this all has been talked about a long time ago and I am just behind on what you all said about it. lol

If any points I make are not in keeping with WS posts, I am sorry

because I am a:

THere are plenty of forums where you can post whatever you want no matter how vile or rude. This is not one of those forums.

I was tempted to ask for names and links. Sometimes I'm ashamed of myself for what I'd like to say in regard to this case. However, on second thought, I decided I don't want to know. No need to encourage those thoughts. I'm much better off kept in check these days.
Ok, look. You know that is not what I am saying.

Do not back off posting. I was only adding my opinion based on what I know. That's all.

Just a reminder too that this forum is a powder keg that, left alone, would go up in flames because of the emotions in this case.

This is why we are so strict about TOS. We want the discussion but we have to really keep an eye on things.

THere are plenty of forums where you can post whatever you want no matter how vile or rude. This is not one of those forums.

Not going to beg anyone to stay but just wanted to clarify what I was saying in response to this posters somewhat sarcastic post.


I understood your post, I was just going to step back for awhile and see what others were able to dig up, that's all.

I did'nt mean that I was going to quite positing, I love this place.
Couldn't she drag her though, like if she was wrapped in a rug, or duffle bag, drag shovel and body. An alive child is heavy and as you're carrying them you don't want to wake or knock them around on walls, door jambs etc...

But dragging 35 lb.s and a 5lb. shovel is very possibly, especially when your adrenaline is rushing. Casey is small, but she doesn't look wimpy or small wimpy arms. Being 24 as KC, she's at the heigth of her strength capabilities unless she was to weight lift to build strength.

good point. dragging her makes sense. it also could be why if caylee was spotted around a body of water they want the water to go away. possibly her footsteps and/or drag marks could still be in the ground below the water(and other evidence)
Personally I think Caylee is in the landfill and I wish TES had searched that. In fact I don't understand why they didn't stay and start searching that since the area they were in wasn't searchable for now. Casey may have driven around out there thinking about dumping the body but I just don't think she is the type to hike in off the main road with a dead body in her arms. I think in the end she put her in a dumpster. Much easier and cleaner and no work or hiking around. Just my opinion.
Gas can theory, huh? The trouble is...I don't think the pings on the towers support this.[/QU

If she went out of town to hide body I guarentee you she did not take her cell phone with. Maybe someone elses cell phone or signed up a phone with someone elses ID/ss# (hence the OTHER phone-blackjack) But I guearentee she is at least smart enough not to use her own phone.I have worked for two major cell carriers (on the technical side) and I pray that this whole search is not just based on "pings".

I too believe what Tim said. Emotions are so high. ALL OF US are waiting on a break. Caylee is our girl! We need to step back from this and be patient at this point. Harder said than done I know. Such a roller coaster of emotions this case is....
Thank you for that. I trust Tim's words implicitly.

I have to agree. After reading all related posts and thinking about it, I kept coming back to Tim giving a statement on live TV in such a detailed way about the environment and how it affects the search.

I'm taking Tim's word for it that the reasons he gave are the actual reasons.
I guess this couldn't have happened but I'll throw it out there. It's about the water. My family used to ride ATV's and dirtbikes every chance we could, with a lot of friends. It was recreation, with a LOT of showing off. Every time anyone found even a little standing water, they would gun it and fly thru, throwing mud on those behind if possible. It was the goal around water. Now, I'm sure Equasearch is professional thru and thru, and would never condone that, and I hope they warned others against it. I'm just saying that you get a testosterone headed guy on an ATV around water they want to show off. It's plausible that Tim started getting reports of that happening, got angry. He could already have been very concerned about all the water. If he heard this was happening he could have seen red, called the search off, end of story.

But, I also think he'd have kicked them out rather than cancel the whole thing. So I just wondered about that when he spoke about burying bones. ATV's shouldn't have been going thru the water in the first place, I would think.
Is the area where they called off the search near the airport? Is this the only area where TES has searched? Maybe LE is firmly convinced that the airport area is where Caylee is.....if true, I'd think it was an area Casey could get her car to. Can't see her tromping through mud, brush, etc.
I'm not insulting, let me get that out there....but I *could* say that I was a searcher and post a bunch of stuff. Just cause you read it here, doesn't make it true!

And if I might add......... don't believe anything you hear in a chatroom.:bang:
No matter the reasons, I'm devastated that no one is out there looking for Caylee right now...
Personally I think Caylee is in the landfill and I wish TES had searched that. In fact I don't understand why they didn't stay and start searching that since the area they were in wasn't searchable for now. Casey may have driven around out there thinking about dumping the body but I just don't think she is the type to hike in off the main road with a dead body in her arms. I think in the end she put her in a dumpster. Much easier and cleaner and no work or hiking around. Just my opinion.

I believe the landfill has been searched and that it is still being searched by le. I would bet that le is actively searching as we speak. Those detectives want her found as much as we do and will not stop looking for her. This case has brought the best and the worst out in people, hasn't it?

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