Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #2

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Find any proof that 32 year old RN has a 13 year old sister and I'd consider it.

(It has been stated that RN has 6 siblings or is one of 6.)

Until then, I'll continue to believe the 13 year old in question is GS, MS' sister.

It could easily be a 'half sister.' Many 30 yr olds have 50something yr old fathers who start new families later in life.[ My 32 yr old friend has a 10 yr old brother. ]
It could easily be a 'half sister.' Many 30 yr olds have 50something yr old fathers who start new families later in life.[ My 32 yr old friend has a 10 yr old brother. ]

..the earlier news reports said that it was max's sister that was there when he had his 'accident'-----i tend to believe that.

..also, rebecca's sister, mary, stated that she spoke to her the night before the "hanging" etc-----never once mentioned that a younger sibling of theirs had been there at all. ( if in fact they even have a 13/14 yr. old little sister.);drawer-container

And on July 11, although Zahau Nalepa was looking after Max and his older sister Gabrielle when he fell, it was the 13 or 14-year-old girl who called 911, not Zahau Nalepa.

..i also don't find it odd that G would have called 911----if at the time RN was tending to max, that wouldn't be out of the norm.
I have several competing thoughts on this - First, I continue to think it was murder for hire made to look like a suicide. I think the brother in town is convenient but not really relevant to the timing.

I also think that criminals in general underestimate what grabs the public's attention, and they can't count on small town police being incapable of bringing in help or solving crimes on their own anymore.

Remember that Madame in DC that in theory committed suicide? I remember a lot of people thought that maybe she had been tasered and it would have been easy to make it look like a hanging, and it leaves no mark.

I tend to not think it's a suicide, but that may change if more details about Max's death are released.

I don't know that we've seen any older pictures of Rebecca, were there any body enhancement/changes that if it were Jonah responsible for the death would be something along the lines, of "I made you into who you are and I can take it away" or if it was Dina could be a result of jealousy or exposing the enhancements?
But it would depend how long the person was hanging.
If cut down immediately afterwards, face would not neccessarily be black.
I know this from working in a psych hospital where I came upon a hanging.

But I do think RN was in a state of rigor, with knees bent.
This leads me to believe she was hanged after she died. MOO

I had a hanging suicide in nursing school. Older guy probobaly circulation probs. Face was swolen not even very discolored. Discover maybe 29 min after death. home made noose!
Something to think about....If RN did commit suicide (whether she jumped from the faux balcony or from the table below), and if AS did in fact "cut her down", wouldn't there be some type of rope hanging from the balcony? IMO if he came across the courtyard and saw her hanging he would have cut the rope/cord close to her head in an attept to get her down as quick as possible. The rope/cord that appears next to her in the photo is very long. Which would leave one to believe he cut the rope/cord from the top of the balcony. If by chance he did go into the main house and up to the balcony, to cut the rope, there would still be part of the rope attached to the balcony. He did say "cut" not "untie". I have looked at a number of the courtyard photos and can not find any evidence of a rope hanging. Did I miss just miss it?
I am confused. I thought I had read that in addtion to Rebecca and Max's sister, there was another female in the house that Monday. Possibly she was the one who called 911, possibly Rebecca's sister or maybe even Dina? And I thought I read there was another female there Tuesday AM when the dog guy came. Max's sister was gone by then. And was there or was there not a party there Tuesday night, or was it just loud music?
It could easily be a 'half sister.' Many 30 yr olds have 50something yr old fathers who start new families later in life.[ My 32 yr old friend has a 10 yr old brother. ]

Like I posted earlier, find the proof and I'd consider it.

To date, we've seen absolutely no evidence that RN has a sister, half-sister, step-sister, sister-whatever of 13 years old.

I could be wrong, but I see no point it considering it if RN doesn't even have a sister-whatever of 13 years old.

You are fully free to believe whatever you believe.

I think the press has made a mess of this particular issue and it has snowballed causing confusion. Was it a mistake or deliberate?
Something to think about....If RN did commit suicide (whether she jumped from the faux balcony or from the table below), and if AS did in fact "cut her down", wouldn't there be some type of rope hanging from the balcony? IMO if he came across the courtyard and saw her hanging he would have cut the rope/cord close to her head in an attept to get her down as quick as possible. The rope/cord that appears next to her in the photo is very long. Which would leave one to believe he cut the rope/cord from the top of the balcony. If by chance he did go into the main house and up to the balcony, to cut the rope, there would still be part of the rope attached to the balcony. He did say "cut" not "untie". I have looked at a number of the courtyard photos and can not find any evidence of a rope hanging. Did I miss just miss it?

Welcome 10-6Mom!

This issue came up in the last (?) thread.

A clever poster wrote that from the balcony, RN (or whoever) could have looped the rope over the railing, dropping both ends to the ground. Then, headed down to the courtyard, jumped up on the table, tied a knot (maybe square knot so it wouldn't slip), then looped the rope around her neck, tied another knot, stepped forward, et voila.

Then, if AS jumped up on the table and cut the rope above the top knot, entire rope could have fallen to the ground leaving no remaining rope attached to the balcony railing (or whatever).
It could easily be a 'half sister.' Many 30 yr olds have 50something yr old fathers who start new families later in life.[ My 32 yr old friend has a 10 yr old brother. ]

LOL! There is 16-17 years difference in my age and my brothers.

Yes, same parents too.:crazy:

My mom thought she could never have anymore children after I was born. Then my brother came along 16 years later and 10 months later my other brother was born.

Surely by now LE would know who made the 911 call and who was at the home when Maxie had the fatal fall. Why is it such a big secret? Has LE confirmed who was there? Who is the "woman" who called 911?
I recently lost a co-worker. The cause of death, suicide, supposedly. I don't buy it in my friends case and I don't buy it in this one.

Yes, people can snap. People can have physical, emotional, psychotic episodes and these can lead to suicide. But, and this is a big BUT, there is often and usually, some indication of a problem.

When you have indications that someone is coping with life, they are living their lives in a manner that is normal for them, it is often, yep, even usually a good indication that they are rational. Rationality often causes people considering suicide to get help. Not always, of course, but often.

Rebeccas sister stating that she was fine, a few hours before this happened, then reports of loud music, tells me that someone wanted to do something at the house, without being heard. I do not in any way, shape or form, feel that this was a deliberate act, by Rebecca, to end her own life.

I could be entirely wrong, but it's a gut feeling. This one gives me the creeps and I really feel like someone is getting away with murder so far.

As for LE being tight lipped, I say it is a good thing! This case doesn't need to be played out in the public. We've seen what happens too often, when a case becomes a public spectacle.

I think that is trying to compartmentalize all suicidal people into the same box.

Some who commit suicide actually can fake that suicide is the furtherest idea from their minds.

My husband's nephew had his life together. Upbeat,social, jovial, engaged and was to marry his high school sweetheart two months after he took his own life. Good job, nice apartment and just got a raise at work. Life was good for M or so we thought.

That is why it shocked us all. There were no prior red flags. The only thing out of the norm was him calling his grandmother around midnight that night wanting to talk with her and telling her on the phone how much he loved her over and over again and he was crying. She waited patiently for him to come. He shot and killed himself outside of his grandparents' home beside his truck. He never came to their door.

That is one of the reasons why family members cant get over losing someone to a suicide. They try to think back to see if there were any warning signs and when they find there were none they wrestle with the 'why' the rest of their lives.

So pretending to be fine doesn't mean they were fine. When someone is determined to commit suicide they are not going to give hints to family members so they can intervene and stop it.

In fact in some of the research I have read it stated that often times if the person has already decided to commit suicide and end it all they will feel a certain sense of relief and just before doing it will become happier than usual by knowing their pain will soon be gone.

So it makes me wonder if Rebecca had her last few drinks of wine perhaps and turned her favorite music way up one last time before ending it all.

Surely by now LE would know who made the 911 call and who was at the home when Maxie had the fatal fall. Why is it such a big secret? Has LE confirmed who was there? Who is the "woman" who called 911?

i'm sure they know. everything is such a big secret right now imo because it's an ongoing investigation.
surely by now le would know who made the 911 call and who was at the home when maxie had the fatal fall. Why is it such a big secret? Has le confirmed who was there? who is the "woman" who called 911?

bbm - gs
I am confused. I thought I had read that in addtion to Rebecca and Max's sister, there was another female in the house that Monday. Possibly she was the one who called 911, possibly Rebecca's sister or maybe even Dina? And I thought I read there was another female there Tuesday AM when the dog guy came. Max's sister was gone by then. And was there or was there not a party there Tuesday night, or was it just loud music?

There's a pretty good timeline of events at the following link:
I think that is trying to compartmentalize all suicidal people into the same box.

Some who commit suicide actually can fake that suicide is the furtherest idea from their minds.

My husband's nephew had his life together. Upbeat,social, jovial, engaged and was to marry his high school sweetheart two months after he took his own life. Good job, nice apartment and just got a raise at work. Life was good for M or so we thought.

That is why it shocked us all. There were no prior red flags. The only thing out of the norm was him calling his grandmother around midnight that night wanting to talk with her and telling her on the phone how much he loved her over and over again and he was crying. She waited patiently for him to come. He shot and killed himself outside of his grandparents' home beside his truck. He never came to their door.

That is one of the reasons why family members cant get over losing someone to a suicide. They try to think back to see if there were any warning signs and when they find there were none they wrestle with the 'why' the rest of their lives.

So pretending to be fine doesn't mean they were fine. When someone is determined to commit suicide they are not going to give hints to family members so they can intervene and stop it.

In fact in some of the research I have read it stated that often times if the person has already decided to commit suicide and end it all they will feel a certain sense of relief and just before doing it will become happier than usual by knowing their pain will soon be gone.

So it makes me wonder if Rebecca had her last few drinks of wine perhaps and turned her favorite music way up one last time before ending it all.



So sorry for your family's loss. Appreciate all you insight. (((OBE)))

The sentence I highlighted, doesn't that lead to the belief that he wanted to say goodbye to one of the most important people in his life....had he called and acted like this before?

I am not trying to be agumentative or insensitive...but is it not true that some individuals do not leave notes, but calls and in a roundabout way says "goodbye".

From what RN's sister has said about her phone call with RN, she saw no unusual changes in RN. She seemed fine. Did she get a call from JS telling her about a "change" in Maxie's condition? Was she distraugt or threatened?

It would be so helpful if we had RN's cell phone records to see whom she spoke with after her sister......
I don't believe LE has made any such statements.

huh, i could have sworn. for some reason lately my brain has liked to make up things that never happened! maybe i've been reading this forum too much. lol. in any case i'm off to look
I think that is trying to compartmentalize all suicidal people into the same box.

Some who commit suicide actually can fake that suicide is the furtherest idea from their minds.

My husband's nephew had his life together. Upbeat,social, jovial, engaged and was to marry his high school sweetheart two months after he took his own life. Good job, nice apartment and just got a raise at work. Life was good for M or so we thought.

That is why it shocked us all. There were no prior red flags. The only thing out of the norm was him calling his grandmother around midnight that night wanting to talk with her and telling her on the phone how much he loved her over and over again and he was crying. She waited patiently for him to come. He shot and killed himself outside of his grandparents' home beside his truck. He never came to their door.

That is one of the reasons why family members cant get over losing someone to a suicide. They try to think back to see if there were any warning signs and when they find there were none they wrestle with the 'why' the rest of their lives.

So pretending to be fine doesn't mean they were fine. When someone is determined to commit suicide they are not going to give hints to family members so they can intervene and stop it.

In fact in some of the research I have read it stated that often times if the person has already decided to commit suicide and end it all they will feel a certain sense of relief and just before doing it will become happier than usual by knowing their pain will soon be gone.

So it makes me wonder if Rebecca had her last few drinks of wine perhaps and turned her favorite music way up one last time before ending it all.


From everything i can gather, it is extremely rare to have a suicide under circumstances such as this-the woman was naked, hands and feet bound, and it was outside. While in some instances people do commit suicide naked, most of such suicides occur indoors. So I am not at all convinced that this was in fact a suicide. Those are very unusual and in my mind suspicious circumstances.
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