Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #3

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I really think she was very conscious when this happened to her - this was revenge - an eye for an eye - in my opinion.
The department on Friday urged police departments from California to Arizona not to release police reports or other public documents about Shacknai or Zahau.
The Coronado Police Department on Friday would not release tapes of the two 911 calls from the mansion this week. The Police Department also refused Friday to release any documents related to any past calls to houses owned by Shacknai and his former wife, Dina Shacknai, who also owns a home on the island.
The San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office, which completed an autopsy on Zahau on Thursday, said Friday that the report was sealed at the Sheriff’s Department’s request.
Sheriff’s Capt. Tim Curran would not answer any questions about the case.
In a statement sent to various law-enforcement agencies Friday, the department said it also had restricted access to any search warrants issued in the case.

Official Silence

ETA: Lots more at link

Hmmm ... I thought all the domestic abuse stuff and/or previous police calls happened in Arizona? But, I guess there is that court deal in California where Dina didn't pay off for renting a house for a month for ~$32k, so maybe I am wrong?
So what is the deal with the police? Why are they being so secretive?
Aren't 911 calls public info? Why hasn't anything been released? And why is police asking other police departments not to release anything?
And thus begins the PR spin:

(note the softies throughout about JS)

7/25 Two deaths at Coronado mansion turn spotlight on owner,0,5072719.story?page=1

In the late 1980s, he helped found Medicis — which markets acne and anti-wrinkle treatments around the world — and in 1993 married his first wife, Kimberly James. Leading up to their divorce a few years later, the two had a rocky relationship, according to court records

Interesting... I wonder what 'rocky' means?

And, I don't care how devoted I thought someone was to their partner, I wouldn't come to their defense in the media when they never even issued a statement about that persons violent death.

And, I brought this up earlier ...
The two were well-respected and admired in the affluent Arizona community where his business is based. They worked together to help local organizations, including funding and doing hands-on work at Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation, which pairs special needs children with abused, abandoned and injured animals. In announcing his son's death to reporters earlier this month, Shacknai suggested that memorial contributions be made to the foundation.

I believe Shacknai is an officer of this charity. I would not ask for contributions to my own charity when a family death occurs.

A year later, as their marriage was falling apart, Dina Shacknai told police that her husband had elbowed her in the chest while trying to drive away from their home. Max, their young son, was inside the home at the time, and Shacknai had just finished reading him a bedtime story.

????? SO, he finishes reading him a story and tries to leave (isn't this the event that had more to it and she says 'you can't leave me?").
If your upset now, wait till you read the story in the link I posted above.
The teen boys in the neighborhood were watching from their roof.


Ugh, not only teen boys but friends of GS. Her friend also says GS "was in Coronado until Monday morning, when she returned to her South Carolina home, Prchal said. She was gone by the time emergency crews responded to calls that her brother had fallen near the mansion’s grand interior staircase."

You can't tell by his wording, but how likely is it she was there and gone before Max fell - didn't the 911 call come in at 10:10 am? Is this just the story they are telling people now? I know a girl made the phone call t o 911, but I can't recall if LE definitely said the girl was still there when they arrived. If not, then it sounds as if they never talked to her other than the 911 call.
From your link:

Prchal said GS has not talked a lot about Zahau’s death or the injury to her 6-year-old brother. “It’s kind of intimate,” he said. “She doesn’t want to talk about them.”

GS was in Coronado until Monday morning, when she returned to her South Carolina home, Prchal said. She was gone by the time emergency crews responded to calls that her brother had fallen near the mansion’s grand interior staircase.

So she was not there during the accident.

Ah, but you see, it doesn't say that. No one has said she wasn't there, I don't think.
... snipped ...

And, I brought this up earlier ...

The two were well-respected and admired in the affluent Arizona community where his business is based. They worked together to help local organizations, including funding and doing hands-on work at Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation, which pairs special needs children with abused, abandoned and injured animals. In announcing his son's death to reporters earlier this month, Shacknai suggested that memorial contributions be made to the foundation.

I believe Shacknai is an officer of this charity. I would not ask for contributions to my own charity when a family death occurs.

IMO, JS does not directly benefit from donations made to Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation. He is a director on the board that helps guide the non-profit’s (?) direction. The beneficiaries are the children and the animals. Sounds like a beautiful organization.

... snipped ...

A year later, as their marriage was falling apart, Dina Shacknai told police that her husband had elbowed her in the chest while trying to drive away from their home. Max, their young son, was inside the home at the time, and Shacknai had just finished reading him a bedtime story.

????? SO, he finishes reading him a story and tries to leave (isn't this the event that had more to it and she says 'you can't leave me?").

I think this is the JS PR machine at work.

The PR goal may be to embrace the bad PR that has already been released about JS and soften the edges (JS reading bedtime stories).
So what is the deal with the police? Why are they being so secretive?
Aren't 911 calls public info? Why hasn't anything been released? And why is police asking other police departments not to release anything?

You are correct most of the items you have mentioned are public records, under the California Public Records Act (PRA), cal government code 6250-6276. However there are some exceptions, an active investigation is one of those exceptions. City and County attorneys in California are very familiar with the PRA. IMO since it appears SDSO detectives are going by the book on this case those attorneys would have been consulted prior to releasing anything pertaining to this case and involved parties. Some records (search warrants, coroner reports) have been sealed through the courts, which is a totally different process.

Why are they doing this? IMO LE have one shot at this investigation. They are making sure everything is by the book and in place. Let's say they determined the death of RN a suicide, statement has been made, case closed. Now let's say two weeks from now the toxicology reports come back and RN an MS have an extreme level of a certain drug or poison. All indications point to one maybe two murders case is now reopened and you now have given a defense attorney something to bite onto during trial. That one piece of the case possibly tainted and detectives creditability questioned by the jury. I know the example I gave is kinda far fetched, but IMO I truely believe LE is being very careful. Potential suspects in this case have or have access to a lot of money, which could pay for one heck of a defense team.
Interesting... I wonder what 'rocky' means?

And, I don't care how devoted I thought someone was to their partner, I wouldn't come to their defense in the media when they never even issued a statement about that persons violent death.

And, I brought this up earlier ...

I believe Shacknai is an officer of this charity. I would not ask for contributions to my own charity when a family death occurs.

????? SO, he finishes reading him a story and tries to leave (isn't this the event that had more to it and she says 'you can't leave me?").

Well, as a woman, I'm going to read the boy a bed time story so it's probably late in the evening. Now you get in your car and want to take off... ummm sounds to me like suspicious behavior. If my husband wanted to leave late in the evening when I ask him not to leave sounds to me like trouble. Maybe he's already seeing Rebecca by this time? I have wondered if he cheated on Dina with Rebecca which caused so much turmoil in their marriage...just a thought.
Taken from

WTH does this mean. Near the stairs.

On Monday, the 6-year-old son of Jonah Shacknai, CEO of Scottsdale-based Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp., was hospitalized. The boy had suffered serious injuries in a fall near the mansion’s main staircase.

Well....let's see. So far we have:

Down the stairs
From the stairs
Near the stairs

and....LE won't say what happened. :innocent:
Taken from

WTH does this mean. Near the stairs.

On Monday, the 6-year-old son of Jonah Shacknai, CEO of Scottsdale-based Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp., was hospitalized. The boy had suffered serious injuries in a fall near the mansion’s main staircase.


I thought the same thing and then remembered that "owling" and "planking", among young people,
had been mentioned several times in the threads here, with questions about whether either one played
a part in MS' fall.

Since I wasn't aware of either, I googled both. Apparently, a person has him/herself photo'd in a "plank"
or "owl" position in an unusual place & then places it on their Facebook page.

One of the photos at the site where I googled, showed a girl "perched" on a stair or balcony railing in an
owl/birl-like position. She was smiling, but to me it looked scary & dangerous. Other photos showed planking
being done on actual stairs.. and other areas that looked more dangerous.

When mentioned in one of the comments, the person had wondered if possibly the 13 yr old & MS were
involved in staging themselves on the balcony railing above the foyer, in either position when the fall took place.
I have seen photos or footage of many crime scenes which are worked under an awning of some sort that the CSI teams bring with them. There is no excuse for not doing that much, would not have disturbed anything and would not have required access to the home. I think LE is using the search warrant as an excuse now that there is some flap about leaving her exposed all day long. They screwed up, IMO. Of course there would be news helipcopters for a crime scene at a mansion of someone with this type of money.
IMO, JS does not directly benefit from donations made to Whispering Hope Ranch Foundation. He is a director on the board that helps guide the non-profit’s (?) direction. The beneficiaries are the children and the animals. Sounds like a beautiful organization.

I hadn't even thought about him personally benefitting financially.

I just think you don't promote your own personal causes. It is a way to raise attention to HIS charity work making him look benevolent and caring. He does have some influence over what they do and hence has an interest in where the money is spent. He does benefit career wise by being on the board of directors or whatever for different nonprofits ... that's mostly why people agree to do that. And, as you can see, others have now come forward that he worked with on charities and vouched for him. They probably didn't see anything but a positive public face on the relationship, they also do not want bad publicity to reflect on their charity. Besides, how can you speak ill of someone who is donating their time to people in need?

I thought the same thing and then remembered that "owling" and "planking", among young people,
had been mentioned several times in the threads here, with questions about whether either one played
a part in MS' fall.

Since I wasn't aware of either, I googled both. Apparently, a person has him/herself photo'd in a "plank"
or "owl" position in an unusual place & then places it on their Facebook page.

One of the photos at the site where I googled, showed a girl "perched" on a stair or balcony railing in an
owl/birl-like position. She was smiling, but to me it looked scary & dangerous. Other photos showed planking
being done on actual stairs.. and other areas that looked more dangerous.

When mentioned in one of the comments, the person had wondered if possibly the 13 yr old & MS were
involved in staging themselves on the balcony railing above the foyer, in either position when the fall took place.

Thanks. Back many pages I asked about the new rage of planking. I work with lots of women whose kids are doing it. I think this could really be a possibility. At the rate we're going we'll have 100 possibilities before LE talks.
I hadn't even thought about him personally benefitting financially.

I just think you don't promote your own personal causes. It is a way to raise attention to HIS charity work making him look benevolent and caring. He does have some influence over what they do and hence has an interest in where the money is spent. He does benefit career wise by being on the board of directors or whatever for different nonprofits ... that's mostly why people agree to do that. And, as you can see, others have now come forward that he worked with on charities and vouched for him. They probably didn't see anything but a positive public face on the relationship, they also do not want bad publicity to reflect on their charity. Besides, how can you speak ill of someone who is donating their time to people in need?

Some valid points, Time!

I guess, then, that this could be a PR conundrum for JS if others perceive this as you do.
Thanks. Back many pages I asked about the new rage of planking. I work with lots of women whose kids are doing it. I think this could really be a possibility. At the rate we're going we'll have 100 possibilities before LE talks.

Thanks, kljohnson... you saved me a hunting trip, to look for where it was mentioned.
Ever since I read your previous comments, & then googled owling & planking, I have thought about this.

From the beginning, tumbling down carpeted stairs just didn't do it for me.
I didn't buy it!

'Owling' Is The New 'Planking': Pics, Videos, Links, News
I do not take this memorial fund as accepting donations to bury her, but for setting something up to honour her memory.

That also speaks volumns to me. Why accept donations when her boyfriend is a milliionaire and could do that all by himself?

I thought the same thing and then remembered that "owling" and "planking", among young people,
had been mentioned several times in the threads here, with questions about whether either one played
a part in MS' fall.

Since I wasn't aware of either, I googled both. Apparently, a person has him/herself photo'd in a "plank"
or "owl" position in an unusual place & then places it on their Facebook page.

One of the photos at the site where I googled, showed a girl "perched" on a stair or balcony railing in an
owl/birl-like position. She was smiling, but to me it looked scary & dangerous. Other photos showed planking
being done on actual stairs.. and other areas that looked more dangerous.

When mentioned in one of the comments, the person had wondered if possibly the 13 yr old & MS were
involved in staging themselves on the balcony railing above the foyer, in either position when the fall took place.

i'm 17, and i hadn't heard of either before this case. i thought that planking strictly had to do with stairs based on context clues, but now that you put it this way, it explains why a few days ago a girl on my FB page uploaded a picture of herself in "plank" form on top of a refrigerator. huh. go figure.
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