Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #3

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Just a question: When I google map the address in Coronado, I get the house but when I go to streetview, the screen goes BLANK; it will not give me streetview.

When I the address I get streetview.

Can anyone else get street view of the Shacknai home on Google Maps? Or is this just my PC glitch?
Just a question: When I google map the address in Coronado, I get the house but when I go to streetview, the screen goes BLANK; it will not give me streetview.

When I the address I get streetview.

Can anyone else get street view of the Shacknai home on Google Maps? Or is this just my PC glitch?

Through Google Maps, I can and just did street view the mansion.
It could be that GS' flight was already in play--she was returning home to SC already, when Max's accident occurred. But it makes more sense to me, if that were the case, that her flight would be abandoned and no one in that house would even be thinking about that. Everyone would be focused on Max. So that leads me to think that perhaps there is a lot more to GS' immediate departure.

On that same note, was ES there too? No one mentions him. Rebecca could have referred to GS as "her daughter" when reporting that her daughter was injured too, the same way she referred to Max as "her son".

I believe RN was murdered. Unless her clothes were found outside, at the courtyard, she would have had to have stripped out of her clothes and walked naked through the house, down the stairs and outside and it all just seems like too much preplanning for someone so wrought with guilt to have been able to plan and carry out.

The loud music (party), "violent" nature of her death (as described by LE) lead me to suspect murder over suicide.

Trying to keep up with the posts...whew!
I believe others came up with this scenario very early..but here goes. I believe Maxie and GS were playing at the top of the staircase..I think Maxie was owling..perhaps shown how by big sis. She was teasing with him..perhaps tickling him and he fell. He hit the chandalier on the way tothe floor.

Perhaps when GS told JS she said RN did something and JS wanted to make someone repondisible for beloved son's injury. Or maybe GS told DS that RN was respondsible. So IMO this could all be about a 13 year old lying. Often parents would rather believe their child than any adult.

I am still a bit Hinky about AS coming in town to help his brother. If they were not that close then this makes no sense. How was he helpful..she is a tugboat operator..he cant run medicis..what was his purpose did he help.

In my opinion, we don't know for sure that he and his brother do not get along - and even if they did not - that had nothing to do with Maxie. If Maxie was critically hurt, it was his nephew and I think any uncle/aunt would run to be at their bedside especially given the circumstances.
I read through all the posts and did not see this mentioned....

Perhaps the sister, who was at the house (and then whisked away) did something on purpose to the boy, and he was killed. Perhaps Rebecca did not want to remain quiet about the incident, and was killed to silence her. That is the only reason I can think of to have the sister removed from the situation so quickly and sent away.

The airport is about 20-25 minutes from the Spreckels mansion, depending on bridge traffic.

We were in Coronado for the week when this was all going on, and honestly, other than outside of the Spreckel's Mansion, you would not know there was a crime. We did not stay at the Dell, so did not watch the comings and goings all the time, but the village seemed the same as usual.

I really don't have any suspicion with this girl what so ever. I think I might be the only one too lol.

She lived in SC. Maybe she was scheduled to fly back home that same morning. Maybe that is where they were heading when Max had the accident.

I think I'm on my final belief that Max's head trauma was not caused from falling downstairs, although I do believe it was an accident. I think Rebecca did something in a moment of rage but did not mean to hurt him, and made it like he had fallen downstairs.

Whoever killed Rebecca tortured her for the real answers, and for her to pay for what she did.
IMO the only person JS would protect is his daughter GS. If GS intentionally harmed lil Max and Rebecca new it - I think JS would protect his daughter and want Rebecca to shut up about the cause of Maxies death... for what it's worth, I don't think this is what happened.....

No doubt piling on the trauma of her little brother virtually dying before her eyes, then eventually dealing with the fact that dad's live-in companion died within 48 hours of the first trauma in a perverse suicide/(murder?), will do wonders for the girl's psyche. And if GS did somehow inadvertently contribute to AS's tragedy? Kid's gonna need a good psychologist after this mess - in any case. Should we add in that her dad may soon be a murder defendant?
I don't think she was found in the master bedroom; the balcony was over one of the bedrooms over the kitchen/dining.....if you overlay the second floor on top of the main floor. there were pictures of the remodel showing the balcony. the new window picture is for the dining room, i think

sorry if someone already posted this

Thanks scorekeeper. I'm bad at wording things. I meant to say the area where the balcony would be. Someone up above (I'm behind on posts)posted a pic of the blueprint and marked the area which was where I believed it to me.
Me too, Paladine. This was my very first scenario, and my gut won't let it go.

Good to know I'm not, I feel like we have to wait and see. I have suspicions...but no hard facts...I hope it's throughness...and caution that's keeping it all hush-hush.
Thanks scorekeeper. I'm bad at wording things. I meant to say the area where the balcony would be. Someone up above (I'm behind on posts)posted a pic of the blueprint and marked the area which was where I believed it to me.

Perhaps notably, the spot at which this hanging was staged, at the end of the side wing, would be an ideal spot to be viewed from the master bedroom window. Either for JS to discover in horror; or for someone to witness an execution?
I believe others came up with this scenario very early..but here goes. I believe Maxie and GS were playing at the top of the staircase..I think Maxie was owling..perhaps shown how by big sis. She was teasing with him..perhaps tickling him and he fell. He hit the chandalier on the way tothe floor.

Perhaps when GS told JS she said RN did something and JS wanted to make someone repondisible for beloved son's injury. Or maybe GS told DS that RN was respondsible. So IMO this could all be about a 13 year old lying. Often parents would rather believe their child than any adult.

I am still a bit Hinky about AS coming in town to help his brother. If they were not that close then this makes no sense. How was he helpful..she is a tugboat operator..he cant run medicis..what was his purpose did he help.

Hi, pferrin :seeya: The fact that GS was sent back to SC ASAP is a big factor, to me at least. Either she was the cause of what happened to little Maxie, or they thought she may have been. As you say, she could have been lying to JS and Dina and blaming Rebecca. Where was the funeral, in AZ? Did GS attend?

I am also confused as to why AS came to San Diego. Did he even go to the hospital? What, if any, help was he to JS? He left town immediately also. Did he attend the funeral?

Someone mentioned earlier about wanting the phone records from both brothers. If there had been calls prior to AS "finding" Rebecca that would not prove anything. AS could say he was still in the guesthouse and JS called him, giving AS an update on Max's condition. So, again, what purpose did AS serve his brother?

Also, I like the theory (not mine) that Rebecca was tortured, hogtied and killed, not only to get rid of her, but to send a strong message to anyone she may have confided in.

Another thing that has bothered me from the beginning, and as I've stated before: Where were all the servants? Butlers, maids, housekeepers, gardeners, cooks. And why no security or security cameras?

The silence is deafening. This is going to be a big one folks! :worms:
Rebecca must have had friends...WHERE are they? Speak up, I say.

Was Rebecca an angry woman who would hurt a child?

Was she happy with Jonah?

Was Dina an 'issue'?

Did Dina attempt to make herself an 'issue'?

Did Dina resent Rebecca?

Did Rebecca start seeing Jonah during or shortly after the Dina breakup?

Was there jealousy?

Was Jonah unfaithful, controlling or abusive?

WAS he going to propose? What was the party for?

Did any friends get a call from Rebecca cancelling the party? What did she say?

Did she make it to the hospital? Why not?

I JUST WISH someone on Rebeccas side would give some input...please, join Websleuths, comment on blogs and new stories, and pipe up, it's siggy:

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

BUT #1: Talk to Police.
Perhaps notably, the spot at which this hanging was staged, at the end of the side wing, would be an ideal spot to be viewed from the master bedroom window. Either for JS to discover in horror; or for someone to witness an execution?

Your post gave me shivers! :eek:
I really hate to say this, but if I was a "friend" of Rebecca's I would keep my mouth shut, until the facts became known.
As in so many cases woman give up their friends when they decide a man is their life.
She gave up her old life for her new life as I see it. Maybe she felt she had nothing in common with her friends anymore or they decided for her.

I also would like to hear from them.
It could be that GS' flight was already in play--she was returning home to SC already, when Max's accident occurred. But it makes more sense to me, if that were the case, that her flight would be abandoned and no one in that house would even be thinking about that. Everyone would be focused on Max. So that leads me to think that perhaps there is a lot more to GS' immediate departure.

On that same note, was ES there too? No one mentions him. Rebecca could have referred to GS as "her daughter" when reporting that her daughter was injured too, the same way she referred to Max as "her son".

I believe RN was murdered. Unless her clothes were found outside, at the courtyard, she would have had to have stripped out of her clothes and walked naked through the house, down the stairs and outside and it all just seems like too much preplanning for someone so wrought with guilt to have been able to plan and carry out.

The loud music (party), "violent" nature of her death (as described by LE) lead me to suspect murder over suicide.

Trying to keep up with the posts...whew!

Another possibility is that Jonah immediately began to hate Rebecca and did not want his daughter in company of that woman - the one who allowed his child to die! As a parent, I think I would remove my child from the company of that person immediately as well.
Maybe this was posted, maybe I missed it but I want to post it again....but, boy, it made me cry...what a sad loss; aren't they all. I haven't dissected the wording, yet but not too much mention of Jonah and their life together, imo...I'm too stuck in the emotion of it, right now. R.I.P., Rebecca and prayers and thoughts go out to her Family and Friends. (WHAT a beautiful picture...)

July 24th, 2011

Statement from the Family of Rebecca ZahauRebecca Zahau, our granddaughter, daughter, sister, aunt, and cousin, was laid to rest July 23rd 2011.

People including media want to know who Rebecca Zahau was. This has been difficult to answer within the immediacy of her death. It would be hard to describe the emotions that our family has dealt with, the last eleven days.

There are no words in any dictionary or language to describe the full beauty, love, compassion, selflessness, generosity, and kindness of Rebecca. Her Zahau name was "HNIANGSINMAWII" meaning "SPRINGTIME BEAUTY" and yet she was the beauty of every season. If you had met Rebecca, you could not help but love her.

Rebecca often anticipated the needs of family, friends, and co-workers. She offered her help and would be by their side before someone even thought of asking. She provided support through actions she could take. One friend wanted to run a triathlon. Rebecca signed up for the triathlon even though she did not know how to swim. She then took swim lessons determined to support her friend. She would surprise you with her thoughtfulness. Rebecca was one of the first people to visit a friend in the hospital with whom she had no contact in many months. Rebecca always found ways to touch everyone’s life.

Rebecca lived a life in motion and was full of energy. She focused on wellness in both body and spirit. She was a fitness fanatic. She loved to take on the most challenging workout regiments such as hiking the Grand Canyon. I would call her in the morning on a Saturday or Sunday and find out that she was already back from hiking Camelback Mountain or one of the local trails in Phoenix. Rebecca was very intelligent and achieved anything she set her mind on. Rebecca valued her life and lived her life to its fullest.

Rebecca loved God, her family, and life. Rebecca lived a life that was family centric. Although there was a geographic distance between us, Rebecca always made us feel she was right here with us. She honored and admired her parents. She was a role model to her younger siblings. She adored her nephew and niece. Rebecca was taken from us far too soon. It is hard to accept that she will not be a part of our lives as her younger brother and sister get married, her nephew and niece graduate from high school, and the other many family milestones ahead of us.

We love you so much Rebecca! Your smile, your joy, your liveliness, your eagerness, your creativity, your love, and your strength will be in our hearts forever. Every sunrise, every sunset, the beauty of every season will remind us of you and your beauty. Now you are in heaven with your Lord among the beautiful, the glorious, and among the angels where you belong. You look down upon us with your smile as beautiful as always and say "I am with my Lord where there is no pain, no tears, no more sadness nor crying, and where there is no more death."

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jonah and the Shacknai family on the loss of their son Max. We know he was a special child, who will be missed.

We appreciate the continuous outpouring of condolences from families, friends, and people in various parts of the nation and all over the world. This reflects who Rebecca was. Her legacy will continue to live in our hearts.

The Zahau Family

Source: She Was Compassionate and Generous: Zahau Family | NBC San Diego


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I really hate to say this, but if I was a "friend" of Rebecca's I would keep my mouth shut, until the facts became known.
As in so many cases woman give up their friends when they decide a man is their life.
She gave up her old life for her new life as I see it. Maybe she felt she had nothing in common with her friends anymore or they decided for her.

I also would like to hear from them.

I read somewhere that her husband said that she let the wealth get to her head and that she changed a lot since she was with Jonah.
While uploading that pic of Rebecca I saw this one I uploaded a few days ago. I had wanted to bring it to the attention of ya'll to get some opinions...its from 2008, its the cover of the annual report for Jonahs company, can't recall where I found it, might have been in google images; it may have already been posted..

My question? Does this look like Dana Shacknai to anyone else?'s 2008.


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