Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #4

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I agree with you on this, sargenet, and had stated upthread that I think Rebecca may have been found hanging by her feet. Hanging her unclothed was to humiliate her even in death, IMO.

This death was both vicious and very personal. Even if it is classified as a suicide, I just will not believe it.


Well she was not hanging by feet. She was hanging by her neck.
I don't see why anyone would think of suicide if she was hanging by her feet (which she was not).
Wow, I wish I knew how to put the photo in the article you posted next to a current photo. Shallow and has NOTHING to do with the case, but sure shows that less is more when injecting stuff into your face. IMO

The pic you are referring to, jstwondering, does not even look like the same man to me even though I know it is JS. He really has riuned his looks with his own products, IMO.
Well she was not hanging by feet. She was hanging by her neck.
I don't see why anyone would think of suicide if she was hanging by her feet (which she was not).

jjenny, it was an opinion only.

Good night all!
I agree with you on this, sargenet, and had stated upthread that I think Rebecca may have been found hanging by her feet. Hanging her unclothed was to humiliate her even in death, IMO.

This death was both vicious and very personal. Even if it is classified as a suicide, I just will not believe it.


You two are not alone with that thought. It has crossed my mind too.
The more I read the more I am actually thinking she wasn't "hanging" by her neck. I think that was the assumption because they wouldn't say "suicide or murder" the assumption was she was hanging by her neck...

I went back to a lot of the old links on these pages, and saw some raw footage from the interview with Tim Curran that I found on a few other TV news shows... nobody said she was found "hanging by her neck"... just "hanging"...

No doubt there was rope tied to her feet...they said they were "bound" but I believe they were clear that they were not tied together.... and her hands were tied behind her back....

I think the 911 tape might state she was hanging by her feet... and I bet we find out that AS pulled the table over to cut her down....because someone hung her feet first from the balcony..naked...with her hands bound behind her....

Someone was trying to make a point angry point. To kill her and then display her naked body. Sounds personal to me.......

early on, I could have sworn I saw "make shift noose" no link, no proof, just almost sure I saw that. Is a noose ever used in relation to anything but around the neck? (serious, not sarcastic question)
The pic from the article is pic 1, I picked up 2 others from google images...not dated, though but he looks older but 'done', to me...

You know, looking at before and after pictures, it almost looks like he had a face lift. A major face lift, as Restolyne is temporary and this looks way permanent. If not, maybe a face lift that was enhanced by his products. Restolyne wouldn't change facial structure and his looks different to me. )Sorry if I mis spelled the product name, as I have no idea how it is spelled.)
early on, I could have sworn I saw "make shift noose" no link, no proof, just almost sure I saw that. Is a noose ever used in relation to anything but around the neck? (serious, not sarcastic question)

I have read several times that she was 'found hanging, with a rope around her neck'. Not that she was found hanging 'by' a rope around her neck. Vague difference, that may or may not be important.
You know, looking at before and after pictures, it almost looks like he had a face lift. A major face lift, as Restolyne is temporary and this looks way permanent. If not, maybe a face lift that was enhanced by his products. Restolyne wouldn't change facial structure and his looks different to me. )Sorry if I mis spelledW the product name, as I have no idea how it is spelled.)

By jove I think you figured it out. Same thing .....I hardly recognize Bruce Jenner,Burt Reynolds or Kenny Rogers after their face lift's.
Does anyone think JS might have hired his brother to come in and do the deed? Thought just occurred to me. Trying to figure out what he was doing there . . .

My $$ is still on the Ex. FWIW
I don't know now this could be payback!

Found this interesting tidbit posted on a separate forum. I researched the guy and he sounds legit. He also happens to be Michael Jackson's dermatologist as well and a friend to the stars (Liz Taylor, etc.)
as his wealth increased so did his satyriasis:shocked2: --- his excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire. Maybe this was his desire to remain forever young. But this illness may very well account for what happened at the Spreckles mansion.

:puke:I was gonna post the definition but...:shutup:

Arnold W. Klein, MD
Professor of Medicine and Dermatology
Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA

Wow, I wish I knew how to put the photo in the article you posted next to a current photo. Shallow and has NOTHING to do with the case, but sure shows that less is more when injecting stuff into your face. IMO
pic #3 is bad!

Very Nice...


Anabolic Steroids? IMO

No clue!
To have an MD post THAt about you? He may have just gone after the wrong woman!- I'd really hate to think RN died due to his
Malignant self &#9829;/Narcissism
or Maxie, wow!

(can't get my "quotes" to work SORRY!)
I have read several times that she was 'found hanging, with a rope around her neck'. Not that she was found hanging 'by' a rope around her neck. Vague difference, that may or may not be important.
HE!! yes! That would be ligature strangultion and hung/displayed for someone to see! Like a fish on a hook! BAIT
I was searching for 'stepmother', 'shacknai', etc and came across, its a relay for life team, (my daughter does this too), one of the children was on this spring. To the far right of the screen you;ll see the prizecontributors/sponsors?...KJ is included as a sponsor, along with 'someone' titled "wicked stepmonster of GS" WHO is that and what is that about? Rebecca?? Dina??


I looked up stepmonster and there is a book written about the relationship between a step mom and the step children.
I have never, ever heard this fact before, in all my studies. Could you please provide a link? I have actually been taught that stress, poverty and the abusers history of abuse are the greatest reasons for child abuse. I'd be interested if there is some stats in regards to your statement.

I don't have statistics, but I know I have read this over and over again (parents - LOTS of times step dads and mom's boyfriends arrested after disciplining the kid for bed wetting which resulted in the kid's death). Just google "killed bed wetting child" and there are more than a million search pages that come up. :sick:

Now, it seems more often than not it happens with younger parents and the less affluent. It boggles my mind that DS/JS argued about this. What the heck is there to argue about? It happens. I potty trained a child in a weekend with no problem for during the day. 3+ years before he didn't have to wear a pull up at night. Tried everything under the moon - read every book, tried rewards, etc. Nothing. Nothing we could do about it until it just clicked for him. Never once did my husband or I argue about it?
along with 'someone' titled "wicked stepmonster of GS" WHO is that and what is that about? Rebecca?? Dina??

Good Find! Definitely Rebecca.
I don't see Dina having a relationship with GS, after the divorce, and doubt she'd make a charity contribution on her behalf.

"StepMONSTER" That bites! Especially, from the one she called "my daughter". The "my son", "my daughter" reference irked me, so I'd say GS didn't respond favorably. It oversteps boundaries, IMO.

When I met my boyfriend 13 years ago, his daughter was 11, his son 9. We were living together within a month, very happily the first two years, until the novelty (me) wore off. When his daughter turned 13, my life became Hell. There was resentment because I lived with him, she did not.

When they spent weekends, she wanted me out of the picture because I had him all week. She did everything to come between us, and Daddy's little girl could do no wrong. Kids shuffled between two households, particularly when relations are strained between parents, are cleverly manipulative to get what they want. They portray an innocence that no parent will doubt, and the "stepmonster" is always at fault.

I had a suspicion the two had problems. That nasty nickname out there for all to see, tells me JS wouldn't or couldn't do a thing about it. I'm still wondering what compelled her to post MS's death on Facebook, when it compromised the family's privacy. Not to mention the glaring absence of condolences for RN. I have a feeling the neighbor boy, who watched it all unfold from his rooftop, kept her posted on current events. He said they kept in touch by phone, and he's the one who put her early departure alibi out there.

I wondered if GS tweaked the facts and blamed MS's accident on RN, to remove responsibility from herself and put it on RN. Believe me, it is extremely frustrating to be doubted in your futile attempt to defend yourself, when favor is with a child who can do no wrong.

The sullen look at ES's bas mitzvah tells me she's not happy unless the center of attention. I thought it odd ES wasn't at the "summer home" with the rest of the "family". My bf's daughter used to call her dad to pick her up, before her brother got home from school, and tell her dad he didn't want to come. My bf was hurt that his son didn't want to spend the weekend, until I asked "who's doing the talking?" The next time she pulled this, he asked to talk to her brother. She said he wasn't home, then his son picked up the extension and asked why she was lying. Busted! I also wonder if GS felt resentment toward MS.

My bf was clueless to her manipulations. I once said he should discipline her, he said "she doesn't do anything wrong!" Just want to give my real life experiences in a blended household. A teenager's newfound independence can wreak havoc, and is not for the faint at heart. RN's cultural differences probably made it even more difficult.
I looked up stepmonster and there is a book written about the relationship between a step mom and the step children.

I bought a book called Stepmotherhood, to deal with my personal situation. Check my post for some real life examples of this living Hell!
When I met my boyfriend 13 years ago, his daughter was 11, his son 9. We were living together within a month, very happily the first two years, until the novelty (me) wore off. When his daughter turned 13, my life became Hell. There was resentment because I lived with him, she did not.


Same here! Girls were 11 and 13 when I met my husband and we had a great relationship (they lived with mom in the picture at all). They supported the relationship and the marriage. Then 2 years later by 13 and all went downhill. I had a baby boy and the youngest became very jealous. Now the girls are 20 and 22. I have been calling myself "evil stepmonster" as a joke, but nothing I have done for these girls is enough. I have done so much for them..but I am now the enemy for some reason. Now the 20 year old wants nothing to do with me or her little brother ..and wants her daddy back. Wants him to divorce me and for things to go back to how their relationship was before he met me when he was a single dad...selfish crazy stuff....

Looks like there is a book I think I will go read based on recommendations here!
I hate to think that RN was not liked by her future step-children....
but boy, you sure got it right in your description & what happens in
a lot of step-mother/step-child relationships. Mine included.
Anyone notice this odd coincidence?

The longtime SDPD chief of child abuse cases and her own daughter were found murdered a few days ago -- in circumstances eerily similar to the Shacknai case. She might have been involved in the determination of Max's cause of death, depending on when the Coronado police turned the case over to the San Diego PD.

No connection whatsoever. The mother and daughter were murdered by the 24 year old schitzophrenic, 300 lb. son, who lived in the household. She was with San Diego PD. The Coronado case is being handled by Coronado PD, San Diego Sheriff's Office, and California Justice Dept.
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