Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #7

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Her supposed suicide would be even more difficult to pull off if she were in fact intoxicated. We are talking about hand bound behind her back and feet bound.
That would involve some acrobatics to either get onto the table or jump off the balcony. How is someone intoxicated would be able to pull that off?

I'm more inclined to believe that also and that if she wanted to commit suicide, there were pills available. I can't believe she was intoxicated or took drugs and then bound her hands and feet, naked, and then hung herself. Good point.
What if she had been beaten then committed suicide?

Bound and tied to something in the room, beaten and berated then left alone.

With the orange cord not being something that knots tight working its way somewhat looser and she makes her way to the balcony and flings over…

But that doesn’t account for the blue scarf which I think had significance to her.

All imo
Ocean, I would respectfully take exception to excluding either DS or JS just because they may not have left the hospital when the dirty deed occurred. IMO, either one of them could have had others carry it out with my leaning toward JS.

That is true but communication would have to be made between this supposed "person" and either Dina or Jonah.

I have no doubt Dina and Jonah's cell phone records have also been retrieved so LE would know who they had been in contact with from the time Maxie got hurt until Rebecca died. With them being at the hospital so much during this time with Max on his death bed I think it has made it easier for police to know where they were at all times.

If I was to speculate I see more of a viable motive by Dina than Jonah but then I have nothing whatsoever to base that on.

I'm more inclined to believe that also and that if she wanted to commit suicide, there were pills available. I can't believe she was intoxicated or took drugs and then bound her hands and feet, naked, and then hung herself. Good point.

But to me..time......that is trying to put our rational thinking into the minds of the suicidal persons and doing their thinking for them which is not doable, imo.

If that were the case then ALL women who commit suicide would take an overdose of drugs and that is simply not the case. They do overdose themselves but they also hang or shoot themselves too. There is no set profile where every case fits into a neat box because these people can be very creative in how they commit suicide.

She wouldn't have to be falling down drunk if she drank alcohol or even if she took some sedatives beforehand.

The brutal truth is we cannot get into the minds of those who do this or know why they pick the methodology they do.

Yes, and while we wait news web sites all over are repeating that police have detrmined her death was a suicide. The latest is the Daily Beast, the web site/blog of Newsweek:

Mogul Lover's Death Suicide: Cops

Scroll all the way down to the bottom to read the RN blurb. It is a short paragraph and then you are directed to the Daily Mail site for the full article.
They are a UK paper that is very gossipy and probably Murdoch owned.

This is a remix of that same shoddy article we've been talking about. Difference is that the Daily Beast has done two "real" articles about this case, and then they do this link to another site with a head line that screams "the cops think she committed suicide". Which may be true, but to my knowledge the investigators have said nothing and we don't even know if the "source" is actually "close to the investigation" or someone that was made up so a sloppy article could be written. OR so that a PR firm could start earning its $$$.

The infuriating thing about this is that a reader who doesn't know much about the case (or even one who DOES) and is skimming sees the headline and thinks that its a done deal, this is what the investigators have said. Creating a "fact" in the public's mind that is not a fact.


Notice the name of the Daily Beast crime reporter who did the previous two news stories did not do this one, nor report on the supposed break in the news. Why Newsweek/Daily Beast ran it at all is beyond me.
That is true but communication would have to be made between this supposed "person" and either Dina or Jonah.

I have no doubt Dina and Jonah's cell phone records have also been retrieved so LE would know who they had been in contact with from the time Maxie got hurt until Rebecca died. With them being at the hospital so much during this time with Max on his death bed I think it has made it easier for police to know where they were at all times.

If I was to speculate I see more of a viable motive by Dina than Jonah but then I have nothing whatsoever to base that on.


Ocean, very good point on the phone records being pulled up for if one were to summon 'help' to take care of Rebecca, that would be indicated indeed. Just so I understand where you are coming from, do you lean more toward Dina because she held a grudge about Rebecca maybe breaking up her marriage or do you think that Jonah would not be inclined to murder his fiance? Simply curious and I'm certain the reasons don't boil down to these simplistic points.
No amount of propoganda originated in the camps of JS and DS will convince me that RZ committed suicide. In fact, JS should be ashamed of himself (especially if he is innocent) for not using his riches to hire private detectives and bring to justice whomever murdered RZ.
No amount of propoganda originated in the camps of JS and DS will convince me that RZ committed suicide. In fact, JS should be ashamed of himself (especially if he is innocent) for not using his riches to hire private detectives and bring to justice whomever murdered RZ.[/QUOTE]

Your last sentence says it all and IMO is very telling. He may have indeed attended Rebecca's memorial service but I consider that a token gesture that he knew it would be ill-perceived if he had not gone. What the heck HAS he done to show his feelings for his supposed fiance following her death? I guess he's been WAY to busy with the PR firm and IMO their advice hasn't been the best.
Bringing this interesting post forward.

Hmmm .... was there a "yet" missing from the end of the last line? Or, would that be redundant?

Please allow me to clarify my posting. If I had intended to add "yet" to the end of my posting, I would have done so.

I do not view massive brain injuries to a small child in his own home to be a result of a tragic accident. I view them as a result of negligence. If I were his mother and father, I would be outraged that he wasn't being supervised and I would expect his care-giver to be held accountable. imo, the victim in this case is Maxie and Rebecca knew she was responsible. I'll let the investigators make conclusions about her death. Suicide is entirely possible, imo.
Please allow me to clarify my posting. If I had intended to add "yet" to the end of my posting, I would have done so.

I do not view massive brain injuries to a small child in his own home to be a result of a tragic accident. I view them as a result of negligence. If I were his mother and father, I would be outraged that he wasn't being supervised and I would expect his care-giver to be held accountable. imo, the victim in this case is Maxie and Rebecca knew she was responsible. I'll let the investigators make conclusions about her death. Suicide is entirely possible, imo.

We have no evidence this was negligence on Rebecca's part. I can give you at least two possible scenarios that contradict that.

1. Many teenagers at 13 or 14 years old would be considered responsible enough to watch after a 6 year old. Certainly for short period or while someone runs to cook or to the laundry. My grandson is 6 and I doubt his mom can or does watch him every single second.

2. There are unforseable accidents that do not count as negligence - a dog is scared for some reason or is excited and runs through the house, a child gets knocked over or a teenager is horsing around with her younger brother and it gets out of hand.

I'm not sure I believe Max's death is the result of an accident, but I think it is far fetched to claim it is a fact that Rebecca was negligent.
I am not sure that they know it was murder. If the tapes at the hospital shows Dina and Jonah there during the night that Rebecca died then they would be excluded.

So that would leave Adam and he may have taken a poly and passed.

Imo, they have taken Rebecca's cell phone records and have interviewed everyone that came in contact with her from the time of Maxie's accident until she died..... either by phone. email or in person and they asked about her demeanor and if she was highly upset because of Maxie's accident.

I really think they all knew pretty soon after he was taken to the hospital that he was brain dead and was never going to survive so they kept him on life support until his organs could be harvested.


call me a cynic, but IMO just because JS and DS have alibi's does not clear them in my book. This is somone who got his daughter out of town lickety split at the same time he learned that his youngest child was gravely injured. I can't even imagine how he processed it all and of course, why it was done. But it leads me to wonder with power, influence and money, who knows what else he could have arranged.
That is true but communication would have to be made between this supposed "person" and either Dina or Jonah.

I have no doubt Dina and Jonah's cell phone records have also been retrieved so LE would know who they had been in contact with from the time Maxie got hurt until Rebecca died. With them being at the hospital so much during this time with Max on his death bed I think it has made it easier for police to know where they were at all times.

If I was to speculate I see more of a viable motive by Dina than Jonah but then I have nothing whatsoever to base that on.


This answered my previous post (should have read further before posting..haha). But what if a call were made from the telephone in the hospital or some other location? Or he called AS and asked him to place a call? Or someone else entirely. Asked another "visitor". I can imagine all sorts of scenarios to getting the word out. Its easier for me to believe that than it is for me to accept that RN killed herself. :banghead:
We have no evidence this was negligence on Rebecca's part. I can give you at least two possible scenarios that contradict that.

1. Many teenagers at 13 or 14 years old would be considered responsible enough to watch after a 6 year old. Certainly for short period or while someone runs to cook or to the laundry. My grandson is 6 and I doubt his mom can or does watch him every single second.

2. There are unforseable accidents that do not count as negligence - a dog is scared for some reason or is excited and runs through the house, a child gets knocked over or a teenager is horsing around with her younger brother and it gets out of hand.

I'm not sure I believe Max's death is the result of an accident, but I think it is far fetched to claim it is a fact that Rebecca was negligent.

The evidence there was negligence is a dead child with a brain injury, imo. Someone questioned my previous posting and I provided clarification.

Your scenarios aren't remotely similar to what is known in this case. I will continue to hold my opinion that fatal brain trauma to a child in his own home are a result of negligence. Rebecca was Max's caregiver. I doubt she was busily distracted with cooking and cleaning the mansion but, again, that's imo.

Other details of Maxie's injuries have not been revealed but so far, no blame has been placed on the dog. If the dog were that rambunctious, its play with Maxie should have been supervised. I have dogs I would never allow around kids unsupervised.

I think it is far-fetched to accuse Maxie's grieving parents of murdering his dad's girlfriend when there is no evidence whatsoever to support it but that's also just my opinion.
call me a cynic, but IMO just because JS and DS have alibi's does not clear them in my book. This is somone who got his daughter out of town lickety split at the same time he learned that his youngest child was gravely injured. I can't even imagine how he processed it all and of course, why it was done. But it leads me to wonder with power, influence and money, who knows what else he could have arranged.

Those with power, influence and money usually do love their children and have a duty to ensure their well-being. Where did JS send his daughter? I'm curious why you consider it to be such a bad place.
Hi MyBelle :seeya:

I’m curious, you seem to believe that RN intentionally, willfully, maliciously harmed MS.


What is your theory?

Please allow me to clarify my posting. If I had intended to add "yet" to the end of my posting, I would have done so.

I do not view massive brain injuries to a small child in his own home to be a result of a tragic accident. I view them as a result of negligence. If I were his mother and father, I would be outraged that he wasn't being supervised and I would expect his care-giver to be held accountable. imo, the victim in this case is Maxie and Rebecca knew she was responsible. I'll let the investigators make conclusions about her death. Suicide is entirely possible, imo.

Glad you posted. I know you had asked about "an investigation/hospital reporting to LE". I had thought LE was involved but didn't want to post until I had a link.

In Ohio, children's services or LE, can investigate possible abuse. If this was in Ohio, since LE was at the scene (they would have been the lead agency), there would have been no reason to "report" (since LE did and/or was investigating).

I found the article.....

During Thursday's press conference authorities said a woman called 911 and reported the unidentified child, who is the son of Jonah Shacknai and his ex-wife Dina, had fallen from a staircase at the home. Police and fire department officials responding to the scene said the child was not breathing and did not have a pulse. He was eventually taken to Rady Children's Hospital.

Authorities said there was no information that indicated the child's fall was anything more than a tragic accident. Authorities said the woman's death and the boy's injury are not related.

comeon, are you trying to say , when you watch your child, you watch the kid every minute? it only takes a few seconds or even a split second for an accident happen.

negligence and/or abuse to me is willful/intentional neglect or harm.

I do not view massive brain injuries to a small child in his own home to be a result of a tragic accident. I view them as a result of negligence. If I were his mother and father, I would be outraged that he wasn't being supervised and I would expect his care-giver to be held accountable. imo, the victim in this case is Maxie and Rebecca knew she was responsible. I'll let the investigators make conclusions about her death. Suicide is entirely possible, imo.
this statement by authorities has got to be the most fantastic statement. hahaha. they gotta be pulling our eggs. :floorlaugh:

if this keeps happening, we should start compiling a top 10 list of fantastic statements by authorities or news reporters and send it to David Letterman.

scorekeeper said:
Authorities said the woman's death and the boy's injury are not related.

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