Remains Discussion Part 4 UPDATE Caylee Tentatively ID'ed

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The plane ride also give them a chance to stop and think, before doing. (or talking)

thank goodness for that, the last thing we needed to hear was more of their verbal diarrhea. Poor people they have been so busy responding and not thinking first that they have come off like morons. Taking a step back and having time to reflect hopefully helped them, and it certainly helped us:rolleyes:
I am thinking that dog hairs were seen stuck to the tape, so police wanted to get samples of the Anthony's dogs hair. Thus the taking of the vacuum cleaner.

I guess there must have been a part of me that still thought that perhaps somehow Caylee's death was an accident, because I was really shocked to learn of the duct tape on the mouth! That poor little child.......may she rest in peace.

I hadn't thought about the dog hair. Excellent point! :clap:

"One of her attorneys, Linda Kenney Baden, said during a court hearing Friday that “anthropological measurements and hair color” of the remains were said to match Caylee.

Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said earlier Friday that a search of the grandparents’ home where the mother and daughter lived had also yielded links to the remains that he would not reveal. There are no other similar missing-child cases in the area."
The remains could be so decomposed, because maybe she didn't have her in a bag the whole time. So she coud have been exposed to air. The date of death and the date at which the body was placed in its final spot are two seperate dates. Most likely dates that are atleast a month apart. That poor child has been moved to different spots. Remember she never anticipated being arrested on child neglect.
Okay, be kind, this is my first post, but have been lurking here since close to the beginning of this case. I joined last night because of all the people who were angry about lurkers slowing the system down, so now I am a member slowing the system down. I agree with the person who said the bag could have been there all along, I dunno, I was down there around the time Caylee went missing (before it was reported), and I remember thinking that there woods would be horrible to try to slog through. Poor Caylee, she was so close to "home", and yet so far away. I think her grand parents will be charged with obstruction of justice, but I do feel very very bad for them... They have acted badly, and like nuts to be sure, but in one fell swoop they have lost a daughter, and a grand daughter, and have to come to terms with the horror of having raised a monster. I will pray for everyone involved, yes, even Casey, someone has to, and Lord knows she needs the prayers with where she is going (that being said, she is a piece of trash, and deserves what she gets... contradictory I know, but I am so twisted trying to make sense of this case...)

Welcome! :clap:

I have prayed for Casey ~ for her to cleanse her soul by telling the truth. I have prayed for George and Cindy ~ for comfort during this trying time and for the strength to do the right thing by Caylee.
The plane ride also give them a chance to stop and think, before doing. (or talking)

Yes, that's true. I am amazed that something has finally silenced Cindy.

I wasn't at all surprised that they cancelled their LKL appearance last night.
I couldnt sleep....I dont know if anyone has thought of Caylees book....the one she was reading with grandpa.....the one that KC said Caylee was reading and talking about on the phone with her.....

Ive always wondered about the book.....I wonder also if they replaced that to say nothing was struck me that the LE was looking for certain things.....and also that they new right away that it was Caylee.....just my maybe I can get some sleep .......

Omg.....KC has already mentioned that book! Remember when she said she had talked to Caylee on the phone and she was not afraid , she was cheerful and she was talking about her book? KC told her to put an adult on the phone and the call ended. She has already connected that book to the non-existent nanny.!........does that make sense? or am I completely whacked by all this???:crazy:
I'm sorry , it would take me a while to find the exact thread of that alleged phone call.....but I'm sure you all remember
When I heard of the searches for neck breaking I immediately thought of an old episode of CSI (Vegas) where a mother killed her daughter by hitting her in the back of the neck with a shovel. Her neck was broken. The mother was very narcissistic & was angry and jelous of all the attention that her daughter received. Sick! I know that KC loved to watch CSI and have to wonder if she saw that episode and got "inspired". I literally became ill when I heard that the head was no longer attached & rolled out of the bag! Damn you Casey!!!

Thanks...I didn't know that...
If this has been addressed sorry please move or delete.

LP stated that he thinks she accidently OD'd her with chloroform. If she was knocking her out, why was her mouth duct taped. I am sure all you sleuthers have a logical explanation, I am just not getting it???

If Caylee had taken her own clothes off to climb into the pool while her mother was distracted, it's unlikely KC would redress a lifeless body.

Just a thought.

ITA (hmm where have I heard this before!) We are a small club (growing smaller by the day) but there are only a limited number of possible explanations for why a) we've every indication that A's own backyard was the death scene; b) there were likely no clothes on Caylee at the time she died. These facts are, as you bravely point out (and believe me, at this stage, you are being incredibly brave) consistent with a drowning. What we do not know is whether there may have been some attempt afterward to stage a kidnap scenario eg which, though never anticipated, wouldn't be discovered, due to Faye, for six months; or even precise placement of tape (reports have varied from initially duct tape near or around skull to now "duct tape wrapped around her face..." Which is only to say that had the tape been wrapped eg around the bag itself--ie at (wince) Caylee's head to seal and prevent fluids (cringe) from escaping--then once remains began to decompose, bag wore etc, it's also quite possible tape appeared to encompass or directly surround the head itself--but since I'm not present at autopsy, I have no further details and could only speculate further. Regardless it is horrible, and totally heartbreaking. I have been a mess. But I am hoping this is at least a step toward ending the A's "denial," collusion or whatever we call it... JMO

After Caylee's death whether accidental or intentional.......
I wonder if Casey may have put the ladder up to the pool, undressed Caylee, put Caylee into the pool thinking she might be successful in washing away any forensic evidence on little Caylee's body.

It is far more likely IMO that perhaps it was instead the kidnap scenario which KC staged afterward in futile and foiled attempt to deflect all responsibility for tragic neglect which all indicators show actually took place there. If KC's mind was twisted by fear vs malice eg, IMO it's conceivable she may have rigged her own noose by deliberately creating the heinous manner, and close disposal site, in which she assumed Caylee's remains would quickly be discovered--ie not anticipating Faye nor three feet of water which didn't recede for five more months--in hopes this might help to distance her from the actual circumstances of her daughter's death. (This would be consistent eg w the odd way in which KC's own personal belongings were strewn about abandoned car's front seat--also not discovered as soon as probably expected. Time may have simply run out before she could fully implement the entire crazy, desperate half-baked escape plan--when her mother discovered she wasn't in Jacksonville, showing up unexpectedly to confront her at TL's.) Until computer forensics are proven at trial, I can't dismiss this possibility. JMO
To keep her quiet if she woke up?


To stage a kidnapping, remember "she"(seems like she was referring to Zanny IMO) according to KC had a key to the A's house.

I still think they will try to stick to the Zanny story IMO.
The remains could be so decomposed, because maybe she didn't have her in a bag the whole time. So she could have been exposed to air. The date of death and the date at which the body was placed in its final spot are two seperate dates. Most likely dates that are atleast a month apart. That poor child has been moved to different spots. Remember she never anticipated being arrested on child neglect.

She may have moved her body around to different locations and not all of that time in a bag, hidden under the platform where the spare tire would be located--I also posted: What if the body decomp. fluids were absorbed UP into the particle board/carpeting because the body had contact with that area for awhile. Then at some point, just speculating, that she decided to hasten the decomposition and shoveled some Lime in the bag and threw her in the place the body was found.

The reason I mention the Lime is because it has been used before, as in the John Wayne Gacy case--he used it in the crawl space and others, and during WWII by the Nazi's after shooting bodies and pushing them into the ditches.
Someone also mentioned that Dr.G was not there at the scene. I watched the live coverage on local tv all day and she was indeed at the scene. She was standing, most of the time, near the area with the tent and directed the removal of the body and preserving the crime scene evidence.

Sorry, Anna Mouse, that was not Dr. G at the scene. She was on her way to California when the remains were discovered. Her Chief Invesitgator was at the scene all day Thursday and Friday. Someone else thought the person they saw was her also, but I can assure you it wasn't.
To keep her quiet if she woke up?


To stage a kidnapping, remember "she"(seems like she was referring to Zanny IMO) according to KC had a key to the A's house.

I still think they will try to stick to the Zanny story IMO.

IF they do, the defense is facing a losing battle. They absolutely cannot provide proof of this woman's existance. I really don't think even JB could be that dumb?? The SA will rip that "defense" apart in a heartbeat.

I think they're going to go with Caylee died in an "accident" and Casey was scared, and couldn't come forward with the truth because of the fear she has of Cindy's wrath. She basically said as much in her first LE interview. IMO.
To keep her quiet if she woke up?


To stage a kidnapping, remember "she"(seems like she was referring to Zanny IMO) according to KC had a key to the A's house.

I still think they will try to stick to the Zanny story IMO.

I think that they have 2 options-1. Tell the truth and try to throw yourself on the mercy of the court by claiming mental defect or 2. Stay with the Zanni story-KC said she had a key to the house (would expain evidence from the dogs, trash bag, vacuum cleaners, etc.)
I think to introduce a new story now would be totally stupid. They can't keep all the details straight now! But, who knows with new attorneys can come new ideas. One of the lawyers on LKL last night said she would be surprised if there is a trial in 2009!!:eek:
If this has been addressed sorry please move or delete.

LP stated that he thinks she accidently OD'd her with chloroform. If she was knocking her out, why was her mouth duct taped. I am sure all you sleuthers have a logical explanation, I am just not getting it???


My guess is he thought she kept Caylee in the trunk, induced sleep with chloroform, duct taped her mouth in case she woke up and started crying.

A 3 year old could remove duct tape with her hands, it has not been revealed by LE about the conditions of the rest of the remains. Perhaps, Caylee's hands were tied up and after death the hands were untied? Going with this premise, if it was an accident (felonious accident), Casey didn't remove the tape over her mouth as it would expose more of her child's face to her. I think it is quite common for victims known to the murderer to have their faces covered.

If tried to stage drowning - left clothes on.
If tried to stage drowning AND wash blood, smell off clothes - left clothes on.
If overwhelming stench - took clothes off for that reason alone.

Obviously, there's a BOATLOAD of evidence at the dump site.
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