Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/20 Sizzle Break

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Gotta go to work; gonna miss everything. Boo

:seeya: Hi MarVa,

:) Here's what you will probably miss today:

- SideBar after SideBar ...

- Wilmott still going on and on and on and on with Geffner about :liar: ...

- Sizzles and more Sizzles, and maybe hour long Sizzles ...

- The DT continuing to whine and whine about the DP and blah blah blah ...

- This DT is lower than a snake, and can they go any lower than they have in this Re-Trial ?

Absolutely :gaah:
He definitely has the names.

I think JM has his eye firmly on the ball. He is concerned about spending too much time debating side issues, because of the risk that the jury will think those issues are important to the case.

Glad you are feeling better AZL.

BBM--The female juror who was dismissed (IIRC Juror #3?) in December due to schedule conflicts gave an interview recently in which she discussed (and dismissed) TA viewing *advertiser censored* stating this was a non-starter for her, however, she qualified her statement to say that child *advertiser censored* would be issue for her.

I sincerely believe this allegation has the potential to damage the state's case for the sentence of death, so, do you believe that JM should take up/debate this "side issue" of child *advertiser censored* as alleged by the NZ witness, and do you think he will?

Thanks AZL, for all that you do for us here on WS.
I am so sorry for the difficulties some of you are having reading my posts and I appreciate you telling me they are coming out tiny. I didn't know that because the size that I see is along the same size as other posts here.

Maybe this will clear it up and I will go back to using the traditional font style most use on here.

Thanks everyone for letting me know. It does make me feel good though that people are reading (or trying to :D) my posts.
Get ready with the rotten tomatoes to throw at me..:)

Stating the obvious, perhaps, but here's reality.

1. This is the sentencing phase and the rules of evidence are different. Much broader. This is in service to the notion that the jury deserves to hear every conceivable bit of information out there to help them decide which penalty is most just.

2. The DT is legally, morally, and ethically required to present a full and vigorous case as to why their client should not receive the DP.

3. JA has only 3 real mitigators- her age, lack of criminal history, and the State's assessment that she has BPD.

4. The DT is required to diligently search and to present anything about their client, her life, or the circumstances of her crime that can be considered mitigating.

5. JA'S BPD does not mean she's legally insane, but it does indicate she is mentally ill. It is up to the jury to decide whether or not her mental illness explains -not excuses- the fact she killed Travis and/or the cruelty with which she killed him.

6. The DT and their client don't agree on defense strategy. Imo Nurmi clearly wanted to go all out on mental illness as mitigator. JA hasn't allowed him free reign. JA has the constitutional right to the defense of her choice. JA's choice is demonizing Travis in the belief that at least one juror will be swayed that Travis deserved to die.

7. Putting Travis on trial is necessary for each and for both of these defenses. JA's reasons for doing so speak for themselves. Nurmi's story of a vulnerable mentally ill young woman needs a Travis who triggered, stoked, and fed JA's mental illness. Enter Travis the villain.

8. JSS is the judge. It is her job, not the DT's , to determine how far the DT can go, how many lines the DT can tiptoe up to and stand on, and which side to give the benefit of the doubt to if a given law isn't spelled out in black and white.

:goodpost: Thank you this is well done. I know that we do not want to hear that so much latitude is given during this penalty phase (especially all the hearsay evidence), but this is how this is done during this part of any trial (we are just use to much, much shorter versions). I know that I have learned so much during this retrial of the penalty phase as it relates to the judicial process. We are so fortunate to have an Arizona lawyer/attorney to answer our multitude of questions. (JMO)
Geff or the defense team knew that Juan could use the video of Deanna's prior testimony, so he/JA/df made sure he added in his testimony that these girls did not even realize they were being abused. SMH

Hey, apparently a the women Geffner did interview (Chatanya?) didn't even realize she had sex, let alone that she was being abused - but Geffner knows - he read some texts, and jodi's diary.
Those women are probably really surprised about how much they didn't know about their own selves, and their relationships.
Glad you are feeling better AZL.

BBM--The female juror who was dismissed (IIRC Juror #3?) in December due to schedule conflicts gave an interview recently in which she discussed (and dismissed) TA viewing *advertiser censored* stating this was a non-starter for her, however, she qualified her statement to say that child *advertiser censored* would be issue for her.

I sincerely believe this allegation has the potential to damage the state's case for the sentence of death, so, do you believe that JM should take debate this "side issue" of child *advertiser censored* as alleged by the NZ witness, and do you think he will?

Thanks AZL, for all that you do for us here on WS.

Yes, I think JM understands that child *advertiser censored* is different from "just *advertiser censored*." I think he will continue to try to attack that allegation at least.
I am so sorry for the difficulties some of you are having reading my posts and I appreciate you telling me they are coming out tiny. I didn't know that because the size that I see is along the same size as other posts here.

Maybe this will clear it up and I will go back to using the traditional font style most use on here.

Thanks everyone for letting me know. It does make me feel good though that people are reading (or trying to :D) my posts.

Your script was a tad small for me before, but your subsequent enlargement attempts are all great for me.
That sounds pretty bogus given the knee and the screaming from that one affidavit, doesn't it? Makes him sound like he's full of carp all the way. I almost feel bad for poor Dr. Geffner (but not quite.)
On one hand Deanna didn't know she was being abused, but literally on the other, she needed a cold compress for her damaged wrists. :facepalm: I really hope the jury had their BS meters tuned up during their break last week.
Geff or the defense team knew that Juan could use the video of Deanna's prior testimony, so he/JA/df made sure he added in his testimony that these girls did not even realize they were being abused. SMH

Exactly, I am 100% convinced you are correct Dmacky. Yesterday when DGeffner testified about this I knew it was intended to devalue the credibility of any previous GF's testimony should JM have their testimony played from the guilt phase or have them testify in this retrial.
I am so sorry for the difficulties some of you are having reading my posts and I appreciate you telling me they are coming out tiny. I didn't know that because the size that I see is along the same size as other posts here.

Maybe this will clear it up and I will go back to using the traditional font style most use on here.

Thanks everyone for letting me know. It does make me feel good though that people are reading (or trying to :D) my posts.

Your posts stand out because of the thought you put into them and the quality of your writing style, not because of the style of your font. :)
:goodpost: Thank you this is well done. I know that we do not want to hear that so much latitude is given during this penalty phase (especially all the hearsay evidence), but this is how this is done during this part of any trial (we are just use to much, much shorter versions). I know that I have learned so much during this retrial of the penalty phase as it relates to the judicial process. We are so fortunate to have an Arizona lawyer/attorney to answer our multitude of questions. (JMO)

I hope to see JSS giving Juan the same wide latitude to rebut any of these witnesses. Sometimes I do think she hamstrings him more than she does the defense when he wants to bring something in that counters what the DTs experts are spewing.
I don't think either side was suggesting that MDLR should read the affidavits.

Experts can often testify about hearsay even in the guilt phase--and much more so in the mitigation phase. That's normal. I don't think JM was fighting about how many layers of hearsay there were but about parts of the affidavits that were clearly irrelevant or improper and shouldn't be read by anyone. I assume he objected to the parts of the affidavits showing that they were obtained by MDLR on the grounds that it was irrelevant who obtained them and that the jury might somehow think that they were more reliable because they were obtained by an officer of the court.

Ah, that makes more sense, once again you bring law, logic and a calming influence - Thanks AZL!
That sounds pretty bogus given the knee and the screaming from that one affidavit, doesn't it? Makes him sound like he's full of carp all the way. I almost feel bad for poor Dr. Geffner (but not quite.)

Carp +

Every male in Arias' life 'choked her out', and every female in Travis' didn't realise they were being abused.
Your posts stand out because of the thought you put into them and the quality of your writing style, not because of the style of your font. :)

Aww, what a very kind thing to say. Thank you very much.

I am a creative person by nature and tend to like font styles that are not traditional but I do want posters to be able to read what I do post. That is much more important to me.:)

Again, I am glad it was brought to my attention.

I am so sorry for the difficulties some of you are having reading my posts and I appreciate you telling me they are coming out tiny. I didn't know that because the size that I see is along the same size as other posts here.

Maybe this will clear it up and I will go back to using the traditional font style most use on here.

Thanks everyone for letting me know.

It does make me feel good though that people are reading (or trying to :D) my posts.



Just want to let you know your posts are the best of the best here at WS, OBE !

Your posts are very well put together, very well thought out, and informative !

Geff or the defense team knew that Juan could use the video of Deanna's prior testimony, so he/JA/df made sure he added in his testimony that these girls did not even realize they were being abused. SMH

If the DT was actually expecting Juan to be able to bring up Deanna's testimony then they are taking a huge gamble. I think it is going to make them look foolish and make them look like the liars they are.

I guess it all depends on how much Juan is able to directly address about the affidativs. Im still fearful that Juan will be forced to limit what he can bring up. I hope I am wrong and hope Juan destroys their credibility in front of the jury.
Hey, apparently a the women Geffner did interview (Chatanya?) didn't even realize she had sex, let alone that she was being abused - but Geffner knows - he read some texts, and jodi's diary.
Those women are probably really surprised about how much they didn't know about their own selves, and their relationships.

I imagine the women that were into Travis for the sex alone were quite satisfied. But, I also imagine Geffner would not know much about that.
Remember this video from PK Report?

Carp +

Every male in Arias' life 'choked her out', and every female in Travis' didn't realise they were being abused.

It is like they are pushing the idea that Travis must pay for all the sins of every male she came in contact with in her life.
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