Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/22 thru 1/26 Break

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Or she dropped the knife on her foot after she finished stabbing him and was trying to grab him to pull him back toward the shower...

I wish that. But I don't think so. Reading between the lines, and taking the sequence she writes at face value for the moment:

Travis was sitting in the shower, she tried to shoot him, then hit him/stabbed him. He went to the sink. He tried to grab the knife from her when near the sink. He slumped down, could no longer feel his legs. She kicked him as he lay there, helpless. He begged her to go get help.......
She says in the letter two of her toes were bleeding from kicking the girl ninja so hard. As BK posters note, she almost certainly meant kicking Travis that hard. When he was down on the ground.

Just to keep all her lies together, please note that Jodi's bleeding toes somehow morphed into bleeding ankles - as per her response to a juror question about "her" specific injuries:

97) You mentioned injuries that would not have been seen by others when you were in Utah in June 2008, can you go into detail about where they were and how you received them?

A: Yes, my ankles were bleeding, not profusely, but they were scratched and they were injured. I had socks and shoes on. (She's talking about while in Utah - which hid her injuries from Ryan) Also when I hit the tile the back of my head slammed the tile, right here, also my shoulder has never been the same, but I don't know if it's related to landing on the tile or not. It's off all I can say, it hurts constantly actually.

Nothing told to the jury about any bleeding toes.
I wish that. But I don't think so. Reading between the lines, and taking the sequence she writes at face value for the moment:

Travis was sitting in the shower, she tried to shoot him, then hit him/stabbed him. He went to the sink. He tried to grab the knife from her when near the sink. He slumped down, could no longer feel his legs. She kicked him as he lay there, helpless. He begged her to go get help.......

Where can we read the letter? I know it is on a pay site, but I forgot where to find the link. Sorry had a root canal, you know how that goes. I need something for an all night read a thon. Thanks.
Just tweeted:

@TrialDiariesJ: This was a great move by J Martinez showing her lies & the fact it was to TA's family after she killed him...powerful #jodiarias #3tvarias
She says in the letter two of her toes were bleeding from kicking the girl ninja so hard. As BK posters note, she almost certainly meant kicking Travis that hard. When he was down on the ground.

Yes. I am certain there are bits of twisted truth in what she is saying. She was the Ninja and so parts like this about her toes bleeding are most definitely her toes in those tight boots as she viciously kicked him while he was down. A couple other parts that made me sick as I realized it was her the devil herself:

-kicked him repeatedly while he was in the hall
-he could not feel his legs most likely because one of the deep knife wounds in his back probably severed his spinal cord

To have the gall to send that kind of letter on his birthday no less.
She deserves NOTHING except a hasty escort to her new prison cell.
And if it was up to me I would leave the zapper on her and give her a lengthy zap each day.

Im saddened and sickened about this letter. Before today I thought Grams letter was all. Uggggg
She says in the letter two of her toes were bleeding from kicking the girl ninja so hard. As BK posters note, she almost certainly meant kicking Travis that hard. When he was down on the ground.

Or she dropped the knife on her foot after she finished stabbing him and was trying to grab him to pull him back toward the shower...
I'm still catching up but I was just wondering if we know what photo from twitter was filed with the motion we knew was coming?
On the trial day 16 video 2 of 2 (no sidebars) "I was a doormat" video:

Wow, I don't know how I missed this little tidbit. In the first 15-20 minutes she talks about fulfilling Travis sexual fantasies (of course they are never hers too) she supposedly has vag sex with him on the Interstate while driving across Texas. She is such a liar.
Does anyone happen to know if JA and her DT knew ahead of time that Juan was going to introduce the letter today?
Wow, that letter to the family is even more atrocious than I thought. Just when I thought I couldn't feel more disgusted with CMJA. I can't even begin to fathom the pain the family is feeling and has felt by being attacked by CMJA's lies and manipulations. It's as if she's now attempting to stab them 27 times and the letter was the cut to the throat nearly decapitating them. Prayers for the family hardly seem like enough after reading this, but I don't know what more we can do for them. Hopefully the jury will give them some peace with a unanimous vote for the DP.
What a day! Can someone please speculate why she admits to her snooping TA's phone in the letter to his family? I'm puzzled because that admission seems so unlike her. Was it simply because she couldn't resist getting another dig at him by telling his family that it was proof he "cheated" on her? That's all I can think of.
Here are some @WildAboutTrial Tweets about it

1:13 PM@WildAboutTrialJuan asked Geff if he was aware that #JodiArias attended TA's memorial. Geff "was under that impression."Twitter
1:15 PM@WildAboutTrialJuan asks Geff why #JodiArias praised TA at his memorial if he was such a terrible person.
1:16 PM@WildAboutTrialNow we look at #JodiArias' diary where she complains about TA. Juan questions Geff on The Law of Attraction. Why is she being negative?Twitter
1:16 PM@WildAboutTrialGeff doesn't think she's being THAT negative. LOL #jodiariasTwitter
1:18 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias stares at the desk space in front of her as she draws frantically. Uh oh, Juan is making good points.Twitter
1:18 PM@WildAboutTrial10 minute afternoon break in #vandytrialTwitter
1:19 PM@WildAboutTrialJ asks G if TA was beautiful on the inside & out if he had a fascination for little boys. G says no, that's not his definition. #jodiariasTwitter
3:04 PM@WildAboutTrialJSS was like, "LOL, ok. No." #jodiariasTwitter
3:06 PM@WildAboutTrialNurmi, you're adorable. I love your socks. Never change. #jodiariasTwitter
3:16 PM@WildAboutTrialTests asks about non sexual assault by family memeber - mugged, shot, etc. Or if she was ever attached by someone she didn't know #jodiariasTwitter
3:18 PM@WildAboutTrialJuan says test reads a non-sexual assault by a stranger was the most traumatic experience. #jodiariasTwitter
3:21 PM@WildAboutTrialCameras can be turned back on but there's a sidebar sizzle. #jodiariasTwitter
3:30 PM@WildAboutTrialLetter to TA's family July 28th, 2008 from #JodiArias on screenTwitter
3:31 PM@WildAboutTrialIn this letter to Travis' family, #JodiArias is describing the ninja attack. Frightening that she thought it was appropriate to send this.Twitter
3:31 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias says in the letter that she knows they hate her & doesn't want them to but she understands bc she has a brother.Twitter
3:32 PM@WildAboutTrialCrazy crazy description of the fake attack in heavy detail in letter to family. #jodiariasTwitter
3:33 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias' face looks so sad as this letter is read. She stares at Juan. She looks embarrassed as if she's going to cry.Twitter
3:33 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias says Travis claims he can't stand up and can't feel his legs after he's been attacked.Twitter
3:34 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias claims she lunged & attacked the female intruder.Twitter
3:34 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias talks about her toenails bleeding after the attack.Twitter
3:35 PM@WildAboutTrial"I'm sorry about my handwriting, I'm shaking as I write this." #JodiAriasTwitter
3:36 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias is trying to cry. Hard.Twitter
3:36 PM@WildAboutTrialSandy Arias is leaning her entire body to the left as if this is a painful experience, having to hear her daughters blatant lies. #jodiariasTwitter
3:37 PM@WildAboutTrialGeff reading along with the letter on the screen. #jodiariasTwitter
3:37 PM@WildAboutTrialJury very engaged reading word for word with Juan. & suddently we're reminded why we're here. Travis is dead. #jodiariasTwitter
3:38 PM@WildAboutTrialJurors take notes at Juan points out that test results were based on a lie. #jodiariasTwitter
3:40 PM@WildAboutTrialSome jurors still taking notes. #jodiariasTwitter
3:41 PM@WildAboutTrial#JodiArias picked the wrong day to wear a sleeveless shirt. Should have gone more librarian for such a punch in the face.Twitter
3:42 PM@WildAboutTrialEvening recess. Return 9:15am Monday. #jodiariasTwitter
3:43 PM@WildAboutTrialCameras shut off, jurors asked to leave. We're still here bc Juan wants to question Geff about test. #jodiariasTwitter
3:44 PM@WildAboutTrialFor some reason Juan is required to ask Geff Qs twice, once w/o jury, second time w/jury. #jodiariasTwitter
3:45 PM@WildAboutTrialThis Q will be presented to jury on Monday. #jodiariasTwitter

Wow, wow, wow.

Juan set this up perfectly for the weekend. Game, set, match.

Thanks for posting all the tweets :)
I have created a virtual "Light A Candle" for Travis on The link is below.
Our Group name is TVA.
(Travis Victor Alexander). All you have to do is click on the link and light a candle, leave a message, or just light a candle. Share as you wish.
I think it's a nice way to show support to the Alexanders/friends/family if they are reading here.
Thank you so much for doing this Tx! It's nice to feel like there's something we can do to balance out the evil.
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