Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/29 thru 2/2 - Break

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So has she been crossed yet by Juan? if not, how on earth is it possible that she was allowed to deliver testimony and not be immediately crossed? perhaps there was an appellate issue I am unaware of but shouldn't that have been resolved by now? What's the hold up?

If she fails to be cross examined, she scores a massive victory, even if they "strike" her testimony. Because the jury heard it unchallenged and they won't magically forget

Juan may be happy just bringing it up during closing arguments. :dunno:

JA made up the trip to Costa Rica after she heard about Deanna going there. She steals snippets and bits of others' lives because she is a dark void inside. Unfortunately I know someone with a smorgasbord of personality disorders and she does this same thing. She actually makes NOTES on people and their lives and then weaves their stories into her dialog with others. She claims their experiences as her own and often embellishes them far beyond belief. Sound familiar?
Jodi was not a student at the time this fabricated trip took place. Who would have paid for this? My son actually DID go to CR one summer when he was in high school with a group studying bio-diversity. It cost $4000 + and the participants did fund-raising for many months to off-set some of the costs. Grades had to be maintained to a high passing level also. Does this sound like something JA would have even qualified for or that her family would have backed her in? It is absurd.
I think some relatives might live in Costa Rica (or some other Latin-American country) thus the trademark lazy lie of saying the exchange student family name was Arias.
She lies prolifically, but her variety of mental illness(es) preclude her from making a true effort to convince her audience that she is speaking the truth (HA!). She is really utterly unconcerned with what anyone believes, because only SHE (in her constant, deluded, self-aggrandizing state) knows what is true. Her truth is THE TRUTH and it does not (in her mind) rely on reality for collaboration.
So, in my humble opinion, she went to Costa Rica as an exchange student just like I went to Venus to mine golden marshmallows in the Popdiddly Mountains. :gaah:

If they didn't research that carefully it's a shame. I'm not sure it would be that helpful.

Juan will shred him alone on the online threats he made against Juan. :juanettes::juanettes::juanettes:This guy's too chickened :chicken:to even testify via Skype, let alone come to the states.

What online threats? :waitasec:

This drawing came to mind earlier. I have to go figure out where it came from, but I believe JA drew it during Trial 1?

View attachment 68458

Snow White with a black eye and occult pictures beneath her?

Idk. It's in JVM book as "during the final quarter of tenth grade" My brother and I did a summer exchange in Guadalajara two years in a row...

Thanks. TM.

And not to pick on you personally, but since you mention Jane's book... the nitpicker in me wants to say that the final quarter of tenth grade is during the school year, not in the summer when I think Jodi testified that she went. And now I guess if the book says Jodi went to Guadalajara, why would she say she went to Costa Rica? A smart girl like her wouldn't confuse the two. It just sounds to me like more inconsistent storytelling. It seems like there's always more than one story to everything.

I like Jane and I'm sure her book has a few details in it that the general public didn't know, even from watching the trial every day for months, but I still have to think that there might also be a few things in her book that were assumed just because Jodi had talked about it so often, so perhaps some details in the book went to press "ok as is" and went unverified. For example, I'm sure when Jane wrote the book, she, like everyone else who's been following this trial, was under the assumption that Jodi and Travis were in an exclusive five month boyfriend/girlfriend relationship simply because Jodi so often said they were. Well, two years later Juan has convinced me (and I think most everyone else now, too) that they never were. Any boyfriend/girlfriend relationship only existed in Jodi's delusional mind. I had always assumed Jodi went on the trip but after finding out that Deanna did in fact go to Costa Rica on her Mormon mission, that's why I'm suspect that Jodi ever really did. It just smacks of Jodi incorporating someone else's experiences into her own empty life. It just sounds too coincidental. And you know what detectives say about coincidences.

I wonder if Jodi ever wrote about the trip in her journal? I would have to believe a high school cultural exchange trip like that would be something noteworthy to report.

I believe that also, but according to Jodi everything was wonderful in her world until she was seven years old. That's the age of some first graders.

Jodi would of been an early kindergartener with her birthday so close to when school started. Maybe that could be it, but I think there were several things going on. I mean your mom smoking pot the day before you were born has to have an effect, just drinking would. Wasn't Jodi six or seven when she hit Carl in the head with a baseball bat?

Arias was a troublemaker. No doubt about it. Here is a bit of the interview with Beth Hawkins, the babysitter. (Not all of these quotes are in the proper order)

"With Jodi, I actually became acquainted with her through our next-door neighbor, and she was originally babysitting for her, and there was a point in time when she was not able to baby sit for her so they had called and asked if she had known anybody, and she referred me. And for about a year or so, we -- I had babysat for Jodi and her smaller -- her little brother Carl, and that`s pretty much how I knew her. Then later on found out that actually Jodi`s father and my brother-in-law were cousins.

One incident in particular, I was called to babysit on a weekend night, I believe it was, and I was in the kitchen cooking them dinner, and they were in Jodi`s room, I believe, and they were just kind of interacting with each other. And all of a sudden, I just heard Carl just let out this bloodcurdling scream. I went in there and he had a pretty good knot on the top of his head. Jodi was standing there and Carl was crying, and he kept trying to tell me that she hit him. He was probably about three or four at the time.

PINSKY: Hit him with what, like her fist?

HAWKINS: No, with a baseball bat.


PINSKY: Baseball bat. And she was how old at the time?

HAWKINS: She was probably five, six years old at the time.

HAWKINS: No, absolutely not. In fact, when I asked her, Jodi, did you hit your brother, she`s like, no, I don`t know why he`s crying.

HAWKINS: Well, you know, I can`t say that I ever saw any type of corporal punishment between the parents and Jodi and/or Carl. What I can say is that just about every occasion that I babysat, I pretty much couldn`t leave the two of them alone. I mean, if they were in the living room and I was in the kitchen or vice versa or they were in their bedroom, there was always an incident.

I mean, there were times I felt like I couldn`t even go to the bathroom without some sort of incident going on. "
Just whom might that be that she's taking the blame for? Deanna??? Deanna doesn't have a violent bone in her body and I highly doubt she'd fly to Yreka to hurt Mr. Arias.

Haven't you heard... the ninjas were CH and SH, supposedly payback for something like 3K that TA was late paying them back for.:/

Honestly, some of the fiction on that board wouldn't pass a toddler's scrutiny.
It's interesting that there are now programs in place that will help pick up kids with learning problems much faster--even really bright kids can have learning problems. For sure, a chaotic home life can be a problem for little guys on many levels, but, even with draconian cut backs to early childhood education, there are people fighting to help kids realize their full potential.

However, I think JA needed much, much more help than anyone could possibly have known when she was in school. I'm looking forward to DeMarte's appearance on the stand. Particularly to her slicing through the DT's fairytales. Maybe she'll explain that PTSD based on an incident that never happened is not PTSD at all. Although I'm pretty sure we'll only get to hear her explain a phrase at a time, interspersed with JW's shrieked objections (my bet is that she's only going to get more shrill) and lengthy periods of white noise.

I would still like more info about JA's allegedly having gone to private school for her first three years. She had said she'd been held back a year so her and her brother were in the same grade iirc. When, where and why? Did her brother go to private school too and if so, why didn't they continue?
Thanks. TM.

And not to pick on you personally, but since you mention Jane's book... the nitpicker in me wants to say that the final quarter of tenth grade is during the school year, not in the summer when I think Jodi testified that she went. And now I guess if the book says Jodi went to Guadalajara, why would she say she went to Costa Rica? A smart girl like her wouldn't confuse the two. It just sounds to me like more inconsistent storytelling. It seems like there's always more than one story to everything.

I like Jane and I'm sure her book has a few details in it that the general public didn't know, even from watching the trial every day for months, but I still have to think that there might also be a few things in her book that were assumed just because Jodi had talked about it so often, so perhaps some details in the book went to press "ok as is" and went unverified. For example, I'm sure when Jane wrote the book, she, like everyone else who's been following this trial, was under the assumption that Jodi and Travis were in an exclusive five month boyfriend/girlfriend relationship simply because Jodi so often said they were. Well, two years later Juan has convinced me (and I think most everyone else now, too) that they never were. Any boyfriend/girlfriend relationship only existed in Jodi's delusional mind. I had always assumed Jodi went on the trip but after finding out that Deanna did in fact go to Costa Rica on her Mormon mission, that's why I'm suspect that Jodi ever really did. It just smacks of Jodi incorporating someone else's experiences into her own empty life. It just sounds too coincidental. And you know what detectives say about coincidences.

I wonder if Jodi ever wrote about the trip in her journal? I would have to believe a high school cultural exchange trip like that would be something noteworthy to report.


No. I went to Guadalajara for two summers. Jodi, it is claimed in sworn testimony and in the book, went to Costa Rica at the end of tenth grade. She spent her 17th birthday, which is July 9th in Costa Rica. It is then claimed that Victor came and stayed a month. Details about his stay were also testified to. IMO Juan would have called her out on yet another lie if it were not true. I don't have any trouble thinking that her folks thought a trip might be helpful in turning her thoughts/behavior around. Parents try lots of things in hopes of turning rebellious teens around. Unfortunately Jodi was manifesting signs of her personality/psychiatric disorders, not just teenage rebellion
I just find it hard to believe Jodi was ever a foreign exchange student. You have to be good in school to do that don't you? Victor Arias was probably a cousin or something if he exists.

It's been reported her grades were good until her junior year according again to testimony and the JVM book (she did read old journals, talk with Arias family members and their friends, Jodi's friends from school and teachers). Jodi even talked to an Army recruiter and took an Armed Forces Aptitude Test
Thanks. TM.

And not to pick on you personally, but since you mention Jane's book... the nitpicker in me wants to say that the final quarter of tenth grade is during the school year, not in the summer when I think Jodi testified that she went. And now I guess if the book says Jodi went to Guadalajara, why would she say she went to Costa Rica? A smart girl like her wouldn't confuse the two. It just sounds to me like more inconsistent storytelling. It seems like there's always more than one story to everything.

I like Jane and I'm sure her book has a few details in it that the general public didn't know, even from watching the trial every day for months, but I still have to think that there might also be a few things in her book that were assumed just because Jodi had talked about it so often, so perhaps some details in the book went to press "ok as is" and went unverified. For example, I'm sure when Jane wrote the book, she, like everyone else who's been following this trial, was under the assumption that Jodi and Travis were in an exclusive five month boyfriend/girlfriend relationship simply because Jodi so often said they were. Well, two years later Juan has convinced me (and I think most everyone else now, too) that they never were. Any boyfriend/girlfriend relationship only existed in Jodi's delusional mind. I had always assumed Jodi went on the trip but after finding out that Deanna did in fact go to Costa Rica on her Mormon mission, that's why I'm suspect that Jodi ever really did. It just smacks of Jodi incorporating someone else's experiences into her own empty life. It just sounds too coincidental. And you know what detectives say about coincidences.

I wonder if Jodi ever wrote about the trip in her journal? I would have to believe a high school cultural exchange trip like that would be something noteworthy to report.


even though I have posted previously a quote from Jane's book, I agree that some of what she writes does not always compare accurately to the transcripts of messages between TA and JA. You have to read with a large grain of salt with almost any authors.
School and work has been hectic lately so I've been in lurkmode. I've thought really hard about the juror questions and i think when trying to gauge where the jurors are at its important to look at their questions and the questions they didn't ask.
- no questions to DR about MMs Aff.
They were questions perhaps a morbid human curiosity what happened with dr and tas TR- especially if they are from non Mormon jurors. They didn't ask any substantial questions. I also think they were more likely than not extremely uncomfortable for DR during the sexual questions.
I believe the juror questions were for DR. I think Nurmi is up now and I think he is afraid because Bishop Parker has his own attorney.


Bring it on!

Where does Parker's attorney sit during proceedings? On the stand next to the witness? By the prosecution? Would he make objections the way PT and DT do, or will he use different words? He's not there to state objections that reflect the trial, right, like "relevance" or "asked and answered" or "foundation"? He presumably would be there to protect the bishop from having to answer questions that are privileged?
even though I have posted previously a quote from Jane's book, I agree that some of what she writes does not always compare accurately to the transcripts of messages between TA and JA. You have to read with a large grain of salt with almost any authors.

Yes. That is why I use Juan Martinez as the fact checker. He has called out and traced down lie after lie by this psychopath. If the Costa Rica trip was not true he would have busted her on it. IMO she, as usual, overly romanticized the trip and the relationship. This is why Jodi will be sent to death row...Martinez has the type of mind where he's able to think on the fly..realize where the psychopath is going with her stories and follow her down the trail dismantling her seemingly well thought out story with fact after fact after fact to prove her story is a lie.
It seems to me that by keeping the prosecution witnesses (e.g. Deanna) under subpoena, he is purposely trying to reduce the ranks of family supporters in the Alexander side of the courtroom. In obvious contrast to the sparse and motley crew over with DT, the Alexander side radiates closeness, grief, and love. And there are a lot of them. Deanna, Abe, Parker and whoever else would be eliminated from the court through JA's allocution, right? JA doesn't want Deanna sitting right there when she's talking to the jury, IMO: she is desperately afraid of DR's wonderfulness. Vile. Good thing the Hughes' won't be called; they are central in the family benches as well.
The mystery of why he let her in (or didnt throw her out when he found her inside his house) ranks up there with what she did to make him so angry in mid-May.

Its actually more mysterious psychologically....especially coming so shortly after that blow up just a few weeks earlier. I think as you say he was just extremely vulnerable to her manipulations, and she knew how to exploit every one of his "weaknesses," including the guilt he always felt after getting angry with her after she provoked him to that point.

What I'll never believe is that he invited her. No way.

I'm sure DeMarte and Juan's closing will talk a lot about her manipulation. It's obvious to us out here in the cheap seats; we have to hope that comes through loud and clear to those in the jury box.
Yes. Kindergarten. Now what makes you fail kindergarten? poor impulse control? immaturity? antisocial behavior? not a Einstein?

In these parts, it is fairly common for parents to demand that their kids be held back in kindergarten. They think it gives their kids the advantage of being the eldest and most developmentally advanced all the way through high school.

We had to argue with my son's kindergarten teacher when we asked that he repeat kindergarten. He began reading when he was 4, had an astonishing gift for all things mathematical, and played well with other kids. But he was also the youngest and one of the smallest kids in the class, and sensitive about both. We didn't see any reason not to hold him back and he was fine about it. What's the rush?

Somehow I doubt her situation was similar. I can't imagine she was ever especially good at sharing her toys or controlling her anger when she didn't get what she wanted. Teachers will.hold kids back for retarded social development.
It's been reported her grades were good until her junior year according again to testimony and the JVM book (she did read old journals, talk with Arias family members and their friends, Jodi's friends from school and teachers). Jodi even talked to an Army recruiter and took an Armed Forces Aptitude Test

The whole "exchange" student thing strikes me as very unlikely, but it probably wasn't important to the prosecution's case. First, it costs money. Second, no recommendations have ever been produced; these might support mitigation, so if there were any, the DT would have them. Third, there doesn't seem to have been an "exchange." When did Costa Rican Arias come to Yreka? Fourth, young people didn't travel as much when Jodi was in her teens as they do now. Costa Rica was hardly on the radar for Americans: it's popular now and when Jodi invented the lie. Did JA even have a passport when she was in high school?
Yes. That is why I use Juan Martinez as the fact checker. He has called out and traced down lie after lie by this psychopath. If the Costa Rica trip was not true he would have busted her on it. IMO she, as usual, overly romanticized the trip and the relationship. This is why Jodi will be sent to death row...Martinez has the type of mind where he's able to think on the fly..realize where the psychopath is going with her stories and follow her down the trail dismantling her seemingly well thought out story with fact after fact after fact to prove her story is a lie.

Yep, he owns her. Sees right through her. And definitely knows how to yank her chain. Which was what he was doing when he asked DR if she had Napolean. There wasn't any other reason to ask the question. :D
Haven't you heard... the ninjas were CH and SH, supposedly payback for something like 3K that TA was late paying them back for.:/

Honestly, some of the fiction on that board wouldn't pass a toddler's scrutiny.

SO was Deanna the lookout/getaway driver? I thought she was one of the ninjas according to the goofballs.
It's been reported her grades were good until her junior year according again to testimony and the JVM book (she did read old journals, talk with Arias family members and their friends, Jodi's friends from school and teachers). Jodi even talked to an Army recruiter and took an Armed Forces Aptitude Test

If these were positive sources, they would have made their way into mitigation.
The whole "exchange" student thing strikes me as very unlikely, but it probably wasn't important to the prosecution's case. First, it costs money. Second, no recommendations have ever been produced; these might support mitigation, so if there were any, the DT would have them. Third, there doesn't seem to have been an "exchange." When did Costa Rican Arias come to Yreka? Fourth, young people didn't travel as much when Jodi was in her teens as they do now. Costa Rica was hardly on the radar for Americans: it's popular now and when Jodi invented the lie. Did JA even have a passport when she was in high school?

The DT must know the Costa Rica thing never happened otherwise they would have brought it up in mitigation because it might speak well for Jodi.
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