Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/29 thru 2/2 - Break

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I've looking for this off and on for 2 weeks! During Wilmot's cross with Dr. DeMarte look how shocked JM looks while DM talks about JA having at a MINIMUM of at least 10 different waitressing jobs, as well as many other jobs. Jenny makes the big mistake of challenging DM by having her confirm that with her notes. DeMarte does, and then adds on a couple of more :lol: JA has also worked as a receptionist at a spa and was a childcare giver??? She took care of a little boy from Nov.2007-Jan.2008 ?
I would wonder if that last one is a lie. Nothing in her journals about that. In fact, to the best of my knowledge we have never discussed that at all. I could be wrong on that. But I certainly have no knowledge of it. We know she was in Mesa at that time, I'll let you much better sleuther's find out what was really going on during this month. (Wilma thought it was year) :smile:

right around 51:06

What?! She was babysitting a young boy at the same time as she claims to have found out that TA was a pedophile whose preference was young boys?! And she still did nothing other than to continue to "love" him for the wonderful person he was "inside and out"?

Lucky for that youngster she didn't take him on any field trips to her friend "the pedophile's" house. Or hit him over the head with a baseball bat.

It just keeps getting more ridiculous by the day. Good strategy Jodi. Now even your own minions are starting to think...HUH?

Can someone link the sidebar? TIA!!!
The snippet you quoted from how to spot a predator.....


..... really puts me in mind of what Arias said in the Ryan Owens interview:

"If you're not abusing me and attacking me and threatening to kill my life, there's no reason to fear."

Kill my life (rather than "kill me") is an odd turn of phrase, and I've always felt that it's a freudian slip - that it's exactly what she felt Travis was doing to her, or about to do. Threatening to expose her, ruin life as she knew it, and destroy her carefully laid plans for the future.

GREAT post. I totally agree with you. I have always thought that her most urgent motive was to prevent Travis from warning away all the Mormon bachelors before she could snag one of them. The Cancun trip was something she desperately needed to prevent.
I just relit my candle. Thanks for the reminder NB2!

Thank you so much for turning me on to the candle site. It's very soothing to me. The anxiety that following this case has caused me is not healthy. This is helping.

While I do believe Jodi's parents were honest with detectives at the beginning it would not surprise me if along the way the started to lie for her. I wonder if Jodi cannot show proof that she ever left the country, and that is why JW asked Deana if she has her immigration papers, or something along those lines. Wouldn't there be a record of this in federal papers?

I guess I don't see why it is even important/interesting what this chick did when she was 17. JMO. The reason JW asked if Deanna had "proof" of when she returned from her mission is to cause doubt in a juror that she actually MAY have been at the bishops house and been abused by TA like MM affilied to.
Whoa, have been trying all day to get into WS by computer and tapatalk... first log in right now. Did others have a problem too? I thought perhaps I needed to find my musical instrument to take to band camp :biggrin:.


and murphys law ... now that it is up, I have to get ready to go out :pullhair:
Yes, they follow us no matter where we move. Also, no one I've ever known would try to "cheat" to get to go to Temple. Temple is one of the most sacred places for us. Only a handful from my ward can visit the Temple. You have to work very hard, be very dedicated and follow all the "rules" set forth. Temple recommends aren't given out easily. It takes the utmost dedication to receive and keep yours.

I have a question if you don't mind. I know you say you take the Temple recommend very seriously, so my question is does someone verify your worthiness before allowing you in the Temple? Do you have a card to carry or? I mean this as a serious question because I don't know what the answer is. Like could someone enter the Temple even if they don't have a recommend if it's on the honor system?
I've actually wondered the same thing, Zuri.

One thing that really made me wonder was Nurmi's comment during the COA crap where he was talking about he and Willmot being scrutinized. I felt like he was saying you guys might not like what I'm doing but I have to do everything I can for my client. Kind of like JA making the threat to TA's family when she didn't get to plead to second degree.

I think Nurmi is closing every loophole now while everything is fresh in everyone's mind. I mean, having a trial where the public and media are refused entry? It's crazy and he knows it. But if he pushes everything beyond the limit now, there's nothing left to argue with.

As much hate as she's shown him, I'm sure he doesn't ever want her seeing the outside again either.

No way she claim he didn't do everything possible and beyond.

I think we are giving Nurmi too much credit to think this. That is JMO. I think he is more like JA saying OK you won't let me off this case, well then I will drag it out and slime it up as much as I can. That also is JMO
Whoa, have been trying all day to get into WS by computer and tapatalk... first log in right now. Did others have a problem too? I thought perhaps I needed to find my musical instrument to take to band camp [emoji3].


and murphys law ... now that it is up, I have to get ready to go out [emoji14]ullhair:
I reformatted my phone last night and use tapatalk and I have had a mess!
Whoa, have been trying all day to get into WS by computer and tapatalk... first log in right now. Did others have a problem too? I thought perhaps I needed to find my musical instrument to take to band camp :biggrin:.


and murphys law ... now that it is up, I have to get ready to go out :pullhair:

I first tried about an hour or so ago and havent had any trouble since then. I didnt try before that so I wouldnt know about any earlier though.
That's a very good question. I certainly don't believe anything happened sexually that first night at the Hughes' house or the following week at Starbucks after he gave her the Book Of Mormon.

The other thing I've been wondering about lately is her little story about a cultural exchange trip to Costa Rica the summer going into her junior year in high school. Why would someone fabricate a story like if it weren't true? To make their life seem more interesting? So others would view her as worldly? The name of the guy whose host family she says she stayed with, Victor Arias, always sounded too convenient to me, but who am I to say? But then when I heard Deanna did her Mormon mission trip in Costa Rica, I began to think Jodi was adapting someone else's experience as her own. And also... aren't student exchange trips reserved for high school seniors only? She was too busy snooping through Bobby's emails at the library when she would have been a senior in high school, right?

Well, if she didn't visit when she was in high school, hopefully she can find a picture book of Costa Rica in the prison library to look at. Cancun, too!

Or maybe she would like to show off all the pictures she took when she was there.
Whoa, have been trying all day to get into WS by computer and tapatalk... first log in right now. Did others have a problem too? I thought perhaps I needed to find my musical instrument to take to band camp :biggrin:.


and murphys law ... now that it is up, I have to get ready to go out :pullhair:

Had trouble connecting mid-morning, but OK since then.
Hi all! :wave:

Way behind in reading on this thread, but wanted to make some comments on the previous thread... too slow in reading... :pcguru:

Mindmatters said:
Totally agree. I anticipate a full on meltdown of epic porportions after today's final nail in the coffin of JA's "mitigation".

So, what we can look for over the coming days are highly delusional statements with no basis in reality, a spike in claims that JA's conviction will for sure be overturned on appeal now, a complete character assassination of the Bishop and Deanna, a whole host of allegations that every witness for the state is lying but JA is telling the truth, that KN has for sure got this and will impeach the Church Elder handily, and my personal favorite, that what happened today totally proves what they have been saying all along--that <modsnip> is in the Prosecution's pocket. :lol: :bang:

:goodpost: :tyou:

franquerolane said:
I dont have a clue of who BBM is, but I'm on a couple of newsgroups who have a squiggly line under often used anacronyms that you can click on it and it expands with a a definition. This would be wonderful here.

Just in case you didn't "see" the answer - Bold By Me and here's a link to Websleuths Lingo:

also! :welcome6:

Hope4More said:
The inner circle report: stunned into quasi silence for once. Half heartedly reaching for.....something to hold onto. Deanna and the Bishop are colluding. The Bishop watches *advertiser censored*. The Bishop brought an attorney because he knew he would lie. Sending hugs to JA.

And....gathering in the sooper secret "vent" room to Last, sleuthing Jake and the other lad like crazy.

Oh Jezzz... :lol:

TexMex said:
One thinks Deanna is way more involved in the murder than anyone knows! Really? And she took pictures of the afternoon sex, the shower pics then threw the camera in the washer and left Jodi's palm print on the wall? Then of course Jodi has kept quiet all these years to protect Deanna

Hey, anything is possible in la-la-land... :floorlaugh:

I really believe all the jurors are :hanging: hanging in there... I believe they will be finished by the end of next week, as the Defense has rested, and Juan :juanettes: has about 2 more people left (Det. Smith & DeMarte, right?) and the Bishop for Monday. I say VERDICT will be February 10th... :judge: and off goes Missy :jail: never to be heard from again! :woohoo: and then we get to "view" the whole thing on video and read :lookingitup: all the "secret" transcripts! :eek:nline: :gathering:

okay... going back to post #1 here and continue reading. :pcguru:

Does anyone know if the "Temple Recommend" is just for that large nice Mormon Temple that I think is in Salt Lake City Utah?

I am trying to understand if the "Recommend" means that you get to go inside that specific Temple? Or are there other temples elsewhere that it gives you permission to go inside of?

And if you don't have a "Recommend" then does it mean you cant even set foot inside that building?

Any help if anyone knows is appreciated. There was so much testimony about the "recommend" and just trying to better understand if it means about just that 1 really large nice building I have seen on TV many times.

I may be wrong but I think the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings in there sometimes? Maybe all the time?

No, it doesn't just apply to the temple in Utah. There is a huge Mormon Temple here in Vegas. My best friend is a Mormon, and her husband is a Bishop. When my friend has spoken to me of going to the "Temple" she is speaking of the one here in Vegas. However, she and her family have also been to the Temple in Utah, as well. I hope this helps some.
LOL, I see a bee sitting on top of a honeycomb. Or I could be tired and crosseyed.

Where we see only a bee, 'Skymeister' enlarges one of the bee's ommatidia and outlines the image of a blot.
Oops... had a few more comments... :fence: forgot to turn my notes over!

Curious In Indiana said:
No, she showed a tee shirt to imply that she was a poor little victim. And offered to teach spanish and to create some type of recycling club. LOL. But what I am speaking of now is a full blown, angry, defiant Jodi...blaming the jury if they do not give her life with a chance at parole. I can actually see her TELLING them how to decide her punishment and that she is NOT sorry and that Travis DESERVED what he got. I can see her doing that. Of course, they would give her the DP but she would feel that she got the last word.

Gosh I hope not!! :scared: But if she does, like someone else said, just roll out the gurney and strap her in and give her the needle!! :boohoo: Wish they would actually do that for DP cases! Or get a firing squad! :bang:

bsk said:
* It’s time for Witness #1’s wife to write her personal, sworn affidavit explaining the exact situation and exactly how she comforted Diana who was so upset for an hour!!!

How about if Mrs. McWitness #1 would come into the actually court room, so Juan :juanettes: can actually cross-ex her... No? I didn't think so... boy these people - do they actually exist? !! :doh: :lol:

okay... that's it!

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