Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 1/29 thru 2/2 - Break

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Below is Monica's List from the link above.

Legally Speaking: Jodi Arias is winning and here's why

Don't feel sorry for Jodi Arias. Even though she's in jail and on trial for her life, she's racked up many victories. And continues to do so, despite the odds. Why is she winning?

1. If delay is the goal, then the battle has been won. The first jury was selected in December 2012 and trial is still going in January 2015.

2. The first jury hung on life vs. death.

3. Arias continues to be in the spotlight and receive attention.

4. The jury heard testimony about *advertiser censored* found on Travis Alexander's computer.

5. The jury heard testimony about Arias' allegations regarding Alexander and child *advertiser censored*.

6. The court bends over backwards for her.

7. She received a new attorney for the penalty phase (Kirk Nurmi 2.0 has stepped up to the plate and hasn't stopped throwing punches).

8. She continues to dominate Juan Martinez's time.

9. She testified secretly for two days and escaped from being cross-examined

10. She is still alive.
My daughter had a lazy eye, showed up around four years old. Wore a patch for a month then went glasses. She wore them until she was in the second grade and it was corrected. If Jodi did was there anything done about it? There are photo's of Jodi when she around three and you can see it, then at age eleven, when she's holding Angela after she is born. It's more noticeable when she's tired.

I was born crossed eyes~~latter developed into lazy eye. It does worsen when tired. I have done surgery several times along with patches and eye drops. Pain at time---kids loved to tease :( bated Clarence the crossed eye lion on "born free"
IMO, if John Smith was Mark McGee, the press would have been all over it as they would have recognized him from all his pics. FWIW, IMO John Smith was a former hacker that now works in high level security for corporations. Kinda like it takes one to know one. IMO

Like Penelope (baby girl) Garcia!!!
Something I noticed when I read the few posts there from last night: There seem to be a lot of posters there who are victims of DV. Perhaps they are sorting their truth through this lie that is CMJA. It is kinda like a mutual DV survivorship blog.

Here at WS, I think we come here because of our own passion for justice, whatever the driving force or interest was. No one in my normal every day life is a homicide survivor nor understands it. I don't speak about it and most have no clue. I can come here and write about my perspective and know that some of you are members of this horrible club, others have the compassion to understand loss and grief and desire to see whatever wrongs can be righted.

I feel sorry for them as they have attached to a heinous felon, but hopefully have found others to share their experiences with. IMO, JMV

Zuri, I think your post was very insightful about what may be motivating some of JA followers. I hope that is why they are there and they aren't supporting her KNOWING what the real deal was/is. Your purpose for being here is pretty much why I am here also. I just have always been very interested in the "why" of these violent acts. Anyway, thanks for your post.
Can anyone think what the question about moving and what happens in the new temple are about? Is that juror thinking Travis only moved so he could get his recommend back?

The question was about moving to a new location and would their temple recommend status follow? IOW, would the new location check with the former location on the member's status. That's how I interpreted it. The bishop said yes, that information would follow a person wherever they moved. Possibly the juror was thinking TA moved to run away from his status, but I believe the bishop set the record straight--that one cannot effectively run away simply by relocating.
How is it that we still don't know the reason Travis sent this email or txt to Jodi? Just like "You are the worst thing that has ever happened to me."

They emailed and texted like crazy. Why isn't the details in writing somewhere? I know we speculate what she did or was going to do but wouldn't it have been great if the reason for him turning on her was in writing?

This email must have really pissed her off. Of course we know what happened next. There was a break in at her grandfather's house within days of this correspondence and a gun was stolen.

From what I understand, that was a text sent to JA to tell her to read the email that he sent in response to hers. Neither of these emails have apparently made it into evidence. Someone (likely JA) deleted all emails between them that put her in a bad light, especially this last exchange. Did she do that the day she murdered him? Did she do it remote because she had his password?

I'm not sure I quite understand. You're saying the hearing before Judge Kreamer pertains to the "class action" suit about the DP , thus the transportation of "under custody" individuals. (Heck, can you imagine what it takes to transport even one DP customer, let alone the whole lot? Randomly related subject: do the death row guards get to party while their customers are all gone to the Super Bowl?). You are also observing that the calendar after no-games Kreamer chews out the twit plaintiff attorney belongs to the the "class action DP suit" and not to the Arias trial.

Are there any hearings today or tomorrow on the Arias case? Like the weekly "Motion to Take the Death Penalty off the table"?

It seems to me, from the Kreamer court calendar, that now Nurmi can't successfuly argue to delay any aspect of JA's trial on account of the Death Row prisoners trial, because thanks to the twit attorney in that case, the proceedings will begin way after JA's sentence has been decided. JA will presumably be sentenced and then have the option of including herself among the omnibus psychopath extreme killers. Just think, to do that she won't be able to be in denial any more, since the case is about being a Death Row-er, bwahahaha!

Correct me if I am wrong, but the others in that omnibus are all pending trial. There has been some discussion about how in the heck she was accepted in that group since she was already convicted.
I was born crossed eyes~~latter developed into lazy eye. It does worsen when tired. I have done surgery several times along with patches and eye drops. Pain at time---kids loved to tease :( bated Clarence the crossed eye lion on "born free"

I'm so sorry. Kids can be so cruel. ((((Zoey))))
Ok. Here is my completely random thought for the day. I hope it doesn't sound too out there like some of the ideas posted on the JA support page.

We had Neumeister say that he, "Tony", and Computer Guy #3 looked at Travis' hard drive and founds tons of *advertiser censored*. Neumeister refused to name Computer Guy #3 in court and would only write his name down on a piece of paper to hand to Juan. If I recall correctly, we figured out that Sue D. Nihm was neither Tony nor Computer Guy #3.

We know that Secret Witness #1 (coughMarcMcGeecough) worked in computers.

Does anyone think that perhaps Computer Guy #3 is really Marc McGee? :escape:

I don't remember a discussion about Sue D Nihm not being computer guy #3? Can you fill me in on that one?

Below is Monica's List from the link above.

Legally Speaking: Jodi Arias is winning and here's why

Don't feel sorry for Jodi Arias. Even though she's in jail and on trial for her life, she's racked up many victories. And continues to do so, despite the odds. Why is she winning?

1. If delay is the goal, then the battle has been won. The first jury was selected in December 2012 and trial is still going in January 2015.

2. The first jury hung on life vs. death.

3. Arias continues to be in the spotlight and receive attention.

4. The jury heard testimony about *advertiser censored* found on Travis Alexander's computer.

5. The jury heard testimony about Arias' allegations regarding Alexander and child *advertiser censored*.

6. The court bends over backwards for her.

7. She received a new attorney for the penalty phase (Kirk Nurmi 2.0 has stepped up to the plate and hasn't stopped throwing punches).

8. She continues to dominate Juan Martinez's time.

9. She testified secretly for two days and escaped from being cross-examined

10. She is still alive.

I usually like her, but I feel like this is an insult to our intelligence.

The only thing IMO that could be even remotely considered "winning" is #10

I know I taking it too seriously, but seriously???
Below is Monica's List from the link above.

Legally Speaking: Jodi Arias is winning and here's why

Don't feel sorry for Jodi Arias. Even though she's in jail and on trial for her life, she's racked up many victories. And continues to do so, despite the odds. Why is she winning?

1. If delay is the goal, then the battle has been won. The first jury was selected in December 2012 and trial is still going in January 2015.

2. The first jury hung on life vs. death.

3. Arias continues to be in the spotlight and receive attention.

4. The jury heard testimony about *advertiser censored* found on Travis Alexander's computer.

5. The jury heard testimony about Arias' allegations regarding Alexander and child *advertiser censored*.

6. The court bends over backwards for her.

7. She received a new attorney for the penalty phase (Kirk Nurmi 2.0 has stepped up to the plate and hasn't stopped throwing punches).

8. She continues to dominate Juan Martinez's time.

9. She testified secretly for two days and escaped from being cross-examined

10. She is still alive.

Don't shoot! :hiding:

Winning was probably a poor word choice, but I think I see what ML was trying to say. Although she is not my favourite reporter, she does have a point. If you compare Arias promises/threats/legal points listed in her request for a plea deal to ML's list of the things that have happened during this trial, I guess one could say that Arias has accomplished some things despite being in jail. Wouldn't call it winning though.

ETA And this headline DID get ML's report talked about.
Just read yesterday's BK notes for the first time. Fwiw, lots of posters over there don't believe she'll get the DP.

Question... does anyone know whether or not Travis lost his Temple Recommend in 2008? JW was trying mightily to get DR to answer that question, but DR said she didn't know.

BK's notes have DR saying that loss of a TR lasts for one year, and that during that one year marriage is impossible. Not allowed. Given how concerned Travis was about getting married, the loss of a TR until 2009 would have been a very big deal for him.

If he hadn't already lost the TR, JA would have known how vulnerable he was to having their sexual activity exposed.
I'm not Mormon, however my understanding is that a loss of temple recommendation would not necessarily preclude marriage. The couple can have a civil marriage, which is recognized by the church. The celestial marriage (in the temple) would take place only after everyone got their TR status reinstated.
How commonly this happens, I don't know. But loss of TR doesn't mean you can't wed.
How is it that we still don't know the reason Travis sent this email or txt to Jodi? Just like "You are the worst thing that has ever happened to me."

They emailed and texted like crazy. Why isn't the details in writing somewhere? I know we speculate what she did or was going to do but wouldn't it have been great if the reason for him turning on her was in writing?

This email must have really pissed her off. Of course we know what happened next. There was a break in at her grandfather's house within days of this correspondence and a gun was stolen.

I think if she had waited/took longer to plan the murder, the details might have leaked out in texts or a emails.

I think the idea of her threatening him with something sexually related so that he would loose his TR makes a lot of sense in relation to that angry email.


I asked yesterday I think and didn't see a answer....can someone fill me in on the "you-*advertiser censored*" story?
I don't remember a discussion about Sue D Nihm not being computer guy #3? Can you fill me in on that one?


Kamille, I don't remember the specifics. I vaguely recall it had to do with how Neumeister described what each did and the timing of when he worked with them, or how the witness presented the facts during his testimony. I though we had reasoned that they were most likely not the same person. This is the weak link in my whole little scenario as it is the part I'm least sure about. There was never any proof or confirmation that they were different people, just that we discussed it here and came to the conclusion they weren't. I will go back and look for it over the weekend or tomorrow when I have some more time. The mid 40s are doing nothing for my memory, that is for sure.
I agreed! :) Didn't you understand my post?

Now as far as your post before about working with the Jewish, whether you are or not is none of my business. If you are, great. If you are not, great also. I simply said it was a wonderful thing you did.

There are wonderful, beautiful human beings in all walks of life.

My Bottom line......I do not believe Travis being a Mormon will play into the jury's decision at all. The defense wanted to make it an issue. They did. And it has been debated here, ad nauseum.

I'm with Curious. Even if there is a Mormon on the jury, I bet religion plays VERY little in their decision. Infact, I doubt it's a moot point for the jury at all.
What is going on with the latest Nurmi motion re: Juan saying W1 name 3 times? It all seems very quiet in JSS' motion box.
I'm with Curious. Even if there is a Mormon on the jury, I bet religion plays VERY little in their decision. Infact, I doubt it's a moot point for the jury at all.

I agree. If any juror hates TA for being a bad Mormon, would they not hate JA even more for being a bad Mormon and a murderer?
I think everyone is tired, exhausted from this circus and reading way too much into the religion and juror questions as a whole. It could be as simple as testing Deanna to see if she's truthful and knows the rules as far as chastity(remember, JA played stupid like the rules weren't laid out), it could be a Mormon jury wanting the knowledge told to other jurors, it could be someone like me (no knowledge) wanting more clarification. The fact is, we don't know. We can beat the dead horse, worry, spread fear or we can just wait until it's all done and take comfort in knowing that no matter what, she's locked up forever.
I usually like her, but I feel like this is an insult to our intelligence.

The only thing IMO that could be even remotely considered "winning" is #10

I know I taking it too seriously, but seriously???

I took it different from others. I took it as Jodi *thinks* she is winning as she is doing all the things she said she would do...destroy/delay/cause havoc as the socio/phycho wanted. Her motives are not winning the *end*...but leaving a trail of control and destruction along the way...just as she had promised.


ETA: I see that paintr said pretty much the same 4 posts above me.
What is going on with the latest Nurmi motion re: Juan saying W1 name 3 times? It all seems very quiet in JSS' motion box.

Keep checking for the status of anything new filed--that can change at any time.

Regarding that motion, wouldn't it effectively be canceled based on the fact that the DT own witness also said the name out loud in court? I mean, it should be dismissed anyway, but doesn't that fact make the motion baseless?
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