Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/21-11/23/14 In recess

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Hahaha meebe!! I think we are married to the same guy.When he starts "explaining" tech stuff Ijust smile and nod lol

And it's impossible for him to make it easy to understand. Completely. Lol.

But I suppose it's just useless information. I think that's what Lin means when she says Willmott doesn't know the difference between hard drive damage and bent pins. Juan's complaint about damage is probably not about the pins :facepalm:
Could it be another one of those things that is not really anyone's fault, per se, just regular wear and tear?

More likely someone pulling-out at an angle because it was stuck. NOT a big deal at all, and easily fixed.

ETA, does NOT affect the drive or its contents under typical scenarios...just how it connects. Like a lamp with a broken fixes the plug and voila, the lamp lights again.
Y'all gotta admit the DT is SUPERB at the "look here, not there!" Strategy. From their motions, sidebars,courtroom tactics, to "expert witnesses" their entire case hangs on the v"look here, not there" strategy. This is their one and only goal since they have nothing else to go with
Y'all gotta admit the DT is SUPERB at the "look here, not there!" Strategy. From their motions, sidebars,courtroom tactics, to "expert witnesses" their entire case hangs on the v"look here, not there" strategy. This is their one and only goal since they have nothing else to go with

Absolutely. Look at me talking about pins lol. I'm sure Juan will point out the real damage he's talking about. Can't wait for the hearing tomorrow.
Juan's complaint about damage has nothing to do with connecting cables, for sure!
Juan's complaint about damage has nothing to do with connecting cables, for sure!

Perhaps this is the expert's way of distracting from whatever damage he actually did. I think this expert screwed them over completely.
In my gut I believe CMJA pro per to get the "pi" to get the computer to her"expert" she found from her cmja fan club, who may or may not be her #1 fan himself. I'm on "pins and needles" to hear tonys "credentials" the entire purpose was the planting of evidence and sabotage. Co-conspirator, jmho.
Perhaps this is the expert's way of distracting from whatever damage he actually did. I think this expert screwed them over completely.

Could be...or like Willmott's placing that pix in her motion...what for? It's laughable to me.
And I think the defense is in it now. Willmott and Nurmi will keep going, continuing trying to distract from what a shoddy job this expert has done. I like how she acts like there's actually some firm to send complaints to.
Y'all gotta admit the DT is SUPERB at the "look here, not there!" Strategy. From their motions, sidebars,courtroom tactics, to "expert witnesses" their entire case hangs on the v"look here, not there" strategy. This is their one and only goal since they have nothing else to go with

Yep. Over here, we have Jodi... convicted of first degree murder, eligible for the death penalty, no mitigating factors. Over here we have *advertiser censored*! THREE COUNT 'EM THREE ORIFICES! MYSTERIOUS TECH STUFF NOBODY UNDERSTANDS! Pay no attention to that convicted murderer behind the curtain.

eta: And if they could, these sadists would introduce testimony and slide shows about paint drying and grass growing. Anything to torture the jury and hypnotize them into forgetting the facts of the case.
Yep, it's a look here, not there kinda thing.

The Hard Disk Drive is the issue, not how it connects to any computer, dock, or cabling, etc.
I'm re reading Wilmonts motion and I see something I posted yesterday evening, and what do I see, but Wilmont going over and over the evidence number.

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Quote Originally Posted by ohreally View Post
Is there any chance that the defence team examined the wrong hard drive? Tony's harddrive.

I'd like to think there would be a protocol in place that they'd be required to follow. You know one that you'd would match up the case numbers when they received it, while looking at it, and before you return it. Kinda like the chain of command that the defense wants the state to bend over backwards for them. This , along with all the the other crap, make Nurmi and Wilmont look dishonest and inept.
Looked a the pins. Good Lord put a new connector on the thing, and she whines and sound like a petulance child, in the motion. It's everybody's fault again.
Uh.... embarrassed to say that I am just finding out at this moment that the retrial had started. Seeing as I had watched probably every minute of the original trial, I am aghast at myself. But this one's not being televised, correct? Twitter only? Ugh. Can anybody tell me where I can find a good summary of what's happened so far? Who has the best coverage? Is Beth Karas anywhere? Any new details we hadn't seen before? TIA.

Squirrell: Beth Karas has a website called "". She has been attending the trial each day it is on. There have been many days skipped for various reasons, so you have not missed as much as you might think. Today (Thursday) was actually Day #11 of this trial.

Beth's site is a pay site. It is $5.99/month. It is well worth it for her daily summary and a video in which she resummarizes and also answers specific questions that people post at her site.

Today Beth in answer to a question said that she is not going to be able to continue going to various trials after the Arias trial is over. She said it is a matter of economics and also her own life. She said the cost of staying in an out of town location, and either renting a place or staying in a hotel plus renting a car is extremely expensive. And thus far the website income will not support it.

She said she will see the Arias trial to the finish and then will return to New York, where she lives. She plans to keep the website and expand it and said she may get into attending some local trials in the future - that would be local to New York. She said she also wants to get on with her plans to write a book.

She did not get into any further discussion what direction she wants to expand her website into, but I would imagine it would be criminal justice related. She also did not specify what kind of book, fiction or non-fiction she plans to write.

I joined for one month and find her summaries and her videos to be excellent.
from previous thread:

From WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 30s 31 seconds ago

Death has been in the background throughout the time TA has been involved with #JodiArias says Dr. F based on their communications.


So now Travis and Jodi's relationship was a "Twilight" movie?

eta: Also from yesterday:

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 45s46 seconds ago
"There's no excuse for me to be alive. Fonseca says it's like #JodiArias has lost hope.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
"There's no excuse for me to be alive," #JodiArias wrote. Fonseca calls her suicidal.

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq 1m1 minute ago
"@maryellenabc15: Fonseca says #JodiArias response to #TravisAlexander means she would sacrifice flesh to have him close"


BBM. OK can we all now just agree that Fonseca is just plain out of her mind? Naive and immature ideas about sex and relationships, combined with a creepy (fetishistic?) fascination with death. Super expert witness! (Beggars can't be choosers?)

She says she has a Ph.D., but did she ever make it past Psych 101?

Eros and Thanatos—Freud identifies two drives that both coincide and conflict within the individual and among individuals. Eros is the drive of life, love, creativity, and sexuality, self-satisfaction, and species preservation. Thanatos, from the Greek word for 'death' is the drive of aggression, sadism, destruction, violence, and death. At the conclusion of C&D, Freud notes (in 1930-31) that human beings, following Thanatos, have invented the tools to completely exterminate themselves; in turn, Eros is expected to 'make an effort to assert himself in the struggle with an equally immortal adversary. But who can foresee with what success and with what result?'"

(C&D: "Civilization and Its Discontents)​
from previous thread:

From WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 30s 31 seconds ago

Death has been in the background throughout the time TA has been involved with #JodiArias says Dr. F based on their communications.


So now Travis and Jodi's relationship was a "Twilight" movie?

The computers, the discs, the "damage", etc.

I think the Defense either doesn't know what they are looking at or are pretending not to know what they are looking at. Or, I guess there is the outside chance they are being misled.

Okay, let's start with the police seize the laptop computer. They do not open it and turn it on because they are trained NOT to EVER do that. The laptop is turned over to the LE Forensics Dept. A member of this department who is trained and very experienced in using the specialty forensic computer analysis program called "EnCase" removes the hard disk from the laptop. He (Menendez in this case) then places the hard disk into a special mechanical device that sort of looks like a largish DVR player. This device - which the police have purchased from EnCase - for many thousands of dollars - then proceeds to make a copy of everything that is on the hard disk. It does not just copy files and folders, it copies date and time stamps and file "signatures" regarding all of the actions of the operating system also. When the forensic examination is done, the examiner can see not only what files are on the computer, but they can also see when the file was created, when it was modified, and if applicable when it was deleted.

When the EnCase copied all of those files and signatures it wrote the copied files to a new disc in a very special, encrypted manner. And the files are encrypted in a manner that if anyone tries to change a file, that would show up.
This is called a "mirror disc" and the original mirror disc is not handed out for anyone to use. It is kept pristine. "Working copies" of it are used by the forensic examiners.

Most likely the original hard disc was put back into the laptop after the mirror copy was completed. And both the laptop and the original or master mirror disc are locked away for secure storage.

Now the examiners can use an Encase software program installed on any computer to look at the "actions" and the files. They can run searches by date, by "keyword(s)", by phrases, by any of a number of parameters. They do all of this using a "read only" working copy.

In this case, the Defense requested and was given the laptop with the original hard drive in it. No one knows exactly who has worked on it since then. Apparently the original defense team went to the Evidence room and looked at the computer. Martinez and Flores were in the room with them the whole time. Flores retrieved a compatible electric cord, plugged it in and turned it on, according to the Defense. If the hard disc was in it, it would have booted up at that time.

Surely the Prosecutors made another, updated mirror copy of the hard disc of this computer PRIOR to allowing it to get out of their custody a few months ago. To find out if any changed files show up, an EnCase format copy of the original hard disc as of NOW must be made and then compared to both the original mirror disc and any updated mirror discs. And the program will show all the dates and times of any file openings, closings, changes, etc.

The Defense is appearing to be deliberately obtuse in not sending the correct forensic information back to the Prosecutor's office. There is only one way in which a qualified, certified forensic computer analyst would handle the Prosecution's request. They would provide a current mirror image of the hard drive in the Encase format. Anyone who cannot or will not do this is no "professional".

The fact that the Defense has so far failed to do this will hopefully be noted by the Judge at tomorrow's hearing. She needs to order that the original hard drive, along with any and all mirror copies no matter when made or by whom, be immediately provided to an independent third party certified computer forensic analyst for review.

As long as the hard drive and the mirror images still exist, this can be figured out.


Personally, I am very suspicious of the Defense team. Are they delaying turning the correct information over to the Prosecutors while their so-called expert is attempting to cover his own tracks regarding changes to the original hard disk? What will come next, a fire at the office where the original hard disc is currently located?

That Judge needs to take control of the hard disc - NOW!
Personally, I am very suspicious of the Defense team. Are they delaying turning the correct information over to the Prosecutors while their so-called expert is attempting to cover his own tracks regarding changes to the original hard disk? What will come next, a fire at the office where the original hard disc is currently located?

That Judge needs to take control of the hard disc - NOW!

Maybe a Watergate-style break-in? (Please let's not have a secret informant called "Deep Throat.")
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