Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

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I have always thought the third gas can was a moot point. Even if she only had two extra she could have stopped and filled up one again and paid cash.

Well she could have, but most gas stations have video cameras - something she's sure to have thought about.
Seeing as we are talking about photos can I ask something? You know the photo where you can see Jodi's foot and leg and Travis is on the floor? What are you meant to see? I can see her foot and her leg, but I can't for the life of me make out his body. It's just a dark shape. Can anyone explain the photo, which bit of him is which and see if I can finally see it? It feels like a kind of magic eye thing, I've looked and looked at the photo, but apart from her foot and leg I can't make out anything else. Thanks
I also am fascinated with watching and listening to her and trying to guess what is going on in her head.

One thing during this phase I have noticed with one of the pictures released is that she was looking to the back of the courtroom. It was the day she wore the blue top. It was as if she was looking to see if she got Travis family member mad at her. Which of course she would have enjoyed and acted all innocent like what a coincidence it is.

In the first trial, she was always taking glances around the courtroom and watching everyone. Someone brought up a good point that since she lacks certain critical emotions like empathy and sympathy for others, instead she has to observe others in how they react so that she can mimic the reaction and behaviors at the right time.

I seem to recall during the first trial during the parts that were very upsetting for all of us that Jodi had lots of sniffling and wiping her nose and eyes with tissues with very few actual tears. She did have some tears but not a whole lot of them. Some of us even suspected that she has learned to bite the inside of her mouth to cause real pain to help her react appropriately.

Some other fascinating parts of watching her was when she allegedly took the pill, stole the pen, tried to steal a notebook by sitting on it, etc. She really creeps me out because she can seem like a normal person most of the time.
Me too, I 'm captured when I watch interviews or go back to see her on the stand. Her attitude is beyond everything that is familiar to me.
BBM - I never heard about these parts. Would you have a link to a video or a date so that I can search for it? TIA!!!
Seeing as we are talking about photos can I ask something? You know the photo where you can see Jodi's foot and leg and Travis is on the floor? What are you meant to see? I can see her foot and her leg, but I can't for the life of me make out his body. It's just a dark shape. Can anyone explain the photo, which bit of him is which and see if I can finally see it? It feels like a kind of magic eye thing, I've looked and looked at the photo, but apart from her foot and leg I can't make out anything else. Thanks

TA is being dragged on his back with his right arm(possibly both) upraised, possibly how she was dragging him. If you lighten the pic a little you can see the dark blood flow from just under his head. :(
The killer bought one gas can and did not return it but even if she had returned it, so what? She had two others that she borrowed.

I posed the question a while back of who in AZ and surrounding areas has ever taken extra gas along in cans in the trunk, through the desert in June, and no one here admitted they had ever done it or knew anyone who had ever done this. It's stupid because it's not necessary, let alone extremely dangerous.

But even if all of a sudden now with this posting half a dozen people were to post claiming this to be a common practice I say again, so what? Killer Arias took numerous steps in preparation for her trip to slaughter a man in his own home that clearly show premeditation--the gas cans are strong evidence, but certainly not the only evidence the state had. If anything ever gets reversed in this case it will be on some technicality; it won't be for lack of evidence.

Whether it's common practice or not, who on earth would take three gas cans? One (and not even a full one) would be plenty enough to get to the next gas station. Unless we're supposed to believe that gas stations are hundreds and hundreds of miles apart in Arizona.
TA is being dragged on his back with his right arm(possibly both) upraised, possibly how she was dragging him. If you lighten the pic a little you can see the dark blood flow from just under his head. :(

Ok. I'll check that
Steely, I used to think that. But having learned more about how she operates- she's a black widow. Since Travis told her that she was the worst thing that ever happened to him- she decided then he had to die.Travis probably wouldn't have agreed to take her to Cancun or marry her unless he knew he was faced with the ultimatum of death, and even then we don't know how he would have answered, or if she ever even gave him that choice. Once he said "no" to either of those things, his fate was sealed. She came prepared. Noone drives 1,000 miles to see their abuser. Only an obsessed psychopath does that.
Travis would not ever take Jodi to Cancun. He did not want to marry her and that what his priority was . Did she drive over 1000 miles to provide him one last chance to take her? Nope, imo.
Why? Because this was deep seated white rage built up since he sent her back to Yreka. I believe this is when her revenge plan started. She was going to make sure he would pay the ultimate price (death) for the final rejection, and she knew they'd never get back together except for sex. Sex was her weapon of choice to slither into Travis' weakness.
The eternal "Happily ever after" fairy tale ending was not happening. Jodi knew at this point she was not going to be Mrs. Alexander..
All JMO.
Oh wow. I can see it now. Is his head at kinda the top right-to middle part of the photo as if it's up, and you can see his neck/back below, then his shoulder and arm kinda raised? Damn why didn't I think of lightening it before?
There is an old photo of her in a white coat with the snow in the background that looks like she has dark hair. I am wondering if the nudes are from this time. Perhaps she drugged him? He does not look right, in his face!
After some googling, I found a pic of evidence SD card. It is blue, and narrower than a Sony one, and it said this one was found on the bottom on the washing machine with the battery cover?
She could of swapped cards, but it was never brought in court except for Nurmi wanted to bring out the "sex-ation" in this case.
It still puts her in AZ on Jun4 because she in Utah the following day.
Steely, I used to think that. But having learned more about how she operates- she's a black widow. Since Travis told her that she was the worst thing that ever happened to him- she decided then he had to die.Travis probably wouldn't have agreed to take her to Cancun or marry her unless he knew he was faced with the ultimatum of death, and even then we don't know how he would have answered, or if she ever even gave him that choice. Once he said "no" to either of those things, his fate was sealed. She came prepared. Noone drives 1,000 miles to see their abuser. Only an obsessed psychopath does that.

I still think there was a chance if he had told her he'd marry her and take her to Cancun. I think she believed what she wanted to believe about their relationship. JMO
Seeing as we are talking about photos can I ask something? You know the photo where you can see Jodi's foot and leg and Travis is on the floor? What are you meant to see? I can see her foot and her leg, but I can't for the life of me make out his body. It's just a dark shape. Can anyone explain the photo, which bit of him is which and see if I can finally see it? It feels like a kind of magic eye thing, I've looked and looked at the photo, but apart from her foot and leg I can't make out anything else. Thanks
There is this version, which I can:
The question is, did either TA or JA know how to use it? The reviews had actually commented on how clunky the interface for accessing many of the features were and how it would take getting used to.
Since it was new, I would imagine the settings where played by either of them.

However judging by the quality of the pics, (which I believe are from Jun4), they were pretty poorly taken.
Superb, Tuba thanks. Did they find any record of CDs being copied or viewed? I couldn't remember any points on that at all. This site is such a great source of information. If you can't remember a detail, someone else does. What a crew!

The last site visited was Southwest Airlines at 4:54 pm. Jodi told Det. Flores that she'd brought three cd's full of photo's for them to look at. Jodi said they were off her external hard drive that was found damaged. That was also the hard drive that Jodi said was not part of her trial and her defense attorney's didn't think it was relevant to her case. This was the hard drive she claimed with the naked little boy and photos of all of her bruises,but her attorney's again didn't think it was important to her case. But if it was her she'd looked high an low for the guy.Anyway I don't know if LE looked for three cd's of photos in Jodi's things in the car or inside of her grandparents house.
Travis would not ever take Jodi to Cancun. He did not want to marry her and that what his priority was . Did she drive over 1000 miles to provide him one last chance to take her? Nope, imo.
Why? Because this was deep seated white rage built up since he sent her back to Yreka. I believe this is when her revenge plan started. She was going to make sure he would pay the ultimate price (death) for the final rejection, and she knew they'd never get back together except for sex. Sex was her weapon of choice to slither into Travis' weakness.
The eternal "Happily ever after" fairy tale ending was not happening. Jodi knew at this point she was not going to be Mrs. Alexander..
All JMO.
I totally agree with this.
IMO, the pics were taken on June 4th. Why? Because her planting photos fits into zero of her stories she has given, and it just doesn't make sense at all in any scenario other than she lured ta to his death by the only way she knew how, by seducing him serially and fantasy play. Imo, she accidentally put the camera into the wash when stripping the sheets. In her haste, left without checking she had the camera by the time she got to where she disposed of evidence it was too late to turn around and go get it. It was a mistake on her part, one that by fate sealed hers in all probability
I have always thought the third gas can was a moot point. Even if she only had two extra she could have stopped and filled up one again and paid cash.

After some googling, I found a pic of evidence SD card. It is blue, and narrower than a Sony one, and it said this one was found on the bottom on the washing machine with the battery cover?
She could of swapped cards, but it was never brought in court except for Nurmi wanted to bring out the "sex-ation" in this case.
It still puts her in AZ on Jun4 because she in Utah the following day.

I would swear that I saw one crime scene photo with two cards, the smaller blue one and the one that fit in his camera. She also said some other stuff in her Flores interview that showed she knew what she as talking about as far as the cards.
She was there on the day and she did do it but I do not believe her 'we were all lovey dovey and doing a photo shoot' story. I believe she came in thru the doggy door, hid in the closet and waited until he got into the shower. She wanted him dead before he had a chance to 'kill her life'.
The last site visited was Southwest Airlines at 4:54 pm. Jodi told Det. Flores that she'd brought three cd's full of photo's for them to look at. Jodi said they were off her external hard drive that was found damaged. That was also the hard drive that Jodi said was not part of her trial and her defense attorney's didn't think it was relevant to her case. This was the hard drive she claimed with the naked little boy and photos of all of her bruises,but her attorney's again didn't think it was important to her case. But if it was her she'd looked high an low for the guy.Anyway I don't know if LE looked for three cd's of photos in Jodi's things in the car or inside of her grandparents house.

Was it to check flight times or refunds, do you recall? Sorry it's been so long since the proceedings and like I've found, most of my old links are no longer viable.
I'm not sure why people think TA wouldn't let her in on. If anything TA history shows he's a forgiving and even naive to a point. We know cm a is a master manipulator capable of manipulating very intelligent , degreed professionals. Why do we think TA was even more equipped to deal with the evil that is Jodi arias than professionals? She was very capable of getting him into letting her in, charm her way into sex and fantasy play. There's no doubt in my mind
Tidbit from day 14, jodi though Darryl was a George Clooney type, I am watching now....made me laugh. He went from manager to server because of her, but hey she was 20 years younger and bet he got plenty of sex.
Does anyone think that Travis deleted the nude pictures while she was in the shower and she did not like that?
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