Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/26 -12/02/14 In recess

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Episode one: The gang tries to get a daycare license. :rolleyes:

Episode two: The baby killer CA and CMJA have a fight over who is the better liar, and it continues over which of them is the biggest "3 hole wonder". JB is called in to investigate all aspects of their claims. Undecided after viewing all of the evidence, JB calls co-counsel CM as he is older and much be continued.
Hey everyone ... haven't been on the board for awhile, but I remember most of you even though you might not remember me from the first trial. Anyway, I have always felt that when JA tried to represent herself on those two occasions (once in the first trial and then again in the re-trial), that her motivation was to gain access to the evidence. Then, when she got what she wanted, she declared that she was in over her head and re-hired her council. I'm not sure what happens when someone tries to represent themselves, but I am almost positive that she did that to continue with her manipulation crap. We are talking about a very cunning, sick, psycho, manipulating monster.

Just a question, because I am just getting back on here from last year. The letter that you speak of that the Alexanders do not want revealed ... is there a reference somewhere that will help me understand what this is all about. Or, if someone could just give me a brief overview, I would appreciate it. Sorry but there are so many threads to go through and I hope you can quickly and easily give me a place to look. I am not familiar with this issue. Thanks so much!
Flipping the plate to attract attention in UTAH is a possibility, but I think there's easier ways she could have done it. What are the chances she'd run into a traffic cop and be stopped? She couldn't be sure that would happen. If all she wanted to do was an alibi that she was in Utah, I think the receipts she kept as proof were enough. She also could have stopped at shops with camera's etc.

When Jodi was talking to Detective Flores she mentions traffic light cameras, and Flores told her it doesn't work that way. it was only if you ran a red light. I'm re reading transcripts of her and her parents interviews and post when I find it again
Hey everyone ... haven't been on the board for awhile, but I remember most of you even though you might not remember me from the first trial. Anyway, I have always felt that when JA tried to represent herself on those two occasions (once in the first trial and then again in the re-trial), that her motivation was to gain access to the evidence. Then, when she got what she wanted, she declared that she was in over her head and re-hired her council. I'm not sure what happens when someone tries to represent themselves, but I am almost positive that she did that to continue with her manipulation crap. We are talking about a very cunning, sick, psycho, manipulating monster.

Just a question, because I am just getting back on here from last year. The letter that you speak of that the Alexanders do not want revealed ... is there a reference somewhere that will help me understand what this is all about. Or, if someone could just give me a brief overview, I would appreciate it. Sorry but there are so many threads to go through and I hope you can quickly and easily give me a place to look. I am not familiar with this issue. Thanks so much!

Jodi Arias Even Lied to Her Diary After Travis Alexander Was Dead
Jan. 17, 2013
By SHANA DRUCKERMAN via Good Morning America
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The page begins ".. that Travis is dead. What happened?!? Travis, what is this?"

The next entry is dated June 11and said in part, "Last night was so hard... I wanted so badly to call Travis, but knowing he wouldn't answer was too much to bear. And knowing he wasn't calling me anytime soon was just killing me. I broke down as I climbed into bed and just cried and cried and cried until I fell asleep."

and on June 12, Jodi wrote to her diary, "It just feels like he hasn't called me in too long. I hear him singing. I hear him laugh."

And in the final entry on the page, Arias wrote on June 13 that she sent 13 white irises to Alexander's grandmother, who she called "Mums." and she sent her an 18--21 page letter talking about the murder among other things.
Jodi Arias Even Lied to Her Diary After Travis Alexander Was Dead
Jan. 17, 2013
By SHANA DRUCKERMAN via Good Morning America
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Jodi Arias Murder Trial: Rental Car Covered in 'Kool-Aid Stains'
Next Video Jodi Arias Trial: Explosive Recordings Played in Court
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The page begins ".. that Travis is dead. What happened?!? Travis, what is this?"

The next entry is dated June 11and said in part, "Last night was so hard... I wanted so badly to call Travis, but knowing he wouldn't answer was too much to bear. And knowing he wasn't calling me anytime soon was just killing me. I broke down as I climbed into bed and just cried and cried and cried until I fell asleep."

and on June 12, Jodi wrote to her diary, "It just feels like he hasn't called me in too long. I hear him singing. I hear him laugh."

And in the final entry on the page, Arias wrote on June 13 that she sent 13 white irises to Alexander's grandmother, who she called "Mums." and she sent her an 18--21 page letter talking about the murder among other things.

Thank you so much. I remember you ILTBP from last year.
Hey everyone ... haven't been on the board for awhile, but I remember most of you even though you might not remember me from the first trial. Anyway, I have always felt that when JA tried to represent herself on those two occasions (once in the first trial and then again in the re-trial), that her motivation was to gain access to the evidence. Then, when she got what she wanted, she declared that she was in over her head and re-hired her council. I'm not sure what happens when someone tries to represent themselves, but I am almost positive that she did that to continue with her manipulation crap. We are talking about a very cunning, sick, psycho, manipulating monster.

Just a question, because I am just getting back on here from last year. The letter that you speak of that the Alexanders do not want revealed ... is there a reference somewhere that will help me understand what this is all about. Or, if someone could just give me a brief overview, I would appreciate it. Sorry but there are so many threads to go through and I hope you can quickly and easily give me a place to look. I am not familiar with this issue. Thanks so much!

Hi Sydni, I'm a long time lurker, now relative newbie. The letter referred to was written by Arias and sent to Travis' grandmother, who as you;ll remember was Travis' de facto mother. It's about 18 pages long and describes in great detail how Travis was killed. At least, how he was killed by the ninjas. However, the nitty-gritty details of his injuries and suffering are apparently rooted in reality.

Arias claims she sent it because she felt the family "deserved to know how Travis died", and is sickening on many levels. No one with an iota of decency provides - or rather, confronts - a victim's family with that kind of information. And when Arias says "deserved" it's safe to assume that she means it in the malicious vengeful sense of the word.

On top of that, she wrote it for her own benefit. Not only did she get the pleasure of inflicting horror on the family, it was a means to aggrandize herself as the one and only person who knew exactly what happened to Travis. And of course, a way to add (in her mind, at least) some credibility to the ninja defense.

Utterly evil.
Hey everyone ... haven't been on the board for awhile, but I remember most of you even though you might not remember me from the first trial. Anyway, I have always felt that when JA tried to represent herself on those two occasions (once in the first trial and then again in the re-trial), that her motivation was to gain access to the evidence. Then, when she got what she wanted, she declared that she was in over her head and re-hired her council. I'm not sure what happens when someone tries to represent themselves, but I am almost positive that she did that to continue with her manipulation crap. We are talking about a very cunning, sick, psycho, manipulating monster.

Just a question, because I am just getting back on here from last year. The letter that you speak of that the Alexanders do not want revealed ... is there a reference somewhere that will help me understand what this is all about. Or, if someone could just give me a brief overview, I would appreciate it. Sorry but there are so many threads to go through and I hope you can quickly and easily give me a place to look. I am not familiar with this issue. Thanks so much!

I too have always thought that she did it merely to get at information an stir the pot as you do.

Due to TOS, the letter reference has always been short as to all it contained. One can google and get about all we ever got... one result that is MSM is The full letter has never been released other than the snippets here and above in posts.

I don't think she needed a cop to give her an alibi for being in Utah, she had Ryan, Leslie Udy and those she was meeting for whatever the deal was that night, I tend to doubt she thought she'd need more. I can't decide if she only flipped them for the street/red light cameras and forgot or if she swapped hers for others while she was in Arizona and then just put it on upside down in the dark desert. That seems unlikely to me as if she had enough light to be able to screw the plate back on, she'd be able to tell right side up from upside down. I also don't think she used plates from her car or the one she destroyed of Travis' as both could be tied back to her, only on the wrong car and more sense of premeditation. I don't know, the flipped plate still confuses me.

The only other reason, besides wanting to draw enough attention so as to have some sort of official alibi, unless it truly was done by accident, that I can think of, would be to try and evade toll fees(anything to save/earn a buck including cleaning your ex bf's house for cash(then accuse him of treating you like paid help), even perhaps stealing someone else's engagement ring from him, does anyone know whatever happened to that ring, was it pawned, found or still missing, heck even borrowing another ex bf's gas cans to go kill the ex bf you're still supposedly hoping to marry(never mind that it might have implicated DB) and while there selling/trading the first ex bf(DB) a dvd player that you'd stolen from your grandparents, iirc).

Anyway, are there any toll roads/bridges in Utah, or between Utah and Cali?
Hi Sydni, I'm a long time lurker, now relative newbie. The letter referred to was written by Arias and sent to Travis' grandmother, who as you;ll remember was Travis' de facto mother. It's about 18 pages long and describes in great detail how Travis was killed. At least, how he was killed by the ninjas. However, the nitty-gritty details of his injuries and suffering are apparently rooted in reality.

Arias claims she sent it because she felt the family "deserved to know how Travis died", and is sickening on many levels. No one with an iota of decency provides - or rather, confronts - a victim's family with that kind of information. And when Arias says "deserved" it's safe to assume that she means it in the malicious vengeful sense of the word.

On top of that, she wrote it for her own benefit. Not only did she get the pleasure of inflicting horror on the family, it was a means to aggrandize herself as the one and only person who knew exactly what happened to Travis. And of course, a way to add (in her mind, at least) some credibility to the ninja defense.

Utterly evil.

Thank you so much Cindymac. You are right .. she is utterly evil (so creeped out right now). You have saved me a ton of googlelng and researching. "ILikeToBendPages" has also provided me with some help. I am very grateful. Thanks! At least I know what I am looking for and have a bit of insight to this issue.
When Jodi was talking to Detective Flores she mentions traffic light cameras, and Flores told her it doesn't work that way. it was only if you ran a red light. I'm re reading transcripts of her and her parents interviews and post when I find it again

Hmmm. Very telling that she brings up the traffic light cameras. It shows that she thought about them. And she wouldn't have mentioned them unless she felt it was safe. Or in other words, she knew full well that they only worked if you ran a red light, as Flores said. Which of course she would know, having lived there and having no respect for rules and regulations.

Browsing through old articles, it seems Mesa did have an extensive network of sophisticated traffic cameras, even back in 2008.
Some material we may expect from the affidavits: letters of support, personal references and statements from those who want to speak on behalf of Arias & her causes. I would think her parents, & possibly other relatives, solicited the good words. They are in a better position to do this than her web supporters. How much weight will jurors give the testimonials?

You mean like this?
Arias is selling T-shirts on her website, **************, with proceeds going to the Long Beach Women’s Shelter and the non-profit organization Reach Beyond Domestic Violence.
WomenShelter of Long Beach has not sanctioned any third party fundraising for our shelter. We asked the web sites "************************" and "**************" to remove our name from their web site and we believe they have done so. WSLB has not received any funds through Jodi Arias' t-shirts sales and has no intent accept any in future. We had no prior knowledge of or involvement in the t-shirt campaign on that web site.
I'm kind of the opinion Thanksgiving dinner in prison should be an all out down home thing to remind the prisoners what they could be appreciating at HOME had they not committed CRIMES. The Grapes of Wrath (movie) begins with Tom Joad returning from prison lamenting one thing he had missed most was the Mother's made food.
You're nicer than me. I say bring on the soy casserole but pipe in the smell of home cooking. Or lay out buffets for the guards while the prisoners are locked down. :) Thankful yet??
I thought they were able to date the pictures through the camera programming. :waitasec: I'm not real sure about that though.

Lol, now you see why I question it? :)

A camera is like a computer, you put info in on the same day( old memory card) and fire it up, there is a chance it could overwrite the original dates with the current date. That was one of the few things I tended to believe JA about, was her surprise with the Det.'s certainty that the "photo shoot" pics were from the same day. I'm just trying to remember if that info was given to her before or after she included it in her story about having spent the day in bed with TA before the ninja's attacked...
Lol, now you see why I question it? :)

A camera is like a computer, you put info in on the same day( old memory card) and fire it up, there is a chance it could overwrite the original dates with the current date. That was one of the few things I tended to believe JA about, was her surprise with the Det.'s certainty that the "photo shoot" pics were from the same day. I'm just trying to remember if that info was given to her before or after she included it in her story about having spent the day in bed with TA before the ninja's attacked...

Somebody mentioned that the defense and prosecution agree that those pictures were taken on the day of his murder. So they probably are.

You could manipulate the time and date, but I think it would be retrievable in the camera's memory. JMO
At Websleuths we take pride in being a notch above the rest.

Please get back to discussion about information revealed in the courtroom and in documents, otherwise steer clear of all the sexual speculation and innuendo about anatomy. It is pretty nasty and may keep those who read and lurk away. It is not necessary...


Oh, Harmony2, I am sincerely sorry if I offended anyone with any remark I made! I have big hands myself and had commented in reply to a post. I hope WSer's who might have been offended will accept my apology.
Both the defense and the prosecution believe the pictures are from that day. It's never been argued. She's admitted she was there, and she killed him all by herself. If they weren't from that day then she put them on the camera to make it look as if they were, and that makes no sense, since initially she was denying she was even there that day. Why would she deny it, then provide false evidence to the contrary?

She did deny it, iirc right up until the Det. showed her some of the pics... then suddenly ninja's appeared and suddenly yes her and TA had spent the day sleeping, taking pics, etc. She obviously thought it might help her at that point so of course no more arguing it and yes, I think she may have put them on there herself, though perhaps not realizing that her using the camera for TA's shower pics may compromise the dates. Either way, she did try deleting a lot of pics and then oops, it fell into the washing machine along with the wash...
Somebody mentioned that the defense and prosecution agree that those pictures were taken on the day of his murder. So they probably are.

You could manipulate the time and date, but I think it would be retrievable in the camera's memory. JMO

But would that show on the memory card, which is where the pics were retrieved from?
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