Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing

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Here's an idea. Announce to the jury that the defense has decided to wait before proceeding, so we'll take up the time by allowing victim impact statements from members of Travis's family until such time as the defense is ready to proceed. If we run out of family members, start with friends.
To me this is not one of those times you say that. Now that he can not have his super secret witness he gets time to regroup. I don't have an issue with that. Now if by monday there is still no plan and activity, then yes..

I actually think that it not being televised this time is creating more shenanigans than before.

BBM. ITA! It's causing more uproar and speculation from trying to decipher tweets. If we could just watch the proceedings I think everyone would be a bit more calm.
What about the first amendment and the public and medias right to a public trial? Are those not constitutional rights?

Exactly ... something is drastically wrong when a cold-blooded, convicted murderer's rights trump the public and the media's constitutional rights !

What about the first amendment and the public and medias right to a public trial? Are those not constitutional rights?

I believe that trials are to be public that does not include the right to broadcast on tv IMO. They should be all open and free to attend. They should be able to come in and to video for later and such but I don't think there is a right to live streaming.
Quietly following along here. Not much I can add that hasn't been said. My wish. Jodi gets the DP. Asks any and all media if they want a death Row Interview. They shun her. Yet add they sure will be there when she gets the needle. Sigh.....
I agree it is causing more drama but only because the defense is acting like toddler who is testing the boundaries to see just what they can get away with. Unfortunately Stephens has indulged the defense a little too much in some regards so now all hell is breaking loose.

I was thinking Rumpelstiltskin rather than a toddler myself. Can't you picture Nurmi's face CGIed onto Rumpelstiltskin stomping his foot into the ground?
Shouldn't JSS tell Nurmi when SHE expects the trial to end instead him telling her when he will end it.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Here we go again with this judge.

For contrast, look what the appeals court did yesterday. They literally had a stop watch limit for the attorneys.

Cmon Judge. I know I have been way critical, but the critisizm is due her. She is not doign things right by any means.
I am not convinced that every single mitigation witness came up to Nurmi and said, hey, I'll testify, but here are my demands. Not many people would have that sort of gall.

And I'm not convinced Nurmi is truly concerned about a mistrial caused by the media. A mistrial is what he wants.

What he has got to understand, but probably never will, is that, as frustrating as it might be, what happens in the court of public opinion doesn't matter. All that matters is, did Jodi get a fair trial in courtroom 5? She has gotten more than a fair trial. She has an accommodating judge, an ethical prosecutor, an impartial jury, and a DT willing to go to battle for her, even if she's intent on burning her bridges with them. And no appeals court is going to agree with Nurmi that public criticism is a legitimate reason to seal everyone out of his case. Internet warriors can't hurt you. Nancy Grace can't hurt you. And they wouldn't if you knew how to ignore them. As Judge Howe said, "it comes with the territory."

And I'm certain Nurmi has his areas of expertise. And I'm even more certain he knows a lot more about law than I do. But I'm doubtful he has the knowledge or the skill to successfully litigate in front of the COA. Not to mention the case law to back him up.

I don't even think frustrated is the right word for what Juan is. I think he's reached his boiling point. And I think he has a great deal of sympathy for this family.

After hearing and reading about Nurmi's performance yesterday in front of the COA, I get the feeling that his breadth and depth of knowledge re: case law is- "Because I want it!"
Here's an idea. Announce to the jury that the defense has decided to wait before proceeding, so we'll take up the time by allowing victim impact statements from members of Travis's family until such time as the defense is ready to proceed. If we run out of family members, start with friends.

I wish! There won't be enough hours in the day once his loved ones get going! We ought to get Napolean in there too for a couple of barks--at Jodi Arias, of course!
Well, now that she's a convicted first-degree murderer housed in closed custody (with the worst of the worst in other words), no more singin' contests for her! :happydance:

Dammit, and I so wanted to hear her sing Blue Christmas.
Here's an idea. Announce to the jury that the defense has decided to wait before proceeding, so we'll take up the time by allowing victim impact statements from members of Travis's family until such time as the defense is ready to proceed. If we run out of family members, start with friends.

I truly believe all this was part of Nurmi's strategy to remove the impact of the VIS. Nurmi is aiming at a mistrial as I believe he has read JSS well. She will not impose the DP as that would risk all her orders and decisions would come under review. Due to the cruelty of the crime, IMO she will sentence CMJA to LWOP. After all, she is elected to the bench.....
How many of you wish you wouldn't have gotten back into this trial? Raising my hand.

Today, I remember why I walked away after the verdict. It's so maddening seeing a convicted killer have more rights than the victim's family, courts, the people who pay for her trial, jurors and everyone else who's life has been put on hold. This isn't justice and JSS has gone beyond the scope of giving JA her right to a fair trial. JSS is going to cause a mistrial by not being able to rule on a darn thing and allowing this circus to continue. The AC was very clear yesterday, yet it didn't mean squat to JSS. The people of Arizona deserve better than this. Period.
I'm torn. I want to see this through. I want Travis' family to get the resolution they so desperately deserve and whatever tiny amount of solace, if any, that may provide. But if I'm to be totally honest, I haven't been this angry over a case since Zahra. (Her 15th birthday would have been November 16th. :() She should be going to the movies with her first high school sweetheart and dreaming about prom. And Travis should be happily married to a really good woman, bouncing their baby on his knee.

It's just so unfair. The lot of it. They both overcame so much in their lives...only to be destroyed by pure evil.
I believe that trials are to be public that does not include the right to broadcast on tv IMO. They should be all open and free to attend. They should be able to come in and to video for later and such but I don't think there is a right to live streaming.

But we're not talking about the right to live stream. We've moved past that. The judge was not within her rights to lock out the media and the public because the witnesses black mailed her. That's another issue entirely. Even the COA did not agree with her.
OK, sitting here reading, thinking, and wondering, I understand that if this trial is not finished, this is the end of the line. Their CANNOT be a retrial or be overturned by another court. I thought if a jury does not come to a decision on death, then its automatic LWOP... So all these games the DT is playing, it will be for naught, cause its suppose to one or the other. Please explain to me if this is not the case.
BBM: :hilarious:

And yes, Nurmi should really re-think his career after that comment that HE and Willmott would be scrutinized as defense attorneys :doh:

:seeya: Hi Josie !

and I believe he said scrutinized FOR YEARS! waaaaah! So what? It comes with the territory and as a sex offense defender he should already know this.
Well, I am just going to post this; I keep trying to read everything before I post, and then there are MORE PAGES. So, here goes:

In California, they were able to recall A GOVERNOR; can you Arizona folks not do the same thing to a judge?
Here's an idea. Announce to the jury that the defense has decided to wait before proceeding, so we'll take up the time by allowing victim impact statements from members of Travis's family until such time as the defense is ready to proceed. If we run out of family members, start with friends.

I would like to see JSS just be honest with the jury tomorrow and say this....
"Since the defense is not ready with their next witness, and since I did not plan ahead and force the attorneys to have all their witnesses be ready to go, we ALL now have to wait till next Wednesday to start again.
Oh, and by the way, I decided to let the defense decide when this trial will end, and they said in January, so plan for all your holidays to be ruined. Thats all for now. You are released like cattle for now. You just better be back next Wednesday".

Absolutely no consideration for the jury's time or the families time. Im fed up.
But we're not talking about the right to live stream. We've moved past that. The judge was not within her rights to lock out the media and the public because the witnesses black mailed her. That's another issue entirely. Even the COA did not agree with her.

I was asked if the public had a right to public trials. I answered that.

There is now not going to be any private testifying.
I was asked if the public had a right to public trials. I answered that.

There is now not going to be any private testifying.

The public does have a right to public trials unless very drastic circumstances call for it. Twitter bullies is just not a good enough reason.

As I've said, maintaining the secrecy of the witnesses is one way to continue to protect them. But there is absolutely no reason their testimony should be secret. None. This country does not hold trials in secret. There are reason for that.
The public does have a right to public trials unless very drastic circumstances call for it. Twitter bullies is just not a good enough reason.

As I've said, maintaining the secrecy of the witnesses is one way to continue to protect them. But there is absolutely no reason their testimony should be secret. None. This country does not hold trials in secret. There are reason for that.

I am not sure what you think we don't agree on... ;)

I think it should be public. Sorry If I was not clear enough.
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