Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/3/14 Hearing

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JSS as the trial judge should enforce order in this court room...Grow some Judge Melvin Perry balls--he told all lawyers their cases and witnesses must be ready--they made up time on Saturdays--and JSS you can have all members of DT held in contempt of court for not doing their job and causing unnecessary delays in this trial.. This is a sorry excuse for a trial and you judge need to take control now !!!!!
Perry used to threaten Baez with contempt and sanctions all the time during that debacle, and deservedly so. I don't think I've heard the judge even utter the word contempt during this entire trial (guilt phase included) and it was certainly warranted with all the games the convict and her defense team play. :moo:
Sounds like it started in open court and then reverted to sidebars. Again, what is the basis for a sidebar about something like this, right after you basically get slapped down for insisting on secret proceedings? And delaying the trial for over a week with no reason. I guess we'll hear the spin tomorrow when she has to address the jury and you know Nurmi will be insisting that she in no way indicate the DT is to blame-even though they ARE. And no one in the public or media would even know if she were lying or stretching the truth since it was all decided in secret.

Honestly, if I were the news media in AZ I'd be back at the Ct challenging a lot of her orders regarding media access and sealed proceedings. I think this case calls out for a "special" proceeding in the higher court to get this trial on track, open the courtroom doors and ensure all is conducted in public unless there is an appropriate basis for a sidebar. Alas, there is no such proceeding but that is what ths case is crying out for, not the secret trial Nurmi thinks it's calling out for. It's like the DT lives in "opposite world".

I was just reading about the original media restriction and even that order refrenced secret proceedings. So, the media wants access and the Judge says no based on "reasons addressed in previous sealed proceedings". If there is such a compelling reason to limit trial coverage I would think it essential for the reasoning to be released so the public knows why it is not permitted to watch the justice system it pays for in action. I also think it's setting up an appeal issue. If, as I assume, the reason was proffered by the DT and probably consisted of anti-Jodi sentiment linked to televising the trial which means there is no video coverage allowed now because the public found her and her crime to be so reprehensible. Constitutionally, I say "so what"? There is no evidence that televising a trial impedes fairness. Most jurisdictions allow some televising. But since JS now limited it, during the sentencing phase, doesn't the DT get an argument that, see JS conceeded televising was prejudicial to the administration of justice and thus wouldn't allow it during the sentencing re-trial so imagine how much more prejudicial and unfair it was to the defendant during the guilt phase? We deserve a re-trial conducted on a deserted island.

Judge Stephen released a ruling stating that video will only be allowed after the verdict, reports KTAR News.

"The Court is mindful of its obligation to allow public and media access to the trial. That access should not include live broadcast of the trial prior to a verdict for the reasons addressed in previous sealed proceedings," reads court documents from the ruling.

You know what? Wasn't today's hearing supposed to be about further clarification of yesterday's "decision"? Was that even addressed?
Just wanted to say that it is because of the courts' dark days I believe in re: to the next witness, of course tomorrow and wed. are both wasted days but not unusual when their letting the criminal make all decisions.
Question: If Nurmi refused to continue with the "secret" witness testimony now, why would the trial run into January? It seems that if this witness refused to testify in open court we are done with them and witnesses that were suppose to be called Wednesday will be ready to go forward at the normal time they were expected to be called. If the witness is willing to testify after receiving the Appeal judges decision why can't they testify now? The judge has limited abilities but she could have put the media in the video room and blocked the camera view of the person testifying. It does appear to be an awfully long time for one mitigation witness to testify.
Doesn't Arizona have a Professional Review board for Attorneys and Judges? Are there some kind of rules on professionalism? Something is very wrong here.
That is exactly what I wanted to ask you, JSR. Thanks for that. The very thought terrifies me.

Hi Rose :loveyou:. For over two years now, and against my better judgment and great restraint , I have refused to even entertain the idea that Judge Stephens might give her LWP.

But after the many, many weak justifications I afforded Judge Stephens during the guilt phase of the trial, coupled with this latest legal debacle and the obvious part the Judge has played in it, I have no choice but to reach the obvious conclusion that there is a persistent pattern on the part of JSS to be inexplicably weak with the DT. So yeah, imo there is real possibility she could give LWP. Which is so very disappointing for me.
How many of you wish you wouldn't have gotten back into this trial? Raising my hand.

Today, I remember why I walked away after the verdict. It's so maddening seeing a convicted killer have more rights than the victim's family, courts, the people who pay for her trial, jurors and everyone else who's life has been put on hold. This isn't justice and JSS has gone beyond the scope of giving JA her right to a fair trial. JSS is going to cause a mistrial by not being able to rule on a darn thing and allowing this circus to continue. The AC was very clear yesterday, yet it didn't mean squat to JSS. The people of Arizona deserve better than this. Period.
How many of you wish you wouldn't have gotten back into this trial? Raising my hand.

Today, I remember why I walked away after the verdict. It's so maddening seeing a convicted killer have more rights than the victim's family, courts, the people who pay for her trial, jurors and everyone else who's life has been put on hold. This isn't justice and JSS has gone beyond the scope of giving JA her right to a fair trial. JSS is going to cause a mistrial by not being able to rule on a darn thing and allowing this circus to continue. The AC was very clear yesterday, yet it didn't mean squat to JSS. The people of Arizona deserve better than this. Period.

I tried to stay out of this time.. But I can't.. I need to see this finished.
I mentioned in another post that I'm typically not pro-death penalty unless the crime fits the justification. Manson murders, Arias both fit for me.

However, if it meant Travis' family being able to move on sooner, I would have been for a deal to avoid this phase, giving her life without parole.

Now, I am terrified of Arias getting life because I wouldn't put it past this judge to give her life with the possibility of parole... which would be an utter disaster.
How many of you wish you wouldn't have gotten back into this trial? Raising my hand.

Today, I remember why I walked away after the verdict. It's so maddening seeing a convicted killer have more rights than the victim's family, courts, the people who pay for her trial, jurors and everyone else who's life has been put on hold. This isn't justice and JSS has gone beyond the scope of giving JA her right to a fair trial. JSS is going to cause a mistrial by not being able to rule on a darn thing and allowing this circus to continue. The AC was very clear yesterday, yet it didn't mean squat to JSS. The people of Arizona deserve better than this. Period.

If we took a break from this case (not Websleuths of course but just this one) and came back in January then I think we'll still be a few months away from verdict. Or we'll find out that there has been a mistrial--not enough jurors. I'm losing my freakin' mind sitting here everyday reading tweets about secret side-bars and delays, delays, delays.
Hi Rose :loveyou:. For over two years now, and against my better judgment and great restraint , I have refused to even entertain the idea that Judge Stephens might give her LWP.

But after the many, many weak justifications I afforded Judge Stephens during the guilt phase of the trial, coupled with this latest legal debacle and the obvious part the Judge has played in it, I have no choice but to reach the obvious conclusion that there is a persistent pattern on the part of JSS to be inexplicably weak with the DT. So yeah, imo there is real possibility she could give LWP. Which is so very disappointing for me.


This case is entangled in a web of nightmaric proportions.
Oh dear.
From WAT:

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial · 8s 9 seconds ago

JSS asks realistic date for end of trial. Nurmi says end of January. #JodiArias

Like I said yesterday, the plan is to go however long it takes to get five more jurors to bail. And then we start over.
It seems as though Nurmi is throwing so much stuff at the wall to see what sticks IMO. JSS appears to be bending over backwards so that CMJA conviction isn't reversed on appeal. How do most judges handle this? Why does this trial seem so different?

I have refrained from speaking negatively about JSS as IANAL, But I can't help but wonder if she is playing right into Nurmi's hands. But He doesn't really have to argue in front of the COA does he? And to what purpose? Constitutional Law does not seem to be his forte.

It seems as though a Mistrial is on the horizon and JSS will end up sentencing CMJA, which appears to have been Nurmi's strategy all along. JMV
Reading all tweets at once on feed. JM is putting his foot down hard.

Do you have that link handy to all the tweets on the "one feed" so I can add it to the list ?

Appreciate it !

:seeya: Thanks !!!
I'm not going to lie. If I was on this jury, after this week delay, I'd be going to my very best friends house, who I trusted more than life itself and asking her to google and tell me what the hell the hold up is.

I'm willing to bet that some jurors will be doing the same. Is it right? Nope. But I don't blame them. And it's going to backfire on the defense, trust me.
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