Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/19-1/5 Break

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CMJA has been journalling since her teen years, according to Dr. DeMarte, who made it sound like she had read her early journals. The journals were seized as evidence by LE, so CMJA could not have fictionalized entries while incarcerated.

Once again, it appears that another expert, Geffner, allowed the defense to cherry pick from journals, texts, emails, etc. It is my hope that DeMarte gives a clearer and more objective assessment of Arias. While the State also has its bias, I do hope that DeMarte is professional and presents what she believes, not what the State wants her to say, so that we all can come to our own conclusions.

Geffner has made a lot of statements that either contradict his prior statements or the evidence itself. Clearly, CMJA was not a stable person and he did describe her as obsessed at one point in time, but then went on to describe Travis as manipulative and controlling. Which is it? With depression, he makes it sound like depression can come and go as easily as flipping a light switch. I'm sure that many people on the jury have picked up on these weaknesses in the defense presentation. They have given the State a lot of fodder for rebuttal.

Things that I would like to know, based on the journals:
- At what point in time does her immaturity become apparent from her journal writing? Put another way, when does her development plateau or regress?
- Do early journals show any kind of obsession in previous relationships?
- What kind of life balance is shown in her writings?
- When and how often do writings of depression and suicide appear throughout her journals?
- How does her journal reflect her relationship with Darryl Brewer and its breakdown? What kind of effect did the loss of this relationship have on her?
- The first entry Geffner discussed in court on 12/18 was from 6/5/2007, more than nine months after meeting Travis. During the preceding nine months, did her journals show an increasing obsession with Travis, and if so, when did this begin?
- How much of her writing appear to be distortion of facts and are these journals reliable as an historical record?

CMJA writes like a bad Harlequin novelist, perhaps to preserve things the way that she wants them to be because the reality is too difficult to accept. A gem dropped yesterday was a journal entry about a joint account with Travis. Raised my eyebrows and I doubt this is true. Maybe her way of thinking Mrs. Travis Alexander? In any event, if Martinez can prove that much of her journal writing was fantasy and fiction, the jury will take note.
The tire slashing happened in November or December 07, if that can get in it imo it will be huge for Prosc. Shows what Travis had to put up with

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I thought it was in February? According to LA's testimony it was part of the weird things that were going on at the end of their relationship. Which was in February 08. They broke up 3 times. Once because she thought he was cheating with JA, once because he was getting too serious about marriage and the third and final time because she was probably creeped out about JA and everything else.

CMJA has been journalling since her teen years, according to Dr. DeMarte, who made it sound like she had read her early journals. The journals were seized as evidence by LE, so CMJA could not have fictionalized entries while incarcerated.

Once again, it appears that another expert, Geffner, allowed the defense to cherry pick from journals, texts, emails, etc. It is my hope that DeMarte gives a clearer and more objective assessment of Arias. While the State also has its bias, I do hope that DeMarte is professional and presents what she believes, not what the State wants her to say, so that we all can come to our own conclusions.

Geffner has made a lot of statements that either contradict his prior statements or the evidence itself. Clearly, CMJA was not a stable person and he did describe her as obsessed at one point in time, but then went on to describe Travis as manipulative and controlling. Which is it? With depression, he makes it sound like depression can come and go as easily as flipping a light switch. I'm sure that many people on the jury have picked up on these weaknesses in the defense presentation. They have given the State a lot of fodder for rebuttal.

Things that I would like to know, based on the journals:
- At what point in time does her immaturity become apparent from her journal writing? Put another way, when does her development plateau or regress?
- Do early journals show any kind of obsession in previous relationships?
- What kind of life balance is shown in her writings?
- When and how often do writings of depression and suicide appear throughout her journals?
- How does her journal reflect her relationship with Darryl Brewer and its breakdown? What kind of effect did the loss of this relationship have on her?
- The first entry Geffner discussed in court on 12/18 was from 6/5/2007, more than nine months after meeting Travis. During the preceding nine months, did her journals show an increasing obsession with Travis, and if so, when did this begin?
- How much of her writing appear to be distortion of facts and are these journals reliable as an historical record?

CMJA writes like a bad Harlequin novelist, perhaps to preserve things the way that she wants them to be because the reality is too difficult to accept. A gem dropped yesterday was a journal entry about a joint account with Travis. Raised my eyebrows and I doubt this is true. Maybe her way of thinking Mrs. Travis Alexander? In any event, if Martinez can prove that much of her journal writing was fantasy and fiction, the jury will take note.

If there is a psychologist on the panel, which has been rumoured I believe, I hope that he/she makes it to final selection and explains to the rest of the panel just how ridiculous the "opinion" of both of the defense psychologists is. This must be screaming out to them personality disorder and yet neither doctor is willing to go there. Why? I don't think the client will let them. She will not take responsibility for this crime, mental illness or not. She is convinced she will walk on appeal and is actively working towards it already.

I can see Juan asking him something like, "You know Jodi was accused of slashing these tires, aren't you?" At which point Juan would put up the text where Travis accuses her, Wilmot objects, there's a sidebar, hilarity ensues.

That sounds about right. The hilarity being somewhat hysterical, literally, because even though its understandable the state has a huge burden here, its remarkable that only the State is held to telling the truth.
CMJA has been journalling since her teen years, according to Dr. DeMarte, who made it sound like she had read her early journals. The journals were seized as evidence by LE, so CMJA could not have fictionalized entries while incarcerated.

Once again, it appears that another expert, Geffner, allowed the defense to cherry pick from journals, texts, emails, etc. It is my hope that DeMarte gives a clearer and more objective assessment of Arias. While the State also has its bias, I do hope that DeMarte is professional and presents what she believes, not what the State wants her to say, so that we all can come to our own conclusions.

Geffner has made a lot of statements that either contradict his prior statements or the evidence itself. Clearly, CMJA was not a stable person and he did describe her as obsessed at one point in time, but then went on to describe Travis as manipulative and controlling. Which is it? With depression, he makes it sound like depression can come and go as easily as flipping a light switch. I'm sure that many people on the jury have picked up on these weaknesses in the defense presentation. They have given the State a lot of fodder for rebuttal.

Things that I would like to know, based on the journals:
- At what point in time does her immaturity become apparent from her journal writing? Put another way, when does her development plateau or regress?
- Do early journals show any kind of obsession in previous relationships?
- What kind of life balance is shown in her writings?
- When and how often do writings of depression and suicide appear throughout her journals?
- How does her journal reflect her relationship with Darryl Brewer and its breakdown? What kind of effect did the loss of this relationship have on her?
- The first entry Geffner discussed in court on 12/18 was from 6/5/2007, more than nine months after meeting Travis. During the preceding nine months, did her journals show an increasing obsession with Travis, and if so, when did this begin?
- How much of her writing appear to be distortion of facts and are these journals reliable as an historical record?

CMJA writes like a bad Harlequin novelist, perhaps to preserve things the way that she wants them to be because the reality is too difficult to accept. A gem dropped yesterday was a journal entry about a joint account with Travis. Raised my eyebrows and I doubt this is true. Maybe her way of thinking Mrs. Travis Alexander? In any event, if Martinez can prove that much of her journal writing was fantasy and fiction, the jury will take note.

The problem is, pretty much anyone would conclude her journals make her sound unbalanced. Which doesn't work in the State's favor.

The roles are reversed this time around. The DT aims to make her look mentally ill, and the State needs to present a murderer who was not entirely quite right, but entirely right enough to know exactly what she was doing.
The tire slashing happened in November or December 07, if that can get in it imo it will be huge for Prosc. Shows what Travis had to put up with

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Plus it was 2 nights in a row, each followed by a knock on the door! I'll bet JA was hiding close enough (but far enough away as not to be seen) outside to see them come out notice the tires were slashed. Maybe that is part of her WIT she claims to have, as I'm sure she thought that was funny. Being the psychopath she is.
I thought it was in February? According to LA's testimony it was part of the weird things that were going on at the end of their relationship. Which was in February 08. They broke up 3 times. Once because she thought he was cheating with JA, once because he was getting too serious about marriage and the third and final time because she was probably creeped out about JA and everything else.


According to the link I posted when Det Flores talked to Lisa it says nov or dec 07

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I don't know how to copy the statement on this iPad uggg

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I thought it was in February? According to LA's testimony it was part of the weird things that were going on at the end of their relationship. Which was in February 08. They broke up 3 times. Once because she thought he was cheating with JA, once because he was getting too serious about marriage and the third and final time because she was probably creeped out about JA and everything else.


It was Feb. 1st and 2nd, according to this article. There's more stalking info in there to.

Just four months before he was found dead in his Arizona home, Travis Alexander called police and reported that his car tires had been slashed, according to records obtained exclusively by ABC News. The incident, described as "criminal damage," lists Alexander as the caller and his Mesa address, but Alexander did not report who he suspected was responsible.

The call, made to the Mesa Police Department on Feb. 2, 2008, has not been introduced in court, despite testimony regarding tire slashing from multiple witnesses during the four month-long trial of Jodi Arias, Alexander's ex-girlfriend accused of his murder.
I would like Dr. DeMarte to be asked if TA can be blamed for JA's past relationship and emotional problems(that JA said in her own journal both MM and DB were aware of, ie. bi-polar and her alleged breakdown) and if not, how is it possible that anyone could hold him responsible for JA's obsessive thought processes, that made her drive a 1000 miles to viciously murder a man she had claimed to love but had come to only have friendly feelings for to the point of no longer even having a sexual attraction to, just so she could "move on" in her life?
That sounds about right. The hilarity being somewhat hysterical, literally, because even though its understandable the state has a huge burden here, its remarkable that only the State is held to telling the truth.

Hope ~
I have been wondering where you were. :giggle: You have been here all along, you just changed your avatar! DUHHHH
The problem is, pretty much anyone would conclude her journals make her sound unbalanced. Which doesn't work in the State's favor.

The roles are reversed this time around. The DT aims to make her look mentally ill, and the State needs to present a murderer who was not entirely quite right, but entirely right enough to know exactly what she was doing.

Well someone needs to bring up the anti-social/sociopath/psychopath angle then. Because there is no fixing that. And they are quite aware of what they are doing and that it's considered immoral and illegal but they just don't care as long as it is what they feel is necessary to make their life better. And it's no defense for murder nor is it a mitigating factor in the death penalty.

It was Feb. 1st and 2nd, according to this article. There's more stalking info in there to.

Just four months before he was found dead in his Arizona home, Travis Alexander called police and reported that his car tires had been slashed, according to records obtained exclusively by ABC News. The incident, described as "criminal damage," lists Alexander as the caller and his Mesa address, but Alexander did not report who he suspected was responsible.

The call, made to the Mesa Police Department on Feb. 2, 2008, has not been introduced in court, despite testimony regarding tire slashing from multiple witnesses during the four month-long trial of Jodi Arias, Alexander's ex-girlfriend accused of his murder.

Just imagine JA's rage when she had successfully pushed Deanna to the sidelines, had pushed his new love interest LA out with her outrageous behaviour (which by the way is the reason for her journal entry about TA being attracted to young girls. LA was 19, TA was 29. In JA's mind that's him being attracted to young girls and LA appeared to have been a very immature and sexually inexperienced 19yr old as well) and that he still was moving on to Mimi as a potential life mate and not her.


Just imagine JA's rage when she had successfully pushed Deanna to the sidelines, had pushed his new love interest LA out with her outrageous behaviour (which by the way is the reason for her journal entry about TA being attracted to young girls. LA was 19, TA was 29. In JA's mind that's him being attracted to young girls and LA appeared to have been a very immature and sexually inexperienced 19yr old as well) and that he still was moving on to Mimi as a potential life mate and not her.



Not just had moved on to Mimi, but had plans to marry her. In fact, he had removed JA from the Cancun trip and replaced her with Mimi. So that the laptop had apparently pinged the flight company when awoken at the crime scene, makes me think that JA had been checking for the flight/ticket number with plans(all that sunscreen she had brought) to take that flight and just show up unannounced as usual. Did we ever hear how long she had told her work/co-workers she was going to be gone for, when she first took off to collect the gas cans, etc.?
In early 2008, Alexander originally told the trip’s organizers that his guest would be Arias. Then in April, after he began dating another woman, he contacted the organizer and asked if it was too late to change the tickets, according to the source.

Because the tickets had not yet been purchased, he changed the name at the last minute to Marie Hall, who, along with two friends, discovered Travis’ bloody and bloated body on June 9, 2008. Hall had been scheduled to depart with Alexander for the trip the next day.
According to the link I posted when Det Flores talked to Lisa it says nov or dec 07

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Hi Meemaw :wave:
I'm thinking maybe that was in Dec. that Lisa talked to Det Flores about the tires. Maybe sometime after that she realized it was in was actually in Feb. because she was subpoenaed to appear in court for the Defense. And she had to make sure her dates were right. I felt so bad for Lisa. Her friend was brutally murdered and she had to testify for the murderers side.

On a bright note though, the jurors very own incisive questions brought it all home for the prosecution.
IIRC....there were pages and parts torn out too. I think she wrote some of it post-murder, but not all of it. The parts she wanted cut out she did.

Can't believe I am here this morning...we are creatures of habit.

Also, last thread...there were photos I had never seen. What was interesting was the time inbetween photos. I think she might have used that stun gun. There must be a way to use it in the rain.


Of course she used a stun gun!!
What photos? Sorry, it's very hard for me to keep up during the week due to work.
The problem is, pretty much anyone would conclude her journals make her sound unbalanced. Which doesn't work in the State's favor.

The roles are reversed this time around. The DT aims to make her look mentally ill, and the State needs to present a murderer who was not entirely quite right, but entirely right enough to know exactly what she was doing.

Yes, reversed. This time around Dr DeMarte will be rebutting Geffner and gets to criticize his work. I have no doubt she will be able to convey to jurors that JA knew and knows right from wrong before, during, and after. Proving that would be a piece of cake, as we all know. JA's borderline personality disorder is indeed considered mental illness. So I hope Dr DeMarte points out that having various personality disorders is not an excuse for committing heinous murder. If it is, a lot of us would not be alive and our prisons will be empty.
Martinez would also be able to rehabilitate Travis when Dr DeMarte takes stand. As of now, jurors may be thinking Travis slept with different woman every single night, abused each one of them, got money from them, manipulated JA from leaving him, and was a pedophile, a danger to society. After Dr. DeMarte and Dr.Hayes, JA is going to look bad. I have no doubt. I just hope jurors and everyone involved in this trial stay healthy to see justice for Travis.
I was very impressed with DeMarte. When will she be taking the stand? Is it right after Geffner?
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