Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 12/19-1/5 Break

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I was very impressed with DeMarte. When will she be taking the stand? Is it right after Geffner?

The defense has to finish with their witnesses before the State can present theirs. At this point, we don't know how many witnesses the defense will actually be calling to the stand.

It is a mess.
I was amazed too at Wilmcott and witness reading those words to the jury about slashing tires and her getting into a fight with him and rushing over to his house. The slashing of tires involves a sharp knife and a violent thrust of the knife to puncture the hard rubber of the tire. The act itself is violent, evil, and criminal in nature and this wont be lost on the jury. Nobody hardly even slashes tires. Its something we heard about in the 70's and in the movies.

Wilmcott is so caught up in getting revenge with Juan and she is thinking....I'll be smart and be a step ahead of him by bringing this up to the jury and then try to explain it away. FAIL

There is no way to explain away those actions by JA. The only explanation is she is the type of person that freaks out when she feels wronged by a boyfriend. The jury will see this just as we did.
A better DT strategy would have been to not bring it up and try to minimize it if Juan brings it up.
You never want to highlight the revenge things JA did to Travis. It just makes it so obvious what she was/is. A scary evil person that slashes boyfriends tires just because they are mad. How about just leaving him Jodi like Travis told you too.

I think this DT is doing a good job of showing the jury the type of person Jodi was. All these obsessive journal entries just show how obsessed she was. The DT has made Juans job much easier and the longer this witness stays on stand , the more obvious how despareate the DT is getting. They have nothing. Zilch, Nada. The DT is becoming just as obsessed as Jodi is.

I'm actually starting to feel more confident after this week that the jury will do the right thing.
If they can hang on through the month.

I posted this last night and would that be Jodi having a psychotic episode? She tells more than she thinks. Flores asks her if she's on medication.

JA: Well I had a nervous breakdown when a boyfriend and I were arguing once and umm and he began to argue with me in a way that was totally different from how we had ever argued before, and he was just like, and every time I would say something he was like “Blah…Blah,” you know, it was kind of weird like, every time I tried to formulate a thought and I was just sad and I was crying, every time I tried to formulate a thought he would interject and then twist it and it was like the weirdest psychological thing that had ever happened, and the way I reacted was, I went into my room, this was the guy I bought a house with, I went into my room and shut the door. We had separate bedrooms, and I was in his room and went down the hall into my room and shut the door and I just remember hyperventilating, and that’s all. I don’t know. I was crying, and then umm…I went to get something out of my car and when he saw that, he umm… maybe thought I was going to leave, so he asked me for the key to his truck and pulled behind my car, because he thought that because I was upset that I shouldn’t be driving anywhere. That I’m nuts…Other than arguments, no anger issues – none I can remember.

And Darryl Brewer, in that one augment, according to Jodi,, tormented, and verbally emotionally psychology abused her. She said it was so distressing that she had a nervous breakdown. Was that a psychotic episode?

Someone need to talk to Darryl about him abusing Jodi.

Someone need to talk to Darryl again.
The problem is, pretty much anyone would conclude her journals make her sound unbalanced. Which doesn't work in the State's favor.

The roles are reversed this time around. The DT aims to make her look mentally ill, and the State needs to present a murderer who was not entirely quite right, but entirely right enough to know exactly what she was doing.

Yes, right enough that she knew the difference between right and wrong (not legally insane) but also not unbalanced enough that she looks mentally ill. Obviously she has some mental problems but that can be said about almost anyone in the right circumstances. The main thing the DT wants to do here is have the jury believe she is mentally ill--because "we do not execute the mentally ill."

JM will do best to not dwell too much on her fantasies and instead show how devious she was and is, because that's what it takes to premeditate a murder to the extent she did. Also...that issue about her wanting to be brunette even prior to planning to kill, what needs to happen is remind the jury that she was BLOND when she picked up the rental car for her murder trip, but brunette when she arrived to do the deed. That shows premeditation and her being brunette at any time prior will not be relevant. IMO
:seeya: Good morning all. Even though my brain is still frazzled from this week's testi-agony, I couldn't help but hope that today is still a scheduled court administration Friday, and perhaps, just perhaps, the testimony might be released. I'm going to pop in and out to check.

Per the suspicious journals, my hinky metre went off the first time I saw excerpts on Nancy Grace. Remember those never ending nightly 'bombshell' episodes on JA? I've always felt that on her return to Cal. she took her original 2008 journal and edited it into a new one, to be read just in case she was ever caught. I don't think she had thoughts then of DV or pedo, but was intent on making Travis appear 'mean', both for spite, and to make it appear that she had broken away from him for good. Maybe great chunks were considered too prejudicial to be introduced by Juan, but IIRC we never heard mention of entries when she first met Travis; nor of her preparing for the 'trip'. Both of those times would have been very important for her to note.

She said there were three journals and they spanned the time she moved to Mesa until 2 - 3 ago. That they could be found in her fireproof safe in her bedroom at her grandparents. Why not several before that? No talk of how they met or. the excitement of being ask to the dinner that night, and someone loaned her a dress like a fairy tale. Not a journal about their "official" dating period and breakup , but three for after she moved back to Mesa in August 2007 ,the move back to Yreka in Apri 2008 , and up to a few days before she was arrested
For some reason, I keep thinking TA kept a journal as well. Am I remembering wrong? If he did keep one, I'd love to compare the time frames in CMJA journals to what travis journals say. We all know travis never had the time, motive, to doctor his journals since she made sure of that.
She said there were three journals and they spanned the time she moved to Mesa until 2 - 3 ago. That they could be found in her fireproof safe in her bedroom at her grandparents. Why not several before that? No talk of how they met or. the excitement of being ask to the dinner that night, and someone loaned her a dress like a fairy tale. Not a journal about their "official" dating period and breakup , but three for after she moved back to Mesa in August 2007 ,the move back to Yreka in Apri 2008 , and up to a few days before she was arrested

She kept her journals in a safe, but not that HDD that was destroyed? Mmhnm convenient
Not just had moved on to Mimi, but had plans to marry her. In fact, he had removed JA from the Cancun trip and replaced her with Mimi. So that the laptop had apparently pinged the flight company when awoken at the crime scene, makes me think that JA had been checking for the flight/ticket number with plans(all that sunscreen she had brought) to take that flight and just show up unannounced as usual. Did we ever hear how long she had told her work/co-workers she was going to be gone for, when she first took off to collect the gas cans, etc.?

Someone went to the Southwest Airlines site at 4:54pm that afternoon. Thirty six minutes later Travis would last be seen alive at 5:29pm. The laptop was woke up on June 10th when it was taken into custody.
For some reason, I keep thinking TA kept a journal as well. Am I remembering wrong? If he did keep one, I'd love to compare the time frames in CMJA journals to what travis journals say. We all know travis never had the time, motive, to doctor his journals since she made sure of that.

Travis had kept a journal for quite a while. At one time Jodi was of said to have them, but Chris and Sky Hugues said they have all of them. I'm sure Jodi started keeping a journal to be like Travis, but there was nothing to brag about, nothing noteworthy to write about.
Paul Sanders, The 13th Juror MD on Twitter, has written an excellent post--"Dr. Chuckles Christmas Present"
(Day 19).

As I am unsure of protocol for posting from social media, I clipped a portion related to CMJA's journals.

"...I notice something. It is something about the writing. It was the handwriting. We had seen the bulk of what amounted to two days of seeing her hand written journals. They had always seemed the musings of a teenager of sorts with their care in being written with round and flowing cursive letters. It was something you no longer noticed because you hand seen so much of it.

This journal entry was different. It felt different and its penmanship seemed rushed. There did not seem to be the particular care normally taken in the hand writing. It is speculation and it will be dismissed as speculative that it is different from the rest of her hand writings...."

Definitely worth reading in its entirety!
Travis had kept a journal for quite a while. At one time Jodi was of said to have them, but Chris and Sky Hugues said they have all of them. I'm sure Jodi started keeping a journal to be like Travis, but there was nothing to brag about, nothing noteworthy to write about.

Of course, the Hughes. Anyways I wonder if they were ever turned over to JM and if so why they cannot be used to disprove or otherwise discredit cmja. Since TA cannot defend himself, why can't they use his journals ?
Is it just my imagination or has the DT wholly jettisoned mitigation, going all in for victim-trashing?
Yes, reversed. This time around Dr DeMarte will be rebutting Geffner and gets to criticize his work. I have no doubt she will be able to convey to jurors that JA knew and knows right from wrong before, during, and after. Proving that would be a piece of cake, as we all know. JA's borderline personality disorder is indeed considered mental illness. So I hope Dr DeMarte points out that having various personality disorders is not an excuse for committing heinous murder. If it is, a lot of us would not be alive and our prisons will be empty.
Martinez would also be able to rehabilitate Travis when Dr DeMarte takes stand. As of now, jurors may be thinking Travis slept with different woman every single night, abused each one of them, got money from them, manipulated JA from leaving him, and was a pedophile, a danger to society. After Dr. DeMarte and Dr.Hayes, JA is going to look bad. I have no doubt. I just hope jurors and everyone involved in this trial stay healthy to see justice for Travis.

I'm betting Dr. "Data Point" Demarte ramps up the pressure and goes for a more aggressive diagnosis of JA: psychopath? Since the last penalty phase, Demarte has racked up new expert witness experience, including the DeVault trial where she didn't hold back in calling DeVault a psychopath (or whatever the technical term is).

By the way, DeVault and JA were bff's at Estrella, and they echo each other with their BS, especially, IIRC, on the predilection for little boys angle.
Of course, the Hughes. Anyways I wonder if they were ever turned over to JM and if so why they cannot be used to disprove or otherwise discredit cmja. Since TA cannot defend himself, why can't they use his journals ?

Earlier this evening I was looking at some old threads from the first trial. I saw on one that the defense was requesting TA's journals be turned over. I looked at several old threads from late Jan./early Feb. and that is where I saw it. Not sure what ever came of it.
Yes devault and Arias are eerily similar. However, I believe cmja is much more mentally disturbed.
IT IS ORDERED setting Oral Argument on News Organizations Request for Order
Unsealing Transcript of October 30, 2014 Witness Testimony and Related Proceedings motion
filed 12/16/14 on 1/5/15 at 9:30 a.m. in this division.

Looks like it might be awhile until we see that transcript.
Didn't the media file an emergency motion to the COA so that they won't have to wait around for this oral argument nonsense?
I'm very ignorant of the law but don't understand why there is to be oral argument about an order that came from the COA.
I'm very ignorant of the law but don't understand why there is to be oral argument about an order that came from the COA.

Good question, nobody seems to know why. Guess Nurmi and the judge aren't taking the order seriously.
Was away all day and come home to only 4 pages? I was hoping I would have lots of reading and catching up to do.

It was nice to have the day off to get some Christmas stuff done, wasn't it?

I wish the judge would have discussed the January schedule in open court with the jury. I'm curious to see when they predict the new end date will be.
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