Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/10 - Break

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There was talk about it. If you look at the minutes it was sealed by defense but they allowed JA to bring in about her deverting her clients to TA to help him. I was outraged about it but that has been going on all thru this trial. Just look at the minutes and see how many exhib. have been sealed. ALL BY THE DEFENSE. TA's bank records are one of those. Too predjudical. I say BS

One of these days, hopefully in this lifetime, we will have access to this.

Hi there,

It definitely seems that her personal experience has had a profound effect on how she views this case. Abuse does change women. And to some extent, I think many of us take our own life experiences, whatever they may be, and apply them to the cases we discuss. I know Lulu from some other cases and she's not an insensitive person, although I understand how her insinuation of Jodi suffering abuse would upset people. I don't agree with her views on that. These topics are ultra-sensitive and understandably, people are passionate about them. But I also believe we can discuss them from different sides of the fence as long as the commentary remains respectful.

I just posted my response to her on my blog and figured I'd share it here. There may be a few things in my post that people don't agree with, and then again, some will. Jodi is the worst of humanity, basically a violent animal that should never see the light of day. I can't state it any simpler than that. But I also think it's ok to look at the entire situation surrounding this case including Travis, religion, pyramid schemes, family issues, etc etc... for the purpose of learning. What happened with both of them was pretty messed up and perhaps there's a cautionary tale there. To some extent, I do agree that what happened in Mesa was the perfect storm. Here is my response so you can understand what I mean:

I appreciate your thoughts. They’re not the popular ones out in the public, but I appreciate you being brave enough to say them. There are some items I agree with and some I don’t. I do believe that Travis had some issues of his own that were not resolved. I think it goes a little beyond him just being a single guy who was a player. The bigger issue was that he was living a lie – preaching to groups of people and pretending to be living a Mormon life and he wasn’t. Nobody’s perfect, hey, we all do things we know we shouldn’t. But there’s a difference when you are preaching to a group of people and expecting them to live a life that you are lying about.

With that said – I do not believe that he abused her at all. He was pretty darn clear that he wasn’t going to marry her and she kept pursuing him. She wanted sex with him so bad whichever way she could get it. He didn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to. She even moved to AZ after they broke up even though he told her not to. His mistake was that he continued to sleep with her. You wave sex in front of a single man and most of them are going to take it. So I get that and cut some slack. But when he found out she was hacking his accounts, stalking him & his girlfriends, slashing tires, etc… he was crazy to continue to sleep with her. That’s just simply unexplainable, and seems to show his deeper seeded issues.

At the end of the day – Jodi is one insane, evil, beyond-repair criminal. I have no sympathy for her. Whatever she gets, she deserves. Was Travis responsible for his death? No, absolutely not. Did Travis make some very unfortunate, foolish mistakes that played a part in the grand scheme of what happened to him? Yes. Let me be clear. That does not mean he caused his death. I just wish he made different choices. We can learn from this.

The thing that's hard about discussing this case with many people is that emotions are exceptionally high and people tend to be radically on either side of the fence. Myself, and Nick, believe that you can have a civil conversation about all of it without being a supporter, hater, troll.. and whatever else some may call you. I have been called a hater and a supporter online, which is outlandish. Nothing could be further from the truth. Interrogating people and the decisions they make is important in life. It helps us to understand humanity and be better people. That’s what we wrote about in our book. Again, thanks for being honest and brave about how you feel. I disagree about LaViolette and about the abuse, but respect that you have a different opinion. Chat soon.

I thought WS had strict rules about promoting things on this site.
Every Mothers worst night-mare to loose a child, way too soon. I'm glad you were there to comfort her. Even though I know it broke your heart. Prayers for all.
When I was on the Chemo ward with my husband several years ago, I saw lots of children of all ages receiving those harsh chemicals along with my husband. The parents looked haggard. You could feel their pain. So I agree with RegNurse, lethal injection is easy compared to what those children go thru and then a lot of them die on top of it. So mercy for JA
The law "Life is Life" is clear that there will be no re-interpretation. It requires no early release from "natural life" imprisonment for convicts like JA. The law removes any ambiguity about what she can expect:

“Life Means Life,” increases the maximum sentence for second degree murder and eliminates the possibility of early release for those convicted of premeditated first degree murder or first degree murder of a law enforcement officer. Supporters of the bill attended a ceremonial signing by Governor Janice K. Brewer at the State Capitol this morning.

“Victims of crime in Arizona have a constitutional right to a final conclusion of a case after a sentence. Permitting a convicted first degree premeditated murderer to seek release even after 25 years betrays the guarantee of finality,” remarked Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, who attended today’s signing ceremony. “These changes to our sentencing laws will go a long way toward honoring the rights of victims of crime and safeguarding society from those who commit the worst of crimes.”

Sponsored by Representative Eddie Farnsworth (R – District 22), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, HB 2373 increases the maximum sentence for second degree murder and from 22 to 25 calendar years and from 25 to 29 calendar years if aggravating circumstances are proven. The legislation also mandates a sentence of death or natural life for adults convicted of first degree premeditated murder or first degree murder of a police officer, thereby eliminating the possibility of release from confinement.

JA committed the crime more than four years before the law was enacted.

It does not apply to this case.
Since this is information so easy to check on I am not going to correct you here.

The only source for that came from Paul Sanders. Sorry, but Sanders isn't the go-to source for accuracy. Everyone reporting and tweeting and blogging leaves stuff out and often paraphrases, but only Sanders embellishes what has been said for dramatic effect.
Good read on Sehcrest case, is this what Nurmi is after?

"When a defendant challenges a death sentence ... the question is whether there is a reasonable probability that, absent the errors, the sentencer including an appellate court, to the extent it independently reweighs the evidence would have concluded that the balance of aggravating and mitigating circumstances did not warrant death."
Unless they have a contest on Death Row to see who can model the best behind bars!


In jail?

You can't be serious.

Is that even a thing?

Motion sensor lights, not circuit breaker. Downstairs as in he was upstairs in the loft and walked downstairs to street level.

Both scenarios are creepy, but going to a basement and switching off circuit breakers is waaaaaaaay more bonkers IMO. But it didn't happen.

There was no basement in this house. Circuit breakers were in laundry room downstairs. Water heater etc. I think it was one of TA's friends that said she cut the circuit breakers, but I really can't remember exactly but I did hear it, but it just isn't important enough for me to check it out. She has done so much wtf difference does it make.
I thought WS had strict rules about promoting things on this site.

That's not my intention. I will edit the last part of my post that I carried over so there's no confusion. There was a discussion here about what Lulu said and I wanted to add my two cents and copied and pasted what I wrote elsewhere.
What about the lights?
On Day 32 when Demartes testified she stated;

“One incident references that Travis Alexander was upstairs in his house with Lisa Andrews. The lights suddenly went out,” DeMarte explains. “Travis went downstairs to investigate and he turned the circuit breakers back on. He did not admit until later to Lisa that he discovered Arias downstairs.

Sanders strikes again. And again. Sigh.
No, you were absolutely right. Do not speak to the jurors about anything. That juror may be kicked off for even the most innocent discussion. Better to just smile and walk on by.

Heck i didn't even want to smile LOL Best to err on side of caution was always my thinking.
ETA- when we got in the Courtroom sure enough he was one of the Jurors
I just wasn't sure how to answer my BFF about saying anything at all to him. Meaning innocent exchanges.
There was no basement in this house. Circuit breakers were in laundry room downstairs. Water heater etc. I think it was one of TA's friends that said she cut the circuit breakers, but I really can't remember exactly but I did hear it, but it just isn't important enough for me to check it out. She has done so much wtf difference does it make.

Well, if it's important enough to post about, and presented as accurate information, then its important enough to check out the accuracy, IMO.

If you read the posts here about the lights, even just in this thread and just for today, you'll note the part where I corrected the misinformation about JA being in the yes, nonexistent basement.
Good read on Sehcrest case, is this what Nurmi is after?

"When a defendant challenges a death sentence ... the question is whether there is a reasonable probability that, absent the errors, the sentencer including an appellate court, to the extent it independently reweighs the evidence would have concluded that the balance of aggravating and mitigating circumstances did not warrant death."

I thought he was using Sechrest to argue Juan should get slapped down for not kissing Geff's feet. Since F & Geff (hey that rhymes!) were "key" witnesses (considering they were just about the ONLY defense witnesses - I think Sue was the only other one) it's not FAIR if Juan doesn't treat them with kid gloves. He waved his arms for God's sake while questioning Geff! If that doesn't take the DP off the table then there's no justice in this country. Just sayin'...
I find LuLu's post rather interesting particularly her choice of words. 'Jody and Travis : The Perfect Storm.' Weren't those very words used this morning in a post?

I found her to be a lot like ALV and stilted/stagnated in her views. She has let her personal experience with her ex-husband cloud her judgment. She comes across as having the same 'hater of all men' attitude that I saw ALV present in court.

For brevity sake, I did not put your whole post in quotations , but I did want to say you are absolutely right in that whole post. I view LaViolette, Samuels, Geffner, and Fonseca ALL as 'man haters'. To all of them, the women are never the buser. To them, its only men who can abuse. And I certainly know better than that. Travis deserved better, much better than what he got. He did not deserve to get into his own small shower in the privacy of his own home, get soaking wet, no weapon handy for self defense and be ambushed by a murderess.
What about the lights?
On Day 32 when Demartes testified she stated;

“One incident references that Travis Alexander was upstairs in his house with Lisa Andrews. The lights suddenly went out,” DeMarte explains. “Travis went downstairs to investigate and he turned the circuit breakers back on. He did not admit until later to Lisa that he discovered Arias downstairs.

I knew I had heard that about the circuit breakers lately but I wasn't sure where, Thanks ICit for posting that. One of TA's friends also talked about the breakers, I think it was Clancy Talbot but I'm not postive. Anyway you settled the issue with your post. Thank you again
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