Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/10 - Break

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I also hate that she is being presented as BPD as I would think the majority of BPD sufferers are not violent towards others. Self harm and suicidal actions are much commoner than hurting others. I definitely think she has another disorder. I wonder about sociopathy, as she is extremely cold and calculating. She is narcissistic definitely. She doesn't seem to present with the self doubt/struggle with self that a lot of BPD's do. She certainly didn't seem to have problems with photos of her being taken which I've found in my experience of being around other BPD's is common. We have all had a deep self loathing which has reflected in not wanting to have photos taken/be seen by others as we hate how we present. She does seem to adjust her behaviour depending on who she is with. For example jumping into Mormonism and trying to give the impression of being the studious, pious mormon to others.

Someone said in a post about killing Travis not being a good way to stop him abandoning her. However BPD people view others in a very black and white way. You are either on a pedestal and can do no wrong, or you are evil and you don't deserve the time of day. There doesn't need to be a reason why you are viewed that way. So killing Travis could be because she had moved her focus on to Ryan, and so she despised Travis and wanted him gone. Killing him was a way to remove him. But again I wonder about maybe her having some sociopathic tendencies.

She certainly isn't a typical BPD. I could say with 99.95% certainty that she doesn't have PTSD. Her "fog" isn't typical of dissociation at all in my experience.

And, this one, too, bleuscu ... it caused a whole list of names to run through my memory ... yikes.
I'm still puzzled as to how Judge Stephens decided that the Constitution was insignificant in the face of the murderer's putative rights. I would love to read her reasoning. Why are we not privy to her reasoning?
I am sure I am in the minority here but I hope she retires after this fiasco of a trial and writes a book on all that we don't understand. I can imagine that dealing with Jodi was just as difficult and frustrating as us trying to follow tweets and make sense of this whole trial.
However I also think she created a lot of issues herself by not being the strong judge that we are use to watching..

So tomorrow I will be following the tweets with everyone else but first watching the opening statements for the murder trial of Chris Kyle. I bet that trial ends before Arias is sentenced.

Watching trials is what I enjoy. My family thinks I am totally nuts...but it is not a mental illness.
The Bank information was discused in a pre-trial hearing you can read on the Internet. Juan wanted TA bank records entered into evidence and DT argued it was too predjudicial. The judge after four pages of arguing kept it out. I don't know what records show but if Juan wanted them in they had to have something to do with JA, but we will never get to see it. I can speculate all I want and so can anyone else. That is the Def fault for keeping the facts and the truth out.

Right. It wasn't allowed in. Yep, likely something to to with JA because otherwise the records would be irrelevant. Nope, not the defense's fault the records didn't come in. It's the judge's "fault" for using her judicial discretion and finding that they were more prejudicial then probative. And yep, you certainly are entitled to speculate. Have at it!
While we all can opine which tweeter is the most accurate we will not know until we can hear the audio from the trial with our own ears! Why can't we all get along? She is the murderer!

I can't agree more ICit. This is getting personal and it's just plain stupid. I am much more interested in those banking records and how much money TA gave this <modsnip> and his deposits, if any, from her repaying the loans he made. Some tweeters and posters say he was in financial trouble, but how does someone in financial trouble afford a Toyota Prius. My son purchased one and it wasn't cheap. So how does he do this when he didn't even trade the BMW in or sell it for cash. (JA never paid a dime to him for it.) I really would like to see his financials
Amen. I'm sure everyone's straight now that JA threw a circuit breaker in the basement, and that when Travis went to investigate he found her on his computer hacking his bank accounts and diverting his PPL startups.

He chased her away, but she evaded him, then spun around and pulled out her stun gun. Too late, Travis had already gone back inside to turn on the circuit breakers.

You heard it here first.

This can't be true - any time she was spun around I thought it was Travis doing the spinning.
Hi, O/T I am getting severe warnings from McAfee on WS. pag es. I picked up virus's I don't know where but this is bad. I contacted McAfee, had all the virus's removed but still getting scads of popups. I can hardly get in. Warning Whoa!! I will call them and they will take care of the popups. I was told to call if they didn't stop with Virus removal. Someone else mentioned these popup warnings last week. Be careful , I wonder if from a plant here from enemy territory.:lol: P....s. I am going to try not opening utube or any add ons. Cant hurt. Zuri thinking of you..:loveyou:

Using McAfee eh? You sure you're not trying to "scrub" all that child *advertiser censored* you've been watching? I hear the only reason people use "cleaners" is that they have something to hide.
Amen. I'm sure everyone's straight now that JA threw a circuit breaker in the basement, and that when Travis went to investigate he found her on his computer hacking his bank accounts and diverting his PPL startups.

He chased her away, but she evaded him, then spun around and pulled out her stun gun. Too late, Travis had already gone back inside to turn on the circuit breakers.

You heard it here first.

Hahahaha By morning this will be engraved in stone. Thanks for the laugh, Hope.
Here is the list of juror hours to date:

Trial Days &#8211; Jodi Arias Retrial &#8211; Jurors present
10/21/14 9:30 &#8211; 12:15 & 1:45 - 4:30 (4 hrs)
10/22/14 9:45 &#8211; 12 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:30 (4:45h)
10/23/14 10 &#8211; 12 & 1:30 jury sent home (1:45h)
10/27/14 9:45 &#8211; 11:50 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:15 (4:15h)
10/28/14 9:30 &#8211; 12:05 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:00 (4:30h)
10/30/14 9:30 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:00 &#8211; 4:30 pm witness secret (3pm doors still locked) (5:30h)
11/3/14 1:30 &#8211; 3:30 (guessing since courtroom closed) (2h)
11/12/14 9:50 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:30 (4:45h)
11/13/14 10:15 &#8211; 11:50 & 1:00 &#8211; 4:00 (4h)
11/17/14 9:45 &#8211; 11:50 & 1:30 &#8211; 2:50 Emergent situation closed court end of day (3h)
11/24/14 10:00 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:30 (4:30h)
11/25/14 10:00 &#8211; 12:05 & 1:30 &#8211; 3:45 (3:45h)
12/2/14 9:45 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 4:15 (4:30h)
Jurors present 51:15 hrs in 8 weeks of trial
12/15/14 9:50 &#8211; 10:50, 11:06 &#8211; 11:58 & 1:32 &#8211; 2:58, 3:22 &#8211; 4:27 (4:30h) Day 15 Dr.Geffner
12/16/14 10:44 &#8211; 11:58 & 1:38 &#8211; 3:02, 3:22 &#8211; 4:26 (4:45h) Day 16 Dr. Geffner
12/17/14 9:43 &#8211; 10:39 & 10:55-12:00, 1:42 &#8211; 3:02, 3:23 &#8211;5:16 (4:15h) (13:20 this week)
12/18/14 (9am start) 9:26 &#8211; 10:28 & 10:42 &#8211; 12:00 (Geffner) 1:15 - 2:25 & 2:40 &#8211; 3:40 & 3:55 &#8211; 4:30 (4:15h)
Jurors present 69 hrs in 9 weeks of trial (more than ¼ total hours happened this week!)
1/5/2015 9am start but jurors sent home @ 9:30 without entering
1/8/2015 9:30 &#8211; 11:00 & 1:45 - 4:30 Pseudonym/John Smith &#8211; Computer expert (4hr)
Jurors present 4 hrs this week for total of 73 hrs in 10 weeks
1/12/15 8:30 &#8211; 9:30 & 10:00 &#8211; 10:50 & 12:40 &#8211; 1:00 (2:10h) Flores
1/14/15 9:05 &#8211; 10:30 & 1:50 &#8211; 1:55 min (poptart) & 2:05 &#8211; 2:45 Pseudo/J Smith (2:30h)
Jurors present 77:45 hrs in 11 weeks of trial
1/20/15 9:50 &#8211; 11:05 & 11:25 &#8211; 12:10 & 1:15 &#8211; 1:50 & 2:10 &#8211; 2:30 (1:40 sidebar) 4:10 &#8211; 4:45 Geffner (3:30h)
1/21/15 1:00 &#8211; 2:20 & 2:40 &#8211; 3:47 & 4:07 &#8211; 5:03 (3:30)
1/22/15 9:45 &#8211; 10:45 & 11:00 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:00 &#8211; 2:30 & 2:50 &#8211; 3:30 (jury kicked out) & 3:45 for 1 min - 3:47 (poptart jury) & 4:15 &#8211; 4:20 (jury out) & 4:30 &#8211; 4:40 (4:30h)
1/26/15 9:30 &#8211; 10:15 & 10:35 &#8211; 10:55 & 11:00 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:05 &#8211; 1:35 (2:35) & 1:50 &#8211; 2:25 & 2:40 3:35 & 3:45 &#8211; 4:30 & 4:35 -5:35 & 6:00 &#8211; 8:00 (8:00h)
1/27/15 2:05 &#8211; 2:35 & 2:40 &#8211; 3:15 & 3:30 &#8211; 4:00 (2:40h)
1/28/15 1:30 &#8211; 3:10 & 3:20 &#8211; 4:00 (2:20h)
2/2/15 10:15 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 3:05 & 3:30 - 4:10 (Bishop Parker) (4:30h)
2/3/15 10:35 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:35 &#8211; 2:30 sidebar followed by recess & 3:05 - 4:00 (Demarte) (3:30h)
2/4/15 9:55 &#8211; 10:55 & 11:15 &#8211; 12:00 & 1:35 &#8211; 3:00 & 3:15 &#8211; 4:30 (4:45)
2/5/15 10:15 &#8211; 11:00 & 11:15 &#8211; 12:10 & (JA late arrival) 2:00 &#8211; 2:50 (find paper) 3:00 &#8211; 4:30 (4:00h)
2/9/15 9:45 &#8211; 10:30 & 11:00 (sidebars) &#8211; 12:00 & 1:30 &#8211; 2:15 DeMarte finishes 21 sidebars today &#8211; no court tomorrow &#8211; jurors called to chambers individually. (2:30h)
*Jurors present 121:15 hrs in 15 weeks trial to date &#8211; (53:15 hrs since Dec 18th)

Thank you so much for keeping track for all of us. This is very much appreciated by us as it is another fascinating piece of information. It confirms our perception of all the delays.

Wanted to make sure you realize your hard work is appreciated by us.
Keep up the good work.

When I take the (15 weeks X (40 hours / week)) = 600 hours, and then get percentage of a week by taking 121 hours / 600 hours = 20 % of every week ,
which is 1 day a week .

Yup, thats about what it feels like. LOL ---(holidays included there, but it is funner that way :)

ETA: Corrected my math. I need a strong drink. LOL :)
I can't agree more ICit. This is getting personal and it's just plain stupid. I am much more interested in those banking records and how much money TA gave this Bimbo and his deposits, if any, from her repaying the loans he made. Some tweeters and posters say he was in financial trouble, but how does someone in financial trouble afford a Toyota Prius. My son purchased one and it wasn't cheap. So how does he do this when he didn't even trade the BMW in or sell it for cash. (JA never paid a dime to him for it.) I really would like to see his financials

Maybe he leased it?
I dislike Nurmi, but I doubt even he called Dr. DeMarte "the guru of servitude" as Sanders wrote. Tweets said it was "guru of certitude", which is juvenile but at least understandable.

Let me ask everyone a question here, "How do you turn all the lights out in your house without flipping the circuit breakers?" I have an upstairs and there are at least ten different switches that turn lights off and on not counting the Lamps that are plugged in. I can't turn those lights out all at one time without flipping a number of breakers or flip the main breaker. Does anyone have a magic house that you can turn lights out from somewhere else in the house without touching the breakers or the switches and plugs that control the lights? Sounds like common sense to me just doesn't exist in some peoples minds. JMHO
Let me ask everyone a question here, "How do you turn all the lights out in your house without flipping the circuit breakers?" I have an upstairs and there are at least ten different switches that turn lights off and on not counting the Lamps that are plugged in. I can't turn those lights out all at one time without flipping a number of breakers or flip the main breaker. Does anyone have a magic house that you can turn lights out from somewhere else in the house without touching the breakers or the switches and plugs that control the lights? Sounds like common sense to me just doesn't exist in some peoples minds. JMHO

Replied to wrong post. Sorry
WOW. I was surprised during Demarte testimony about this and now after reading it again even more surprised now.

I first thought Travis and Lisa just noticed some lights being turned off downstairs but what I think happened is JA knew those 2 were up there and in the mean, hateful, spiteful, and jealous way that only JA could do, she threw the breaker switch to his house to put those 2 in the dark!!!
Can you imagine?

Travis goes down to see what happened to his lights and has to flip his breaker switch back on, and then sees JA!!!

OMG. It is just like something in a horror movie!!

Imagine one of those closeup pics we have been seeing of JA from the trial and now, imagine that is the first thing you see after flipping your breaker switch to your own house!!!
Now just add some Alfred Hitchcock sound effects from the Physcho shower scene, and heart attack city. OMFG.

Simple common sense, how do you turn lights off in another part of the house without flipping a breaker or two or the main breaker?
It is an exaggeration by Sanders. There are already dozens and dozens of posts in at least several threads correcting Sanders on this point. And it's still getting repeated and defended as fact.

There have been even more discussions about Sanders and his accuracy versus embellishments. He's entitled to write whatever and however he wants, but yikes, it's irritating to have his embellishments repeated as fact, especially when the "facts" aren't even being attributed to him. At least if they were I'd know to take them with a grain of salt.

How do you turn lights off in another part of the house even another floor of the house without flipping a breaker?
So, with this ruling by the Arizona Supreme Court upholding the 'open up the trial. no more secrets'....I wonder now, Will they also have to open all these things that have been sealed by the Defense? I would love to see TA's bank records and also did he have a 'joint' account with JA, as she testified about. I actually doubt that he would have any account with her name on it, but I've always thought she might have been paying him for the car by stealing from his bank account. Even while he was paying her $200 a month (I think it was by the month) for cleaning his house.

I also read on some court transcript that Nurmi asked for and got sealed the defense expenses for trying this case. I imagine its much more now than it was last year and back then, at last report, wasn't it a defense cost of $2,500?
Let me ask everyone a question here, "How do you turn all the lights out in your house without flipping the circuit breakers?" I have an upstairs and there are at least ten different switches that turn lights off and on not counting the Lamps that are plugged in. I can't turn those lights out all at one time without flipping a number of breakers or flip the main breaker. Does anyone have a magic house that you can turn lights out from somewhere else in the house without touching the breakers or the switches and plugs that control the lights? Sounds like common sense to me just doesn't exist in some peoples minds. JMHO

Hey Sam. Let it go. The horse is very very dead. PS...welcome to Websleuths!
I would enjoy reading DeMarte's testimony. But all we get in this Twial (Twitter trial) are tweets and reports from courtroom observers. I really wish we had transcripts of actual testimony

No way; it's too

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