Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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What if, on this break, we assumed that everything JA said was a big fat lie?

Can we try to make a list on what she said that was the truth or proven to be likely true by any other means?

The only thing I can recall being even remotely corroborated was one of the Affiants and her brother in an interview saying that yes her pop was mean on certain select times with how he disciplined she and Carl.
The main reason I always questioned the texts and the phone call was that there was a text a day or so before the call that included some of the same verbiage and they argued about it. I just couldn't imagine them bringing something they had just argued about up during a sexual call. It seems like it would break the mood.

Yes, that's one of my main reasons for extreme doubt of the date of the phone sex call (if not the possibility of it being cobbled from separate calls), the text where he tells her to have Steve tie her to a tree was hours before the call (I believe it's dated 5/9 but because of her greenwich timed phone I'm not sure of the actual time she received that text, gcharlie knows the details of the two and posted about it on the Post Verdict thread).
Library computer??

I could have sworn I'd read JA saying somewhere that she had her laptop in the car on the June trip... plus I'm guessing she had a busted desktop? cpu or was it just an external hard drive that was found either at her Grandma's, or in the storage that JA has referred to a few times... argh! I guess I have some work to do.:lookingitup:
Off topic, from Twitter from the beloved Katie Cool Lady who tirelessly would come to Websleuths at the end of the very long days and report what went on in court. I trust you all remember her fondly indeed.

katiecoolady ·
If any #jodiarias trial watchers remember me & are interested, I'm writing a memoir re: my sister's case join me here
That's somewhat reassuring. Though I'd think he would have written about it if he was thought it important. I just skimmed thru the State vs JS and they made no mention of it at all either. :(

Iirc, he had assumed it had little impact because it seemed to him that the jurors weren't taking notes.
Yes, that's one of my main reasons for extreme doubt of the date of the phone sex call (if not the possibility of it being cobbled from separate calls), the text where he tells her to have Steve tie her to a tree was hours before the call (I believe it's dated 5/9 but because of her greenwich timed phone I'm not sure of the actual time she received that text, gcharlie knows the details of the two and posted about it on the Post Verdict thread).

Do they say the date of the sex call in court during the first trial?
Ziggy- the DT's case in guilt phase rested on pedo lie. They needed a reason to explain their fiction of physical abuse etc. Why did T abuse her and only her ? Because she knew his secret. Which led to abuse which led to having to defend herself. JA made this connection between the pedo lie and the rest explicitly in several of her answers to jury questions.

I mentioned this yesterday, and this is why I think this week, and the Bishop's testimony is so powerful.

The whole concept of "I caught Travis with chorn, and masterb$$$$$ to it. That lie formed the foundation of most of Fonesca's testimony. This construct has completely blown up in their faces b/c the murderess, and the DT created an elaborate web of lies which was never sustainable. Why?

*The story relied on several factors:
-she caught Travis "viewing chorn"
-Travis physically abused her b/c she knew his secret
-witness #1 suddenly surfaces and it's amazing what this never heard of person is privy to. He corroborates not only that TA was an abuser, but he was also conveniently available at @2 am just when Travis is ready to confess he has an issue with *advertiser censored*, and oh btw, he was sexually abused as a child. Oh wait I almost forgot...during his courtship of his mail order bride this witness realizes that someone is accessing chorn on the bishop's computer, and low and behold he knows for a fact that it's Travis, b/c you know people typically save these sort of pics on a communal computer in a folder with their name on it :facepalm:

even if none of this was challenged by the state I have to believe that many jurors were thinking, "WTF, where did this guy come from and why is he testifying via an affidavit?" Meanwhile, the DT was busy filing motions of prosecutorial misconduct involving the tampering of evidence, and stating unequivocally that THEIR expert found thousands of instances of *advertiser censored* on TAs computer, and yes, so of them involved chorn.

Some jurors might have been thinking, "wow, you can't make this stuff up!"

But wait....they can and they did.

Deanna and the Bishop destroyed all of this BS, and yesterday's testimony revealed how manipulative the lying murderess can be, and that she is clearly willing to go to great lengths to prove her lies. The problem most pathological liars encounter is that they offer up too much detai and embellishment. The liar erroneously believes the details will further support the story, and thereby convince people. But once the details begin to crumble the jurors have nothing which might make them feel sympathetic to CFJAs "plight." No abuse, no pedaphelia, and no misconduct by the state, or Det. Flores. And there certainly isn't any remorse. The only thing that is left is the mentally ill card. But they didn't play that hand effectively either. How does metal illness prove pivotal when everything their experts asserted is based on discredited lies? Mental illness as a mitigator is never going to work when its used alongside the "he deserved it" excuse.

To a certain extent I feel Juan has done a better job proving what a liar and manipulator she is then he did last time. Maybe it's b/c she didn't take the stand. Or maybe it's b/c a lot of this phase has been a condensed version of the Penalty phase, but for some reason her lies and manipulations seem more evident then ever.

Iirc, he had assumed it had little impact because it seemed to him that the jurors weren't taking notes.

If it were me on this jury, i'd be thinking what WTH does this computer/*advertiser censored* have anything to do with sentencing JA? It proves nothing!

So far for me, the only two mitigators are her age, lack of criminal record. If she in fact has BPD, she was old enough (27) to seek help. Sorry, lots of healthy adults live healthy lives with BPD. Instead of trying to "save" TA from his "pedophilia ways", she should of saved herself. But, it's too late, her crime was too cruel and heinous and she deserves the DP.

May 2, 2008. IIRC.

That early, huh? Wow. Thanks. Sounds to me like the wheels were already in motion by May 2nd.

I guess sleeping on a mattress on the floor with cardboard boxes as bedroom furniture in the month of April was too much of a culture shock for her, and she couldn't let TA move on with his nice, happy life without her. That's not BPD. That's just cold, calculating, vindictive and evil.
I wonder who the local witness kn mentioned is? I have no clue

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What if, on this break, we assumed that everything JA said was a big fat lie?

Can we try to make a list on what she said that was the truth or proven to be likely true by any other means?

So far we have;

Her middle name is Ann.

She thinks her sister is dumb (counted, not because her sister is dumb but because JA believes she is dumb.)

Punishment from her Dad was sometimes harsh.

Any more truths from her that anyone can think of?
I just clicked onto websleuths and a pic of a naked woman poped up with an attached website. I hit the back arrow and then clicked onto websleuth again. This has never happened with this site before. Im on a tablet.
One of the posters was questioning what I said earlier about JVM book saying Juan saw Jodi try to give magazines to a blond woman and he had guards devert to him. How is actually read was {Juan was waiting for a prisoner to be brought down from lock-up when he noticed JA in visitors area talking to a large middle aged woman, He saw jodi pass something to one of the guards to give to the woman, it was two magazines, as the guard was looking through the magazines he didn't seem to see anything and he was about to turn them over to the woman (Ann Campbell) when Juan's suspicions were aroused and he thought to himself, JA is up to something so he intercepts and asked the guard to hold them. The woman runs off and Juan gets his assistant and asked him to get a Warrant, an hour later Juan seizes the magazines} That is the gist of it but not word for word. I forgot earlier to mention he had to get a warrant to take the magazines. This was a surprise to me because I thought anything in a prisoners cell was theirs for the taking, I guess not. Although JA has complained incesently that the Jail has tossed her cell any number of times. Usually they find something she is not suppose to have. But just because JA said the giving of possessions from her to someone else has a certain routine and it couldn't have happened that way, I just don't believe anything this woman says. But like I said before, I never heard how Juan came to be in possession of these magazines until I read JVM's book, then I read "Picture Perfect, by Shanna Hogan and she said it too. Where did they get this information? Can they put it in a book labled non-fiction if it is not true? I just don't know.
I have never seen this text before. Is it to or from DB?


This looks to me like one of the screen caps the LD took of her Helio phone


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I am still stuck with her entire defense ended up with her testifying in secret and then stopping mid-sentence, 10 (or however many) witnesses that wouldn't stand up in court with their real names and faces and tell their "truths" about the actual mitigating circumstances for Jodi. Not a single soul would stand up and proudly tell what they knew about this woman - even if it was "she has been a dear friend and cared for my begonia while I was on vacation".

I think that speaks volumes to the jury. Not a single person willing to say her life was worth saving. Jodi's lasting legacy is murder, death, and destruction all to fulfill her own fantasies. She has become a goddess in her own mind and that is all. (MOO)
So far we have;

Her middle name is Ann.

She thinks her sister is dumb (counted, not because her sister is dumb but because JA believes she is dumb.)

Punishment from her Dad was sometimes harsh.

Any more truths from her that anyone can think of?

I believe she can't keep her own lies straight.
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