Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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So far we have;

Her middle name is Ann.

She thinks her sister is dumb (counted, not because her sister is dumb but because JA believes she is dumb.)

Punishment from her Dad was sometimes harsh.

Any more truths from her that anyone can think of?

Jodi was born? Fact...and a sad one.
I just clicked onto websleuths and a pic of a naked woman poped up with an attached website. I hit the back arrow and then clicked onto websleuth again. This has never happened with this site before. Im on a tablet.

Me too, a couple times. Ironic?
Chiming in with limited tech background ... In the mid-2000's (specifically, for me, 2007-2009), I was recording phone interviews in order to write client profile articles. I recorded these interviews directly from my land line onto my computer via a RadioShack "gizmo" that plugged into an "audio in" port on my computer tower.

"Audio in" was from both my phone and from those I interviewed over the phone. My audio was primary. I could NEVER get the audio from those I interviewed "up to level."

If JA had truly recorded the sex-talk over her (Gus's) heliophone, the loss in "audio in" shouldn't have happened. IDNS (that'd be: I Don't Know *advertiser censored*"), but ... (IMO) That sex tape was manufactured or otherwise compromised.

It's not important for JM to prove that. But, I think he knows.

Peace out.

I agree something is just "off" about that recording. It is just way too messed up to not have been fanaggled with somehow.

Maybe when trial is over and certain information is finally released we may get to find out some things that will help make sense of some things.

She may have stolen one of these devices while visiting:
Does anyone remember the date of the emails (?) between Regan and Travis when he told her JA was probably there with them online, mentioned tires being slashed, warned Regan to expect nastygrams from JA?

Everyone may think I'm crazy, so don't hesitate to jump in and say so but, I believe if Juan had brought in a hand specialist and proved that Darryl Brewer was in fact the man holding the penis in the picture Jodi claims TA sent her it would have went a long way in showing JA was a sneaky, evil, wicked ,murderer, and liar trying to smear TA with phony evidence. If we noticed those hands, you know Nurmi and Willmott did too. If I was sitting on that jury and the prosecutor proved that penis belonged to Darryl and she manipulated the phone to show TA sent it to her, I would not believe any evidence the DT presented and I would convict and give her the DP. What do you think ladies, would it have helped?
Happy VD .... oops, I mean Valentines Day. My sweetheart is taking me to the casino and overnight stay in the morning so I won't be around until Sunday evening. Have fun.
I clicked on WS about 5 minutes ago and got a weird page of script. This has happened at least 5 times in the past few weeks. No naked women though.

I have had a few issues only on WS. I will be reading here or on the sidebar thread and I will get a large white flashing box that has a smilie icon in it. It is on the left side of my screen. I have to refresh, it goes away and comes back. It has not happened today. Just strange.
I'd like to add another possibility. At the time of the murder, "instant messaging" was a huge service that many used befored texting became as popular as it is now.

I remember being a member on another forum and a bunch of us became friendly, and we would use instant messaging to chat outside of the forum. One girl used to participate via her phone, while I used the service from my computer.

Basically an account was created using an email address, and then you created a user name . Most of us utilized the user names we were known by on the forum.

This would have been an ideal way for Jodi to create an account, choose TA as a user name, and then send "texts" to whomever she wanted. She wouldn't have needed to hack into anything. Oh, another huge aspect of the service that would benefit the murderess: conversations automatically "disappeared" once the connection ended unless it was manually saved.

IMO the analysis of travis's phone&records showed no evidence that he sent this text.

I just hope the jury got it, cause after reading PS's recap I'm not so sure. I know there has been varied opinion about his posts, but I like to read it b/c it's a perspective from inside the courtroom. I think we tend to understand things a lot more b/c of our ability to bounce ideas and theories off of each other.

Thank you so much for your post, Betty :wave: This issue has been nagging my OCD brain since yesterday afternoon, woke up in the night thinking about it, I'm crazy, I know :sigh: Still, how is it that Juan couldn't / didn't prove that the posts really came from Travis to CMJA, versus did she send them in some way herself . If the scenario you are describing is a possibility then could that explain it? I have no understanding from a technical standpoint how sending a message in that manner somehow interferes with traceability. I would love to hear from a techno expert if there are any reading here. TIA :)
Didn't she say she was staying with him before she left for Yreka? Based on those texts I highly doubt that story.

Did any of his roommates confirm she was staying with him prior to returning to CA?
Oh crud I've been horrible about that the handful of times I've posted pictures. Does that apply in all cases, or is it considered covered in the case where we add it via a URL as opposed to via uploading a file?

Hi bsk :wave: I love it when I hear these terms I haven't heard in like decades. Like "crud" :giggle: Please don't be offended, I love you for it, good memories. :)
I remember those texts messages from the first trial, but I thought those were part of their "blow-out" fight in late May. Yeah, she had been planning this long before she staged the burglary at her grandparent's house to steal Gramps' handgun.

Btw, whoever mentioned JA's laptop and a laundry basket re: LE's search warrant when she was arrested... I think the laundry basket is where JA said her laptop was (conveniently hidden under some clothes) when the house was "broken into" which is why it wasn't taken. Whew! Close one, Jodi! Good thinking!

Poor felon better be careful in prison. She has an annoying habit of scooping things up and putting them into laundry receptacles (washer, hamper). If she drops one of her new "friends" in prison things into a laundry receptacle, they might "spin her around and choke her". That also seems to be a common occurrence in her life.
The whole corking the pot thing IIRC, was something ALV says she heard on the sex tape. I think he's mumbling and it's not what he said at all.
Thank you so much for your post, Betty :wave: This issue has been nagging my OCD brain since yesterday afternoon, woke up in the night thinking about it, I'm crazy, I know :sigh: Still, how is it that Juan couldn't / didn't prove that the posts really came from Travis to CMJA, versus did she send them in some way herself . If the scenario you are describing is a possibility then could that explain it? I have no understanding from a technical standpoint how sending a message in that manner somehow interferes with traceability. I would love to hear from a techno expert if there are any reading here. TIA :)

Ill try to take a shot at the only way I am familiar with how she could have sent the texts to her phone and make it appear Travis sent it to her.

This is simplest way I can see JA doing it. And this may explain why Juan didnt want to try to prove it because remember we heard just yesterday that the computer came up as Deanna's computer which we know is Travis computer he got from Deanna.

Here goes....

Since we know JA had access to Travis email account. Lets just say GMAIL for instance.

Step #1 - JA is sitting at home on her computer and she logs into Travis GMAIL account. She then formats the message and then uses the simple instructions in this link below to send it to HER phone directly from his GMAIL account.
Her phone would receive the message as a text message from him.

And the important thing to realize is when LE looked at Travis computer in his SENT box of his GMAIL account on his computer, that same message would show as being sent from his computer because it is still in the GMAIL SERVER "sent" area of his email account.

Another Approach: #2
She could do the same thing, but instead of sending it as a text message to her phone, she could send it from his GMAIL as a regular email message from his email account over to her email address.

She would then login to her GMAIL account (instead of his), and receive the message and then either leave it there to make it look like she got an email from him (OR) forward it to her phone using the same method from the link.
I do think that Travis went on a trip or several trips with Jodi while he was dating Lisa.

Just throwing it out there but weren't some of those trips tied to PPL events?

Like that Oklahoma trip where they visited iirc a few of the places I believe was because they had traveled together to the convention, possibly some of the others were likewise?

That's where it would be nice if CH or one of the other PPL people that knew TA and would have been to the same events could give us some indication as to whether the timeline would match up. Personally, I still don't think they were being as intimate as JA would have us believe(mostly a gut instinct but I have known "girls" like her and so has my youngest son). She had literally years to study copies of all of the evidence to concoct stories based around places where they would have both been. Just because TA was affectionate towards her means nothing, I'm betting he was affectionate with most of his lady friends simply because he was a flirt.
Thank you so much for your post, Betty :wave: This issue has been nagging my OCD brain since yesterday afternoon, woke up in the night thinking about it, I'm crazy, I know :sigh: Still, how is it that Juan couldn't / didn't prove that the posts really came from Travis to CMJA, versus did she send them in some way herself . If the scenario you are describing is a possibility then could that explain it? I have no understanding from a technical standpoint how sending a message in that manner somehow interferes with traceability. I would love to hear from a techno expert if there are any reading here. TIA :)

Ha, I wouldn't call myself OCD, but this case has a tendency to make me ponder & rant about various things at the oddest times!!!!

I don't think Juan could prove with certainty that she sent that text to herself, but it has been shown that she used emails, FB etc., at other times to send things to people as if it had been from Travis. Add in the knowledge of her hacking, stalking, and all out lying behaviors and I don't think it will be hard for the jury to connect the dots. What's even more damning is the way she has gotten others to lie as well in her efforts to bolster her claims. Witness #1 and the magazine codes are vivid examples of how far she was willing to go.

We always have to keep in mind what other examples might exist but were deem too prejudicial. The forged pedo letters, along with mom trying to sell them to the tabloids immediately comes to mind.

Murderess is straight up evil.
He was there but he does not appear to have heard the song in queetion, is my understanding. Doesn't really make a difference.

And I can't agree with you there. Inside the courtroom is one thing but outside while walking with your friends is another. Breaking into a little song to make them laugh? I really don't think it was that big of a deal and we'd never even heard about it if the defense never brought it up. I don't think we should be led to think what the DT wants us to. If this was blatant or if they were acting fools, that would be one thing. But this was such a non event that it is stupid we are even talking about it.

ITA, this was nothing more than a DT contrived event taking advantage of someone outside the courthouse doing what ordinary people just do. They seized upon it in a similar manner that a buzzard seizes upon road kill. It was an opportunistic moment for them, anything, anything at all, they will take. They are no better than parasites. It screams of desperation, and it's just another example of how low they are willing to go to win.
I played Rhoda in my high school production of "The Bad Seed." Without braids, thank goodness!

I have to say, that is really creepy. Not really surprising, considering the cruel nature of the killer, but still creepy seeing the photos side by side. :scared:
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