Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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Ha, I wouldn't call myself OCD, but this case has a tendency to make me ponder & rant about various things at the oddest times!!!!

I don't think Juan could prove with certainty that she sent that text to herself, but it has been shown that she used emails, FB etc., at other times to send things to people as if it had been from Travis. Add in the knowledge of her hacking, stalking, and all out lying behaviors and I don't think it will be hard for the jury to connect the dots. What's even more damning is the way she has gotten others to lie as well in her efforts to bolster her claims. Witness #1 and the magazine codes are vivid examples of how far she was willing to go.

We always have to keep in mind what other examples might exist but were deem too prejudicial. The forged pedo letters, along with mom trying to sell them to the tabloids immediately comes to mind.

Murderess is straight up evil.


Right. That is why Juan did not want to try to prove she did it. Because his computer email account appears that he logged into his email account to do it, when really JA did.

Its not really provable which one of the 2 people logged into it, if both Travis and her both had the ID + PW to his email account.
Everyone may think I'm crazy, so don't hesitate to jump in and say so but, I believe if Juan had brought in a hand specialist and proved that Darryl Brewer was in fact the man holding the penis in the picture Jodi claims TA sent her it would have went a long way in showing JA was a sneaky, evil, wicked ,murderer, and liar trying to smear TA with phony evidence. If we noticed those hands, you know Nurmi and Willmott did too. If I was sitting on that jury and the prosecutor proved that penis belonged to Darryl and she manipulated the phone to show TA sent it to her, I would not believe any evidence the DT presented and I would convict and give her the DP. What do you think ladies, would it have helped?

How do we know that wasn't Gus Searcy's member? The guy who loaned her money in Monterey? McCartney's? McGee's? Bobby's? Edgar's? A guy's she met at Purple Plum? Her brother's? Someone's who smuggled it (I mean the photo, not the penis) into the jail when JA was representing herself? The possibilities are endless....
I have tmobile as my cell phone provider, and I can log into my tmobile account, and send a text message via computer to my husbands phone, done it lots of times, so I know it can be done

My son has misplaced his cell phone then sent and text messages to my cell phone from his computer. No problem.
Everyone may think I'm crazy, so don't hesitate to jump in and say so but, I believe if Juan had brought in a hand specialist and proved that Darryl Brewer was in fact the man holding the penis in the picture Jodi claims TA sent her it would have went a long way in showing JA was a sneaky, evil, wicked ,murderer, and liar trying to smear TA with phony evidence. If we noticed those hands, you know Nurmi and Willmott did too. If I was sitting on that jury and the prosecutor proved that penis belonged to Darryl and she manipulated the phone to show TA sent it to her, I would not believe any evidence the DT presented and I would convict and give her the DP. What do you think ladies, would it have helped?

Oh man the stuff we try to figure out :floorlaugh:

She's lied so often that I'm pretty sure Juan had difficulty narrowing down which ones were the most important to focus on.

How do we know that wasn't Gus Searcy's member? The guy who loaned her money in Monterey? McCartney's? McGee's? Bobby's? Edgar's? A guy's she met at Purple Plum? Her brother's? Someone's who smuggled it (I mean the photo, not the penis) into the jail when JA was representing herself? The possibilities are endless....
I sure hope our country is learning more about information. Information about computers, cell phones, websites like facebook, tumblr, twitter, timelines that connect people to occurances. It's informational to know how well you are tracked.

If ja was to be tried starting today with today's technologies, well hands down, she would not have been able to play out this disgusting tale. It would have been such a task to bring it out back then. Look at the examples that the defense tried to pull off. I felt like I was back in the 90's. gah
Just throwing it out there but weren't some of those trips tied to PPL events?

Like that Oklahoma trip where they visited iirc a few of the places I believe was because they had traveled together to the convention, possibly some of the others were likewise?

That's where it would be nice if CH or one of the other PPL people that knew TA and would have been to the same events could give us some indication as to whether the timeline would match up. Personally, I still don't think they were being as intimate as JA would have us believe(mostly a gut instinct but I have known "girls" like her and so has my youngest son). She had literally years to study copies of all of the evidence to concoct stories based around places where they would have both been. Just because TA was affectionate towards her means nothing, I'm betting he was affectionate with most of his lady friends simply because he was a flirt.

Maybe we need a timeline of trips? The balloon festival in Albuquerque is in early October. Do we know which year they went? Some of the sightseeing, I believe, was coming back from Oklahoma City. When was that? I believe these side trips were mentioned in Flores' interrogation. Petrified Forest? Maybe they were mentioned because there wasn't other TA/JA dating going on? Did she lie about the sightseeing on the way back from Oklahoma City? No photos for evidence? Were there others in the car? Then there was Havasupai. The Freemans were on that trip as chaperones.
I agree that it was inappropriate. Since MDLR is an inflammatory drama queen maybe she attracts some of that behavior to herself, but there was absolutely no excuse for anyone to go chasing after a witness and an attorney who might need to collect their wits over lunch in the middle of a big murder trial. Sanders allowed his syrupy crush on Dr. Demarte to to cause all kinds of problems.

He has accounted for a few inappropriate moments in his blog, I was astounded to read that Mikal was a court watcher for the MD trial that he was a juror on. He describes how he noticed her daily in the gallery & that she approached the smoking jurors during a break to ask for a light, as a juror shouldn't that have been reported to the judge? In an earlier blog he described approaching Judge Steinle & discussing JSS with him & then we have him approach JM & JD.

He was there, he reported it himself on his day 35 report. I don't agree it was a racist event, but it was still weird and uncalled for. The court house is no place to act like that, inside or out.

IIRC, Paul Sanders has said that Kathy refers to Mikal as "crazy" for a reason. It could be that Mikal has a good heart, but doesn't see any reason why she shouldn't behave however she pleases when she's in a public area. Having a relative who has actually done her belly-dancing Camel moves down the steps of a church, I have lived through a little of the mortification that a person feels when being associated with someone who has either no impulse control, or who really just doesn't care about propriety. It's not pleasant being chastised for someone else's behaviour.

As I posted earlier, IMO this was a way for MdLR to punish someone who has painted her in a less than flattering light. Ditto for JA. Paul described JA's "duper's delight" grin as he, Kathy and Mikal were pointed out for allegedly "racist" behaviour. I agree with other posters that this was an attempt to make a mountain out of a few grains of sand, an effort to distract the jury from the truly evil acts of which JA has already been found guilty.

I'm sorry that the trio were reprimanded and guards placed around them, but no one is going to take chances this close to finally finishing this phase of the retrial. I'm sure everybody in the courthouse is going to breathe a sigh of relief when the case is finally given to the jury.
The May 22nd date is significant. (IIRC)

1) The helio text(s) message were dated on 5/2/08. Then the phonesex recording on 5/10, on 5/26 was the rant that Travis said you are the worst thing that ever happened to me.

2) They broke up in Feb 07? and she has his passwords in 5/08 to prove their "trust" issues to each other?

May 22nd is when JA claims she got her new phone... check the pics I posted the other day:
Reviewing stuff from first trial and found the conversation JA had with Flores over the phone. First conversation.

Regarding emails and passwords. Takes minutes before she is contradicting herself.

Also, she admits she logged into Travis' email in MAY when Flores corners her:

Just before the password conversation she is talking about BMW.
Here is the sex call. Yes, Travis said it.

It is important to know that Jodi Arias sent him texts BEFORE this saying SHE wanted to f him like a dirty horny little school girl. So on the tape when you hear him talk about a young girl moaning , and corking the pot of girl...keep it in context that he was speaking to a girl who was texting him this type of thing and asking him to ejaculate on her face, pound her ars , etc. He wasn't exactly speaking to Deanna or Linda or Lisa,he was speaking someone to who according to her liked 'debasing'. EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE View attachment 69355

You'll note that Jodi kept trying to bait Travis into saying Mormon girls are a bore. Here is why, courtesy of her brother Joey View attachment 69354

I certainly am with you on Bryan's veracity being a ?. I am still in shock the judge allowed him and Dr. F to say that Juan was committing "misconduct" and "slimy". I know him accusing Juan and Steve of purposely hiding evidence surely cost him any future work with any aspect of MESA PD work. You cannot lie about one of their own, then expect a call next Monday for a job . It was a very idiotic thing to do. He could have opined all day long on his findings without attacking them and accusing them. It was career suicide.

BBM - He sure is proud of the titles his work experience has granted him, that's one fancy schmancy website.
Ill try to take a shot at the only way I am familiar with how she could have sent the texts to her phone and make it appear Travis sent it to her.

This is simplest way I can see JA doing it. And this may explain why Juan didnt want to try to prove it because remember we heard just yesterday that the computer came up as Deanna's computer which we know is Travis computer he got from Deanna.

Here goes....

Since we know JA had access to Travis email account. Lets just say GMAIL for instance.

Step #1 - JA is sitting at home on her computer and she logs into Travis GMAIL account. She then formats the message and then uses the simple instructions in this link below to send it to HER phone directly from his GMAIL account.
Her phone would receive the message as a text message from him.

And the important thing to realize is when LE looked at Travis computer in his SENT box of his GMAIL account on his computer, that same message would show as being sent from his computer because it is still in the GMAIL SERVER "sent" area of his email account.

Another Approach: #2
She could do the same thing, but instead of sending it as a text message to her phone, she could send it from his GMAIL as a regular email message from his email account over to her email address.

She would then login to her GMAIL account (instead of his), and receive the message and then either leave it there to make it look like she got an email from him (OR) forward it to her phone using the same method from the link.

Could JA have been sending messages from her original phone pretending to be Travis. All she would have needed to do is change something on phone right? I find it odd Flores asked Jodi if Travis had more then two phones, one cell one landline. Why?
This is from juror questions to ALV @ April 2013 (from JVM's show transcript). I remember a lot of discussion here on what that phrase meant .... and we were warned to not do a search or beware of what might come up. oops

STEPHENS: During your testimony, you concurred that many things actually happened, such as when Travis was supposedly caught with photos of young boys. Aren`t you, in fact, only basing this on what Jodi told you?

LAVIOLETTE: I`m basing -- yes, I am basing that on what Ms. Arias told me. And on those e-mails -- or on the sex tape when he talks about corking the pot--


STEPHENS: Overruled, you may follow up with that.

LAVIOLETTE: Corking the pot --

STEPHENS: (INAUDIBLE) Objection I`m going to allow your attorney to follow up.


Lol well I just did a search and over two pages on google netted nothing "noteworthy". As for KN or JW doing a follow up, did they? Maybe I needed to search further... but I found nothing.
Hey there. As one North Seattleite to another: I'm not gronking. Are you referring to TA's description of being threatened with a gun as a blond blob rested in his lap? Sorry. Just trying to track.

Yes, just after JA sits up as he's describing how he's trying to connect with the woman to shhh with his retina, you can see JA sit back and give him this look.:scared:

I could have sworn I'd read JA saying somewhere that she had her laptop in the car on the June trip... plus I'm guessing she had a busted desktop? cpu or was it just an external hard drive that was found either at her Grandma's, or in the storage that JA has referred to a few times... argh! I guess I have some work to do.:lookingitup:

BBM - Well so far all I've found are references to her having found her laptop in the laundry hamper after her grandparent's burglary until JM's cross[see below]. (really? laptop in laundry hamper, camera in washing machine, possibly the knife in the dishwasher, gun in Hoover Dam?... I see a trend)

Anyway, then I came across this from during the trial and I find what appears to be yet another lie! Note the Olympus camera... I believe this was the same camera she claimed was broken September 25, 2007 in her journal, Vol.1, P.70, so unless someone can verify that it was her Canon that had broken and the Olympus was her "new" one?:

"In Session live-blogs Arias' testimony Wednesday 2/27
read from bottom to top

6:31 p.m. ET: The judge has recessed court for the evening. Testimony will pick back up at 12:30 p.m. ET Thursday.

6:29 p.m. ET: Arias said she doesn't know when her laptop was packed in her car. She also said its a detail she doesn't remember. Martinez said during direct examination, Arias said all of her items were in her car before 5:30 p.m. June 4, 2008.

6:27 p.m. ET: Arias said she put her bags in her rental car at some point.

6:25 p.m. ET: Martinez is showing the jury a picture of her genitalia taken at 1:44 p.m. ET. Arias said afterwards she took a shower, and put on clothes.

6:19 p.m. ET: Arias said she shot a sex tape with Alexander on June 4, 2008 with her Olympus camera. They watched it, and then deleted it."
Does anyone remember the date of the emails (?) between Regan and Travis when he told her JA was probably there with them online, mentioned tires being slashed, warned Regan to expect nastygrams from JA?


BBM - According to this it was May 19, 2008.

"You’ll be able to listen. You’ve listened to that recording. You can draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you believe he knew, or believed that this is something that was being recorded. She says oh no, I kept hitting the save button, I was the one that did it. And she kept it, and she kept it all the way from May 10th of 2008. But things were not going so well at that point, and in fact, by May 19th of 2008, just nine days after that, Mr. Alexander is on the computer, this instant messaging service, with somebody named Regan Housley. And he’s talking to her and he says I’m extremely afraid of Ms. Arias because of her stalking behaviour. How prophetic of him, back on May 19th. And this is nine days after this telephone call, but he’s extremely afraid of her because of this stalking behaviour."
BBM - According to this it was May 19, 2008.

"You&#8217;ll be able to listen. You&#8217;ve listened to that recording. You can draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you believe he knew, or believed that this is something that was being recorded. She says oh no, I kept hitting the save button, I was the one that did it. And she kept it, and she kept it all the way from May 10th of 2008. But things were not going so well at that point, and in fact, by May 19th of 2008, just nine days after that, Mr. Alexander is on the computer, this instant messaging service, with somebody named Regan Housley. And he&#8217;s talking to her and he says I&#8217;m extremely afraid of Ms. Arias because of her stalking behaviour. How prophetic of him, back on May 19th. And this is nine days after this telephone call, but he&#8217;s extremely afraid of her because of this stalking behaviour."

Thanks, Val. Travis warned Regan JA probably was monitoring them. They were exchanging IM's. Do you know if it was in fact possible for her to access his IM's?
Thanks, Val. Travis warned Regan JA probably was monitoring them. They were exchanging IM's. Do you know if it was in fact possible for her to access his IM's?

No idea, we don't even know what kind of instant messaging they had do we? I know I had at least 3 different kinds way back then, Yahoo, MSN Messenger, AIM, etc. I know if she could access his email accounts she could probably access the associated chat systems.

Btw, I noted when searching for info about RH to try and find anything on the msgs that she's in Australia... anyone know if she's even been in AZ?

Heck, I totally forgot to include both Myspace and Facebook chats...
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