Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/13 thru 2/18 - Break

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I think she may have gotten help with how to manipulate the recordings too.

Like piecing parts of the recording from 1 spot and piecing it together onto another spot.
So much of that recording sounded like it was edited. It did not sound like 1 fluid recording to me.

And the way Travis voice was so garbled. Something was really off about that tape and I know Travis was tired and maybe on sleeping medicine but I think there is even more to it than that. I suspect JA really manipulated that recording in more ways than 1.

Even to the point of manufacturing words that he may not have even said by piecing together parts of his voice from 1 spot to another spot.
Remember the patent we talked about before. It had to do with voice recognition software if I am not mistaken. There is no telling how much hands on training JA got to be able to generate that recording.

All JMO of course.

I'm sure I remember Arias saying, in the guilt phase, how she sometimes recorded their calls on her computer. In a quick search this morning I can't find anything (not enough coffee yet), but I remember her elaborating, about the computer would suddenly stop recording, etc.

That would certainly give her the raw materials. As Melendez (iirc) testified, the Helio could be used as a simple recording device - in this instance, to record the "call" created on her computer. And ITA that she had someone willing and able to help on this front (and others).
My son has misplaced his cell phone then sent and text messages to my cell phone from his computer. No problem.

Actually, I just realized that's exactly what we do when my son goes to Seattle to see his gf, I make him either text(cell to cell) his brother to let us know he got there alright or send me a text msg through his facebook chat with his cell phone, and I respond by facebook chat to his cell phone texts. Oh and I don't see anywhere on my chat how to tell if it came from a cell or another facebook msg, though I suppose someone tech savvie could dig into the exif(or whatever it would be called) data and that may tell them.
I'm sure I remember Arias saying, in the guilt phase, how she sometimes recorded their calls on her computer. In a quick search this morning I can't find anything (not enough coffee yet), but I remember her elaborating, about the computer would suddenly stop recording, etc.

That would certainly give her the raw materials. As Melendez (iirc) testified, the Helio could be used as a simple recording device - in this instance, to record the "call" created on her computer. And ITA that she had someone willing and able to help on this front (and others).

I have no doubt she did, along with BN helping "enhance" TA's voice to make it easier to hear... even a layperson like me knows that sound editors can change the pitch of a voice as well as volume and that is his expertise, or so they say.
For the intrepid if you want to review BK or WS on Helio

JM's cross of Dr.MF,
Day 11, November 20, in the afternoon,

1:45.....asking her about the Helio, it being reported "stolen," why she might have recorded it.

3:55-4:00. Puts up 5/2/08 faked Helio chat exhibit . courtday ends

Day 12, Nov 24. 10:28 until approximately 10:50

summary- MF says she'd never seen 5/2 fake text and didn't know who wrote it. JM focuses on the start and end times of text, and the use of "muse."

Compares another exchange in which JA tells TA he's an outlet for her musings. BK says he's arguing that JA wrote the text. Not sure if JM said so explicitly. MF parses the word muse and goes into the weeds.

Nurmi possibly signals MF with a timely objection.."we don't know what was in T's mind when he wrote that..'

JM moves on with different topic...
Please be careful what links you post here on Websleuths. Some of them are not appropriate and should not be linked. Do not copy and paste from Beth's site as it is a copyright violation. You can always paraphrase what is in an article that can't be linked. Thanks, Lambchop
Does anyone recall or have information when and how LE got a hold of Jodi's computer? I know the hard drive was smashed, but is that what they saw or is that what Jodi told them? Where was this computer found?


I still want to know when where and how LE got a hold of Jodi's broken computer. Wouldn't they need a search warrant.

No the computer was intact when they found it in the laundry basket. I recall seeing a photo of it. What I want to know is what happened to it after that. Her last email to a dead Travis was two days before her arrest. July 13.

In Dworkin's cross in first trial, JM mentions it was seized in Yreka. Yes, as mentioned up thread, the laundry basket thing was after the 5/28 "burglary" then it was smashed up when seized in July. I listened to a little testimony again about this hard drive trying to find out the last date it was written to, but there is very little said about what was on it (other than the 2 penis pics) and that there were thousands and thousands of pics on it. Need to listen to Melendez again, b/c I remember him saying that what was unrecovered made it difficult to view the evidence or maybe he said file info? Does seem odd that so little has been said about what was found on it though.
So far we have;

Her middle name is Ann.

She thinks her sister is dumb (counted, not because her sister is dumb but because JA believes she is dumb.)

Punishment from her Dad was sometimes harsh.

Any more truths from her that anyone can think of?
Cousin Aimee disputes the punishments.
Says killer & sibs were spoiled.

No truth on that one.
Does anyone remember the date of the emails (?) between Regan and Travis when he told her JA was probably there with them online, mentioned tires being slashed, warned Regan to expect nastygrams from JA?


May 19th? I think it was 10 days after the sex tape.

"You’ll be able to listen. You’ve listened to that recording. You can draw your own conclusions as to whether or not you believe he knew, or believed that this is something that was being recorded. She says oh no, I kept hitting the save button, I was the one that did it. And she kept it, and she kept it all the way from May 10th of 2008. But things were not going so well at that point, and in fact, by May 19th of 2008, just nine days after that, Mr. Alexander is on the computer, this instant messaging service, with somebody named Regan Housley. And he’s talking to her and he says I’m extremely afraid of Ms. Arias because of her stalking behaviour. How prophetic of him, back on May 19th."
Everyone may think I'm crazy, so don't hesitate to jump in and say so but, I believe if Juan had brought in a hand specialist and proved that Darryl Brewer was in fact the man holding the penis in the picture Jodi claims TA sent her it would have went a long way in showing JA was a sneaky, evil, wicked ,murderer, and liar trying to smear TA with phony evidence. If we noticed those hands, you know Nurmi and Willmott did too. If I was sitting on that jury and the prosecutor proved that penis belonged to Darryl and she manipulated the phone to show TA sent it to her, I would not believe any evidence the DT presented and I would convict and give her the DP. What do you think ladies, would it have helped?

Nope, because even if it was TA who sent her the pic (which I doubt it is him as well); she still had no reason to slaughter him. JMO
Really important concept that ElleElle brought up.

There is no evidence and no reason at all, not even a little, that gave Arias the right to kill TA. Her life was not in danger, she wasn't being attacked, the crime was heinous and cruel (so said the 1st jury). She is eligible for the DP and the defense has not presented any valid reason for Arias' life to be spared. They spent all their time trying to show how bad the murdered victim was, but that was a terrible defense strategy, versus showing why Arias' life is worth saving.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that TA did to "deserve" to be unlawfully executed by Arias. Arias acted as judge, jury and executioner to TA and his 'crime' was being a guy who did guy things and rejected her. There's no law that gives her a pass for that.

No doubt Juan will make sure the jury understands what their job entails and what they were shown. And beyond that... obtaining a death penalty is never assured even if everyone thinks it should be a slam dunk.
Please be careful what links you post here on Websleuths. Some of them are not appropriate and should not be linked. Do not copy and paste from Beth's site as it is a copyright violation. You can always paraphrase what is in an article that can't be linked. Thanks, Lambchop

I don't copy and paste from BK (can't C & P at all, actually) and I try to be careful to paraphrase or summarize from there. Please let me know if I get it wrong. :)
In Dworkin's cross in first trial, JM mentions it was seized in Yreka. Yes, as mentioned up thread, the laundry basket thing was after the 5/28 "burglary" then it was smashed up when seized in July. I listened to a little testimony again about this hard drive trying to find out the last date it was written to, but there is very little said about what was on it (other than the 2 penis pics) and that there were thousands and thousands of pics on it. Need to listen to Melendez again, b/c I remember him saying that what was unrecovered made it difficult to view the evidence or maybe he said file info? Does seem odd that so little has been said about what was found on it though.

Do you (or anyone else) have a reference to her laptop being smashed up when recovered by LE? Was it in testimony or elsewhere? I don't doubt it but haven't seen where that originally came from. I did read (I believe in a minute entry) that its hard drive was first thought to be inaccessble but was taken to (TLSI?) and most sectors were assessible after some work on it and a mirror image was made of what could be recovered. I'm just curious about the condition it was found in and where that info came from.
Ill try to take a shot at the only way I am familiar with how she could have sent the texts to her phone and make it appear Travis sent it to her.

This is simplest way I can see JA doing it. And this may explain why Juan didnt want to try to prove it because remember we heard just yesterday that the computer came up as Deanna's computer which we know is Travis computer he got from Deanna.

Here goes....

Since we know JA had access to Travis email account. Lets just say GMAIL for instance.

Step #1 - JA is sitting at home on her computer and she logs into Travis GMAIL account. She then formats the message and then uses the simple instructions in this link below to send it to HER phone directly from his GMAIL account.
Her phone would receive the message as a text message from him.

And the important thing to realize is when LE looked at Travis computer in his SENT box of his GMAIL account on his computer, that same message would show as being sent from his computer because it is still in the GMAIL SERVER "sent" area of his email account.

Another Approach: #2
She could do the same thing, but instead of sending it as a text message to her phone, she could send it from his GMAIL as a regular email message from his email account over to her email address.

She would then login to her GMAIL account (instead of his), and receive the message and then either leave it there to make it look like she got an email from him (OR) forward it to her phone using the same method from the link.

Great thinking Hatfield! The only issue I have with her doing this is if this technology existed back in 2008. Email - Text
In Dworkin's cross in first trial, JM mentions it was seized in Yreka. Yes, as mentioned up thread, the laundry basket thing was after the 5/28 "burglary" then it was smashed up when seized in July. I listened to a little testimony again about this hard drive trying to find out the last date it was written to, but there is very little said about what was on it (other than the 2 penis pics) and that there were thousands and thousands of pics on it. Need to listen to Melendez again, b/c I remember him saying that what was unrecovered made it difficult to view the evidence or maybe he said file info? Does seem odd that so little has been said about what was found on it though.

She had a laptop AND an external HD. I don't think it was in storage, maybe she just hid it before getting arrested. Thing is, I just don't believe JA would have deleted all of her 10,000 selfies. I bet there is a HD hidden somewhere, just like the 2nd helio phone was hidden and only was "found" when needed.
Great thinking Hatfield! The only issue I have with her doing this is if this technology existed back in 2008. Email - Text

Wish there were someone here at WS that had a 2008 helio. They texted/chatted on my space and facebook, but could have had yahoo, not sure there was a hotmail or gmail chat at that time.

After listening to Flores/Juan testimony, I think JA calling a lawyer was about the BMW. Flores was told to read a long text exchange but all he could say about it was that Travis was very angry that Jodi had lied again to him. It was the exchange were he called her a 3holewonder and he said he felt like a dildo with a heartbeat. IIRC...that conversation was VERY long and it took hours.
Reading all of MF's testimony in one sitting makes several things really clear. Hopefully the jury sees them as clearly.

1. She can say voluminous all she wants; the reality is she looked at precious few sources other than JA's word to arrive at her conclusions.

2. She says she didn't interview the Hughes or Lisa because they were in denial about Travis; that they were "edifying" him after death.

3. Her extrapolations about who Travis was and their "relationship" from the few sources she used are laughable. Really. I can't imagine the jury the jury will find her opinions credible, especially since they'll hear from her again so shortly after DeMarte.

4. I hadn't remembered, but Nurmi did ask her about June 4. MF said that day was about "love." That she, MF wasn't in the bathroom, but that something happened there. Nurmi asked her how it could be that they were having sex just hours before what happened in the bathroom. Objection, sustained.

MF said that what happened was "psychological vomit" from the "feast" of abuse TA heaped on her May 26.

Nurmi talks about the boulder (of abuse and turmoil, blah blah) picking up speed and exploding on June 4. Says it was the end of the road. Objection, residual doubt. Sustained.

The context for Nurmi/MF bringing up June 4 was her assertion that BOTH Travis and JA were suicidal. She because she had been "snuffed out" by T's abuse, and T because of his pedophilia.

MF is slippery, but what she is saying is that Jan 21 changed everything. That he took out his guilt and anger on her, that he lost his TR because he confessed to the Bishop that he was a pedophile, and that struggling with pedophilia made him depressed, which led to his financial difficulties.
Wish there were someone here at WS that had a 2008 helio. They texted/chatted on my space and facebook, but could have had yahoo, not sure there was a hotmail or gmail chat at that time.

After listening to Flores/Juan testimony, I think JA calling a lawyer was about the BMW. Flores was told to read a long text exchange but all he could say about it was that Travis was very angry that Jodi had lied again to him. It was the exchange were he called her a 3holewonder and he said he felt like a dildo with a heartbeat. IIRC...that conversation was VERY long and it took hours.

You're thinking of the infamous May 26 IM exchange. The lawyer? Nobody knows, but the BMW is probably the least likely. He never sold it to her, it remained in Mesa, and he'd asked her to make payments for its repair, but didn't even push her on that very much.
I have had a few issues only on WS. I will be reading here or on the sidebar thread and I will get a large white flashing box that has a smilie icon in it. It is on the left side of my screen. I have to refresh, it goes away and comes back. It has not happened today. Just strange.

I use an IPad and it belongs to me. Last summer I had serious issues with WS. The administrator said they were working on it and it hasn't happened since. When I would go to a solid red screen would appear with men and women in horrible *advertiser censored* acts. I turned my head (because I had never seen that and find it disgusting) and the screen had no backspace, no "done" button that you would see on videos, nothing. I did a hard shutdown of my iPad. I waited hours before I had the nerve to go back. This happened three times over two days. I sent WS an email, told them I was shocked. They wrote me right back and asked if I had an iPad. Apparently, they were having issues. I haven't had problems since and I bought a tablet and it works fine also.
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