Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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Thank you.
So the same mitigating factors as the original trial?
I think so. To be truthful though, whenever the defense speaks I tune out a lot. On Thursday I fell asleep after lunch and totally missed out on the hullabaloo about Jodi freaking out because Nurmi was not impeaching Dr. deMarte. Don't know what I missed. Jodi was supposedly having a fit and trial started late after lunch and for all we know, maybe she was in the ladies room. Lol. Going back and reading what BK had to say, it did sound like Nurmi did a good job of turning a prosecution witness into a defense witness for a bit, even though he was rude to her. I just don't believe Jodi has any real mitigating factors. But then, I wouldn't give Jodi the time of day or an inch, if I was a juror. I am biased. :)
I can't wait for JM to bring it home, and I have no doubt he will. With all the BS in this trial, the one thing I feel good about is that JM has done his best, and no one could have served Travis's family any better than he has. I have the utmost respect for him.
Especially with the judge in this courtroom. Don't know where her head has been. :(
I hope the jury get to deliberate before August, in regards to a previous post
Ahh! Interesting! I think Travis did indeed sound dopey and unfocused in the recording. Thanks for this post. It is certainly something to consider! :goodpost:

I can understand Travis having a hard time sleeping and she always seem to call him in the middle of the damn night too. That shows she was only about herself and had no consideration that he may have to work the next day and needed his rest. I know when I had my obsessed stalker.... sleep was almost non-existent. I was afraid to sleep soundly thinking I wouldn't hear him if he broke into my home.

To me he really sounded bored, tired, and very sleepy especially in one part of it. I think he was trying to give Arias signals he was tired and wanted to get off the phone. Of course that wasn't going to happen. She was recording all of this without his permission, imo and setting him up so she was chatty as a canary and kept leading him on. I fully think she planned to use this tape against Travis and blackmail him into staying with her or she was going to use it to ruin his reputation as revenge for him no longer wanting to be with her.

The one and only nagging question that I really wish would have been answered is why Travis was so UPSET on May 26th. It had to be something terrible ........something even Travis couldn't forgive her for. Most all of his communication exchanges were nice ones toward Jodi and only a small fraction of them was when he was mad that she had lied or betrayed him in someway. But even this exchange was far different from the ones even when he was upset with her the prior few times he was.

Whatever it was had to be HUGE for Travis to tell her she had hurt him even more than the death of his father. I read a long list on the profile of a narcissist and it said they will do everything in their power to destroy someone who is trying to expose them. I think whatever this was ......was the catalyst that put the premeditation in motion. Once Travis said what he did on May 26th to JA he became a dead man walking and didn't know it.

She will go to her grave before she ever tells anyone the truth about why Travis was so upset with her. The secret died with Travis and she will never tell either.

I don't see why she had to have left for a bit. She might simply have been standing there, watching to see what effect her first stabs had had. Though he managed to make it to the sink, it would have been very obvious to her - from his staggering, bleeding, etc. - that he was seriously injured and weakened, and possibly about to collapse, and die. I guess not quickly enough, hence more stab wounds in the back.

Or he had indeed knocked her to the ground momentarily while trying to get past her, angering her even more, leading to the many cruel wounds on his back as he bent over the sink. :(
I think so. To be truthful though, whenever the defense speaks I tune out a lot. On Thursday I fell asleep after lunch and totally missed out on the hullabaloo about Jodi freaking out because Nurmi was not impeaching Dr. deMarte. Don't know what I missed. Jodi was supposedly having a fit and trial started late after lunch and for all we know, maybe she was in the ladies room. Lol. Going back and reading what BK had to say, it did sound like Nurmi did a good job of turning a prosecution witness into a defense witness for a bit, even though he was rude to her. I just don't believe Jodi has any real mitigating factors. But then, I wouldn't give Jodi the time of day or an inch, if I was a juror. I am biased. :)

Don't thibk so curious. There was a 10-15 minute delay. At one point during the hullabaloo the bailiff who escorts Jodi walked up and told Juan something and Juan walked away shaking his head.
No, she could not have drugged him over the phone. However, she could have taped these calls early on and recorded them to the Helio phone on the date given.

During the call, they were planning "trips" for the months of May, June, July, so I doubt there were pre-recorded.

I had a really bad dream about this case last night. While cross-examining Sky Hughes for this penalty phase, Nurmi suddenly reveals some terrible secret about Sky's family. Visible gasps are heard in the courtroom and people think it's game over for the prosecution. So annoying to dream about this case. Like I don't spend enough time and energy during my waking state.:gaah:

Thankfully I went back to sleep and had a light-hearted dream. I was at Loblaws (a Canadian supermarket) looking for Cape Cod Chips, Ginger Chews and some gourmet Chocolate. :giggle:
That's what Dr DeMarte said yesterday. According to one tweet, Dr DeMarte said something like 'Ms Arias continues to devalue Travis as we are seeing in this trial'. I went back to find that tweet from yesterday's thread but it is buried somewhere and couldn't find it. Anyone remember how she said it exactly?

Does this help?

"Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago
Dr. DeMarte #jodiarias' behavior after she murdered Travis Alexander indicates she believed he deserved to die. #Fox10Phoenix

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
#jodiarias would have had to think TA deserved to be murdered in order to emotionally do all this and act normal #3tvarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 2m2 minutes ago
Dr. DeMarte says #JodiArias is now devaluing #TravisAlexander to come to turns with justifying what she did. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Jodi went to see Ryan Burns and move on after she murdered Travis #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m2 minutes ago
Dr: #JodiArias was able to move on emotionless post murder according to Ryan Burns. JA decided to TA was bad person to justify homicide.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 3m3 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Then #Jodiarias devalued TA by murdering him... The memorial and how she was courting another man on the plane ride home #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 4m4 minutes ago
Examples of #JodiArias devaluing TA: The Murder, Flirting w/male post memorial, Ryan Burns.
OMG pen!! I have moderate to severe insomnia and have been this way most of my life. Over the years I have been given various sleep meds to include ambien, Seroquel and lunesta. I JUST had to stop lunesta last week because when I went to put my jacket on, in my pocket were a lighter and wrapper from cigarette pack. Apparently, I DROVE and bought cigarettes and still have no memory of it. BTW, I don't even smoke! Other meds I would cook and eat and not know it, have convos with friends and family with no memory, etc. Very very scary. I always end up being cycled back onto one of the meds because the insomnia can get bad, but this time I have told my husband I would rather never sleep again than that. I mean, I drove! Scared the heck of out me, as badly as having my husband get up in the am and find a burner going and pans all over. Glad this is anonymous, it is so embarrassing.

Thank you for sharing your story and being so candid. It is a horrible drug but it's the only thing that helps my lifelong insomnia. Last Sunday I awoke to find chili simmering away in the crock pot. My husband told me I had him help me prepare it the night before AND I DIDN'T REMEMBER ONE THING ABOUT IT. He said he was so mad because he was afraid I'd burn the house down.

As for driving, I had a friend who crashed her car and was charged with DUI. Yep, she had taken an Ambien and went grocery shopping. Her trunk was full of groceries when it was towed away. Her 12 year old son was home alone. Thank God nobody was killed.

SORRY for going OT again Lambchop but this is a very important topic ......
Someone recently asked about the origin of the ludicrous Monet/van Gogh reference. I don't remember who brought this up, or where, or when, so I'm responding here.

Everybody please swallow your coffee or whatever, OK? We all ready? It was Jodi herself who introduced this helpful tidbit, during jury questions.

STEPHENS: Sustained. "Why did you plan on going to see John Dixon when you were on your way to Utah to see Ryan?"

ARIAS: John Dixon was a friend, although there was somewhat of an interest there. It was nothing that I ever let grow, because he wasn`t a church member, so it would be kind of a poor investment of my heart to get attached to somebody who is not a member of the church.

What I was going down there for is he had a friend who either owned a gallery or ran a gallery where he hung some of the greats such as Van Gogh and Monet. And when I told him I painted, he said, "We could make a space in this gallery for you. I could hang it right next to a Monet or Van Gogh." It sounded like a very big -- it sounded like a very exciting thing for me, because one of my goals at that time was to get my paintings into galleries.

Oh, Jodi. This is what I love so much about you. You sound like you're chitchatting with someone in line at Starbucks even when you're testifying in your defense in a (potentially capital) murder trial! What a gal.

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I suppose she interpreted this question as a thinly veiled "*advertiser censored*" accusation, which it probably was. Never one to take the "less is more" approach, she just couldn't stop talking after "John Dixon was a friend," no matter how hard Willmott and Nurmi prayed to their god to pleeeeeeze make Jodi shut up. And so... we're off.

No reason for anyone to believe any of this, but who cares.

Romantic specifics, who cares.

"Church" specifics, who cares.

No one cares about what may or may not be a "poor investment" of her "heart" because obviously she doesn't have one.

It just so happens she had a super innocent, non-sexual/financial/alibi-related reason to see John Dixon and it just so happens that this reason makes her look awesome: John Dixon knew a guy! Who owned an art gallery! Or maybe just ran one! (Jodi doesn't know and nobody cares.) This was a great art gallery with great art by great artists like Monet and van Gogh (who are two great artists Jodi has evidently heard of). And I guess Jodi had talked to this guy before? And told him she paints? And without even seeing her paintings he offers to hang her stuff in the gallery right next to a Monet! Or a van Gogh! Because that's totally how art galleries work.

So I guess maybe this is all somehow relevant, because why else would Jodi bring it up. She leaves out the part where she goes into any credible detail about the guy, the gallery, showing him any actual surface that she personally put paint on... none of which matters anyway because nobody cares.

What she does want everyone to know, though, is that this guy and this gallery and this offer were exciting! Because she had this goal, see, at that time, of getting her paintings into galleries. Now she's in jail for something or other and it's totally getting in the way of her goals.

Nobody cares. Nobody believes her. And yet she just keeps talking....

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Found this portrait of the erudite 'John Dixon', oil-on-canvas aficionado and curator par excellence, to hang in your gallery:

Re: missing engagement ring
Travis wrote in his journal dated March 18, 2008 (this is from my note, so it may not be verbatim)

Well a lot of things have been lost. I lost my journal so I'm writing in this one. I lost my I Pod, hopefully it is around here somewhere. (?.....)a diamond ring but apparently Jodi took for some reason. My roommate thinks he lost his camera but it is in my BMW. He didn't lose it but what's it doing in my BMW?....

Can't help but think that the ring was the last thing on Travis's mind. By the time he knew the ring was missing, he also knew she was crazy. Think he was trying to figure out just how deep her "sociopath" ran & didn't care that she took the ring which is why he responded to her the way he did. He was starting to become very afraid of her.
That's what Dr DeMarte said yesterday. According to one tweet, Dr DeMarte said something like 'Ms Arias continues to devalue Travis as we are seeing in this trial'. I went back to find that tweet from yesterday's thread but it is buried somewhere and couldn't find it. Anyone remember how she said it exactly?

Trial reporting by Tweet and you want an exact quote?

I know. My main point was that folks posting in many online sites think that something big and juicy is in the part of the interview that wasn't submitted into evidence. That's what started the hunt elsewhere for rumors spread long ago.

But yah, I also think that pedophilia is one of the worst crimes imaginable, and that nobody should be accused of it without actual evidence. JA is a lot of things, but I seriously doubt she's a pedophile. Not her MO. She uses sex to get what she wants/needs from men.

I feel she certainly could be a pedophile. Not saying she is one but it isn't out of the realm of possibilities. I have felt from the very start that JA holds onto deep dark perverted secrets of her own making.

Also she is consistently known to take her own evil acts and then she transfers them to someone else as having done them.

JA is a very sexually aggressive woman who is convinced she is the sex goddess/teacher of the universe so it wouldn't surprise me in the least that after the trial is over we do learn of other wicked things she has done in the past. Things JSS felt were just too prejudicial to come out.
I've always wondered why she didn't go to work at one of the Bunny places in Vegas, weren't they legal back then?

I mean she would have fit in perfectly imo made money lots of sex..

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I think the "works well with others" requirement would have disqualified her. :thinking:
Dodn't JA rattle some of them off during the first day of interrogation? lol

I thought the 10 Commandments were a Catholic thing, do Mormons hold them in the same regard?

"Articles of Faith" it's an LDS thing. NOT the 10 commandments.

I'm by no means an expert in any religion, but this was something about the interrogation that particularly stuck in my craw (which is saying quite a bit), so here are my two cents. Please forgive and correct any errors.

The Ten Commandments come from Exodus, the 2nd book in the Old Testament. They show up again in the New Testament (Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, for example), so they're general Judeo-Christian. The Bible is part of LDS scripture, so the Ten Commandments "apply" to Mormons -- as do the Articles of Faith written by Joseph Smith:

About 20 minutes into her interrogation, Crazy Jodi tells Detective "Patience of a (Latter Day) Saint" Flores that she's a Christian, she lives her life by the 10 Commandments ("...those are my rules, duh-duh-duh-duh-duh.") She doesn't mention anything about #6 (that nonsense about not killing people or whatever), but she does acknowledge #7: "Thou shalt not commit adultery,"

adding, coyly, that "it doesn't say 'thou shalt not fornicate.'" Tee hee. I haven't read the Bible in anywhere near its entirety, do not claim to be a Christian or anything else, but even I know that "adultery" is just one form of fornication/sexual sin and nowhere in the Bible are there any loopholes for anything in that department. At all. How Jodi can in one sentence proclaim her religiosity and mock one of the ten commandments of the religion she just proclaimed is... well... not the least bit surprising. What is surprising is that Detective Flores could sit there so patiently listening to all of this. I know it was the "lull her into a sense of complacency" phase of the interrogation, but still.

It's so sad to go back and watch him in this interrogation again. For him to return to the trial so soon after the loss of his son shows that he is a much stronger person than I am, not that there was never any doubt about that.
Can't help but think that the ring was the last thing on Travis's mind. By the time he knew the ring was missing, he also knew she was crazy. Think he was trying to figure out just how deep her "sociopath" ran & didn't care that she took the ring which is why he responded to her the way he did. He was starting to become very afraid of her.

I agree but it does show how amazingly patient Travis was. I would have been livid. Travis probably thought it was far better to lose the ring than JA to come back to AZ to give it to him and he had no intentions of going where she was. IMO

I think she stole his ring so she could wear it in Yreka and tell her parents that she and Travis were going to get married.
I feel she certainly could be a pedophile. Not saying she is one but it isn't out of the realm of possibilities. I have felt from the very start that JA holds onto deep dark perverted secrets of her own making.

Also she consistently known to take her own evil acts and then she transfers them to someone else as having done them.

JA is a very sexually aggressive woman who is convinced she is the sex goddess/teacher of the universe so it wouldn't surprise me in the least that after the trial is over we do learn of other wicked things she has done in the past. Things JSS felt were just too prejudicial to come out.

Exactly why none of CMJA's family will ever get on the stand. No doubt , they have a huge, frightening bag of JA memories to add to the story.
I agree but it does show how amazingly patient Travis was. I would have been livid. Travis probably thought it was far better to lose the ring than JA to come back to AZ to give it to him and he had no intentions of going where she was. IMO

I think she stole his ring so she could wear it in Yreka and tell her parents that she and Travis were going to get married.

Where is the ring?
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