Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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I can understand Travis having a hard time sleeping and she always seem to call him in the middle of the damn night too. That shows she was only about herself and had no consideration that he may have to work the next day and needed his rest. I know when I had my obsessed stalker.... sleep was almost non-existent. I was afraid to sleep soundly thinking I wouldn't hear him if he broke into my home.

To me he really sounded bored, tired, and very sleepy especially in one part of it. I think he was trying to give Arias signals he was tired and wanted to get off the phone. Of course that wasn't going to happen. She was recording all of this without his permission, imo and setting him up so she was chatty as a canary and kept leading him on. I fully think she planned to use this tape against Travis and blackmail him into staying with her or she was going to use it to ruin his reputation as revenge for him no longer wanting to be with her.

The one and only nagging question that I really wish would have been answered is why Travis was so UPSET on May 26th. It had to be something terrible ........something even Travis couldn't forgive her for. Most all of his communication exchanges were nice ones toward Jodi and only a small fraction of them was when he was mad that she had lied or betrayed him in someway. But even this exchange was far different from the ones even when he was upset with her the prior few times he was.

Whatever it was had to be HUGE for Travis to tell her she had hurt him even more than the death of his father. I read a long list on the profile of a narcissist and it said they will do everything in their power to destroy someone who is trying to expose them. I think whatever this was ......was the catalyst that put the premeditation in motion. Once Travis said what he did on May 26th to JA he became a dead man walking and didn't know it.

She will go to her grave before she ever tells anyone the truth about why Travis was so upset with her. The secret died with Travis and she will never tell either.


I read that blog also and in one of the message between TA and JA he said to her, "you scammed me" I would like to know what that was about?
Does this help?

"Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago
Dr. DeMarte #jodiarias' behavior after she murdered Travis Alexander indicates she believed he deserved to die. #Fox10Phoenix

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
#jodiarias would have had to think TA deserved to be murdered in order to emotionally do all this and act normal #3tvarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 2m2 minutes ago
Dr. DeMarte says #JodiArias is now devaluing #TravisAlexander to come to turns with justifying what she did. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Jodi went to see Ryan Burns and move on after she murdered Travis #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m2 minutes ago
Dr: #JodiArias was able to move on emotionless post murder according to Ryan Burns. JA decided to TA was bad person to justify homicide.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 3m3 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Then #Jodiarias devalued TA by murdering him... The memorial and how she was courting another man on the plane ride home #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 4m4 minutes ago
Examples of #JodiArias devaluing TA: The Murder, Flirting w/male post memorial, Ryan Burns.

Yes Yes Yes. Thank you Val!
I thought this testimony was so powerful. If I was a juror (and if I was DP qualified which I'm not), the fact that JA continuing to devalue Travis even after his horrific death would make me vote for the DP.
Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · Feb 6

"And [sic] eye for eye only blinds the world." -- Gandhi

This from the murderous pedant who corrected her family's spelling and grammar?

"And" = Conjunction

"An = Indefinite article

And she misquotes him on top of it.

Wasn't Gandhi known for his advocacy of non-violent solutions?

JA and Gandhi don't belong in the same conversation.
Thank you for sharing your story and being so candid. It is a horrible drug but it's the only thing that helps my lifelong insomnia. Last Sunday I awoke to find chili simmering away in the crock pot. My husband told me I had him help me prepare it the night before AND I DIDN'T REMEMBER ONE THING ABOUT IT. (snipped by me) SORRY for going OT again Lambchop but this is a very important topic ......

I took Lunesta one night then woke to discover the cats had opened the fridge, eaten half a cake, AND washed, dried, and put away the plate. It had to have been them, because I know it wasn't me. Nice of them to clean up after themselves.
Yes Yes Yes. Thank you Val!
I thought this testimony was so powerful. If I was a juror (and if I was DP qualified which I'm not), the fact that JA continuing to devalue Travis even after his horrific death would make me vote for the DP.

Whether the jury is to take this into consideration or not ........they WILL. It really goes to show how totally unremorseful she truly is ........even now.

That would weigh heavy with me if I was on this case. I would also have to consider how many more victims she has made by all of her blatant lies she has told about the man she murdered.
The end of Feb Jodi was in Vegas...she returned to Mesa on Feb 26 and that was the pop rock/tootsie pop session. She says Travis was different. He was kind to her. Said he wanted them to have something special. They went all the way again She says she knows he likes MiMi any maybe she's the one. She claims to be happy for Travis and says she loves him so completely and unconditionally

Fri, Feb 29 2008 is when she writes that she fell asleep after cleaning his house and was there when MiMi and Travis got home from their "2nd 1/2 date"

March 1, she and Travis go to the tax seminar and she tells him of her plan to return to Yreka and he gave her three soft kisses

March 7,8,9 she flew back for Aimee's wedding
Travis picked her up from the airport

They both leave on a road trip the next week and by March 13 they are in Roswell NM touring the museum. Then they go to Carlsbad Caverns. She writes they went to a hotel and were so tired that they behaved themselves until the next morning. She also writes she knows Travis is worried about getting married but unfortunately, MiMi isn't that interested in him

March 14-16 they were in OKC for the PPL national convention
March 18 she's in systems training. Wrote that they both drove some on the way back. That Travis is fun to travel with. He likes to experience things. They both ate fried lamb testicles at Cattlemans Steakhouse. "He is amazing and means the world to me. I want him to be happy "
Wednesday March 19. Fell asleep with Tdogg on love sack watching The Sopranos. Writes how she will miss him and Napoleon
I haven't heard anything about the ring as yet and a ten year old? Would that have been DB's son?!

IIRC DB would not allow Jodi to be alone around his son.
IIRC DB would not allow Jodi to be alone around his son.

He gave an interview where he said he trusted Jodi with his most precious gift, his son.

Let's start with why you're here today. What is it that you wanted to say in that court room today that you didn't get the chance to say

Darryl Brewer:
Well, I needed to tell the jury that there was a whole nother life to Jodi Ann Arias. A life where she was cherished and responsible and respected and loving and caring and I just don't feel that that's gotten across

What would you have said to them?

Darryl Brewer:
Well, I would have said to them that I knew a girl who was mature beyond her years, that was an excellent worker, a good friend, a good caregiver, a good caretaker. I trusted Jodi with my most prized...I don't want to use the word possession ... I trusted her with my son, the most important thing in my life. And I had no reason to ever doubt or ever to fear for his safety when he was with Jodi
Hadn't she already colored her hair darker with the blonde streaks by mid-March? Was that the month the pics with her and the black dog were taken? Seems like I knew when the from-blonde-to-darker hair coloring occurred but I can't recall atm. I do remember someone blogging about her and Travis texting and him going to her MySpace that had the darker hair color pics on it and him not mentioning it (and the blogger wondering why that was because it'd have been the first time he'd seen her with not-blonde hair and he never remarked about it).

Nurmi presented this one as from June 2008... from before she took her roadtrip obviously.

"4:21 p.m. ET: Defense attorney Nurmi presented this picture to the jury to show them what Arias' hair looked like in June 2008."
Holy Moly, she (Jodi) was all ready found GUILTY. WTHeck?

What huge "chef's knife"? Again WTHeck? We have no clue what knife she used by facts in evidence in the first trail for which Jodi A was found GUITLY.

Are we retrying the case again, after the fact? What does any of this have to do with "mitigation"? You know .. like what we are on NOW ... I mean come on. Let's stick with with on topic for now and for this phase.

ITA This is supposed to be the retrial thread. It seems as though we're flogging a dead horse. And maybe it could go in the Sidebar since these items are not a factor in this retrial? Just sayin'
I'm by no means an expert in any religion, but this was something about the interrogation that particularly stuck in my craw (which is saying quite a bit), so here are my two cents. Please forgive and correct any errors.

The Ten Commandments come from Exodus, the 2nd book in the Old Testament. They show up again in the New Testament (Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, for example), so they're general Judeo-Christian. The Bible is part of LDS scripture, so the Ten Commandments "apply" to Mormons -- as do the Articles of Faith written by Joseph Smith:

About 20 minutes into her interrogation, Crazy Jodi tells Detective "Patience of a (Latter Day) Saint" Flores that she's a Christian, she lives her life by the 10 Commandments ("...those are my rules, duh-duh-duh-duh-duh.") She doesn't mention anything about #6 (that nonsense about not killing people or whatever), but she does acknowledge #7: "Thou shalt not commit adultery,"

adding, coyly, that "it doesn't say 'thou shalt not fornicate.'" Tee hee. I haven't read the Bible in anywhere near its entirety, do not claim to be a Christian or anything else, but even I know that "adultery" is just one form of fornication/sexual sin and nowhere in the Bible are there any loopholes for anything in that department. At all. How Jodi can in one sentence proclaim her religiosity and mock one of the ten commandments of the religion she just proclaimed is... well... not the least bit surprising. What is surprising is that Detective Flores could sit there so patiently listening to all of this. I know it was the "lull her into a sense of complacency" phase of the interrogation, but still.

It's so sad to go back and watch him in this interrogation again. For him to return to the trial so soon after the loss of his son shows that he is a much stronger person than I am, not that there was never any doubt about that.

Agree one hundred percent. I wish he could have had a big stick and just zapped her with it. Thinking she would end up admitting to everything really soon, he likely went home to his wife and laughed his head off at that stupid killer. Almost seven years later, he is likely very tired and weary of her as we all are. Flores and Martinez are probably wishing she just won't wake up tomorrow. :(
I can understand Travis having a hard time sleeping and she always seem to call him in the middle of the damn night too. That shows she was only about herself and had no consideration that he may have to work the next day and needed his rest. I know when I had my obsessed stalker.... sleep was almost non-existent. I was afraid to sleep soundly thinking I wouldn't hear him if he broke into my home.

To me he really sounded bored, tired, and very sleepy especially in one part of it. I think he was trying to give Arias signals he was tired and wanted to get off the phone. Of course that wasn't going to happen. She was recording all of this without his permission, imo and setting him up so she was chatty as a canary and kept leading him on. I fully think she planned to use this tape against Travis and blackmail him into staying with her or she was going to use it to ruin his reputation as revenge for him no longer wanting to be with her.

The one and only nagging question that I really wish would have been answered is why Travis was so UPSET on May 26th. It had to be something terrible ........something even Travis couldn't forgive her for. Most all of his communication exchanges were nice ones toward Jodi and only a small fraction of them was when he was mad that she had lied or betrayed him in someway. But even this exchange was far different from the ones even when he was upset with her the prior few times he was.

Whatever it was had to be HUGE for Travis to tell her she had hurt him even more than the death of his father. I read a long list on the profile of a narcissist and it said they will do everything in their power to destroy someone who is trying to expose them. I think whatever this was ......was the catalyst that put the premeditation in motion. Once Travis said what he did on May 26th to JA he became a dead man walking and didn't know it.

She will go to her grave before she ever tells anyone the truth about why Travis was so upset with her. The secret died with Travis and she will never tell either.


I wish we knew what these calls were about...

All bruises, scratches and cuts would have been healed by the time of her arrest. Remember she did wear long sleeves on a very hot day when she was in Utah with Ryan and other PPL members.

IIRC Flores noticed cuts and scratches on her arm? hand? when he interrogated her on the day of her arrest. She said it was her cat. Is there any evidence she even had a cat?
She wasn't even a good waitress when she managed to show up. The PP folks said she "couldn't focus." Her only interest was scoping out menfolk and making sure they appreciated her goddess-ness. Mimi's cafe fired her for stealing muffins and not smiling enough at customers. I bet she was fired from many of her many server positions.

Related. The only explanation ever provided why she moved back to Yreka was hers- -that she needed to move on, etc. So we know that's not true.

Guessing that she was just plain broke. Fired from Mimi's, had quit her babysitting job, had stopped making car payments and was losing her car, and had huge credit card bills. And if IIRC, friends of Travis said that he stopped helping her out financially.

No way she freely chose to leave and to leave him alone.

IIRC, in her first interrogation with DF at the Yreka police station, she went on in on about how broke she was, how she owed everyone money, her car was being repossessed, her credit cards were maxed out, blah blah blah. I think that was in the beginning when she was explaining why she had to move home.

But for a long time, I've always had the impression that she was super-cheap. I can't off the top of my head recall specific things she said or wrote, but I distinctly remember when I read or heard certain things over the years that she reminded me of a dear friend the way she put a dollar value on things, especially when she was paying for someone or buying things for someone, almost like "keeping score". Sorry I'm being so vague but perhaps others here got the same feeling or can remember examples. IMHO
Re: missing engagement ring
Travis wrote in his journal dated March 18, 2008 (this is from my note, so it may not be verbatim)

Well a lot of things have been lost. I lost my journal so I'm writing in this one. I lost my I Pod, hopefully it is around here somewhere. (?.....)a diamond ring but apparently Jodi took for some reason. My roommate thinks he lost his camera but it is in my BMW. He didn't lose it but what's it doing in my BMW?....

Sounds to me like JA was loading up the car for her big getaway. I wonder if the roomates camera card was missing? IIRC he had a really nice professional camera. I guess in jodiland it is possible that all these items just fell into the car she happened to be taking with her. You know, the car that she tried to convince the estate attorney with faked emails that Travis gave her the car. Dummy, she forgot that she had already contacted Tanisha and told her that she still owed Travis for the car and needed to make arrangements to pay for it.
ITA This is supposed to be the retrial thread. It seems as though we're flogging a dead horse. And maybe it could go in the Sidebar since these items are not a factor in this retrial? Just sayin'

Actually, geevee started a thread for just such conversations. Here is part II:

I tried to resurrect it at one point but did not get many takers. It was a great idea for those who still had questions about the guilt phase of the trial and for people who are trying to catch up. ;) It still is.
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