Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4

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AZLawyer - " I think she'll use it to attack Nurmi whether she approved it ahead of time or not. You think she'll suddenly develop an aversion to lying? "

Absolutely the point I was making. Can you imagine what a living hell she has made life for Nurmi? She was already setting him up for slaughter in the interviews after the verdict. What a client. If she makes viewers blood run cold, Kirk Nurmi must have continual nightmares. The Defense Team has been subject to a lot of hostility but they appear to have done their best. I'd love to know why they plumped for the most ridiculous defense? Much of this must have been led by the arrogance of Arias. I read somewhere that Nurmi specialised in defending sexual offenders. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, it's easy to see why Arias felt he was a good fit, initially. Her language is parroted from ALV and Nurmi - in terms of describing the sexual and physical abuse allegations. Did no one ever sit her down (apart from Detective Flores) and advise that the truth would be a better defense? Or was she still under her, "No jury will ever convict me" illusion?

I wonder if some part of Ms. Delusional doesn't still think that.
I pretty much think with all our discussions that we have figured out the scoop. Everyone, not just MM, but I mean everyone who dealt with Jodi knew her head was messed up. Some feared her, likely her own family. Putting MM and those other people on the stand would cause people to feel sorry for the murderer. As krkrjx stated, she knew the murder was wrong. She conceived the idea, planned the details, all the way to stealing a gun from her grandparents, renting a car, dyeing her hair, driving 1000 miles, getting gas cans from DB, leaving a voicemail after the killing, driving to see a future boyfriend, writing notes in her diary, and so on. This was cold blooded, premeditated, especially cruel and heinous. That is about all I need to know. WHO DOES THAT?

ETA: and don't forget the ways she wanted MM to help with the fake pedophile letters. And to think that he would....who does that either?!!!....he needs some jail time. His wife must have serious issues with him over that little plan.

Someone can write a book about her titled 'Who does that?" :giggle:

Seriously though, she is a real freak. Who makes cut throat motions in court? They were intentional in my opinion. Who tells the prosecutor during a FIRST-DEGREE murder trial 'You go in circles' and smirks during cross-examination? Who sends flowers and a long letter to the grandmother of the man you recently murdered? Who writes him an email AFTER the murder saying how cozy his home is? And who flirts with a stranger on a plane after a memorial for the poor victim?

As a side-note, there is no dog in the world that will run away after you've kicked him/her once. Dogs are incredibly loyal and trusting. A dog isn't going to take off because you gently kicked him one odd time. So, I must conclude that she murdered poor Doggy Boy. And then wants to apologize to the dog when she is being interviewed for the murder of her ex-boyfriend. Who does that? :sick:
Coming forward with her own motion that complains of the prolonged trial denying her swift justice was a mistake. The motion did not have the support of her defense team and by its substance alienates Judge Stephens, the target. Also, there is the waiver of a speedy trial which she freely made. I know the Sleuths are laughing anyway, because she has done so much herself to delay proceedings. It will be interesting to read the alternate judge's ruling.
Someone can write a book about her titled 'Who does that?" :giggle:

Seriously though, she is a real freak. Who makes cut throat motions in court? They were intentional in my opinion. Who tells the prosecutor during a FIRST-DEGREE murder trial 'You go in circles' and smirks during cross-examination? Who sends flowers and a long letter to the grandmother of the man you recently murdered? Who writes him an email AFTER the murder saying how cozy his home is? And who flirts with a stranger on a plane after a memorial for the poor victim?

As a side-note, there is no dog in the world that will run away after you've kicked him/her once. Dogs are incredibly loyal and trusting. A dog isn't going to take off because you gently kicked him one odd time. So, I must conclude that she murdered poor Doggy Boy. And then wants to apologize to the dog when she is being interviewed for the murder of her ex-boyfriend. Who does that? :sick:

What a good post. I did not know she wrote him an email saying how cozy his home is after the murder. Can I read it somewhere. Who does that? She does! And did she really flirt with someone on a plane AFTER the memorial? Who would do that? JA. Now I am wondering. Since she is planning to be remorseful, could the CA state witness be the man on the plane she flirted with? That would show she wasn't remorseful.
Coming forward with her own motion that complains of the prolonged trial denying her swift justice was a mistake. The motion did not have the support of her defense team and by its substance alienates Judge Stephens, the target. Also, there is the waiver of a speedy trial which she freely made. I know the Sleuths are laughing anyway, because she has done so much herself to delay proceedings. It will be interesting to read the alternate judge's ruling.
Interesting indeed. Everyone is so over her!
What a good post. I did not know she wrote him an email saying how cozy his home is after the murder. Can I read it somewhere. Who does that? She does! And did she really flirt with someone on a plane AFTER the memorial? Who would do that? JA. Now I am wondering. Since she is planning to be remorseful, could the CA state witness be the man on the plane she flirted with? That would show she wasn't remorseful.

Curious, here is a bit of what Juan said during closing arguments. One of my top three favourites in the trial for sure.

"... after she killed him, it's okay for her to talk to somebody on the airplane, to get a telephone number. It's not her fault, that this guy was trying to pick her up. Of course it's not her fault. And what's a girl to do after all? The guy that she was involved with up and died after she stabbed him, slit his throat and shot him." -

Juan's entire closing is transcribed here:

And her email to Travis after she murdered him:

ETA: She flirted with him on the plane on her way back from Travis' memorial.
@ericksonvision: One prospective juror, a man, says he believes a life sentence for #jodiarias is the appropriate one.

Means he's already made up his mind, probably doesn't belong in the jury box.
Reviewing the Arias Inside Edition interview, again she is conspicuously licking her lips every few seconds, as she answers questions. Body language observers say that this type of licking is a non-verbal leak of the body and a strong indication of a lie. The tongue pops out quickly like a reptile's & she hurriedly licks the lower lip. This continues throughout the lengthy interview. Yes, there is some eye shifting but this is more telling. She states she feels like she has had "the proverbial duck tape over her mouth." I'd like to see that proverb. And it would be a soppy, sodden piece of duck tape. Also on display, her little girl voice.
Curious, here is a bit of what Juan said during closing arguments. One of my top three favourites in the trial for sure.

"... after she killed him, it's okay for her to talk to somebody on the airplane, to get a telephone number. It's not her fault, that this guy was trying to pick her up. Of course it's not her fault. And what's a girl to do after all? The guy that she was involved with up and died after she stabbed him, slit his throat and shot him." -

Juan's entire closing is transcribed here:

And her email to Travis after she murdered him:

ETA: She flirted with him on the plane on her way back from Travis' memorial.

JM is awesome. How have I forgotten all that? I think Ihave been through so much the last few months losing my sister and grandson and then being sick, and forgot a lot of good things mentioned in the first trial. I should go back and watch it. I haven't done that because I could not stomach 18 days of the arrogant murderer on the stand. Thank you so much Rose. :)
Thanks for this explanation. I've always wondered whether personality disorders were a matter of neurological chemistry or just a choice of behavior based on environment. Maybe a combination? But I'm leaning toward the latter.[/QUOT

I've experienced this w/my sister. I thought it was from her large amounts of alcohol consumption. And these outbursts and personality changes, I always refer to it as her " ugly coming out "..I've tried setting boundries, but no luck. So, too much alcohol or BPD ?? idk.
I've had to walk away. It's healthier...
I pretty much think with all our discussions that we have figured out the scoop. Everyone, not just MM, but I mean everyone who dealt with Jodi knew her head was messed up. Some feared her, likely her own family. Putting MM and those other people on the stand would cause people to feel sorry for the murderer. As krkrjx stated, she knew the murder was wrong. She conceived the idea, planned the details, all the way to stealing a gun from her grandparents, renting a car, dyeing her hair, driving 1000 miles, getting gas cans from DB, leaving a voicemail after the killing, driving to see a future boyfriend, writing notes in her diary, and so on. This was cold blooded, premeditated, especially cruel and heinous. That is about all I need to know. WHO DOES THAT?

ETA: and don't forget the ways she wanted MM to help with the fake pedophile letters. And to think that he would....who does that either?!!!....he needs some jail time. His wife must have serious issues with him over that little plan.
She racked up 2,834 miles ( 4560 km) to be exact on her Round Trip murderous spree. Enroute, she stopped for cash withdrawals/deposits @ WaMu, fast food fries and burgers, a few drop-ins at exes, Starbucks frappes, gassed up the Ford Focus 2008 rental @ $3.85 per gallon ( 13 gallon tank), swung by a Walmart for a few gas cans, drifted into a salon for a coloring, captured several Selfies via the Helio, AND committed a murder.

The return trip back to the Redding Airport rental car lot was basically the same, minus the murder and the weapon disposal; and a few social media coverups.

What did I miss[emoji4]

ETA: Forgot to include Domestic Chores : Laundry (camera washing).
JM is awesome. How have I forgotten all that? I think Ihave been through so much the last few months losing my sister and grandson and then being sick, and forgot a lot of good things mentioned in the first trial. I should go back and watch it. I haven't done that because I could not stomach 18 days of the arrogant murderer on the stand. Thank you so much Rose. :)

I just re-watched the cross examination. I had no desire to watch her or Nurmi. I also watched Juan crossing her experts. Again, could not stomach Jenny questioning them. Oh and I love to watch the verdict. Over and over.
Coming forward with her own motion that complains of the prolonged trial denying her swift justice was a mistake. The motion did not have the support of her defense team and by its substance alienates Judge Stephens, the target. Also, there is the waiver of a speedy trial which she freely made. I know the Sleuths are laughing anyway, because she has done so much herself to delay proceedings. It will be interesting to read the alternate judge's ruling.

All I have have of this is the interview of her PI. Has she filed a motion? LOL. It's thoughtful of her to provide comedy relief to the hard workers of Maricopa County's Courthouse. See? She does consider others.
Thanks for this explanation. I've always wondered whether personality disorders were a matter of neurological chemistry or just a choice of behavior based on environment. Maybe a combination? But I'm leaning toward the latter.

Personality disorders are a part of the person, just as much as eye or hair color, etc. That said, the environment can play a role in some cases, but only to some degree. Think about it, CMJA 's sister and brother don't seem to have exhibited any of CMJA's violent tendencies, as far as I know. Yet they were brought up in the same environment , as far as we know. It all goes back to that 'nature versus nurture' argument. But still, when it comes down to a true personality disorder, there is only so much effect that 'nurture' can have on that individual. I agree with most here, that CMJA has more going on than BPD. Such as Antisocial Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or, even components of both. Then there's Psychopathic personality disorder, which, and forgive if I'm not up to date on this, isn't actually recognized as a disorder , at least not in the DSM (# whatever ). Not to say that it has no merit, I really think it does, JMO.

Whatever the case, I think we all agree that CMJA is a very cruel, manipulative, sadistic person with apparently very little if any conscience. Think about it, everything she says or does has to do with manipulating things to her advantage, to pretend she's something she's really not... all a means to an end just to gain something she not only wants, but that she believes she is entitled to. It's as if she has no real self , nothing genuine, nothing of depth, only emptiness and desire. For you psychology buffs, do you recall Cleckley's "mask of sanity" theory ? Scary people. Poor Travis. :(

ETA: Came across this interesting website on psychopathy. Does this sound like CMJA ?

“I knew in my heart something was wrong with him (or with her)”. This is what nearly every victim of a psychopath has felt, usually early on in the relationship. The over-the-top flattery. The quick pace of the relationship and demands for instant commitment. The lies and inconsistencies. The callousness towards others. The disregard for social norms. The sense of superiority (absolute narcissism), without having much to show for it or justify it. The aimlessness and lack of responsibility. The random oscillations in mood and behavior, to exert power over others. The demands for isolation from loved ones and friends. The sexual deviancy. The control and possessiveness. There are always very disturbing signs in the psychopathic bond, signs that we tend to ignore or rationalize until the toxic relationship, like a disease, takes over to destroy our lives.
That post sounds like how Mrs Arias described the killer in her interview with Detective Flores. Almost verbatim.
So glad the jury will be sworn this week.
Have you noticed the change in the killer's physical appearance? She looks pasty & stressed out. She actually looks like this retrial is effecting her. She may smile when she knows a photographer is in court, but deep down she is beginning to feel the clock is ticking. No more Estrella with its liberal mail & phone accessibility, the "big house" is looming. I am not convinced she will get the death penalty, she only needs to convince one juror, but with the right mix of jurors & Juan's skills, we will see. I just want to see this case over so TA's family & friends can begin to move on. With either verdict, she will be off to Perryville, her fan club will dwindle, & she will become a blip on the radar with occasional updates about her appeals. The only pictures we will see of her will be 5yr update pics of her mugshot, & I can almost guarantee that it won't be like the one taken in Yreka.
I have Borderline Personality Disorder, and it's been hard to read the last few pages if I'm honest. CMJA may have Borderline Personality but I'm pretty sure she is a sociopath too. Borderline personality is a hard condition to live with but I'll try and explain it for non-sufferers as best I can. Imagine you are a carpenter and you have a tool box with all the tools that you need to do your job. Only when you open it there is no hammer in there, there is no saw in there, there is no screwdriver in there. With someone who is Borderline their emotional development is stunted usually at a point in teenage years. So they don't have the emotional coping tools in their toolbox to live a balanced adult life. If you think back to when you were an emotional, hormonal teenager I'm sure you can remember the turmoil at times, the way you would think that your parents didn't know what you were up to and how you would manipulate things to try and get your own way. Borderline people are stuck at that emotional stage. They are terrified of losing people and so they can cling on to them, obscuring boundaries that adults with no emotional developmental delays easily recognise. They do manipulate people and situations but it's not for greed or to try and hurt people, it's to hang onto them. Borderline people have a terrible self worth. They are empty. The feel that they deserve to be alone. They self harm (and not like JA, with her small scratches but repeatedly and severely). They make credible suicide attempts (again not like JA's pathetic attempt which was nothing more than attention seeking). Over 10% of Borderlines successfully suicide. Borderline Personality sufferers are not usually bad people, their self loathing is usually directed inwards. Not always but a lot of times. Something with CMJA just doesn't sit right with me when I think of her as Borderline.
Coming forward with her own motion that complains of the prolonged trial denying her swift justice was a mistake. The motion did not have the support of her defense team and by its substance alienates Judge Stephens, the target. Also, there is the waiver of a speedy trial which she freely made. I know the Sleuths are laughing anyway, because she has done so much herself to delay proceedings. It will be interesting to read the alternate judge's ruling.

Wait -- I feel like I've missed something. JA filed a motion without the help of her attorneys? Has it been published?
Can any of our attorney members explain for me how the fact that the killer had knives & a gun in her possession when arrested not be able to be introduced in to evidence? It is legal to own guns in California but to travel with knives hidden in books is a little odd to me. I have ALOT of respect for our country's legal system but doesn't this show state of mind or intent? It should be able to be disclosed, IMO.
Yes, the killer's own personally prepared motion will be heard by another judge, whom Judge Stephens named. Judge Stephens refused to hear it or accept it. That failure occurred October 7, to launch the day's proceedings.
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