Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 17

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Arias even battled with Juan over her lack of memory being an "issue" much less a "problem".

She has a VERY HARD time acknowledging ANY kind of criticism. Overly "sensitive" and "thin-skinned".

What mental diagnosis comes with those characteristics? Anyone know?

She undid days and days of Nurmi's 'How did it make you feeeeel when he used you sexually?' when she sparred with Juan and had this exchange:

MARTINEZ: You can tell us, for example, what type of sex you had with Mr. Alexander many years ago, but you're having trouble telling us what you said a couple of days ago?

ARIAS: When I'm under stress, yes, it affects my memory.

MARTINEZ: I thought you said your relationship with Mr. Alexander was very stressful.

ARIAS: Some of the sex wasn't.

I think she realized after a few moments that she had messed up big time!
Hi mck , deciding lwop or lwp, or D.P..Judges choices are lwp, or lwop.. This case is the heighth of confusion! Truthfully I don't see how anyone could ever give her a parole. For what she did to Travis she should be cast down a black hole!
The jury decides whether to sentence Arias to life or death...that's it. If they choose life then the Judge decides whether that will be 'natural life' (LWOP) or life with the possibility of parole (or the equivalent in Arizona). If there is a hung jury then again the Judge decides what sort of life sentence Arias will serve.

Thank you. That is what I thought. It occurred to me that the judge could be hoping for a hung jury so she can decide ta's fate. Then she can assure she gets death. I really think the judge thinks she deserves the highest penalty.

Does that make sense to anyone or even feasible? ty
Their approach is pure CMJA twisted- think. She's not accusing Bill outright. She would if she could. Too many experts didn't hear that from her, though, so she can't accuse him directly .

So, they slide it in the same way they do the pedo lie. Suggesting, hinting, concluding, all without saying. Her version of plausible deniability. But its a fail, IMO, both because it underestimates the emotional and logical intelligence of the jury, and because it once again points fingers rather than accepts responsibility.

ITA. She's trying to mitigate this by claiming justifiable homicide, imo. There's no remorse, only a building momentum to warrant her bloody butchering of Travis. And oh how she'd love to able to utter the word incest, just once. I won't be shocked if somehow it comes out. The killer is vulgar, replete with smut, and so is her sorry excuse for a defense.
Thank you. That is what I thought. It occurred to me that the judge could be hoping for a hung jury so she can decide ta's fate. Then she can assure she gets death. I really think the judge thinks she deserves the highest penalty.

Does that make sense to anyone or even feasible? ty

If there is a hung jury then the death penalty is off the table. The Judge will then decide the life sentence. I hope I'm a little clearer. :)

ETA: Under no circumstance can the Judge herself decide to sentence Arias to death. Only the jury can do that.
Thank you. That is what I thought. It occurred to me that the judge could be hoping for a hung jury so she can decide ta's fate. Then she can assure she gets death. I really think the judge thinks she deserves the highest penalty.

Does that make sense to anyone or even feasible? ty

She can't do that. If the jury deadlocks this time, the judge has to choose LWP or LWOP.
Agreed on both counts, Hope. I found it odd that he was seated at a DT table (in a suit) at the hearing following the media being kicked out.

Hopefully, JSS will release the transcript, as ordered, very soon. :waiting:

Edit: In response to post #14, page 1, forgot to include quote. :blushing:
Good morning!

Remember the hearing on 11/5/14 where the media caught MDLR and CMJA yakking it up and Nurmi pitched a fit because he was convinced we are all lip readers that could interpret their conversation?

That day I took this screenshot: View attachment 65799

At the time, I wondered if this was Dan Freeman but another Websleuther identified him as Jodi's brother Carl.

Do you think he testified before/after Jodi or was there to testify but was one of the witnesses who refused to testify unless court was closed to the media?

Dr. Geffner's testimony yesterday reminded me that I had this--just one of those things that make you go hmmm.:thinking:

He certainly looks a lot like Carl, but I remember a few news items saying he was an intern, which would make sense as he's sitting in the court proper, rather than the gallery.
Thank you. That is what I thought. It occurred to me that the judge could be hoping for a hung jury so she can decide ta's fate. Then she can assure she gets death. I really think the judge thinks she deserves the highest penalty.

Does that make sense to anyone or even feasible? ty

The judge cannot sentence her to death. Only the jury can do that.
Arias even battled with Juan over her lack of memory being an "issue" much less a "problem".

She has a VERY HARD time acknowledging ANY kind of criticism. Overly "sensitive" and "thin-skinned".

What mental diagnosis comes with those characteristics? Anyone know?

I don't think its a mental diagnosis, but my guess would be she is just a spoiled brat....
Arias even battled with Juan over her lack of memory being an "issue" much less a "problem".

She has a VERY HARD time acknowledging ANY kind of criticism. Overly "sensitive" and "thin-skinned".

What mental diagnosis comes with those characteristics? Anyone know?

Hi Ranchgirl, she may be depressed but if she is thinking of suicide she IMO wouldn't be fighting for LWP..she doesn't want the DP.. well neither did Travis!! so right about the actions. Boy I'd like to belt her just once!!
Good Morning Hope. Just wanted to say I always look forward to your posts, they are just so concise, factual and enlightening. And while I have no qualms about Juan's ability to right the wrongs the DT has heaped upon the jury, I think he could benefit from reading what you have to offer in terms of impacting the average juror.

Thank you for the kind words. Not to worry about JM and jury-reading- I think that's one of his many great strengths. :)
He certainly looks a lot like Carl, but I remember a few news items saying he was an intern, which would make sense as he's sitting in the court proper, rather than the gallery.

Thank you, Cindymac! :tyou:
Good morning!

Remember the hearing on 11/5/14 where the media caught MDLR and CMJA yakking it up and Nurmi pitched a fit because he was convinced we are all lip readers that could interpret their conversation?

That day I took this screenshot: View attachment 65799

At the time, I wondered if this was Dan Freeman but another Websleuther identified him as Jodi's brother Carl.

Do you think he testified before/after Jodi or was there to testify but was one of the witnesses who refused to testify unless court was closed to the media?

Dr. Geffner's testimony yesterday reminded me that I had this--just one of those things that make you go hmmm.:thinking:

Not tying to be mean or a know it all, because I am definitely not either one. But I know for sure that isn't JA's brother Carl. IIRC ~ It was someone who worked for the courts. I remember when all that came out about KN wanting sanctions against media for showing the pic of jodi and her BFF advocate/Cha Cha/Cougarlicious. His name was mentioned because JM said with ? sitting where he was, he was blocking JA most of the time.
:seeya: Will today's bombshell be release of the 'secret' transcript?
I wish it would be the judge making a decision on the Brady Violation motion.

Naw - she says they have to duke it out some more.

Missed you yesterday MeeBee, when the COA Opinion came down.
Naw - she says they have to duke it out some more.

Missed you yesterday MeeBee, when the COA Opinion came down.

Lol I had to take a break yesterday from this especially after reading Nurmi's next motion. It's too much. It just never ends.

I probably won't be around much today either.
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