Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 17

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I think in a twisted way we are getting as close to the truth as we may ever get when it comes to the murderer. I think there has been pretty solid evidence presented (in both the trial and here) that JAA is personality disordered (BPD) with anti social tendencies along with hints of narcissism. The fact that several people in her inner circle thought she was Bipolar seems close to accurate in light of the fact that Bipolar and BPD can often be misdiagnosed- one for the other- as they have similarities that may overlap (thanks BritsKate).

The fact that she never got help for it seems to go along with her diagnosis, as well, but as we have wonderful posters who have been diagnosed BPD... that doesn't explain everything, especially the murder. Hence the sociopathy/psychopathy aspect.

She did NOT want the diagnosis in the first trial- not even the hint of it- which leads me to believe this is very close to the truth. Also, why the people who knew or cared about her were unable to get her to seek help.

My sister was diagnosed BPD and abruptly halted therapy and she is not a psychopath.

What really could have been done?

Even if Travis had sought a restraining order- we know how that goes- it never really stops anything and almost seems to escalate the violent behavior of perpetrators.

Sadly, I think she would have killed him- no matter what- and no one could have put her away before the fact.

It seems almost inevitable watching her all consuming obsession with Travis and anyone that had anything to do with him- too.

What was so different about Travis?

I think his personality attracted and repelled her all at the same time.

Her empty, false sense of self was magnified next to him- to the highest power imaginable. His joy for life, his magnetism, his determination and drive... his generosity and his humor. I really believe someone like Jodi is not able to find genuine humor- gut wrenching, belly laughing, wet your pants kind of humor- in anything.

Why would someone else's bright light extinguish anothers?

It wouldn't.

It would only make evident the fact that the other had no light within- to begin with.

Why the hell didn't she just kill her own, damn, sorry self? Because she HATED Travis- not because he didn't want her it was because having known him she came to the recognition that she was an empty, dark, black hole of a soul and he had figured it out too. There would be no lingering friendship for her, no well wishes for her future, no future manipulations by her. He was going to tell her secret to everyone- her family included- remember?

To all who would have ears to listen. The moment JAA knew that, her plan went in to action. It was inevitable. She had to snuff that life force out- the one she would never have herself. She didn't want to have Travis, she wanted to BE Travis.

I don't even think Travis would have followed through with his threats, I think he would have moved on and tried to forget her. I have no doubt that he would have been a more cautious person and maybe not so all forgiving.

Who knows what his life may have been. Sadly, I believe the day he crossed paths with her was the day the time started ticking down on the clock of his life.

She will always be the worst thing that ever happened to him... to many more people now, as well.

I look at the picture of her as a darling toddler with pigtails and wonder how does someone like her even come into being?

Frigga, wow this was so well written and so on target. I especially loved your "It would only make evident the fact that the other had no light within- to begin with." I agree too that we have learned that additional frosting on the cake with this part of the trial. We are adding more behavior knowledge as it applies to her BPD diagnosis with more exposure to emails and journals than we had in the first trial. If Jodi only knew that we actually know the real her........the core of who she was and presently is. Guess what......we all now know the secret she never wanted anyone to find out. I just feel sad though that she has manipulated certain people especially her immediate family who will probably be forever in denial. I do not want to imply that Travis was perfect but he certainly did not deserve death for minor transgressions. Travis seemed to be consistently striving to become a better person (having goals), we saw that in his writings that did survive but Jodi never seemed to be striving towards any improvement skills in her journals. Thank you, Frigga, for your writing ability gifts to put Jodi in proper perspective versus her unfortunate BPD diagnosis.
How long is it going to take for the super secret witness (Arias) transcripts to be released?
Iirc correctly though didn't dad arias reference the bottom (notice he calls it bottom in a non asexual way even subconscious I don't think he molested her) surgery was when she was a child? If she had butt implants I'm sure she wouldn't hide that either or db would've referenced that as well.

Eta: she could've been born with a birth defect that had to do with her bowels or the sphincter. It's common. My own daughter has an extra in fairly large indented dimple at the end of the spine (crack) she was born with. It's a tethered cord

Would someone who had those kind of problems really want anal sex?
Seriously, no trial until January 5th. Why isn't this like a job? There is no good reason not to be in court the 22/23/29/30.

I'm betting Willmott booked off the 22/23 and Nurmi booked off the 29/30. He says they have 14 witnesses. This is week 8 of the defense case in chief and we are on #3. 11 more? I can't do it. For real. I don't think I can do this anymore.

War of attrition. This is the only way they can save Jodi's life. There just waiting for someone to say "uncle." The State, Travis' family, enough jurors. They're going to keep this up until they get a mistrial.
Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN · 3m3 minutes ago
10/27/07: #jodiarias writes she doesn't need to be on suicide watch, but she hasn't felt so broken since 1998.

I guess I could research this myself, but if anyone can recall faster than me looking, what broke her in 1998? TIA

The only research I did was to do some subtraction and came up with she would have been about 18 yrs old in 1998. The only thing I know about age 17 or so is she is with Bobby Juarez. So yeah what does that mean??? to make that kind of statement for way back then.
Yihyun Jeong ‏@yihyun_jeong · 2m2 minutes ago  Phoenix, AZ
Journals enter courtroom - on stand with Geffner #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial · 1m1 minute ago
Looking at June 5 2007 - on #JodiArias' journaling per Geff, "She's pretty disciplined about journaling daily."

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m2 minutes ago
June 5th 2007 journal entry- "I felt so close to him today. It was a spiritual closeness we don't often experience" #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial · 44s44 seconds ago
6/5/07 - #JodiArias says she loves him but doesn't think he feels the same. She is suspicious. He says everything is ok, she believes him.

Please make it stop. Geffner! Take a pen and paper and copy all that stuff down. Now try to convince the jurors that what you wrote is in any way, shape, or form even a little bit true. The dates, your feelings, Travis' feelings, your suspicions, his reassurances, etc.

Feel like an idiot much?
I wonder if Jodi's exes knew they were going to be thrown under the Jodi bus before Geff took the stand?? Or if this is new to them also then this would explain why Jodi wanted to testify in secret as to not make the only men who have spoken highly of her in public since the beginning very very mad at her
I have no doubt that JA is mentally ill. She has a virtual smorgasbord of personality disorders. The buffoonery playing out on the witness stand via the defense "experts" is shameful. IF they were professionals with any ethics, they would acknowledge the REAL problems with JA... she is NOT a victim. She has created victims, for sure. She is sick and (IMO) that is exacerbated by something remarkably dark and evil. She is a scary person who has done unthinkable deeds. Her parents chose to NOT deal with her issues, which I am certain existed from an early age. Society has to reign this entity in now by means of the justice system. It is a shame that she ran loose and crazy for so long and did such horrible damage. Those, that for a bag of silver, CHOOSE to defend her with distortion and lies will have to live with themselves. In truth, they even do her a disservice. Not that I care...
Interesting read here ~

"One of the classic behaviors of a person suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder is the vilification campaign. The target is the person against whom the perpetrator Borderline conducts the vilification. The intent is to destroy the target’s reputation and thereby destroy the target’s relationships with family and friends, employers, co-workers, doctors, teachers, therapists, and others. The intent may even be to force the target to leave the community, put the target in prison, or even kill the target. "
This is honestly the most exhausting trial I've ever followed. I am pretty much ready to call it quits, even though I want to see it finish. I just don't know how much longer I can do it. If I still feel this way after the 2.5 week break, I've promised myself I will walk away and watch facebook for a verdict in 2016.

Is it any wonder why Nurmi stalls and moves at a snails pace? The judge is just as bloody slow releasing the transcript. When our lawyers are telling us here it should have been released immediately but 2 days pass, I just don't get it. What's the hold up?

I'm at the end of my rope patience wise. I'm usually the calm, cool collected one. So if I'm feeling like this, my heart aches so bad at how exhausting this is for his family. I can't imagine. :gaah::tantrum::banghead::tears:

I just want it all over.

I'm thinking JSS is waiting to see if Nurmi is going to appeal. He will, just before his clock runs out. (30 days, right?) Then she'll wait to see if he gets heard or for a decision, and possibly an opinion. Or until the jury finally throws up their hands and calls it quits.

Incidentally, if JSS is so worried about being appealed, shouldn't she also worry about another mistrial here. If, for whatever reason, this jury dwindles below 12, that's going to be on her for not taking control of this circus. She needs to start twirling her finger. JM/Nurmi need to wrap it up. MOO
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial · 55s55 seconds ago
Willmott displays happy images of #JodiArias & TA on the big screen.

I'm pretty sure JM's crime scene/autopsy images will trump Willmott's happy images... at least if we ever get there. Or rather, back there. On one hand, you have "here's us, being outdoorsy," on the other hand, you have "here's Travis' body after 5 days in his shower," "here's some of his blood," "here's more of his blood," "whoa, here's A LOT of his blood," etc, etc.

How long was Travis actually willing to be photographed with Jodi (not counting I-promise-to-delete-this sex stuff)? Just a few months, right? From the PPL convention through a few road trips and church activities? How has she managed to make it seem like an epic, capital-R Relationship? The only people who believe her are the ones who've been paid to believe her: her suspiciously connected "expert witnesses." Oh, and the random crazy people out there who are behaving like typical random crazy people. Counsel? Nope. Family? Nope. Friends? What friends? General public? HELL no.

It was never a serious relationship. And it's irrelevant. The fact that she murdered him is relevant, or would be, if we were living in non-bizarro world.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
Jodi had some insecurities but she is ready and wonders if Travis will propose. #jodiarias #3tvarias

Why wait for a proposal when you can just steal the ring? (Did she really do that or is it just a rumor?)
So how does stealing a gun , making a secret stealth trip to Mesa after being rejected in editing Travis's book, taping a secret phonecall, and a running two hours pissed off Travis warning to expose her for something that she did that was so hurtful to Travis in all ways, and a possible showdown that day that made her final decision to kill Travis come off as a person that couldn't control herself because of all the crappy things in her life, and she exploded, and motive and premeditation not apply? That is what gets it for me. She thought about it and put it into motion, she stole and brought a gun, for what reason? She was prepared to harm Travis in some way.

Why wait for a proposal when you can just steal the ring? (Did she really do that or is it just a rumor?)

An engagement ring turned up missing after a visit from Jodi. IIRC it was for Linda Ballard.
She even plays a mean girl like fourteen-year-old. I'm amazed she didn't say mean things about Deanna's hair or whatever. Brings back memories of grade 8.

A mean girl with no mean girl clique to gossip and be horrible with. So she writes it all in a journal.
Iirc correctly though didn't dad arias reference the bottom (notice he calls it bottom in a non asexual way even subconscious I don't think he molested her) surgery was when she was a child? If she had butt implants I'm sure she wouldn't hide that either or db would've referenced that as well.

Eta: she could've been born with a birth defect that had to do with her bowels or the sphincter. It's common. My own daughter has an extra in fairly large indented dimple at the end of the spine (crack) she was born with. It's a tethered cord

JMO She was born with a tail.
All Juan has to do is make Doctor G read this portion of her 'journal' to the jury.

" Travis is dead. What happened?!? Travis, what is this?"

"Last night was so hard... I wanted so badly to call Travis, but knowing he wouldn't answer was too much to bear. And knowing he wasn't calling me anytime soon was just killing me. I broke down as I climbed into bed and just cried and cried and cried until I fell asleep."

That will totally invalidate all of the Bullchit they have been tediously plodding through all week long.

Folks of late have been very all over the boards talking about her falsifying and mimicking being a person who was on the bad end of an abusive relationship...and how she could mimick. And all the things that she said to do such parroting.

FTLOG.. my good friend of 32 years died last week... and OMG... these were my thoughts what she said

DAMN.. she has this chit down PAT as to studying what folks REALLY DO upon the death of a loved one. Did someone give her a book like they did with FCA?

:pullhair: :pullhair: There will be, :moo: , folks on the jury that have had "true abuse" or "true death of loved one" that can share with others what a farce she is pulling.
o) She went looking for that perfect tree.

Can you IMAGINE seeing her scouting the woods for the perfect tree for Travis to tie her to and have anal sex with her while she's dressed as a schoolgirl?

Scenario: A couple is hiking in the woods when they spot a young woman dressed in a school uniform rubbing up on a tree with her arms around it. The woman shoves her butt out every now and then. She also flattens herself against the tree and seems to be gauging the circumference of it with her arms. No, not that one. She goes to another tree and then straddles it. Here and there she bunches her skirt up without using her hands, seemingly to see what kind of motions are needed in order to accomplish that. She tries bouncing herself off the tree trunk from different parts of her body. Oh yes, THIS tree. She bounces up on her toes here and there in the way of a low-rider car being tested for the hydraulics. She whips her head to and fro and up and down, then tries to see how her hair lands. No bark in the hair? No. PERFECT!

The couple look at each other and, with silent agreement, both of them take out their cellphones to record it.
Just a quick scroll through as I wolf down my lunch at work--

Why would someone be held back in kindergarten? Maybe things have changed since I was in kindergarten way back in the Dark Ages, but it's not exactly a demanding curriculum.

My brother was held back in kindergarten. You had to be 5 years old before 12/2 of that year in order to go to kindergarten (as least back in the early 1960s). His birthday is 12/1. So he fit within the guidelines, but he wasn't mature enough to go on to 1st grade, so he was held back another year. Naturally, my sister and I taunted him throughout childhood for flunking kindergarten.
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